Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1967, p. 12

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9 pt y y parms in ww 32 ewsbihed fldb get resuiis hire buy sell rent swap hire buy- sell rent swap hire buy- sell- rent- classified rates 0 word ads one rm- 11 word- lou 5c earn 15 words additi further units additions words 4c cich classified display 150 ptr column inch memoriams 1 15 plus 10e for each line of poetry cards of thanks 3ff wj ds 5125 adriitu nal worts 5c each births marriages ingagembnts deaths 150 the georgetown herald thursday february 16th 1967 page 12 for sale used tv sets completely reconditioned starting at 529 95 wigo tv appliances 33 main st n 8773376 we buy sol furniture and jeans home furnishings nr cvclnngc vour pplnncts tin new or iistd 877 9219 tf lots of good u5ed fmgerafors ideal for the uuie pnur from 49 95 wigo v appliances 33 mam si n 8773376 antiques s appliances used furniture household shed in glen willnms rxrdivs n i m r 5 p m call 877 3206 jim forbes used ranges wringer washers from 534 95 wigo tv appl iances 33 mom st n 8773376 travel trailers thinking of a travel trailer or a mobile home or a truck camper many models ind make in stoik immediate delivery corsair pyramid and shamrock trailermart london ltd 107 phms rmd cst burlington orrt 634 7710 alter hours call georgetown 877 3997 safe buy used cars and trucks all makes and models check our values webster jackman ltd streetiville 8264462 2774591 for sale february clearance at phillips chryslerdodge ltd t957 pontiac convertible 1 ictnsc no 58257 k ony 150 1959 edsel 4 door sedan ijccnse no h 35166 only 298 1960 envoy deluxe 4 door sedan license h 12071 only 379 1960 mercury 4 donr hardtop i icmse 601731 ony 549 1961 corvair license iih7i0 y 396 1961 chevrolet behirt s dm license no hi only 97 1962 anglia loach 1 ictnse n 5i4102 only 388 1962 envoy station wagon i iccnso no 51303x only 648 1964 rambler rr hardtop c o 171161 1299 770 twn door hardtop v8 engine lie no 17i16h phillips chrysler dodge 8776481 or em 45722 caiy terms with 1 ac purchase plan for sale cob corn 38 00 a ton j s w a r tz t r 3 princeton phone burford 4492268 for sale 11 austin 11eaeey 3000 with extras 8774043 after 5 p ra i smtvfl refrigerator rood mechanicil condition reasona also 1 24 general elect before you buy see the reversible snow blower top value at lqw price 8772180 2123 jnc stove gtnrantced 8776230 hfvltolft for sale double bed mattress spring best offer 8774514 1958 chevrolet for sale runs good 100 8774588 1953 foki half ton pickup phone 877 2582 after 5pm quickchange from pushhack to pull ahead control chute from tractor seat patents pending end of season specials tull line of tractor mounted snow plows lillistoncanada ltd dept d po box 5000 oakvilte there s a distributor near ou write for his name 2 ig 1ih3 hfvltolft biscayne wood for sale for slovoand low mileige eir carrier baby fireplace also tree removal crib with mattress llpjd babv fully insured 877 2031 carnage hand lawn mower folfy automatic filer rc toother power setter reason good used and new furniture j able 8789594 milton on sale dailv trades taken 1 tomamsiennf convertible ashworlhs sales rooms next loblaws m urn mp ton 4590580 tf v8 automatic radio all power 25 000 miles 1525 8782244 act now pian excellent conditio 877 4874 300 phone for sale portable typewriter sale 8770183 w0ra1sapk0bllm usej pamovin the onedose ircatmentl for pinworms available at your local drug store 22j paconi dead stock removal ltd highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses 73 rp67 97c 67 zenith 97950 24 hour service tfj wanted by walnut ranch crippled and disabled animal i 24 hour service mu 91044 lies no 133rp208o42 tl wanted wanted used office type writer filing cabinet and stcno chair 8774526 we buy all types of scrap metal including old cars etc 8776226 tf will pay cash for used fur niture and appliances jean s home furnishings 877 9219 tf contents of homes bought for cash furniture appliances pianos antiques etc auctioi refrigerators fully reconditioned all mcs full guaranteecd from 95 goodlets economy hardware 5 main st s 877 2551 trophies for ill sport pies in our store pill 1358 mfteor two door sedai a i t j v8 standard white walls radu trip avoid the rush and disap pomtmenl bv plating your or der for spring deliver of our tent 1 ruler also rentals complete set of mcchani 877 3408 or 877 4118 3 2 look also a set of laps nnil dies professionally conducted aicttp i best offer phone after 5 p m ashworth s sales rooms next ail statf insurance frill loblaw s in brampton 459 circle protection auto home atl j q58q contents accident sickness 1959 pord 6 cvlinder good life agent w h scott body al motor rood tajlnr 4 1383 guelph phone needs transmission repi collccl tf r77 iari alregis auction sales residential agricultural industrial alfred r spence i ii iin i- ii i auctioneer ook sttu t- glen wtlfciams- 877 3306 comhh i sid ptippv fi mil skis head vectors 210 cms mirker tow tvroln oble cost new 200 stll for 95 877 2744 catalogue sell cl ion discounted prices at sports corner mill st at wilbur act in 853 2uo 3q arf yolr feet killing nc trv ice mint for wonderful re amazingly quick relief for and j 75 al dis omfnrl of nnulh son s irl while emker spots dmlal plile sores tender gmiv with hrlch 1 chfvroift risrivne 4 rs sire mouth mr 1 cine si 00 door good condition sliwhitl it ioti- lividsons phamncv transmivsn baynes farm animal service up to s5 00 fnr fresh dead disibled cows or horses top prices for old horses call guelph 8228061 collect license 49 rp67 64c67 gibsons dead stock service br0adl00m wall to wall or area quick and mficient service call collect 789 2693 free oil painting if wall to wall industrial broadloom sales warts an hukal remedy nlhtly waxot on hancii fitr feci permanently remmrd wlih n 3 to 5 wttki with deichton3 wart b rol an acid harm ten to ftaalthy tkln at del rex drugs good new used furniture 3 p bedroom si itf s 7i refrigerator sln1 s3 refrigerators eiecs from rd till d i r hi st rm in id e 111- atl i 8oj up to s5 for fresh cows and 877 after 5 horses 5c lb for old healthy tf horses we can tell you the cause of death call fergus collect 843 2240 or 84d 2519 or brampton 451 3907 license 346cb5 223- hp 65 380 c 65 i fiec1kk uitr iml amph her for s ile all after u p in 877 6700 mondjv luevday thursdav or iriia 103 phi fff tri es c p nhhs hook sin ives- clnniij ill si omk ind dir ntiniiel iiihs ill dcln rih f irtorv 11 hivrr drive opt n mnndij lo prirfiv 1 i m lo p m tf banish corns callouses irnili in nrn t ips a highlv rlttitivi nif d riled jnil results innnti erf f niind s lirgest tdv f t tu i ihl i i cen nadi opportunity for experienced data processing equipment operator needed to operate ibm 36020 computer and unit record equipment in new modern manufacturing plant telephone 8776953 the general fireproofing co son s i harm icv 1 i 11ih i ifi aaz i hi uinds hems hi ks plus hund i i ilivi slilches kill tltirhmenk rlnne trrepled is il write deiler s htrild box ii contents luxurums home iiina cabinft chestfruft d suite 2 pc maroon fnee gas stovf 3 burner typewriter porlihle remington verv rood condition with case brampton community furniture no 7 hwy ao of isr up sell epinleh lmmrdnle po i in r n i inz of eleginl nrh 1 r vincnl piere din rmra ii t imported fruit d brmhf m i in e cushion 4 r rhp ti rfield italnn bio with rhu i opein oil punt mirhle limps sewing muhir cold ru hick chiirs eofte an nul lihles mir irapes 21 x 5 frell phone 41h 880 0044 2 35 s51 45 georgetown district high school requires l maintenance handyman to carry out a i types of maintenance 8 hour day basis j security officer lo be on duty from 4pm to m dnigrit duties mdude supervision of build ng during this time and some i ghl odd jobs about the building apply by elter w th resume of experience to d f turner principal georgetown district high school 70 guelph street crvstil ind 7iz 7a enlal provit electronics brampton 4510530 stereo hi fi tor honest dependable merchandising 1 ilu open fvrnlncs 10 p m saturdivs until 6pm tf special purchase oconnor aluminum products aluminum windows and v doors awnings and siding 877 3984 t save 30 room size rugs n acr1lan royal blue sale price m compare at s10t 9x12 50 nylon 50 acrilan saze green compare at 95 40 sale pnce s59 95 9x12 acrilan plush coffee color sale price 10900 compare at 159 912 nylon light cold sale price s6 95 compare at 107 40 9x12 st nylon so acrilan lipstick red compare at s95 40 sale price 59 95 9x12 acrilan eficshell sale prke j 59 95 compare at 10750 9x12 acrilan nutmcc sale price 69 95 compare at 107 50 9x12 nylon turquoise blue sale price s9 9s compare it 05 9x12 nylon muslard gold sale price 69 00 compare at 107 9x12 nylon roval blue sale price 59 95 compare at 95 9x12 50 nylon 50 acrilan sign green compare al 95 40 59 00 brampton community furniture no 7 hwy brampton 4510530 open evenings till 9 p m for honest dependable merchandising pianos organs by baldwin sales md sfrvk f inciudjnr pnnn tuning barber piano a organ co 3 main st n tr 73482 passports advirr and toistmce with pissp ns oi any nat onililv complete travel service at no extra cost to you barber henley ltd 27 mill sl 877 2214 insurance a travel agency le iilki reeoriln tran liallti und amateur hind minne s ridio walk tsi fiuipmrnt tape md irussorirs inter 1 lephone eiimpment r md fm rulms lulies l 111 is kits md ii bineular- irlojpci micros cope- fantistic sivinrs irices below wholesale from one of camtii s create t mail order heclroilies and scientific sup- plv houses send 25c refunded fnr ennt hirjain picked catal okue mcludinc listinks of hun dreds surplus and used dec ironic iti nis ftcu fleelronis dept- 1 w p o box 741 mon tml gut her electric stoves heaw dutv fc d choice 40 30 and 24 pnct from 29 95 mi gin ran teed goodlets economy hardware 5 mam st s 77 2551 carpets fartorv ends of rolls runners room swes r off res price goodlets economy hardware 5 mam st s 877 2551 merchants smillwirch novelties drv goods pp nnces giflware tovs nte for free catalogue circle ales a import ltd 2080 si ljwrence koutevard montreal p g drpl c excellent opportunity for a young man we- are looking for a voting min between the flkcn of 19 and 22 who is nteresierf m hts future and what he is foing to be doing in five jears time this voiing man should have at least a grade 12 education be neal and should tnjo meeting and dealing with the public he will receive a complete truning programme in all phises of newspiper circulation work tn the right min we can offer a good starting silarv with all usuil companv licnofits plus an oulslanding future pro motions within our company recent iv have opened this position mil ihe sureessful applicant will hive everv oppor lunilv nndc avulible to him for idvancement applv b letter statin your age educitmn w lence elc or eontict mr m smith circuh the daily trnies and conservator brampton irkm exper on manastr georgetown separate school board tender for new eight room school for the venrgetown separate school boinl georgetown ontario sealed lenders on a stipulated sum bisis plainlv marked tenders for fiemenlar school for the georgetown sep arate school roird will be received until 1 00 p m thursday february 23rd 1967 at the office of douglas allen architect 116 yonge street north richmond hill ontario or mr e malison 23 main street south georgetown ontario plans and specifications ma be obtained from the archi tect on a deposit of a 25 00 certified cheque pavable to he architect this deposit will be returned on return of plans and specifications in good condition tenders of mechancal and electrical subcontrictors wilt be deposited in ihe guelph construction assncntion 116 que bee street po box 714 guelph onlano not later than 300 pm wcdnesdav february 22nd 1057 plans mav be viewed at the guelph construction associa tion the toronto construction association and at the office of the architecl lowest or anj tendrr not necessarily accepted f mmjson secretary treasurer 116 georgetown separate school board u junior technician wo require a recent technical school graduate to bim electronic tube manufacturing a basic knowledge erf electronics is desirable we offer excellent working conditions in a modern air conditioned plant employee benefits include hospitalization and medical dlarur slock purchase and profit sharina dlan reply to varian associates of canada ltd 45 river drive georgetown wanted third class stationery engineer weekends off 2 75 per hour fuel 9 months natural gas 3 months oh apply box no 14 herald bread salesman wanted apply at t0astmaster bakeries armstrong avenue s7762j1 inspector an assembly and metal parts manufacturer in th georgetown area require a floor inspector applicants must have a basic knowledge of inspection be able to make layouts read and understand blueprints and inspection instruments must have at least two years high school education hospital medical and life insurance paid for by the company apply personnel dept standard products georgetown limited 346 guelph street georgetown ont f at our new plant in airport area we will have jobs waiting for mechanics to work on allis chalmers and pfth heavy construction equipment apply in person only at our new location northentt corner of no 401 and d xe road on any saturday morn ng between 10 am and 12 00 noon starling february 1 1th entrance ts off dixie road usl north off no 401 sheridan equipment ltd r l crain ltd offers sales opportunities in business forms and systems service we require meitbctween 25 or 3s grade ml certificate or better background in accounting dal processing or svslema n4 methods would be an asml we offer a complete and comprehensive training program above average income and associated benefits a career in one of the most rapid growth industrlfle l canada a challenging and creative type selllm for appointment write or phone business forms by crain r l crain limited 627 mam street e hamilton ont phone 5221134

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