Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1967, p. 3

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change name of fair board now call it georgetown keith webb new president fair dates setsept 223 the annual meeting of the esquesing agricultural society was hold in stcwarttown com munity hall on monday evening february 6tn keith webb who has bcn vice president for the past three years waj elevated to the presidency and will chair the board tor the centennial fair 1968 president ken ella chal red the meeting and reviewed the work of the society for the year he cited the innovation of the quarter horse show as a crowd pleaser as was the four borsc hitch of the armstrong and may horsas he felt the cattle show needed a shot in the arm and said it was up to the cattle directors to come up with a suitable prize list to at tract more exhibitors mr ella reported on his visit to the milton fair board s an nual meeting wicrc he spoke on the problem of conflicting fair dates that could arise ihould georgetown stick to their usual time in 1967 milton fair has been moving from the 4th saturday in september to the fitk depending on the calendar of five saturdays in the month making it necessary for gcor getown to be continually chan ging their date he said they promised to give the matter consideration as it would be to no one s advantage to have both hows on the same day later in the meeting the lo cal society decided to hold this years show on september 22 ond 23 but served notice on mil ton that they intend to go ahead on tins date another year also another important matter dis cussed and passed was the change in name of the society from the esquesing agricultural society to georgetown agncult ural society it was felt that this change would better identify georgetown fair with exhibitors and the public as well as within the agricultural fairs association treasurer w r lawson gave the auditors report for 196g which showed a balanc- on the years operations of 349 24 re ceipts totalled 57 511 15 and ex penditures 7 161 91 on the credit side gate re eeipts amounted to slightly ov er 1 800 grants and donations accounted for s3 600 largcbt tingle expenditure was oven s3 000 paid out in prize money a letter was read from the halton farm safety council re questing a representative from the board and frank wilson was chosen harding price will be the society s representative on the esquesing hall board committee chairmen gave re ports on the various aspects of the fair and ag rep hcnrj stanley of milton spoke briefly thanking the board for sponsor tag the 4h corn and sheep clubs hiss jean ruddcll and don wingrovo reported on the ef lorts of the newly formed cen keith webb tennial committee which will work in conjunction with ihe fair board mrs gravdon chester mrs w j cleave kithwcbb and frank wilson were appointed delegates to the ontario fairs convention in toronto on feb 22 23 motions ivcrc passed making garfield mcgilvray and camp bell sinclair honorarj member of the societj mr stanley took the chiir for the election o officers which resulted as follows president keith webb 1st vice president stuart hall 2nd vice president don wingrotc secretary mrs g h ironside treasurer w it lawson audi tors pope and gocbellc eighteen directors were then appointed to make up the offi cial board james i ishcr al bert hunter don wingrovo keith webb krn fclla oliver hunter guy busscll emic al exander w t graham stuart hall mac alexander spencer wilson john bird tom lcs lie delmar french robert mc master robert macarthur frank wilson associate directors ar llod fisher jack williamson al s em george bird ward brownndgc w r lawson nor honours for music students in exams two pupils of kenneth it harrison auct rmt were successful in mid winter theory cxamina ions at the royal con scrvatorj of music toronto joan beat recencd an hon ours mark in grade 4 histon and beth youth 1st diss hon ours in grade 2 thcorj man sinclair vcrn picket earl burt trevor williams alan brownridge george burt ralph cunningham lloyd marks keith mckcnzie fred barnes jack hunter lorne ella wm robinson jack cox robert alexander percy leslie wcl lington stringer wheldon lm mcrson w t craig reid jim millington r j cunningham charles r fogal t the honorary presidents in elude mayor jos gibbons reeve geofge i csli and members of federal and provincial parlia merits f honorary directors are mrs p w clsavc print fetch ken mcmillan herb cleave craig rcld george leslie p w cleave graydon chester t j brownridge fred wriggles- worth cam sinclair and gar field mcgilvray life member t harding price the ladies division also el ected their officers for 1967 as follows keith webb 2nd vice president mrs george burt secretary treasurer mrs g mcgilvray hall superintendent hiss jean ruddell assistant hall superln tendent mrs w j cleave so cial convener mrs james fish er flower convener mrs w bird a committee composed of mr and mrs george burt and mr and mrs graydon cheater will arrange for a euchre par ty president mrs graydon ctes lunch was served at the close fcr 1st vice president mrs of the meeting drinking drivers caused 444 accident fatalities hornby susan barnslapl and eliza bcth tisbcr spent the weekend with donna and diannc break the sidesmen or sic steph en s anglican church are busy practicing for their variety show which will be held the lat ter part of april a total of 27 persons were killed in halton county s 22 fatal traftic accidents during 1966 halion rown attorney p h mcwilhams roports in an annual report on the causes and statistics of fatal accidents in halton the idrgtst sin le cause was thr drinking driver who caused 12 or 44 4 per cent of the deaths he notes with alarm of the drivers killed six of a total of ten drivers had been drinking mr mcwiuiams report prai scs the standard of police in vcligations which he said were improving but he states the courts need the help of expert mechanics and automotive en gineers to do a thorough in vcstigalion into the causes of traffic deaths there is a lacjtjf anj body to provide such expert assist ance and he suggests some thing along the lines of an automotive research centre as recommended bv the national research council will be estab lished to meet this need during 19r6 two motorrjclc driver were killed one the innocent ictim of a drinking driver and the other causing his own death two fatal accidenls were caused by drivers with lengthy driving records one hid con tinucd to drive dt spite the fact his public liability and proper tj damage insurance had el apsed pointing up a loophole in thi law namcl thai insur ers arc not under duty to noli fy the dcpt of transport of a lapse of policj these fatalities also showed the need to weed out the drivers who have bad dming ri cords he slid there were three double fat alitics in halton last year and one triple fatality the 27 deaths were a decrease from the 40 in 196a there were 22 in 1964 23 in 13 32 in 1962 and 28 in 1961 he reported five of those killed were thrivvn from their vehicles and three of them were not wearing scat belts had the been wearing them or had the door locks not failed they would probably have survived two more died on the forked end of a guard rail at the same place in burlington four peo pie have died in this manner in the past two years the crown attorney stated clearly these forked ends are a hazard both of these accidents involved people who were drinking and speeding mr mcwilhams revealed two of the fatalities involved cor vair cars both of which had tire pressures at a variance with the recommended level two unexplained accidents involved drivers who in day light hours crossed the centre of a highway and drove into oncoming traffic the fact that both drivers and passen gers failed to avoid the crashes suggests the need to test for possible carbon monoxide pois oning he summed up report slack season for car plate sales this year s car plate sales were described as the poorest in many years by the local department of transport regi strar the 1967 ear plates have been on sale since december 2nd but only a small proportion of district motorists have taken advantage of the opportunity to get their plates early last thursday friday and saturday saw business pick up a little on the local scene but was still far below the expect i cd level the registrar mrs b clark is keeping her fingers crossed scout corner over 40 boys and leaders at tended a district toboggan par ty held at rosslake on satur day january 28 the weather was cold but after an enjoyable time hot chocolate coffee cook ies and a warm fire wanned the chilly group on tuesday feb 6th eight cubs from 1st georgetown c pack went up into the scout troop participating in the cer emony were murray wright brian hall grant sproule rich ard burley geoff walker ian hogg brian laird and gary hyde first georgetown group fa holding its baden powell sunday service on february 19th in st johns united church at 11 am all parents are invited to attend a parade and church service for guides brownies cubs scouts rangers and rovers commemorating biden powell will be held in acton on sun day afternoon february 19 silverwood county president mrs webb gave an outline of the life of adelaide hoodlesa when she spoke to members of silver wood women a institute at their february meeting it was mrs hoodlesa interest and enthusiasm which started the w i in 1897 she mention ed its subsequent growth to a worldwide organization mrs norns past county president accompanied her to the meet ing at the home of mrs george henderson flans were discussed for centennial year activities and for a 4h program roll call was answered with when and why did you become a w i member a social half hour over coffee and sandwishes do sed the meeting mrs minda corbett had the misfortune to fall and break her arm recently mrs clare wilson returned home from the hospital last week that this weekend will see big changes until the deadline the office at 41 main st s will be open six days a week morn ings from 9 until 12 after noons 1 00 to 5 13 and on sat urdays until 4 00 pm officiated at induction of rev eric mills fxom left are irwin noble st georges rectors warden walter biehn peoples warden rev eric mills and mrs mills and bishop w e bagnall bishop bagnall off c toted at a ceremony sunday february 12th at wh ch mr mills was inducted rector of st george s bell lines by arnold blachford your telephone manager l wonder how many of you have noticed a small box usually black plastic lucked up on a basement beam in our home it is placed quite close to the point where our tclcphonenvire comes into your home we call this small box an inside station protector and wc use it as a safety device where the inside wire and the outside wire are joined it protects both our equipment and th telephone user from stray electrical currents over 300 volts and from lightning surges the protector serves much the same purpose as the more familiar electrical fuss except that mstead of opening a line as a fuse does the protector grounds it so seldom do we have to change or repair these station protectors that i discovered recently that many homes still have those installed with their first telephone many yeara ago these are from the pre plastic era and are of white porcelain many too were placed in the days when cellars were cellars and not beautiful recreation rooms family rooms or finished workshops when panelling or attractive tile did not conceal bare ceiling beams many people today are converting basement space into wonderfully livable rooms if this should be in your home improvement plans would you please locate this protector under no circumstances should any of the wires leading from the protector be disconnected they are vital to your then if you are installing a ceiling perhaps you could place a removable panel to give easy access to the black box it would also be to your advantage to provide access to the ground wire connections however if that need should arise it would take longer to restore your service and perhaps mar a beautiful ceiling if the protector or ground connections have been hidden by the panelling or ceiling tiles to help speed your long distance calls along canada and the united states have been divided into calling areas each calling area has its own threenumber area code when you call evttide your own calling area these special codes direct you to the area you are calling whether you are able to dial the calls our self or whether a long dis tance operator must place them for you using or giving her the area code speeds your call codes for many loca uons are listed in the front of your telephone directory coming soon your new 1967 telephone directory will reach you this month remember its not dnly the outside huts new inside the book there ire miny new and changed listings so to save yourself lime and trouble and avoid wrong num bers look the number up jet ft down and then dial care fully you may be interested to know that a new personal directory is available for listing your frequently called numbers it s full of new information long distance area codes in canada and the us a special section for birthdays and anniversaries for jour free copy just call our telephone business office bt7 2292 sgjpzj mcleans rental sales centre 279 queen street east brampton under the brampton wafer towar phone 4595781 we rent 4 chain saws 0 electric beaters 0 faint sprayers 0 alum ext ladders 4 floor sanders 0 party goods open thura j fri 9 pm ample parking many other ittms for fast action ffillbltsi mltihe iijtik service consult a mm of thi brampton real estate board thi olomitown hmald thuradar february 16th 1967 new homf this yeaw but a familytaikiiicd nome by april 1 5 and get this big bonus u hauidays fit mmrtuioma homes your kay to grantor nlw free broadloom for your living room hardinoorcelanesb profeaaioaallyfaiatalladby stmhncfta contact your halliday dealer today for full information its may to qualify if you act now what a more youll eave up to s1600 oo when you build toe hallway way tnii really the year to an halbday wore styiesi more fioor plansi beautiful new kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities iaii major i mfsfeirss i hallicay homes limited tour kitchen i s5i maple ave buhungton 0t instaueo under i name one mortgage i street j f hut free roalhoom j city 1 own a lot yes no phone i rush new homes catalogue i w b hamilton construction ltd 8 reid court georgetown 8773480 the hau1day home deal in your community how you can jet to britain for as little as 272 return its simply a matter of taking ad vantage of boac s new group inclusive tour fare this special fare of s272 representl a saving of more than 20 per cent on the cost of a regular 21day economy excursion fare in fact its the lowest transatlantic air fare ever offered to obtain this remarkable new fare you must arrange to take a tour of a minimum 76 plan to stay from 14 to 21 days and travel in a party of no fewer than is no ftecd to belong to any organization your boac travel agent will make all the arrangements for you subect to government approral round trip jtt fare toronto london your local boac agent is barber henley 27 mill street 877 2214 complete tray 5rvle at n extra cost to you would you like an income tax reduction while providing for a practical retirement income too enroll before february 28 1967 in a halton paal trust registered retire ment savings plan deposits are tax deductible for 1966 within statu lo limits your choice of guaranteed or equity plana make your deposits when convenient no loading charges or commissions to pay eahned maximum esmuted income deposit tu 1avkgs 3 000 600 so eo0o 1 000 198 7 500 1 500 312 10 000 2000 492 15 000 2 500 879 20 000 2 500 1080 25 000 2 500 112s 30 000 2500 1250 baaad an j9m lax rata tot a momov tazparar wtfi jm 00 danca nclaat atwanca tor ttoo staadan dadkidavi and cantrafeawm a canada ffwamal mm call or write today for a copy of our folder on registered retirement savings plans halton peel trust m a savings company your local trust company haad offku oakville branchaa in brampton burlington ceoktvilla milton slmcm dalhl and in georgetown sjmillstraat john a edgar m 1772564

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