Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 22, 1967, p. 2

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army of workers donors contribute to blood clinic thanks to all the volunteer workers tod donors who donated their time efforts and blood at the red cross blood donor clin ic on monday jue utfc a suc cessful number of 281 blood packs was collected due to sum ner diets low bloodcounts and other causes 41 persons rejected clinic conveners were mr r h jones mrs a m sutherland mrs ca thompson mrs r hl sales rn and the publicitj was looked after by mrs jack nieuwhot mrs hg perkins cna and mrs f r perego let tering and distribution of post ers were done by mrs kenneth legerc mr jim dalton miss linda catopcrauld miss sandra hornby mrs r pell e tier mrs jean hancock mrs judy khff- ner mrs pat harrington mr kra legere and mr r paulln the members of the george- town and district ministerial association willingly assisted announcing the clinic from the pulpits and looking after the posters for their church or hall entrances telephone canvassers were mrs jessie shortill mrs lee montgomery end mrs bert bui lock true blue lodge mrs cb wick mrs b saunders mrs h haywaxd mrs basel robinson mrs c sargent and mrs a hays senior cubcem club mrs mildred hamilton mrs nellie wulett mrs helen ball mrs kay hancock miss lyla armstrong mrs marlon walsh mrs lu ritchie mrs ethel laird mrtrsueen john son mrs kay freyer mrs may price miss cura vandervoort mrs anna bingham mrs jean king mrs joyce barton mrs anne riddall mrs mabel liv ingstone mrs margaret beau mont mrs june cook mrs bert francis mrs eleanor me- clcod and mrs r white rebekah lodge mrs cuodt kentner mrs leslie heed mrs c rcid mrs pat vance mrs lack watson and mrs norrla ashgvtovs two become members t ashgrove church confirmation service was held at the church on sunday mor ning when the young poft from the three churches bethel hornby and ashgrove took part they formed the choir nd sang two numbers also gave a dialogue sermon on how many roads from the eighteenth verse of 1st john our love should not be just words and talk it must be true love which shows itself in ac tion during the service thel ma carney and devtd austin were confirmed into membe ahtp of the church and were welcomed by charles austin on behalf of the session the or ganist for this momentous occa sion was lloyd werner from bethel united church now hasnl june so far been a lovely month those grand rains and the heat following has just brought the bowers and gardens along at a tremendous rate this is truly the nlcert time of the year ann mcciure whose twelfth birthday was on sunday june 18th celebrated on saturday af ternoon at her home and enter tained eight little school chums they enjoyed games on lb lawn ending with a lovely sup per wilson canadian cancer so ciety mrs l dorbin mrs m fraser mrs francis hulme mrs mary mcmurdo mrs lillian clayton and mrs pearl hender son the rn s on duty were mn f whlttaker mrs m hall mrs m justason and mrs m early assisting them were the home nurses mrs l rafter mrs d ellis mrs m tlucko and miss sharon service dr jj martin was on call mr fred cooley of the- st john ambulance was on hand to assist transportation to and from the clinic ws looked after by mrs sam mackenal members of the georgetown volunteer ambulance services took care of setting up the necessary fac ilities and reloading the vans after the clinic the typists were mrs w geg gle mrs h rosmtcr mrs r secord and mrs a bradley general duties were done by mrs a syme mrs j mouritaea mrs w sunaucks mrs pat godden mrs a bullock mrs e yates mrs k elsllger mrs w townend mrs f perego mrs d hancock mrs c cor coran mrs s walsh peter nieuwhot and mrs c renwlck was in charge of the nursery coca cola was donated by coca cola company and the catering was done by the cath olic womens league recorded music was beard from esther zeros new taperecorder next dloic will bt held on monday september 11 1067 saturday open house ends gala week for veterans by ralph hawet national veterans week has become a thing of tfae past yet it u s week that we feel will be remembered by members and citizens alike for many a day to come during this week branch 120 attempted to do its part along with over 2000 other branches across the nation to project the image of the royal canadian legion to tfae canad ian public it is hoped that the citizens of town found the 1m age a favourable one four afternoons of the week were donated to school child ren when branch 10 entertain ed students from grades 7 and 8 it is thought that between five and six hundred children visited the branch toured the museum were shown the film fields of sacrifice and were treated to refreshment monday evening taw the branch paying respects to the splendid few who for the past 15 years have made legion sponsored saturday morning hockey possible 1 e coaches managers referees etc guest speaker for the evening was mr pat patterson ontario hockey association referee in chief tuesday branch members en tertalned the boer war and first war veterans wednesday evening was most successful the occasion was a dinner for civic leaders at which winners of gallantry awards were presented quest speaker at this time was john t arm strong chairman was ever pop ular leslie m clark thursday the ladles auxil iary was host to representatives of the boy scouts and girl guides the other guests for that evening were silver grass mothers entertainment was ex cellent our ladles presented two coteman lamps to the scouts and cheoue to the girl guides while the silver cross mothers who were mrs mlno mrs davidson mrs m beaumont mrs w beaumont mrs j murphy mrs j dlckan son mrs mtelaren mrs dick enson and mrs oliver received flower plants friday afternoon members of the ladim auxiliary and the branch were host to represent- atlvea of the knights of colum bus red cross and salvation army fields of sacrifice was shown and afternoon tei was served by the branch ladles a donation was made by the branch to the three visiting or ganisations the evening was u- ken up with an lnterclub social construction begins plan ten more school classrooms construction has begun the new ten room addition to stewarttowd school the long awaited final approvals arrtmri friday and a j mccarthy and l zanetta contractors moved in on monday morning this ad dttion along with the present 8 rooms will in september be the senior pillc school where ail pupils throughout the town ship area will receive their grade 7 and 8 education congratulations to mr and mrs robert cameron the for mer jackie barclay who were married in holy cross church georgetown on saturday juim expect 56 suite apartment building ready in august centennial court the apart men building under constwt jon at guelph ind maple ave has half the fiftysix suites ren ted at present the first ot august will see the first tenants move into the one and two bedroom suites the one bedrooms range in rate from iso to s130 and the two bedroom apartments from 130 to 1140 ratorsstoves tv outlets pip ed m music which you can tarn off st will and intercoms to the front ball there are elevators and lawn dry rooms in the four storey building whlrh will have mail aeuvery to each individual suite the halts art pressurised joining fumes from travailing throng the building sad caus ing rwh of fresh air when the gp door opens at men f jfe original or- ehsrd as tiimtwjaw bean left to pnrrtte sbsde tad aosoie fceerty st each aide c the butt- 1st ta ptrtsng a t sari vicki lay students pass ballet exams the following students of the vickl lay school of dancing have passed their ballet examln ations primary pass plus ran nle douglas barbara burrows commended cheryl spence chrtatinr murphy sylvia st vole grade one pass plutsos- uepttxn and lynns mel- combe trade two pass plus ver onica newts mrs ley will be attending the lakeview ballet summer counts for teachers st jack tons point on lake moot sad bar daughter deenne lay wul be attending the national ballet summer school hornby colwxctron the se swat af baptism was administ ered by rev keith hewfcas to bread caarltat pteaey dau ghter of mr tad mrs aumn rtaaey tad timothy jacnei brown son of mr tad mrs jstatt brown at barney united ctartan sunday jane 44a guests were lions rotary km amen and jaycees also george town fire department saturday was open house it wouht be extremely bard to est imate the number of people that visited the museum for the room was full most of the day the writer of these notes as branch president would like to take this opportunity to thank dave bowmen and his veterans week committee the ladies auxiliary and those too few members who gave their time so willingly and freely to make the week one of the most suc cessful projects the branch has ever witnessed stbwarttown 17th with the reception field in st john a church halt stewart town birthday greetings towalter reid who celebrated his 12th mr cecil smith had the mis fortune saturday afternoon to be the victim of an accident while turning into his drive way after returning from his mail route a car travelling north hit hit truck broadside mr smith was taken to hos pital where at time of writlna be is still a patient his many friends and neighbours wish him a speedy recovery ol1n williams tribute to cien pioneers remembrance service pays the 13th annual remembrance service took place at the cem etery on sunday afternoon with a good number attending mr jim jone was master of ceremonies in his remarks he mentioned the number of im provements made to the grou nd namely the new fence and the lovely stone posts at the en trance as well ss the maples recently planted at the en trance these were a centennial gift from sheridan nurseries whose land adjoins the cemet ery mr john t armstrong u bt georges anglican had charge of the service and was also the speaker qqsi brett e mcneil of first baptist cnunh aensj two lovely solos 1 be lieve in miracles end h the choir was composed of members from the local churches mrs reg wiluutta of st aibans played the organ which was loaned from st albani for the occasion all plot owners and other friends are lent limita tions to this service so if you ware missed or anyone not liv ing here contact the secretary mrs r mcmester and she will put you on her milling list ol alberts church service started its new time last sun day mr tom parry took the service in the absence ot rev uewellln mr and mrs george esson and evelyn have sold their farm on the tenth line and have mo ved to a farm off hwy 34 at stratums corners our best wishes go with tfossc mrs j armitage of los an geles california was a recent visitor with the htmedales the church ladles took their annual bus trip last tuesday forty boarde the but abou eight oclock end beaded is niagara fahs its first stop was at nabisco where the tod ies took a tour through the fac tory sod taw the proced en the meklog of shredded wheat as wall as other cereals which they found interesting all wart given a complimentary box ot cereal a smorgasbord lunch eon was then enjoyed at best- wards then a little shopping tad the rest of the um spout tt toe falls where tot cool spray was most welcome on tat hot humid day- snroutt home sapper was enjoyed tt frodv bomoaa garden centre tad then bom it the cool of sat evening mr mannas rafter is i gearing nicety after a heart operation in st michaels hee- aslsd toronto mr and mrs w everson at tended the wedding of his cou sin darlow crowson and david balallltc in st andrews angli can church thiatletown on saturday the centennial pared on seturdty starts at 1 oclock at beaumonts m11l those enter ing are to be ready to oral up at 12 30 mrs edna beaumont will be unveiling the cairn and it would be appreciated h th her former school puput would come sod join in the celebra tion jean snd stan norton are working on the display at tb hall oaany items of village history wilt be there mr and mrs harold wheeler went to cobourg on sunday where marty wis guest trom bone soloist st s band concert put on by the georg hervwy school of toronto where mr art hilliard la band leader ht lived is martys teacher tt7 this sunday it ctnmnnlv service at the united church end rev ridley has the month of july for his bolldayi va church will be closed new welc to glen w tlvmwood bananas pr6d of usa can no 1 or prod of usa can no 1 gr florida celery 29c fresh lecat grown strawberries avnbi ifatii t luttt m futins spray net 99c itwaeum c 69c toothpaste 99c kifutwtt mm trmscmuscc 43c v- 59c flaked tuna 41 c btuups 350c cwmunoincub 289c katca bags 59c tmmetm 43c margarine 257c important paaajt abatta tamuh ftoitt food katbtes 1 mm m nkm rjqmctf old s0u1h orange juice 695t 3 89 umtlufieiciftie53c cake mixes 289c davids biscunvr63c corn chips 125 oitooi 2s31c tauaal j tot w wag colgate s0ap249c dove liquid 93t hams signs are at the entran ces to the village i the work has started on ht bridge at the upper end of thr mam si with all the trees ta ken out the landscape will be completley changed mrs p donaldson was native of woodhill laurena elizabeth ackroyd wife of percy donaldson of nor val died suddenly in women college hospital toronto on friday jun- 9 at the age of 57 she was bom at woodhill daughter of the late mr and mrs joseph ackroyd she llv ed in brampton attended school there ami later was era ployed with the dale estate she married percy donaldson on september z 1035 tt cv for a short time in hut tonvilte and then moved to norvat percy two sons and one dough ter bill of norval elsio mrs donald smith of norval and bob of georgetown also four grandchildren ami one sister vera mrs john donaldson of brampton rev r w ridley of norval united church conducted the funeral service at tho harold c mcciure funeral home in ge orgetown on monday afternoon june 12 psllbearcri were wesley louth joe schertzl orval shea hartley cameron alt of nor val john donaldson of brampt ton and arnold suitzcr of streetsville flower bearers won george smith norman shea norman guthrie rrcd tendloy edward mclean all of norval george smith of georgetown charlej donaldson of brampton and george dalzcll of bolton the georgetown hevald thursday june 22nd 1m7 interment was in bramponl surviving are her husband cemetery i a next tuesday june 27th mm ttflpeer qltottf oh w5blq georgetown park 715 pm admission adults 1 50 children 75c preschool children freel ftocewtls for kinsmen senior citizens proct hi aft indian tpiakir at wl convention seven ladies from suverwood w i attended the national con ventlon of womans institutes st ouelph on june 11 mrs dutt from india world president spoke to the 3700 members pre sent george burgess spent sevwral days recently vultinf relatives in the othawa district mr and mrs tjsrt proprtet era o t sttrtrwood store at parfcjlotnre are movini to bingham pton mr sad mrs byron barber of bradantore florid have ban recant meats with mr and mrs barry bcott schools out today thursday marks the end of the gndt 11 axamlnat tons schedule st georgetown district htth school lbs tehed- ttfca which started monday june b coodnda at lsflr todsy when trlionofnetary and statin pap- en an handed in tha last of iff waminatlons results will prob- doty be released mtneume in august you are cordially invited to our peony show 10 acres of peonies now in full bloom kstsmenrs throughout the era a ar invited to visit our nursery any day to sew this magnificent display now at its best wynfield nursery garden centre half mil watt of 7th lin af 17 shkroad teuthone 177952

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