Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 6, 1967, p. 1

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a georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district th hrld 18471967 canada 1s671m7 authorlzad as second clm mall post offka dapt ottawa and for paymant of georgetown ontario thursday july 6th 1967 5 00 par yearj singucopy pricai tan cants upswing in centennial events planned for town the lack of celebrations that has marked centennial year in georgetown to date will be re incdied in thp last half ofthc year if a revised schedule of events released to the herald this week holds true up until now georgetown s hoopla has been limited to a flag raisins january 1st and a giant innfirc of christmas trees near the georgetown mar jcet january 14th a schedule released at the end of l i also included a ca mera content pi ilic and high schrol ice carnival soap box derbj town baautihcation pro ject june band concerts un yelling of a centennial plaque and a ccntennnl carnival fjir for the first half of the vcar but didn t materialize an aq atic events show slated origin aljy for july 23 has been drop ped the revised schedule announ ces a festival of lights and blags for july unveiling of per manent plaque at cedarvale community centre for july 26 confederation caravan aug 345 band concerts at cedar vale during month of august armed forces motorcycles dis plav at georgetown market august 28 soap box derby on maple avenue hil september 16 gala variety nite in park september 22 fall fair and parade beard contest judging and miss georgetown contest judging september 23 broom ball game skating carnival and races in october essay judging centennial year theme novem op charge 22 last week traffic counts dunne the week of june 25 vestigation 1 person drowned at willow park norval t as sault investigation resulting in 1 person being charged 2 theft investigations resulting m 1 per son being charged 1 stolen auto recovered for other police depl 1 stolen auto from esquesing twp recovered resulting in 1 person being charged 1 liquor investigation resulting m 1 per son befng charged under the liquor control act 1 person charged driving under suspens ion personsehargedwith pos session of stolen property regar ding a break enter and theft which occurred on june 14 1967 2 occurrences of damage to houses under construction being investigated all other occurren ces were of a minor nature to july 1st inclusive personnel of the north hilton detachment ontario provincial police work ed a total of 883 hours and patrolled i total of 7 575 miles on area highways as a result of patrol 22 traffic violation charges were preferred 44 tra flic violation warnings were is sued and 30 vehicles were safe tv checked there wefe 37 con victions registered there were 3 personal injury accidents resulting in 8 persons being injured 9 property dam age accidents which included 1 minor hit and run accident ap proximately 6 690 in property damage was recorded causes of accidents were inattentive dri ving fail to jieldjtigbt of way speed too fast for road or traf fie conditions follow to close and driver lost control there were 4 charges laid under the highway traffic act as a re suit of accidents there were 50 general occur rences during this period inclu ding 1 break enter and theft in summer guide oneida tower tv radio barbq prizes in draw mrs e walsma glen williams tom syfces 18 church street georgetown and mrs margaret harrington 42 ewing street were winners in a lucky ticket draw saturday night at east end texaco on guelph street mrs walsma won a portable v mr sykes a transistor radio and mrs harrington a barbecue reeve william hunt er drew the tickets the draw was part of prom otion by the new owners ernie curry and bruce subject tick ets were given purchasers of gas ber 30 naming of centennial man and woman of the year in december centennial christmas lighting contest in december and council year end church service december 31 seek land win by the hair of their chinriy chin chins dominion seed for co whisker crop worth awards council proceeds to expropriate ten acres for municipal offices a new georgetown mumci pal complex on ten acres of dominion seed house land is being discussed by georgetown council tuseday in a 62 vote council moved to expropriate the pro perty at the corner of maple avenue and guelph street we have outgrown our pres cnt building said cr jim young we have had all kinds of ideas about temporary mea suresto provide needed space but thee arc only stop gaps he forecast a population of 28 000 in ten years and 39000 m twenty years which will re quire greatly expanded mumc ip3l services this will take a couple ol years to finalize he said urging that a mart be made now to acquire the land i know this will take the mu nicipal building away front downtown but there is no land to buy there he said this land is vacant and will not cost too much nor interfere with the companys operations mr young said it would bo possible to build municipal fac ilities in stages once the prop ertyis acquired his motion brought support from reeve hunter and crs francis harrison ballentine and smith mayor gibbons and cr emmerson opposed the mova deputy reeve speight was ab sent from tuesdays meeting a nussbaum of the p graham bell co armstrong avenue congratulate white whiskered donald buck for rester for winning first prize in a beard growing contest for employees presentations of trophies and trays were made jc in a brief ceremony there by mr nussbaum and union local president joe penney r ght also n the photo award bridge contract to crossland firm are second prize winner lugi gizzerell don ezard who was third john dewar himself because of several years head start management and union o ntly 4th iid john so nmer who d squal f ed sponsornd the contest official plan sinclair highway downtown labelled high rise districts at a joint meeting of phn recommended for high dcnsits lo avenue and ning board and council thurs or high rise apartment devtlop main c norh i st cr the day night pl beeckmans of ment is the sinclair avenue ar whit- bridge municipal planning consultants ti to guelph st and ilonj ln i pnjl n 1 p ltd presented a proposrd un guelph short way to the tast ifm o 280k wis forcas ln 185 enament to tho offiml plan so some downtown locilions w11 mor o tlp rcm i mr bceckmans explained medium dcnsitv or maismet clopment nkma plsc- in tin that the amendment basicallj trs triplexes town houses clr soi ih east ird nor h s sin follows the lines set out in the ire sucsested for down maun of th itmn popiilion til original 1957 plan for tht f irt lainview road from t ampbellj 300 is expected t- ru lime areas for medium ind high gate it tho farthest eastern end 1910 bj 1975 2t in a density building have been set of no 7 highwb around mip and the 28c0j u wte 79 ir hosts uclph i hon 111 m tho mountainview road bnd ill cost 296 700 this was the amount of the tender ac cepted by council thursday nichl crossland construction 663 yonge st toronto lowest bidders will build the bridge and tie approaches damas and smith recommen ded the acceptance of the crossland bid saying they knew the company well the building will stait al most immediate iiriihs unvr were a ny laft cxprd land fiiniljpirti on juli detour between maple pirents j avcnlc frii and mountainview huns of jj n ttas given three who wen ceubntin rcadinr the land expropriated lh v old n innnrr wll bp itipt by the town arier the dctiur is no longer f tin r four diughters ndthil fete parents celebrating golden wedding anniversary s dwird islirci ibli ir 14 ci to be prrsont railwayman former ihrre l ichild town engineer- nick xirewsr skie explained that the town will then have a 66 road allow ance on which they may claim subsidy cr fred harrison reminded council that roads in existence before ii e 66 requirements went into effect received cub- fidy anyway not that im op posed he stated a 68 road ia necessary both for future growth and as a detou department of fighwajs en gineer p newington agiepd with cr hartson and explain ed that some new light of way had also been necsssar the unal loose end m the mountainview road bridge pro ject was comileted with tho third reading of bylaw to au thorize the signing jf an agree ment with the county of hilton ni the i l lit n dthor ih georgetown resident hot wet june almost new records would organize esquesing municipal fire department proposil el nn 1 ewicc plint is is nil mild service 17 goo people hen expanded to us capi ould accon modale 44 m yotanda goudeketting a georgetown girl will he spending an interesting summer conducting tours at the famous oneida tower overlooking the niagara gorge yolanda goudekctting daugh ter of mr and mrs moris goudekelting 101 main street s ii a guide at the roal can adian mounted police exhibit at the hase of the tower and vpats a refashioned version of the famous mountie uniorm in the job yotsnds georflctawn dl3 tricl hirh school grad has just completed her first year at v of t with an 83 per cent mark esquesing is on the eve of having our own fire department to quote deputy reeve george curne at tuesday nights coun cil meeting at the moment they are only considering servicing the area now serviced by georgetown fire department clerk k c lindsay reminded council that a place to hcve the engine and men was the fint requirement and suggested renting space in a garage cr tom hill objected saying we got into muddle in ge orgetown lets go whole hog and build our own place deputy reeve george cur c suggested council spend half a day in chinguacousy to find out how their system works hr water works in its pus si7o could hinle 2 brief stati d the first thing we do ask council mrmbcrs derided lo in mr bceckrrans wnni put the fire marshals office to form the peoplt of noril who medium densiu housing pr id come out then we advertise for petitioned for the light ind ec uces motx school cnildici 1m volunteers remarked cr hill thru- reaction hih densitj sinre e he stressed the need for a pro t t eli r ilhcnne w re holier re bv from knusi mrs atlrn km nnd w i mir fi ilher diuht sliihrr pin mi susin ind culdti nnd boll irl mr ind doiicms don ihur ir mrs kiein 1 irt lust wishes h m i ii inrludir relief kills hunters plans for lafe rally 80th birthday on dominion day mrs annie tamvell of erin celebrated her 80th birthday here on the same day that jan sda celebrated its 100th mr tarzurlt was guest of honour at a partj at the homo of mr and mrs x tarzwell 29 arietta street attended b some fifty relatives and friends from erin btusburgh and georgetown per building with an ipartmcn above with someone on twont 1l four hour duty then if we can tov get some of the men from the the street georgetown fire department we 11 have experienced nun the clerk was instructed to nn write the fire marshi s offire ii h for advice on scttinj up t do iton partment 37 was the price quoted h ontario hydro for a mercury vapor luminair on an eight foot bracket to be installed m front of the old school in noml since the price seemed high hih del hai proed artment dwellei t superintendent bud children or mo wis instructed to order dren appear necessary for glen williams mr rlslijtr t i ntiludr tt the fimi a former town resident erl f p i tlit ir mccrcipht 67 was buried ini j15 nd greenwood cemetery on mon j is di following a funeral service tho prcmniis day in essex ite robert scrivena conduct cd a sen ice at the graveside mr mccrcight spent his boy hood in atwood served with he armv in world war i then loined canadian national rail was while cmplojcd in town th the railway he married marjone tost thej later lived 7 stratford and windsor where i lur infn jiia1 cnvnrnl lfnrc by ro9r smith and inch true out i her llohirts ni lilt ss icc fit from pri onuiluh ir oslnwa mci of on ion street ci mullin it phcc the priscnt ryers0n graduate a georgetown hunter 8th in ning rally was snuffed out by effective relief pitching guslph hungon to defeat the uhcnicrlcralt beat out a bunt locals 5 3 in an intercounty fastball league game in glen williams tuesda trailing 51 entering the bot torn of the last frame george town came to life to score a pair and threaten to add more bob webster led off with i double dave cunningham sin gled and both scored on bob sinclair s hit with two runs across a run ner aboard and none out guelph hurlcr j teeter wi lifted for d robertson the next three georgetown batters were retir ed in order bob sinclair knocked three georgetown runs in the first came in the 2nd inning stele a base and scored on sin clair s single guelph pecked awa at raft a pitching to score twice in the 4th and in the 5th 7th and 8th georgetown outhlt the guelph team 10 to 5 georgelow n hosts hillsburgh in the glen park tucda inly 11th tom marshall standing tam p glen will 10 georgetown 11 guelph 8 rockwood f hillsburgh 8 tom marshall son of mr and w l pts mrs harold marshall t7 char 6 4 12 le street has graduated from 6 5 12 the ryerson polytechnical in 5 3 10 stitute in architectural technol 1 6 ogj he has joined hallford and 3 5 6 wilson architects the present rosnieit ustral assessment ratio s f mi list year 19m5 fiuirc si ii i ir residential 12 industn 1 rii ind rommercnl t he indusin clopment tn 1wi7 irm hi changed this mr rreokm conceded k wife died several jears ago he had been a resident of essex reccntlv he wis a member of the odd fellows lodge orange lodge and black knighls june started ou hot and dry but after one weck the rains came and established june 1967 as the second wettect since records commenced in 1840 almost seven inches fell most of it in five heavy falls of more than an inch however tho month was also th third war mest ever with a mean temp erature of 69 6 degrees which is 6 0 degrees above normal the prevailing wind was south west and average velocitv 9 8 raph in conclusion he wirnnl ihit an official plan and liter zoning by law should not become a stmt jacket but should he able to be chinged to fit ching ing times set inquest date one of four deaths an inquest into the dehih of teresa vamulven five jear old okvillc girl who drownwl it i recreation park near limehoue june 17 uill be held tuesday julv 18 it the 1squesinc mun icipa building the child wis found floating unconscious in the water and revived hut died six hours lit er rtiti attornc s office said that no dales had et been set tor inquests into the deaths of gerald divid and his wife mrica who drowned in the credjt ih to imd in iqt i kt kindlon si k kingston ind no mr boris is a first in st red willi thi irm n kinsi ri dii although the sunshine hours g were about 10 lower than mr mccrcight had remarried j in previous years the total was nd leaves his wife marj and about normal this represents three hrithers roy lister andfi24 of the possible total for si it cecil n lisiowli jjjdurgms show to film here imdn l world june average high was 80 8 average low 584 and total rain fall 6 9 inches the following is utnmary for june wir ii glens midget squirts winners lltn williams squ and midcets were the villicr s nnh enlnts m hilton ilunl minor snfllnll to rriter i w n during the week s pla the squirts rolled ip a 15 1 scire on kilhnde in i cime in the ten park mine 2fi glen midgets bounced low illt 1 i i in the glen lune 28 bantims lost a squeoker to hnrntn h an 11 10 coun 110 and prewees fell drumquin 16 6 juno 28 run washed out some tfied- ule gimrs bc telemsion is plannng to film sequences of an upcoming series show in georgetown john jyent producer of quentin durgens mp will mcctl mior gibbons sometime in thcl next few weeks to seek pcrmis sion in shoot portions of the film in and around the main streets of the town the daily rain hrs in sun school lists in this issue promo list for ge irge cr at gcorgetowns northern own district high school md limit june 6 or tomrm robit hipel street and wrlgalcs- ailles age i who drowned in a worth public schools appear in redit rier tnbutar at nor thi- ismic remaining jils will the rojai consenatory val june 25 1 appear in succeeding editions j music toronto social and personal mr and mrs oliver carey and linda of georgetown held irbirtbdavparly july 3- for their granddaughter and niece r of calgar tan is the lune j daughter of mr and mrs ro be fore be rt carey of calgarj and is spending her summer vacation with hpr grandparents mr ind mrs carey here and mr and mrs tom norton of gien withnns brian wicks and brenda mckcown acton piano pupils or varjonc newman atom obtained first class honours in their grade 2 theory exams w hich they wrote recently at of 18 73 57 14 19 74 so 15 20 74 52 8 21 84 54 70 3 22 70 2 72 12 23 81 57 13 24 85 62 21 8 25 64 55 7 26 77 52 14 27 80 55 14 26 78 55 tr 9 2 68 60 lia 1 30 80 67 m 10

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