and mrs h kiavkolns mew budget then flection possible in spring hariey 1 northern electric employees marry l and ms harvey harold klaukolnt cut tkwr ck at tkair rocapliosi at ysllow briar linn bfmpton tlntir marriag at st goro anglican church friday novamb oth tk bruj i th former lynda arthurs daughter of mr and mrs ronald artfv i tm 2 georgd st and th groom is the ion ol mrt h peaion nairwilu on and mr itkuvkplfu icilchenar i asmoov0 childrens aid work explained to instifufe th wiatll inililule chi p end education meel- wa held tmetday alter- nov 17th it lb lovely bom of 11 fcnd urt wllaon j charier st in letown pretldent urt bird opebed with tht ode ad tnd j sacy hit bab alexander tad the minute of september pveetln knd alee the family ftlgbt held id october lii slaw- fci lull durlni the eor- perlod ten dollari voted towarde muacular ah it wu moved t w continue to help with needy famlllei it chrln all wn in favor of ord- i taring a box of twentyfour i apfron with the ontario creit jb thert mr john bird kve tome very in t creating hlsh lithta from the guelph try convention ind urt hector bird a very full account of the day at the dlatrlct director meeting held la llllton recent- ly then the program wai turn ed over to tin john mcnibb who introduced the guest tpeik- rr ur paul jolllffe from the children aid society an or- itniiatlon dedicated to the children and parent which ha euff of twenty people they ear for children from nexlee- ted hornet onea whoa fath ers have deterted ihem or where the children are being cruelly treated and alto un married mother they alto aerve georgetown artoa oak- villr nauixaweya uilton and durllniton lie thowed lovely november wedding coloured slid ta uluslrau the wdodarful work itwy do and mtimd viyiii to be6u4 maaabcjni tf h sociaty mr j u wkkaait uuakad urn for th iauratinj informiuoa be had 1j with tin utmuri ttoll call u nwtd by how to get your child to want to uarn urn jamaa u elhill had th trtotto whtn you fed ucau a man you fcdutau ai lrt- divldual whn you tducau w4mn you tdutata a fatally curreiit tvntj by urt cturua austin mr ii ttird thankaj tb hoitru and all wh bad taken part and a aoeul bout followed on thursday evening nov 11u ur and urt j u wick- wa attandftd th wardens dinner at th brant inn bur- lutjrton the weekend of nov 14th ur and urs harold bailey motored to chapleau to visit bis sister and her husband ur and mrs boh patton and their ehlldfan robert and jan et that unw weknd ur and urs clayton wllaom nwvt- bred to rochear new york to visit her able and husband mr and mr rudy sells labour council demands probe of psi hikes ceorje ktir upp foe hal loo county wj reuaaud to deriuhd public limulry uu th uftwimuled incraei in p5l premium by the oakvllu blatrlct labor council which mbraeej a nutnber of corge town lociu the psi ittcreated prem- lirmi approximately 20 in 1mb apprtilmalely tt in 1s83 and 1m reaptetively in letter kddraaaed to jjr kerr from the council it wai men- uoned that n overall irtcreaw ol b0 wai mad alnce 1ds4 tlierfl haj beenno aatlafae- tory explanation llven to the general pobllc to juithy that increaaei mentioned the la- oour council in uie utter add- resaed to mr kerr william gllllei tecreury of the hilton county central l- bor body ald thc lncreae- eia in ratea and premiuma are aurely far above normal and ctittomary increaaei the ontario federation of la bor haa made the time re- queat recently front the ontar io premier ottawa aa eiaat tu avftac after antakai ad ta a dmhact jlealafmty nr harry sarar ukl tv erha4 aem ker today jar hartey aam k taw uttva ulty tl aa aactai ht- ilaal r fare ever ota aawaee laat are carnatiy fan ta aeeaa aad aprmj af waa th auluat bkaiy tax cuta at ta ik eprtac mp aald i aeiwa aaay be atada acraaa tw beard aad aftoet batb nai aad carporau taue bat taay aaay paly aaare la tae a ux neat- he aald w tblnka ike cav umc w areparad i lauaw tke bed w tke uamed cuiea wakk taadar tor tke new koeae r tke aaad awre ta ca ft ke tedaeaaay ha it bat have baaa extaaded ta nov to ataaer sttperinunejcal k- a- a ut fickt u oalay a aata aa ike laaearttna oaf ninew fraaa tke p i keva talked to ta my rldtafc tkry an aeeea to vaat a airtalu da ea tkt imam- i dean tklak to aaaay waam abject tt i ge meant te oaalty fare- to aaay caaeare ta erdar w ad tke debate altar all tke ihiaanlenrae are vaatty dllt- eu aaw rkaa tkey waradar- ta tke alaauae de vbaa lets play bridge fey bill ooates f y s msbot tendon desdliimctcnded as ifcl47 sttsnsifm lata tatfaa atutad cosatracton tt- irtw tutlan ti fljooojooo u uahoa clttbs msjts dtav ffn4 aa a enj be abarad eaade b etkar baportaat doata aa tke mr alton elated needed naare tw hew buildiar u to be few ooore klfh and wtll pro vide iso bade coat vt tke baudtol per bed la uxoo to b will be connected to ike lletlnl atntcture by ea ba- dennuilid tanoel l xkeaei aad aadltoeiaa ful- munkaljty of esquesmg domination meeting afaba eitk a mel la wk cpk maji l o monday novembst 30th ima at 1 jo wdark la aba unlit lea tka aaraaaa w waila taadtdatee far mat e el kztve drvty iizvi aad otwpcxluzu or be yar ims aad twa a af tka 1 ra atoard toneaip scfcooi area me 1 far tke jjl aatj tpae acumotarllm lejofffca i ktoea a aay readera win kave reailaed by bow tkat da not play rabberbrldae et tke aetna bridie oak i kave bead tka weed duplicate bride la previoue cehiaaoe aaaay tlmee aad ii la dnplicato bridpe tkat la played at tkevactoa bridaw clab ike auto dlfler- betwaea rubber bridfe nd dapucato bride la to tke atrauay af tke taax bat la tke nie a rubber bridaa player tan alt dawa tnd pley duplicate and vice vwraa bather tfcaa try aad plaid tke duferam u tkle rolama i have obtained tool the ato- ertcaa contract bridie leajue booklet entitled caey culi to duplicate brldxe thu booklet deecrlbee in detail iurt what duplicate bride la and it lad upialnj tke aim tad func tion of the acbk thla book- tot u free for tke eeklnf i bop that many ec toy reed- e will lake tke apportunlty of madia- out tor tkemaekee jtlat what dupllcata bridpi i to obtain your rca py a eaay culde to duplkato brid- ti iuat vend i reqaeat to th ahsa bridie club box s acton or phone tub i would like to thaw hand that tallied fe player toort rrlf whea played laat wmk at tke actoa bridy club ttll hand aerve to lllurtrato tke taxing value of aa honor from bo trorap to ault detler weet both aid vulnerable heerh s 0 i s ii q 10 7 j d 4 s c a q watt sj 7 s ii 8 s 4 di 10 s cj b 7 x 10 4 ii x j i d x q s c 10 a tautk k a q 1 ii a s j d a t 7 c k 4 3 1 suuetted blddlni vveei paaa pat meetb htet paaa paaa j nt all paaa laotk 1 nt the point that 1 wlih ta make ll that point klven for ace and una- la evaluating a hand do not reitoct the true atrenx- th ei tke band south haa it palate la btxk eerda tkle la a bat aaaamertb brrltoe wltk x nt beatk biaei pea- aca era aeack naar haerul at ault aaatrect tkaa tkey v at be traaap abva boutk kaad u ucklni to toiddl cerda tk lfa aad f tkat auk ae tramp aailer twa declarer went to i nt batk down twe twa ethar eteppat at a nt on taaklnl aad dawa en rixht trick are tker an i elub apealni a toal a declarer atari on fcaert kaawdlately kad keep aa entry to dumeay bamembee to kak for your rrw kapy mi eaay culde to duplicate bridle balooej vrlnniat lal rr mr jack coat mr bill caal sad rr mr tool warn mr bui hamlltoa rd pr mr rraaca mcria mr marion huaur ja black now full magistrate jem kt black so hu bean appointed full biailatrtl for hilton county it wax toe iratulatod an hi appolntnvant by lawyer in eaurt laat wed- baeday mr black taid b rwcelved botlc of the kppolataaent laat waek it u retroactive ta sept lat llallon county now haj two majrutratax tk other belnjf tceaaetb m lanxdoa of cece- xatown harris r0ral ajtbateoajaararrs po vautv occa m mt1tyxstl gordon campbell photo mr and mrs fred harrison met and wis red harrison jr cut their wedding caka at reception following thalr recjnt marrlaga in 51 georgst anglican church the brldo if tho former karon norton ii daughter of mr and urt grqver morion 6 ontario street and the groom 1 the ton of ulr fh harrltbn r r 1 geor getown imri margarerlogen brampton wat tho matron of honour and the brldeamalds were mliilyrtdo cuthbert the brtdet coutln and mitt undo poofsen both of geor getown the flower girl wet the groom i titter mitt heather harriton mr jack guda was thegroomtrnan and mr john cuthbert the brldo t uncle and mr robert dilchflold the toomt coutln were ushert i v f i i r- ivlj m m taxi owned by td and welly magdy phonf 8774817 courtoiy and promptnetf tw cokpokatton of tm towtt oc otottoixowu girls pipe band levy and bus franchise subsidy a vol of the electort qualified to vote according to the latl revlied volertllit of the town of georgetown will be takemat the forthcoming municipal election an saturday dfimau srh 144 balwaan the hourt of 930 am and 7 do pm on the following quettlont it contained in the corpor ation of the town of georgetown bylaw no o427 and bylaw no 643fv respectively 1 are you in favour of etablthlng and malrw lalnlnga fund amounting to a levy of 500 annually for the tupport and aid of the georgetown glrll pipe band 2 are you in favour of the corporation of the town of georgetown paying a tubtldy not to etccbed 424000 for period of one year to provide for the maintenance and operation of a but aervlce for the conveyerice of pailen- gort within the town of georgetown the final tummlng up of the volet on the above quea- tlont will be made on saturday december sih 19od et the clerkt office 3o main street north after the doting of the poll i c g benham qltrk of the corporation of the town of georgetown certify that the quettlom ei printed above are true coplet of the quettioni to be lubmlrled to the electort i counhatv u2a cletil arid rirrufnlng offloar increase your interest income 5 tntrit trt 3 id 5 yr 4 h for i and 2 yaari inud in even or odd amount fnvn 100 100000 tooeeww aaw aakrraeey en vjteua jmm mad h ap lnviios iaciixu many iruuranc cxvtvrii munu cipalitiis socialras chufcahxi csrrwlary trusts ttui ic legal tnvitmns for trust funds o savings accounts 4 intoiatt paid tackoned on th kl ija kill ere your paid chequat larva at receipt and may be obtained et the office each month chlldcent account welcomed 1 ttert an account axk for free dime aver save by mail free potgaptd envelope xupplled convenient office hours maadey ttwreeuy o0 tod rvuey sh 40 3f your local trust com amy halton peel trust savings company 152 mala sert miiton mpri laeae skaca tk 82834 u me brampton mar 9 w kaaenwy 4s133as conveniekit office hours man thud 900 500 men thun 900 430 fridayt til 630 rrldayt hi el30 budget priced we vrin thaw yea proof now thl wagrrayau mare far your tvdalter the algonquin model 64 a ufhtad channel indicator xs kmeotlve tube yunctlona one 4 x 6 rroot mounted soeaker a near dtrect vulon picture tube a monltronlc circuit subluxer praset lna tunlrur twoyear pctore tube guarantee i i i- ttle wloha phu i