Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 6, 1966, p. 1

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georgetown would emerge kingpin in proposed peel h alton plunkett report recommends scrapping all existing local governments and boundaries n scrapping of all existing rural and a southern urban ifred spooner with the northern county tentaiwith the largest population iticousy toronto gore eaqueawlslssanga would include toronto councils plus th two existing l j to township and vil- with only one governing council 1 the present ualton and peel uveiy called rural peelbal would have the largest repce- and nasaagaweya geographic- township port credit streets- county councils to bo replaced muaimj j i i i i i the ally georgetown is ut the con- ville brampton bramalea and by one council each in tho nor elude tre of uw 510 square mile burlington and oafcvole then j southern counties the i j v uswu w i icucu mm luiueuaj uigu uj iivvmj uuui quxis a 4btcbuji uawiviuu wuuiu vmcrbfjinouju jluhio outuju fiiotod jcounty i inls would ft wiping hit ll iln4rt of couakfuors woulq do i two new c a northern i municipal affairs minister wu from highway 37 to hamilton kingpin of the northern county caledon caledon bast chlngua- wwie the southern or mi i of seventeen local community continued on pago 2 ads that pay i ftm can elan ihm claerffm aaaae kr j 77b01 earfaa ar tile haram is waai bwnrfl thai hat lawha t georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing loc7 efferlng hi boat in vine i hw assacand ctasa mall peat offica dapt ottawa and far payaeant of postage in cash o ontario thursday october ath 1966 5 00 par year sagas capy frica tan cants gaiety kecpit popular that 6040 ratio almost a reality j 120th georgetown fair had something for everybody lton coomtts oldest annum fau1 fair tho esqueslng agrfeultuter socetyi georgetown fair held in the rk friday night and all day saturday had something for just about everything no matter what their interest top jeftt small fly find waterless boat ride tt asmuch fun as the other kind top right a good horse and pony show lained grandstanders during the afternoon bottom ieft exhibit hall displays included smocking other hand bottom right a popular part of the program was the fairs first quarter horse show old and rainy weather uts annual fair crowd how is successful event espite adverse conditions utbough run showers and tatening weather plagued getown fair on saturday t nevertheless was a huge sue l hie 120th annual addition i filled with thrills for the tger set and an interesting i for the not so young while the gate receipts suf i to some extent they were t down as much as had been lated had the rain come tt could have been dis- tresldent ken ella welcomed i fajrajoers from the stand and introduced mrs lloyd top- ham of woodstock ontario la dies president fall fairs who officially opened the fair tel ling of the early beginning of agricultural societies and citing over two hundred fairs in op eration in ontario today r r stewart of peterboro ontario president of agricultural soc ieties also brought greetings from the ontario government stealing the limelight at this years fair was the quarter horse show which was held for the first time the many fine horses exhibited drew the applause of the crowd and came from as far as marine city hi chigan and new york state over fifty horses were shown charlie fogal of r r 1 george town did a fine job of announ cing for these classes don nye of kilbride was ringmas ter and the judge hank sny der came from new jersey another fine attraction was the jumpers while not as plen tiful as in past years neverthe less pjt on a fine exhibition lloyd marks handled arrange ments for these events carriage horse and pony clas ses rounded out this section of the fatr continued on page 2 lean ruddell tells p women of life in spain portugal mrs maureen walker presi mt of the business and pro- 1 women s club was t- the chair for their regular meeting at the north ilton golf and country club t monday evening plana were discussed and bulbed for the annual rnmm- l sale which will be held in the mockart building on hill on friday evening and isatorday october 14th and 15 lairs ada wilkinson and hiss jjean mackenzie are in charge of this project plana were also discussed for ithe tjnvbeglonal meeting to be held in brampton on november sth and 6th when the local club lis in charge of various portions ot the weekend allotted tt is expected to have a 1q0 attendance from the club after the regular order of maine and monthly commit ts reports were given hiss i rnddell program conveo- ler took over the meeting she i took the members on a quick itnwr of spain and portngai via laid and commentary ruddell had enjoyed this port ion of her trip very much this summer and her commentary spiked with her lively in terest in the countries and their people modes of tn as portation beauty architecture agricultural methods accom modation food and entertain ment after completing her slides she talked of the trip by rail through europe and their various types of trains and ac commodation which was most interetnng mrs loreen san fonlexpressed the appreciation of the club the meeting clos ed with the benediction barry hamilton christine leslie wed in stjohns a double ring ceremony st johns united church day evening september united in marriage christine ivonne leslie daughter of mr and mrs ivan leslie 42 victor la ave and robert barry ham ilton son of mr and mrs rob ert hamilton 60 main st n rev ian fleming conducted the ceremony the bride is a georegtown municipal office employee and the groom is employed at pro vincial paper td mrs d kentner was the bride s ahendant and the groom s brother john hamilton was groomsman a reception at the home of the bride s parents followed defeated motion would have eliminated wards plebiscite an attempt by reeve w hunter and cr w smith to have a motion passed in may rescinded stating that there will be a plebiscite asking vot ers if they stilt want a ward system or a return to a general vote was defeated at council monday this means the plebis cite will be held as decided earlier in the year reeve hunter contended that it should be left the way it is to see if the plunkett re port is going to change every thing l r hyde admitting he had not read it et felt it would be many years before the report was implemented if ever he claimed that the people had tried the ward system for a few years now and should be given the opportunity to ex press their opinion again nobody has complained ab out the ward system said cr smith not even one person has been down here to oppose it cr harrison maintained it was only democratic to ask the people what they want cr ballentine felt he expen se was unwirranted since most ratepayers seem satisfied the way things are now deputy reeve j young ex pressed the fear that citizens would feel council was dissat isfled with the present system by puttng the question to a vote again the plebiscite will be held along with the regular election balloting as was passed in may opposing the plebiscite were crs smith ballentine deputy reeve young and reeve hunt illegal parking meters to stay headless the parking meters which recently have sprouted in new locations on main eet north and south and westeyan st will be decapitated that is have their heads removed until council meets with the parking authority at the moment there is no by law whiih they could legally be enforced cr hyde admitted he had erred in suggesting the chang ing of parking on wcsleyan st without consulting the park ing authority but claimed the parkinr authority hah iso by erecting meters bclore the by law is passed cr hyde contended ihjt pn vate dwellings on the main st hill should not have parking meters in front of them do we need a parking auth ority asked mayor glbbans tthrnk ifs too- far fetched to put parking meters every where it was decided to have the chief cither cover or remove heads of all the meters not yet covered by the by law another two million assessment in two months says commissioner the magic assessment figure explaining that building of a few years ago the 6040 ratio is coming closer to real lty assessment commissioner cliff hibbert told council mon day night at present witho- t the industry under construct tion the ratio is 68 resident lal and 32- industrial or com mercial as of september 30th geor getown s population was 11 665 an increase of two hundred over last year the assessment also increased and now totals 16 746 049 a 3 675 increase presently being constructed not included in the assessment figures mr hibbert predictd within six months there would be approximately two million dollars more assessment with much of it being industrial he suggested the town would then be close to the 6040 ratio 6 85 of the total ment is assigned for separate school support said the report were going in the right direction said the mayor a most encouraging report- rt rev crh wilkinson anniversary speaker at st pauls norval sunday want to add eight more rooms stewarttown school with additions to stewart town school just completed the esquesing school board came to council monday night seeking tentative approval for eight more rooms at stewart the ceremony aeter which tnejtown couple departed for a honey this would bring the school moon trip to niagara falls jto sixteen rooms general meeting teachers council here ust week the georgetown teachers council held its fall general business meeting in the audit orium of the howard wriggles worth school wednesday the main function of this body of teachers is to promote and further the aims and ideals of education in this community the president of the council mrs jean dunlop welcomed all teachers to the meeting and called upon committee chair men to introduce their commi ttee members to the assembled teachers and to outline their programmes for the coming year with new emphasis plac ed on varying areas in educa tion each year it is necessary for teachers to spend many ex tra hours attending lectures and planning programmes to keep abreast of modern trends three apartment buildings planned for river drive three apartment buildings on river drive where it slopes down toward mbantainview road were proposed to council by developer howard caton monday night when he unveil ed the plans in the first stage only one thirty six suite buildng would be erected on the five and a half acre site which is already toned r4 r4 permits multiple dwellings the engineer could see nothing wrong with it said mr caton but he said in view of something recently on john st i should come here the plans wilt be studied by the road committee the prop erty committee and the sanita tion committee before a deci sion is made high school numbers sink enrolment at georgetown and district high school has slip ped to 1 047 fifty withdraw als were recorded during sep tember weather sat at mllh li iw 27 tiies a 2 wad 57 31 29 tlnm 61 43 30 fw m 41 oct 1 sat 52 31 2 son 94 39 3 hon 82 high lor sept m sept 1 low for sept 29 tspt 27 bredpttalioa 13 laches alicia r a so itl artists sketch of completed general fireproofing punt metal office vutnltum manufactuftsno hum now under construction on guolph st in georgetown s indstrwl park will dominate towns eov m ntranoa the 120th anniversary of the congregation of st paula anglican church moral u celebrated on sunday october 2 with a full church for festiv al evensong and a packed par ish hall for dinner the special preacher at this service was the rt rev cjls wilkinson assistant bishop of niagara mr ormie carter was bishops chaplain the officiant was the rev harold l uewet n the flowers on the altar were placed there by the family of the late harold hoyer during the receiving of the offering the choir sang the anthem lead helord bishop wilkinson dedicated i baptismal ewer and two cruets to the service of god and st paul s those gifts were provided through the generos ity of the late marjorie mac- pherson who lived for a timo nerval and was a cousin to mr harold gollop among the special guests were rev r- j stanley former incumbent of the parish rev r duncanson minister of nor- val presbyterian church and mrs duncanson rev w ridley minuter of nerval united church and mrs ridley and children mr roland haines rectors warden of st albana glen williams and mrs haines and rev robt coopland het or of const s church heatnrd and mrs coupland rev coup- land attended st paula as a boy the tables were laid out in the parish hall in an autumn motif and the meal was provid ed by the ladies of st pauls with mrs c coomber as eooven er during the meal messages of congratulation and best wishes txpressed by various guests on behalf of the diocese of niagara the presbyter wi church and the united church a large birthday cake provided by the st paul s ladies guild was cut by rev harold llew- euln assisted by mr prank howard rectors warden and mr kees van gent peoples warden rev r coupland pointed out the large number of child ren and young people among participants in this thanksgiving service suttaf that they are evidence hal this community of christians will continue to worship anr work with great potential tot the congregation of st pauls in the years to come the meeonf was formerly dosed with a blessing from the bishop and them resumed informally as old friends mot and new ltfendsttps came tnts being

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