Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 9, 1964, p. 4

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f t georgetown herald fitabtlik try rjtera roaerape usillaej 23 aaaln street sk qisrotown ontario wxmmmuw page 4 thursday january 9th 19od editomt comment job well done gmbf9vr f ire department elweyt lm- preeee onjpa the public aefvlc tmndptvd by- 25 mert who aefv on a volurtfee bt uf thit important pheie oi municipal paorr on might mvnk thewil would u difficult to f irvd volunteer fw vkii heiefd- poi work far from 1 the- ere lw chenqei in the department tke wrv 25 men belong who war at lea year annual meeting then u waiting liit ihould one retire end newcomer i ere ceremly toeened anj vcled on by ieret ballot balofl they join several of the member boai a quar ter century of memberahlp of cloie to it ditciplirt ii itrlct eherdervce t drill and fire jpeh u t ciota w ov hundfad pe cant ai one could eneeck and gog town enjoy a not favourable lr iruw anca rat beceute of mjt ette-vicy- sondey- annual meeting we merit ax by n alaplon in which deputy chief erwn lewie novd up to th top poet while cogftulailng him on hla new poil- tio w wih to thank retiring chiaf bob bonfmu- for a job well done owe the peat four yai the heeld ii always in dine touch with rr chief a end we have found mr bonluld moat coopefehve in our deet- ingi with him hii inter t in fwefighkng fjnj fif prevention if infante ub other cliicfi who retire from oftce he wih con- tmue to devote hli to the fira depart men at one of 1hete 5 dedicated nvan something from nothing the pending converion of toronto radio i tat ion cjbc to a french language it at ion hat caused tome moit unneceiiary repertuiftioni which might have bean avoided if the canadian broadcating cor poration had ear to ontario opin ion cjbc haa urge itklenjrvg audience which naturally reienlt a radical change in it listening habili but elide from ihii it the expenditure of public money to irrtpoie btcuhureliavrn hi what it an enventiauy tfqiirvi peaking ection of ontario it it blowing up quit ttorm to put it mildly and it it cauting fnctioni whidi need not eniit thinking ontariom are quita willing 1o accept the fact that canada it to toms extent a bilingual country but me on tario lntrpfetatofljllbulngullitrn i that tngliih it the common languaga with whats all the fuss elavation of newtpapar publiihar roy yhomeon to me peeraq hat turned into on of the yeart biggett tlonet a fact which ihould gladden the heart of man who hat been to llgnlflcantly tucceiiful in 4 operating daily and weekly ntwtpapert in many part bf the world ther it a local touch bacsuia tha herald wat acquired five yean ago by thornton nawtpapert arid it one of me group which hat bean to frequency men tioned in the r4wi mil week everyone hat been caught by the dram of e man who ttirted cut in a tmall way and by a combination of effort in genuity hard work and foretightadnett has achieved the ultimate a title there hat been tome good natured twri mail a0 readers tribute to president kennedy mux french a iflcondary one ll ii a relatively new idei that frenchipeaklng rildenh of ihit province ihould be allowed to ute thil language euclutlvely in tfveir education and cultural purtuitt and whatv the muchuoted bna aet might or might not lay it it going to take iome convincing to put acrotl any luch idea to put it plainly we are all for more empham on the teaching of french in our dr editor vchoolt it it an important addition to our perhap you mljm l ittlere- young people in both a cultural ind ay nomic way nor would we argue with a certain amount of french programming on our toronto radio ttjtion but wa are much oppoted to my idaa that becauie canada hat a tecond langu age any canadian thou id be free to chooie thit at hit mother tongue to the exclution of our official cngllth language ii it equally harmful to canada and lo the individual and the fooner we m- tablnh thii fact the better far all concern ed kidding locally about what to call the her ald editor sir waltar teemi to be the prat en favourite but little of the worry which tee mi to be affecting our govern ment about whether mr t it or imv a canadian citizen and whether he can ac cept a title if he it a canadian suely we have patted the ttage when canada wat growing up and it wat popular to thy away from alt thlngi brit 1th in our emergence- from a colony to a member of th commonwealth far from objecting lo titlet being conferred on cane diant we ihould be pleated thaftuch re- a watliolhte ytrtm- cognition ihould be given to one of our j mtt w we west lo a eocktall party jmimaya in fact to tout at than la hd oew oanel after sugar and spice- the cocktail party okaslongastheartsibeomtherkarnid td tad ftad tveo in youj fcal mti4 fof uieae fr verte td vitp alive on ufamory tj jokti y htnady a aou gsoilaomui to vhixrt the world loaked up u tbt arul leader o all tkae in ouf ttmutla aialhat cam- nvuniuu herel to prildm john y kennedy who wu bora in aevnte ii itruad hard to uphold ae b would thiftui tl kreeji and inbiiejarlylhirtut uf wrvd in wowtir lltlped to deeat the kati ftj and eauud huurt waterloo cod kifud him wllb kleei lwjfal humtl pridi a human acoie oi d unity which he carried uu he did he wm noted for hit eout which never aeeued to fade there wj flmttiau in mi tntwer wheti he called for a mockade ilia aim in ue wea pef earth nowjlur where ha trod and with bund 1 lily be aiwaye atrova to walk before bia god in the preitdenlial electlou he nobly took hit itind and defeated hit opoonent who teemed ute better mart countrymen and pleated that mr t intandt to be a citizen of the country where he made hit initial impact in the publiihlng world sing praise gain praises ifi v georgetowm ioy gets award for rescue effort mi a trleeti ceor setrvkc wert weiklne acr tw pmit hurried egt hesk kad john threw wtt hhl theee had awau the wu where he ut tw hey tw cauu heed wu under weir- ww jehe revrhed hini mm oaiiw haimiiilii for ahore icathy whe ww ud on ibt hridew vwe the hoy wu dlo le u04hu rpattdd umkeeatieteiy kttd waded into the uhe the youufctcr i whe wu tirinf fast tl the toixbt u hii weeidy bible thought or pualtb t mu co- clo io tbm cockuli pmjty lor xbmf tmmukalty mm mham tiny ami f- am oft h bw it a bit of xliuoumnr tbm tert lb boeat pub wm tbli pndk nt aani at dob of lambtujr minmwi tout wtks umo double and uw uxrai u luu rood mky i lo b bwtur it m lw w alx my u wuhw- 0 i ntnrtdim um cockuii frit ule fcd bm treat bl at klnt uo- tb tut tul lo trpn tou u lot oi toa abd ulua odly uiroa tk it la ularaporaad lti raourkj la w boll old tbay aor do or uat and wau you tea think aba lanie but i coot ttond bar tw lut lncludoi lb hamaa of lu tba ofopu you boaplullty to tou jnoaoatb coupla wbb look you or rlda in tbalr trumby boot uat auu mar and tookad you lo tha akin in tw nroeoaa and tba nfljthbora who tailed you over or rbarrod aimrcriba one ven ins wttrlt their auurtd uuefcta had anoujttt tafiu not to turn up ala 11 w pl wtva irt- vllaj yau w on oi tkalr calk- tall flu durln tha lit hm vt and hva cauola wk aanl yal ckrtalmai card aftd wkam y4j kad cut om your hit and tha tau ovwrl tho block who laokad ohw your doi tha day you wr at wadduo and tha couaj you dont know hut vrho uak lav tfcfttv lga paid vlait alio to wu to moot with gonaral dagoullt tleln the tint proaldtnt to ontor ottawa in hay o alxtytwo he bonerrod wllb phnur ulnlator wanukr and ntha htonabor oatho crew in tilt abort tknt that ha apnt thtr unto tho houa ha apoka and in rowonobronoo on tba krounda ha vlantod a rod oak baltu at iriah origin in juno at autytbroa ho vliltad nlalloni in tha aouth who wakotnod him with klao in dublin rity atroou vera jarmmd a they waved thai old eobaan tbolr token of amoctlon w t iproauatoworaaen scocv thowjuto o tin la it ia 0 uattrr o lite fat- thoaa tinj atlifwj tha tirt ua0ll to tkaaa lo cod and turn mmm iuuih rm thai u they will john kfadooa a- 0 ilr j tha jth f you i tca uahaao 1 klao sa and kutby llaauuacor aat near uakaud oloh of mr ad ura kiarvyu uoiaaiaaa m rlvef tv were laeuadeel uat of boraoaj boaa a vintei who will rtvr awa or bravery roao tw cja lluoume aaaoeutioat tha uat amada tuxr ua 60k inehidaa wiooeat of aav van hltdila m tarraaiiiil ttf tlitalaa aod aw rottifkotea of coowoaodotlotb- joho uxkaa and ilathy hav llnar will rocoiy afcrrhaiait ccrtleotea ee lheur elforta io roaciinjt cary hiahaall to drooraintf at the lower twee mill danl aoanat 1 ltah- gajry a 4 b woo acottod llarialiiaat tat leea hla bood ajbovo tha a of tha waitr mm lha fnt aaaico vou now have atavanty- seven namea on your hat ko you iu acratchlnc tbla too la lun joe and uahal aire ivan tha ao baeauaa joe al ways ej atohad ulrlant and kwer to down tba drain ba you toed but jaowvj lfa a bono eat a dtflonck cmor 1 nobody wfa baa foaw to tboil trpbblo of tattlno bety t tar aad jmtin as kit beat tuft at to oclock uliaj w- oooo baa aav intonatoo uf 10- inti bomaunu ba boa aouat about tvao dollao worth oftmo i only xaa of amokod yarjan j yoovf oaw bovajkit is your ute o but abaao are all on tjbe attr- raoa byproduct kkkt ibo tool dalubt of tba oocklail party aa wa all know la tbo ootreereatioa whara alao do too jiru gat a ehoncaj u bar tbalr aoula oamoot aa thoroufsv ly u tbalr boaomat wbaro alaa can you hear a obap toll tba aecna ilory ba told at too last thraa cocktail partlaa and tall it arn bettcrt whan i atartod wrltlna thla eelunwi i waa fooling a bet trttl trmaoj of the eecklell warty but dorleaj tha uraataa i bare aoma raalba that ihaeva naehlna oulta llko ii b maahv- aaelaty methane unleat it mujbt ba throwlnt uooa to aba ouiauana georgetown herald ovhuahad by koaao mewaoapera llaelted caortatown ootirto walter c klehn puhluber oahuid mcclurey froductlon suterlbtandent tarry llirly allien bradlo akmt editor accountant a llac douglai adveritalnjc uanmar ura wihlijn geuie oerk tyout anna currte reporttr peter jonea hotographer ualla clark bava uaailni bob haikarvtlla mylaa gllaoat john ucclecoetita altmbar oi tha canadian weekly newspapers association ind the ontario neatclatloti cwn jl award winner chiropraqor doatalb a cav dc ajwoialaaenta made dally cat ttt rmot 1 aauln ju eeorwerawii im pan reformed church choir au rocomng plaudltiastrio ratult of rocairtt paafv public parformarki mjblorlt patrl choir of the xhtlatltn roformed chprrit- dlrectod by pcssoir fompoaod of native born nethorlandora- wat one of the musleelo in the high tchoplaudllorlufri was tuch ttucceit nof the world was shocked at the ale a null ilka tbla should moat inriniurajtcrtnker 1 apeooh pwaa yldltuj down the alroot dallsi tons mi tha dace accompanied by hla wife too total ehots wore fired at him took away hla ufa y hla name will go down ln hlatory no mttter wttstro ba uea but its tad to think toaeujathla world of otira brtvt men are la omo say rlethnliel may the lord hove mercy on wtaoul aano one knowa their time and may be ahoo hla mercy taaltnoteeonnocted with thl droadhfl crime george graham v r h 1 i4niebouso for dependable sales n and service plymoutff chrysler valiant fiat org truth iiiuntmtodt trmla come to maveat motor saies lawvlanuatjtoim 4r 73w1 chiropraqor cjd w cwruh dc dally by hotter rails arranged jryujl ua mala st warth cajrat at wftwooo ii mouolalaalaw rd s tttlaaeaaa mtt w- r caar it p weetweod tm yam atoa t uu m btvaeriients limttitd wf fine hontaa waller paehotok rait wr urmis barragers ttt -te-slsierk- lee fiurlph roc dcpcrt iri cam consult o t waiki owullat praacripllona iliad is vltitt st s brsmplon fll lmjlltes gu0m1 hours am 8 pm dally friday 0 am to 0 evanlnas by appointment robt r hamilton 116 uounlalnvtaw ltd i carrmal bld vor appolntmebt phone 8773971 monuments pollcx camtraiu designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery hong imsh water street north 0 a lt waixaci trfwof jsaljdtehun court caanmlsklenar tttrmas ahtoetsiarrown auumal clinic v laiata uvm lfoatwart aajtcv 108 joaiaipa fareet v ctlalc open tjmm wtw ml me aaawwaasas dale bennett latimer bainei karemen ft tajuiurt douglas v lattidta terencl t hatnu telsnele 7utl 13 alii st ceortatowo geoitje c hewson barruaar and lollclter iis uountfinvlew ltd carrelal hutldlnit gaortfetown th yxi frederick a heuon karrlstar and solicitor 118 uounialnvlew td s carretal oulldlnd geprcetown ttt 7110 mink rltch licensed auctioheeb jpromprfcerylco po bon us t tsffloi ceertatoarbj printing of distinction statkjlents lettebheads a envelopes weddrng myrratipn8 geewirhera i 1 h e manflersod qc barrister and solicitor 6 mih st geortjetown tr 7u64 tvahsicklerba tvarrlslarv aollcltee neary df- wuultnjblllfj u asam- s tr 73a kaplaniord mrrtajtreoi telultire mfwfi ifemlte- x ieiwjrf

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