i ode last payment thi giokoitown hlkald thurtcuy january 34th 1u3 paoe 7 icler jones outrdou n five year pledge completed in three iode members mrs ed wilson and mrs sam pennce turn over the final pledge payment to georgetown and district memorial hospital treasurer mrs william hamilton in front of the semi private roon that the iode money furnished the five year pledge was com pleted in less than three years mrs wilson and mrs pennce were instrumental in rais ing much of si 500 requ red through pnny sales olher funds came from bake sales and a raffle ironically mrs ham lion s also a member of the iode glen williams establish ida norton memorial church fund sildlp trn shilw ir the an 1 cnnsrcpitininl meeting of ic initcd churih wa held 1im wedm rtn iv enns in if lurrh w1h itfi fce in tlit rluir anil mr- c barth a- semim minnie of the 1 il i i mcetinc were rud mil ippn vid ru tretl jne ttu v sion repnrt renewing tin liih lights of the pi l v ninilv the diiln inoii mil of hi new addition m itn ihmi i hrld in vpnl d mnk jrim farmed in ludv the v r i tnt the ah i iminblrilip class held wirkh the auditor report wis si vrn b w schenk the ers rtpnrl a surer showed a the mission iry and m nnten tree i- unci howeri dhout t0l gven to ihu the svinri sihool report mimiiin the li inisiinr r i ihbkink h immhits nh 11 routines tuning licui hi id in the l car the report wjs m t n tnur aging showitu ihi iln mm tv had been raised ta nmuni sales leas bike silcs r lin ing and monlhb ll t great deal of their mioni int into furnishing for the church addition mr w mcciwin give ihr building kind npiri whl w tncourwnr mr f len mcd v ll i k tht choir leadu mr- i ii m ler and mrs h int ir isl for their music cicfi mm dj fillers in hirl t i chairman john lluntir u mi go in n il l hncork the stewirds arr y sihcnk j hunter h ihntnck i i mnrchment b md mx t hunsdale mrinw in envelope strwird mr i wagstaffc m 4 m shvurd 1 mcgovmn mower hud mr- w micowin ud i rs tt srhenk i m ok d it si ill i i ii whuh cimsis til of the nidking of a hlousi r mini it irmli 1 ilrthm ihn in mi displi and juii liil on the alluremini daj ili ih is iniliiil hi mii i iii lor lln tirh mi hi ii nuiud i luiifiuie lor i u iar s kadcrship f iiuriltilmum ire rurndi il ii mr nd mr v iwu fur on n tin liutli of i son in i ri tmwi md llilnit h is i id ihis is i hi first krand child for mr and mrs bill tv r in md mr mil mrs alfnd s kis n i fn i great grand tli id fur mr nil mrs t i hn a vote was lrwuhip hr ikin chnsi or tin vhuh this in niul mcilin dtxnn moved i vi ip flrv jrrrj ill ditors and ihr i i taker mr ml iiniinni work ill th ldi wt it m wa- rstahhshul l lajt saturday afttrnnnn the in willi ims commiinit sup p irt drmip hi id minus in uii 1 r h hill thru irto uis mil i d ituri hi ii slum n ppi i n i a sold mr ii lnglii w is in rlnre of this fur lh child ren while hillj rnhmin ran the piojid r ihi nii mi 1 1 iu for this i iii ii in hdi i n 28th at mrs 11 injis hi me stewarttown make animal toys for fall bazaar kinnilh wilson of viikou ii r m ncml visitor w ih mr md mrs hi rh ri id k n i rkrd it ihe iii id firm f r i i irs md is iiuw cmpl i l ymriimint surv ir fln n m i of mm t u n hi i imiknd umcr with h uiumns mr and mrs hull ii rt m hi lie mic 1 lihain i in kin al ihr mine ilm dn nig school in inrnnlo u liornr fur ihi wukind inn memhrrs atlcndi rl ihr i i im ii si h hn s h ir n i id al hit lmm o mr i mur n on tut mi iv iviu i j i ii hith with ill n luil risiin ihi innluit i pi md wilh pricr sivi n i usini ss iii ins ire diwus id ii mikir animil losr ihi n rk tor thr anniii christmas decorations ballinafad wedding candlis t luhtrd hnmnu- t ec and poiiisdln iltmr ilrd 11 hunt id i mlid huuh on dmmhu 27th foi tin nnrrl a i of hidbith him hi tin mcfuiiv md lolui lliiuv li ir son rtv hilun lohnsion mi n tir f m midiv i i i 1 i i lulled i hurt lies offunud mill diim in hun i sin i n n in ur it lull i 1 il i nit thi hi i h vu i an orj m i i d i in mi ih sh t slik md f ill hn h hi pi i mi ii id p i r i id i ii hiiii il ill ill pul i f utr fti h i rfhri i sh uldir 1m ih tin shi t irmd i n i of ml ro is lm in whit fur and satin mr imuoii bmk if sin 1 li irni was nnlnn tl liomur sin wore a nil hit joun with si illiprl mikiim i ill shirt k m md i uli fur ml arts crafti support new hockley school mmbri of the arfa and cralh of gorbtqwn xpra- md intaratt in ih hocktay vallay school ol flnt artt i craflt whan mr lingwood raporlad on ihis al ihalr ja nuary nwalmg tha ichool u plannad lo bo of raal and tailing valoa mrv lingwood aald not only la thoi who villi itudyand nloy it but ato to iht in- ttrail la tha rta in ontario 4nd n all canada courtfot foe ih lummar r blng ttnallitd and ax- dtlunt fraathar art tying pcocufti rt jadijitiori 7o fa battar linown- trafti lllc iplnning l and paint ing trier aror couriti bting offirad mscandanavlartgyrn naiflci japariava flowof tar- ranging landtcapa gardan ing and opara ski lodgow and olhar build ingi in ih hocklay vallay northaaif of orangaylll will pro v ld itudloi and clait- room local and ratidanlial itudenti will be welcome tha tchool and th anocia tion which has baen formed to administer its affairs are non profit in aniwer to a plea for financial support the arts a crafts of george town has donalad 100 which entitles it to an honorary life i embarship as a founder patron tha arts crafts were guests of mm gladys fra ser at spot on 7 for their mooting tha following officers for 1963 were elected president mrs leslie clark 1st vie president mrs george iron lid 2nd vie president mrs l denney charles treasurer mrs cyril brandford re cording secretary mri l j bell corresponding secre tary mr harry woodcroft publicity mrs h p clarke auditor mrs a m nielsen mri w beatty acton craft conven r miss vi molesworth pro qiam convener mrs thomas beer refre hy mis timents were served fraser mrs a w ifou steep on it 1 x 5 warm u 111 mums fir d m i d sh h s n ihir riidi h id killiru sin an llilhiiil d wl irr t n i ndi i u i i imi i bride on il u m h r hurlinili n a in n ot ihi ihi i m il 1 ill d m ss imm i i d h rmji il arton vi is ori n t ml i u l tdi mi t mrs i sh ii il s u i i if t i v in fore ihr t md fl t i nil had hi hi ii t hold kh i ftp iri 1 idics sirvrd si h kies and tia il ih the rieninc at the muiiin v vice m ihr i mlid surdai dim i ua wrii w n ilti u i rd t i full i r ltj i i irnt fi r 1 hi dilr lilt i ml rs are all ort co ki mrmlir rrrfned ihr mm il their unknown friend or ii wir the rmrlins rlom d ih praier and mis thomas v rnrs nd mrs ildrrj suit n limih hustissrs 1urdiv tannic mutivr- i si josn s choir aloiif with z iihir h il i si i uk i nun il n i r n nun i sluts uui i mi l rfiir li irl ii i t h ulhi im if hn m m ml mil s kin innnti ml l in s i i i inh f ii 1 hs nst itundi i in plim vihuli fo lowd m tu hunh in iiinl li n tin ik ms miilinr re v d wi ir i 1 i7 u r iii il i ii hhin hl dirk i ii i ii si us md or ii f a i ii in rns mr i mric r nriud f r hi r hn thir i i imul i i i liiiituiu h in iilh risi lui hroiin in sr i in i i i u t i i mm niagara falk rnr a hoi mtm i ii j lo i iara f ills nd sny- u k 1 tr ihi hrirlf n ir a wimuw 3rrfn three pure douhlf knit uil vi ih whin lop emliioid ltd in erect a donkej 1mm n it unh mit k ir m in ilrhnii rlvl iiil i nd mill hit sin is cost of operating ap proximat ly 3 00 per aulomt e operation with large heat res provides year around protectio from chill ing provides mg relax sleep indue ition prewarm fore ret the bad be ing dries the bed clothing wrtant five year refund within 10 days if nol l atisfied 1 ill el il 2995 v ii 1 r luiiliir mr ed 1 1 tio bender ir h h kitchene ontario 488 krug street io used cars 7t rtn b tjixim f r mcgossan concntnlifio i han cock tn viinnin- ihr li mh in the kcllosc conn t last saturday u is 4 1 ac tl leiement daj hi id in the atf ni till ura i bui id ins in bramp ton thrrr lrn cirl brlotr 1 ihe te ra olla cluh f which mrs i bl hop is a r der catherine and karcr fihop and rn ifur trr t prt in the project vihal ttttov ii thf hunh hall miicwas i ipn d in itbiri armsiroiik i uh his amplifier and spiak rr poirfio rhips and pop pro udril thr rifrishhirnt urlhr mo hie thi tt7tt tu tfrr ot vtf mi mrs hs i mil 1 1 n hi i 5 t it f william- pihln mlmd u- im imhi hn funis ji ii li 1 sirntsvillr is the mn of the utf mr and mr lirnc tr ir words of the wise trur happmes n 0 a re titcd nature and an enemy f pomp and noise it arises in thr first place from the enj imrnt of ones self and i i ihr nixi from the friend hip md conversation of a lew li it i impaninn- joseph addon j watch crystals replaced while you waiti mcnemara jewellers 26 main st s see our excellent selection ctf verified used cars ov motors ltd 189 guelphst 1776531 halton cooperative medical services v province op ontario chartered corporation since 1947 now offers a nonprofit comprehensive medical care plan to residents of halton county for doctors services by a doctor of your own choice surgical benefits include surgical operations fractures and dislocaton3 burns and lacerations services of anaesthetists diagnostic x ray- confinements cystoscopy and bronchoscope examinations medical benefits include- hospital visits home and office vi us injections health examinations examination of eyei for correction of vision the above paid from the first dollar extra major medical benefits 10 of the annual premium n used to create a mapr medical fund and subject to a 100 deductible the following benefits are paid according to how much it in the fund semi private room costs above ward rate as paid by o h s c ambuunce charges when needed in emergencies nursing care ordered by a doctor prescribed drugs and medicines laboratory services 9 appliances and therapy limited amount of chiropractic osteopathic and psychiatric treatment payments are made in accordance to the schedule of fees of the ontario medical association 1962 reprint general section and subect to tha absolute minimum of conditions and restrictions rates only 1050 per month or families only 500 per month for single person terms quarterly or annual payments as desired monthly rates for employee croups on request reasons why halton cooperative medical services can offer such generous benefits at such low cost 1 ownership and control by the people who uie lit service 1 operation solely for benefit ol members and locally administered for their convenience 3 service at cost services of the directors are on a voluntary basis and in the best interests of all members not for profit not for charity but for service act now for a limited time you may join regardless of age and without a medical examination for a prompt answer to your enquiry send this coupon to halton cooperative medicauservick name pparii dps rerf fa tr mrs roy coulter r r 3 campbellville ontario address s ac yoi w ii it i idr r nhl qat o i member of hr cooperjivr md c st- v re rericli of ontanol