Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald ruuaiwi by hnw nwifam umlmd 22 main street south gor0tewn ontirio w c mhn pumblur page 4 thursday march 9th 1947 editorial comment centennial ideafc if e district organization is seeking moderate centennial prooct one idea which hoi been suggested is the provision of benches in greenwood cemetery aubrey grant who heads committee which is planning a decoration day service in the cemetery this year tell us that sev eral people have mentioned this as a fea ture which could be used in the cemetery often people go on foot to visit the grave of a loved one and rest benches at strategic locations in the grounds would be most welcome this is something which could be hand- ted individually or collectively by one or more organizations good substantial stone or painted wooden benches which could atand the weather would be needed and tt would be possible to have a ckgmf ied metal plaque on each bench acknowledging the donor the cemetery is one of ontario fin est thanks to the excellent maintenance and tasteful planning of the cemetery board and superintendent harry savings memorial bencnts would make it that much more at tractive as well as filling a utilitarian pur pose for the public welcome industrial news announcement that georgetown t pro vincial paper mill will be producing a high grade kromecoat stock in future is wel come news on the industrial scene too often we are prone to exult when new industry locates here and overlook improvements and additions to our long established factories which have provided the backbone of georgetowns economy the paperrmlls are particularly impor tant for they have been with us almost since georgetown was any size during depression years when many communities were hard hit the paper industry wet rela tively steady and helped this town avoid much of the heartbreak which prevailed in the province as town after town went bank rupt there was one blow when the old low er mill was closed and the manufacture of paper was discontinued in town but to offset this both coated mills provincial and domter have had steady growth added floor space and modem machinery to keep our reputation as the paper town we look forward to continuing pros perity and a bright future for these two old industries which have kept generations of georgetowners profitably employed harley tq halton weakly oburvahont by dr htrry hariay mp for hahon barrel jumping championships long merchandising career death of james richardson ended one of the longest merchandising careers in georgetown mr richardson entered the hardware business here in 1928 at an age when most men are starting to look forward to retire ment and to prove the adage life be gins at 40 he continued active until the age of 90 he beat most merchants to work m the morning was late to leave at night and retained a spry step and a dry sense of hu mour along with a thorough knowledge of his business when it was no longer pos- sibe for him to go to the store he kept in touch at home and never lost interest in the merchandising game his career embraced three fields be fore hardware he had been a pharmacist then a grocery merchant and despite a busy life in business here he found time to serve on such groups as the arena board end hockey club exec utive his long life indicates that hard work never hurt anyone there is no ob more taxing on one s energy than operating i large retail store in his eighties mr ri chardson was still hopping up and down stairs like a teenager mounting a ladder to get to the bins where nails and hard ware supplies were stored when he oined the crest organization he converted his store from an old style hardware to a mod ern self serve keeping abreast with mod ern developments he was a man who knew and loved his job served the public well and was rewarded wth a continuing patronage which made his store one of the best in the community sugar and spice by bill smiley rest content ing goals and pursuing them fiarcaly ho mid that if you got up monday morning and hated th though of going to work you thould switch into some thing im he talked about money giv but his talk troubled me change the terms slightly and what do you have it was ag alnst everything i believe and try to teach and don t be surprised if ou bear ive bcn fired i don t believe for example in efficiency and having a clean desk except in a general way that is doing your job i would find it extremely dif flcult to say baxter your sales are slipping you re fired there s nothing id this world that i hate doing more than going to work monday morning the only goal ive ever pursued fiercly is my wife when i fell for her and shes been punu ing me fiercely ever since there s room for people like us friend today i received the supreme accolade another teacher who uses my room told me the girls of 10l and they are no jinstems said mr smiley looks nice but ho sure has an untidy desk i rest content the main event on parli ament hill this week wu of course the tabling of the car ter commission report on tax atlon it was tabled early fri day evening as is customary for budget and financial mat tera in this way the stock ex changes are closed and sudden fluctuations on the market are avoided it is certainly too early to comment on the full iropli cations of the many changes proposed in this voluminous document it consists of fl volumes and weighs approftim ately 15 pounds the report is based on the philosophy that a dollar earned anywhere and in anyway should be treated like any other dollar and declared as income and be subject to in come tax this is reasonable but makes it obvious that the tom missions recommendations must be treated as a whole it would not be fair to this basic princip le or to certain groups of tax payers to treat it otherwise in a piecemeal fashion i am in agreement with the principles of the carter commission port on taxation a great deal of my time has been spent recently in pre paring the report of thi special committee on drug cosu and prices the hearings have new been concluded and th many witnesses heard ani their vie points documented it is now the committees responsibility to consider all of thes varying opinions and make our rccom mendations for reducing drug costs and prices to parliament- it is most urgent thjt this re port be presented to parliam cnt before the end of this ses sion it la hoped therefore that the committee members win consider the report urgently and finalize it quickly as chairman of this com mittee i have received many letters concerning the high price of drugs from people in all walks of life many include examples of prices that have been paid for drugs one of the most disturbing letters recently showed copies of receipts for two purchases of the same pros cription a few months apart there was a 30 increase in the price of the second purchase over the first purchase a note of explanation on the second receipt stated the increase was due to the recent increase m federal sales tax the increase was 1 the purchaser was ex pected to believe that a 1 in crease in lax at the manufact urers level could cause a price increase of 30 at the drug store level needless to say the purchaser wrote the committee concerning this incrcast it is sincerely hoped that the recom mendations of the committee on drug costs and prices will be implemented and tint a sig- nificant decrease in the price of drugs will result because of this some 80 young people from abroad and about 300 young canadians will participate in an international youth conference called rendezvous 67 at cuta way in august these young people are members of the world red cross youth move ment kerrs column mp p rtports to gsersjetoww from queens park in my contribution throne speech of the ontario legislature last month i dealt with some of the problems of the niagara escarpment and efforts to preserve its natural beauty i suggested that a pro vincial agency or commission be established to plan and con trol quarry operations particu larly on the face of the escarp ment i have received substantial mail regarding una subject and 3 note that the township of uassagaweya council has pass ed a resolution requesting top to stone extraction on the escarpment the stone extract ion has more than doubled in the last ten years and the rate la likely to increase rapidly as available sand and gravel ourccs ire depleted and the demand for stone increases ac cordingly recently i received from the minister of mines trhich contains some very in tercsting information regard ing the industry in our area the memo points out that lime stone resources at the crest of the escarpment are one of oat trios most important stone re sources further that mineral production in the area between coronto hamilton lndoding stone sand and gravel portland tement gypsum and clay prod nets had i total value of near ly eighty million dollar in 1965 rhis is second only to e one of the leading sxtnarai roducera in the province the the areas in the vicinity of toronto and hamilton has made it in creasingly difficult to develop essential deposits of construct ion materials due to zoning re strictions and competition for land use the principal mineral resour ces for the niagara escarpment are the lockport dolomite the whirlpool sandstone and tits queenston shale the lockport dolomite forms the eap rock of the niagara escarpment and is widely quarried as the source of crushed stone for concrete aggregate road atone and flux stone there are about 18 quarries situated on the niagara escarp ment and about 7 of them are located at the brow of the es carpment the minister of mines feels that due to the im portance of the industrial min eral resources of the niagara escarpment to the erban econ omy it it recommended that no further restrictions be placed on their development for future construction requirements oth erwise it may be necessary to import some of these essential products however x still feel the face of the escarpment can be pre- lerved without unreasonably inhibhinf the- quarry industry or its production requirements it is mainly utter of cooper ation aasd planning as the result of last week iumn regarding trading acnpe the card and letters are atjotmc to flow t keep than points out thatnrnu eaj coming end i will have a report sr restaurant operator has high praise for gwffletwn a group of georgetown nock ey players and their adult chaperones have added a fea ther to georgetown a reputat ion recently mr and mrs peter snider rjt 3 were driving north and stopped for a snack at the argosy restaurant near waubaushene when the proprietor learned they were from georgetown they got a royal welcome seems that on a trip to parry sound the georgetown team bad stopped to eat at the rest- aurant and swamped the limit ed staff with their orders for hamburg5 for only the proprie tor and the cook were on duty si the time she told the snidera that mothers of the players made milkshakes the fathers took or ders and when the meal was finished the boys all lined up and gave their correct bill when paying and to cap ivtbe boys clear ed the tables and helped wash the dishes they were real little gentle men she said a credit their pexentrand to george towns reputation just the other night we had talk at our honor banquet which left me rather perplexed it was an interesting at times exciting address by one of our captains of industry no less than the president of one oi our biggest producers of proc- s statistics for annual earn eased foods a big cheese one j depending on education might saj in the vernacular from elementary to college de- american owned needless toisrce teachers perked up a bit sav here when he said 11000 for a university degree and they perhaps i should explain what average about 57 000 a the honor banquet is it s an occasion when the etudents who the point is that evcrvthing have obtained 75 per cent or he said was eminently sensible more the previous ear arc ho if you happened to be a salcs- nored along with their parents mm bucking for sales manager again needless to say it is o ce president in the mail bag there s nothing much to sa except that these kids are in f zrzirtjz minister likes west but banquet runs more to potilo ss txvj still fond of georgetown does to falcrnian wine lobster thcrmidor and baked alaska baptist church but its a gesture anywav vancouver bt the athletes get a banquet with cups trophies letters and doir mr fdilor heartiness the kids in drama and music get applause wlun as a former residuit of cor they perform least we can do nd now living in v m is honor the bright and indusj couver i thought it might be triou8 interesting for me to relalc how day in may j scenery of the dleply rooted easterner likcsj mounums is breathtaking ani business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 73401 30 mill st gortown chiropractor gerald w corbott dc open dally by appointment houso calls arranged 8774631 11a main st north trouble u they don t get s the west coast first of all i chance to show at the banquet mus ip honest to admit that i how bright and industrious they mi georgetown more than i instead thev ret a guest speaker this would be en ough to keep me from making the honor roll and apparently my daughter feels the same as she didnt make it this year second problem it the gueit speaker faelt he must inspire the kws ifs a tough audlenc hundredodd kids thvir proud parents and about 100 teachers and spouses i know whereof 1 tpealc i was guest speaker a couple of yaart ago what kind of a talk five georgetown herald sliflulababal shf ftsaaaasr faattetown ontario walter c ik fnblubar production soperlntenaent news editor accountant terry barley alleen bradley anne currle reporter frank hullln advertising manager mrs harry jodd clerk ruth morton memorial weather is definitely b c s greatest asset no boots and heavy clothing with mitts our the register to dry in winter not the frequency of colds and sniftlts no bone chilling oc casionally a sunnv da in feb ruary out here mokes the out ofdoors more like an eastern dax developments limited builders of fine homes prop walter pacholok 177311 or 8779415 barragers ci t snortshirt launderers tr 7 2279 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on premises thought i would its proximity to toronto and all points east and west mike it a truly desir able phce to live if the city of vancouver is n 1 what toronto boasts in marnifi cent streets and buildings it compensate with a lavish dis play of flowors evergreen trees and parks o t walker r o d0 sc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4516243 hours 9am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 0am to 9 p m evenings by appointment frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service p o box 413 tr 72864 georgetown as an easterner coming ue perhaps vancouver is more of certain things that are native ol a man s world than a women these pirts citch one s attention appealing to that which is rug immediately the first thintf is gcd rather than that whicn is well this chap with the best intentions in the world beared the wits out of the kids if 1 a been on the honor roll 17 m grade 12 i d have walked right out of there and started swill ing boore or gobbbng sugar cubes loaded with lsd this fellow was an honest hardhitting 105 per cent cap italist and i admired dim for it 1 dont wee pussy footer but ms talk was obviously aim ed at a sales convention with some concessions to the kids the abundance of evergreen trees and shrubs with varieties unknown back east the 2ecn grass all year jong is truly beau uful and i must confess i do not misj the snow the long v rainy season is offset by the warm days of march and now the first signs of spring are here with daffodils and bright nsp sunny dajs this is an outdoors countrv with the exception of tho rainy days that will keen the children confined to the first he painted a horror plcturett the world they would take over population explo sion starvation us all yours kids a few commercials here about the food company then he outlined a frignten- inf pair of alternatives produce or youre out and be cxplai ned with a certain amount of pride how ruthless an execut irelitahmuclfhastobe when lha someone is not up to scratch tm probably being unfair he is noted as a tough but fair man home ir snow is an asset it is n this that the children can still go outside to pla housing is dnstically diflr cnt and stucco is king with brick homes exclusively thoso ho enjoy luxury never complain again about georgetown a 50 foot lots out here land is scarce and prices run high luxury homes from the 30 000 to 40 000 class arc built on 50 foot lots and 33 foot lots are common the shopping plaza is beginning to come of age out here but nothing like the kind we know of back east as far as i know there is discount store like a takers anywhere in vancouver cultured while both culture and nature can be found in ab undance in ontario and british columbia there arc those un mistakablc traces of evidence that reveal that tho west is younger than tho staid and stol id east many of the streets out here still lack curbs and the do ciduous trees have not yet xi ched the height of their eastern counterparts these are thin- that take time and the wesi is still young it will all come someday and in time anmuv er will boast all of he refine nts toronto has then it will be something else we haven t quite caught up with perhaji helicopter terminals and loving sidewalks in all vancouver a lovely place to live especially for those who lovo nature and for tho women who are prepar ed to find things not quite so highly commercialized and con venient ilka super plazas and discount stores yours truly rev bruce a woods robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountamvicw rd s carrctal bldg for appointment pi 8773971 wallace thompson 3rd division court clark commliiloner tr7 2963 georgetown animal clinic 106 geelpb street dr r b gaikin clinic open 6 mon wed saturday 9 8 ptn fri optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointment phono s77m71 general iaaanm insurance ibfobert us s773374 h fobert real estate ltd w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor ohlca 177 2211 8773300 home john b love architect 17 chapal st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 677 j032 451 936s the older type of shopping leslie dark dave hastings a slahsmmr rather than megsjtaawrta mm faatw he tetkad about choea- blood was first transfused to human in the 17th century streets animal blood was used and the seems to be more the vogue patient died as a result the highway budding has not na ldci 0 transfusion thcrapv was ched the proportions of back atanloned tot thc ncxl 200 cast and it is probablv mnrci hiimrirthmin lth ilbcult to cros vncouwr tody tier i no wl im t01w0 with its highl for transfurtm tbmpj peed artenej in mw medicil tratmentj printing op distinction 9 statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 771201 monuments pollock k campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonb u175w b witcr street north 0 alt this space for sale

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