juxornmttaation wanted coming events unorthodox shopper pamnsouqht by police shell out wok umxcjlt fcuaawl of km ptateriia church stksal wui eilkrt l j bojrajj lv 1 1 4j3 ak arft j in 14 st ccortve ft 5 a m uln loo nr wh everyb dumia j u m w v creac ku benrtnppcrtjher- st aidrrl ucw runt nuiuaw uiaxl u eomjlnenl eu aile saturday oet i roo al uelrea thw buiuie 10 p4llm uui tlut y nomt owned by zorga construction bill waa entered lomfetinie before at 120 pan sunday on the wk taken were three matck estimate 460 in apple day funds ytwf dmucimiam fruit t rh mut my wilt kmphx lwlri oflu kd- to 3 pw amu1 cltxutmu pua u ttuttd dmtubfr 7 the elmers tukru 5 00 per md eoupl proceed to georgetown i w of uwtii floor ruj 1 tsii ueufanal liupiul dekk step ub bweadi wwftruu auulury lb uvinj room drarx jluitrov institute euchre the furniture was supplied arid diuf rridiy november 3 by ucclurts furniture do 11a 1 4 10 pta lo htewaxttivn ul wirprtvlefed child i nov g tbj h1chw cotthtk uu in blind for tk official ota accident tciur v v 1 r damaied only all retarded children watch thil fkly rollulol v dnri cwspapfr for lvmhfr delali interaction if ujijlit maevel reihiua flair october cuelph and water ui c3- and so 113 pin in the llijij involved in the viiiaih wai a school udiea and men i fa lbm kurd driven hy klrajroa hiona by cotton hcoa tirketl hoare jr so ann st and a ii go al the door proceeds to driven by usnhall liafrtl district ufinor uitherly u luflph st the lal lloapllal women auiliary pohre report staled thai the sorval lrestiylrriae whs wilhrrly car wat making a lrlt fhaiuffrilna ttlii2 ta- turn frera water hi fin in da cwtohrr 23 iso pin urlph m when it slrurv th- rlueat ipeakrr aim irene ur lloare rar whlfh wai uethound tie fruni vwart college hoto- on the hikhwa alu to falhlaiuu li tvaky ru lutlxapea still ufe rlwrra frud vui to uo0u tw lwmy k-iu- f cj ah ltd tlllot street bruautoa dancing fiidayj saturday uvtua mofevax medicare is ivekyoui auimett lor furtbrr inlurmattoa wrile new dciaoctatic pa8ty m ppoiu ffet ort tuh toll tw aultfvy u ms csatowtt ouh d cub hud fcmiw fhylv bk- l fcl uclo iw fcw- l vu0- k w4 aapu day j km wulaaia auirt wrw rt fcir- itial mt mi to lp tmi valued waau4ii htmr twya tfw rtkl w year ahr y yk aytftxm was tknd kat frm uif ysar tulllrtafal kr iiuhd hr al day a tw tumh a caalwt avj totd v ttoitlaa i ctmlrat vavarnihf tjiilrkt ktvdy ia uj u lamlatf 1a with ttv tin ll 1ra thl tme tka ra rua an k4dn a4 tlaya juu w u9 ttataa waterloo will test rebel mku- league shrinks vilh guelpb dropout a teau not good ejttih tad a tmd uut way w too food are the talk of hifch achool cuuji circlri ibu wti cuelph lb team out eilhtr wtn t god enough or lathed tuffrient enlbtuiiun w kjp them in contention in this uaue u the gils ktwls with i jp tn their lte2 eiidirou vlwdule when they fo ded their unu ans ulenuy uole out of the cu cuit last week ykgx u tmb ccobfiattowm hckald to fill the hult left by uu chment and campbell urlar en hu mdiattjd he 11 go with roolu jiid hi air at the end n nd either uniors brad iwnnelt or don chtahohn or junior itanitut dave shui an at tackle if itinit laya it wiu be tkat twlwith a pecial fagtftype face icalt truck in 102fi ul air john ialutt irindale draw fur courn annnrr ary wrdding rakr on surui ber 18lh at imv cron vh l itirkrti 100 rarh tndrr thr jauipirra of the llcity name and t j thai c uumra a iracur o rutirf lrorrcd fur ituildmg rund of nrw calhotlc church 103 te arridnit hippenerl at 8 25 highway collision and un invrt gated b lion lunkmr wby cant fhu lrl ll fantaiy u rvalttyf veep atrkint thit space legion film show saturday october 20 wings of chance uul ckatar j caam marvtl oni mow deei oftai v 00 aaw ihw coenmafuat 10 nv all children welcoma adlomon isc rafrcahaiunta anj caewfy available sixteen turkey winners kw hta turda from the atv lltn 4 huniart annual lur hey that held r tbair iuw it line kaauarlar salur day but the bit winner t were tha lutby draw winnerupvrc aih cntrd wn the lit priie mvte earner dv nt carlwrioh cto- lewn tali hvme trantiatae radle and c gentle el scar br catalytic heater a centelatun draw we avriiea fee clare wtlte pel hurtt mra harry mann and beh hell tarnet aleetert wha wen fewl were jack pocberlnej b kennard e jehnten h mann harry bettema j baa fr w ouigley hubert kui teny zllle b mccartney ren herrinflten jack mercer and mercer triplet hereford at norval irsteeln kavln identical tripjaul or were atlll imagine hav ing melker named rlngweed crutry twelve thafa the altuatlen at pat pattarien a lecuit lan frr nerval where ro- lered hereferd ring weed cruity twelve save birth te triplet heifer tail wed- neiday mernlng the rare event ef court eiclted the pelterwtrii but it wai a little tee much fer ene bevln mothr te take r c t it feeding twe ef her mr culth wt i hav layd hv cetw aajuad iwr a yutdy but i lru tlft by actea ad watt- onerd icarwd nmh al cach j- btba fcriaruwf away frm uruml te waah thm u fer the rtt ef the yr babel field irttrtkat lyn mclr wtij i v netifud tr frlday l undfeld crw weuld b wtirvaut iheut csutoatt thla wk i j assessor refutes thr team tbal may lie too id lor the reit ol the itroop bj anawj itrra li the aforementioned kalebayers uuery hatrrliio opioid in eilv a i miii tamc thry haie puhel a query by ratepayer hob llliir wouldlie niiitance all t llla ai lo why builnekt ov r the lirld at oill they were tai hai not been aiieued on i oi eitendinc tliemwrlve in ihr ske tool ilant wslnb li r 1 mc over urlph 3o 3 in bemi ued for atorajie by hie 1 r i lenrr honrirr lilt nrithbuumc sundard irol ju 1 fur aonir rmrl lun urti wii anvwered by it haa urh irl hum have lliir at monday a roumil infetlm n aaint arlnn tlus aitriunanl cammluluat j- roach i nn lrlircn came away ph cltbaeia ttavaarxl ulir l al hih t nr hiklnil hn hra 1 ha mllnf t uy that vha al that point u1 all i u to haa hn aawtlj jo0 0 hulc kutlnau ta twpm tirut theanallallnllhacoalaj k u tal lo left cawsal wilh mr ilti aaid he wai enuolr mora time la piptre lor their ms ikcauie ilrputv iteeve hun painirhecarlninrdvalrt blooet til in wlarl nat ter had hated aome time o inh n i 1 llalanuik t 11 thr h o h inirtiwlnir oilier cl ii ii mn ih w0 kind tw 1 lld but it ll not my oh uiilon l hr had not noil lt hhanwr l notlly the aiaeior ld the rrl thr nal liht un the mc malanl a dalnlv deput an l ur ir and and bill campbell a tack whaei mr gbbani relayed hot i thr ft3 lord driven h wl ba loll la the nim ha- hli intarmattoei lalar mr huh- mr lure and the 11 ttiivoaa of hockey committment ter had ml innlngl and another lint airing tackle thl provaa tha man vh barnei tuflarad a hairline froc matla tha accuaallon doom i lur of hli nolo in the milton know what haa talking abour game and li a doubllul tlarlar ha obaarvad a rar drivrn by itohert lurr ol oakvlllr and a truik drivrn by klirharl llalanuik ol toronlo rollnled on orlph st la vt lliuriday when thr rar wv making a lrlt turn oil the hih 1tihre laid both vrhir rt wrrr rastbound and mrf lurr wai in lrlt into inlumn whrn tha truck drivrn liv lljl anuik vtruck thr 1 i n le al thrirt ol turnmb t jnadiin umiiart trurk drivrn hv llalanuik vrd 1ik flimir industrial waste healthy omtpring but a nuri ljal il v h k brht in i hitch in garbage ceuruil en monday delayed halton plowing match rock smashes show window police ere eeehlng the per- aen er neraena whe perpe trated tenaeleta act ef del iberate damage tern time between midnight tuetday night eend 7 4 wednesday fnernlng seme time during that spvan the huge thew wlndew at the frvnt er the w f hunter reel catate office en cuelnh st wn ahattered by e reck ineeaurlng 4 in diameter cat r d whttten li hand- ting the investigation aee that number three deeant g hungry local man is with zellers a local yeung mm dn 1 1 j nn ii in rharr of thr mm trpjrunrnt at zrllrr a county hair thr ktiire which uill be thr ltrt in ci urlph oprnfd on turda mr jenet waa formrrly in thr turn i drpartmrnl in thr local silver a storr he hai trrn active in cluh mulnwn and ei a mrmhrr of thr j a cm final tlgning ef an egraa mant with the new garbage contractor 0 w remm i ce until technicalitiet ef collecting and ditnetmg ef induitrlal waate are ironed taut councillor differed on the que tt ion at prevent lomi induitrlti dump their own watte at the ditpoaal tile while ethera pay private cenlractor te truck it there and tome council member feel that private trucker thould enter inle en egre ment for covering tuch watt with the ramm firm meanwhile the new firm ttarted on the eh on monday farmland is decreasing as esquesing urbanized township is only 46 rural today saturday october 27 hlame deer for delivery car accident the driver for drlrex druci on farm operated by james w snow of pincland farms one mile eatt of milton plownc atari at 10 am includea 8 claue afternoon program include queen of the 1- urrow enmp- tilicm horic ihow farm ma chincry demonttraliuna and exhibili banquet at 7 00 pu mainlc halt ml i ten 1025 aint icmis japttst clturcly mounlainview road miniiter mr j w russell sunday oct 34 ims layman sunday uornintf worship 11 00am ur dementi evening worship 700 pm ur luuiell tallin in love wednesday b 00 p m bible study and prayer meeting in the dr rex shopplne tlaia innard llulmr 23 victoria st uffrrcd ruu to tin elbow aralp and shoulder uhrn the 1001 renault used by the itore for deliveries rolled over on main st monday a police report aaid the tmall car plunged off the eat aide of the atreet and rol rd once and poihly twice the driver aaid he was trying to avoid colliding with a deer which had jumped onto the road from the east aide main street at that point is jrravrl aurfaced pa mace tn the car was eat mated at 700 a slightly larqer increase than normal a joint merlin of irin and rscurmnji councili will be hell oct 20th to draw up an acree asiemment in esqueiing mrri on th rnnntenanct of townsh p climbed to 8 981 th proposed halllnafad com 492 by the end of sep tern m hall inn alto recjurt ber thi year aseor art lcf that the jrmmrnt for bcnjoli told eiqucs nq coun f arra be ducusied i cl monday n qht this is an ninety day increasr of 692 626 over lasl dehnile ansvur was riv years figure irn hill speck uhrn he roquca the qradual urbanization led permisvion to move a house j of eiquesinq is reflected in into ftqucmnc the house the decreasing percentage of farm assessment farm land represents 46 21 per cent re sidential 36 75 per cent and commercial and industrial 17 04 per cent five years ago well ovre 50 per cent was farm land according to the clerk k c lindsay and res idenlial land covered only 16 per cent the population has risen lo 6514 an increase of over 300 from last year this is present is onlv wo tujuare feet and the building by law dem andi a minimum of boo mi ft the by law also requires that anv house moved in has to tie brought up to boo sq 1 uithln ninety das iteeve tieorge 1eslie lugfiea ted mr sperk have the building inspector see the house and look over us construction then after the building inspector re ports to council uuy will give him a decision just arrived at silvers i skates bauer featuring the famous bauers bearhug ankle supports white figure skates misses sizes 1 i to 3 ladies sues 4 lo 9 s995 s1295 hockey outfits youths sires 1 1 lo 3 boys sires 1 to 5 mens sizes 6 to 12 s795 895 1195 r fc rich ard s tv u 4j ualluau i at ah ijiii t super discount nut fa frm carklno u on mill si open only friday 10 00 a m to 9 00 p m saturday 10 00 am to 6 00 pm s giant values ladies seamless mesh nylon hose st johns united church georsetown ont ulnuter rv ian if fuihlnaj huile director k il harrlion arct bmt the church with tho warn heart 1100 im boy snilj nd cubi church parade evenlna service with- drawn in favor of knox prubyterun amilvoruiry bl pjn illteen hretlde a mtlch for other ounwlvea 22c durable wattle rlcua en the broom dust pans 25c aiwrfed xmai nurury aa end many slhere childrens records 5for25c j sarin and silk fjood quallly v cushion covers 50c ssraactauev neat looking durable a travel cases 3qq bayv and mena wool sr cotfon pullovers 199 aome tardlaant- 1 methc baby pants 12c ittduilrial rubbar naeprana gloves 100 odocj cibjclty durablg supnn waste cans 88t ladlet denim tmall lite only jeans 10q 6 comb pkt aitld it combs 10c carded aiioried ilie and colour buttons 12 card for 25c leather wllh kdutlable lock and key with carrying handle briefcase 300 progressive conservative nomination convention friday october 26 1962 town hall milton 0 30 p m a federal candidate will be telected for ih pc parly at thla time refreshments everyone welcome georgetown figure skating club registration saturday october 17lhi 10 am to 1 p m monday october 29lh 300 to 400 pm 430 to 630 pm i xoo to 1000 pm ay the arena rissr preschool u60 junior up to 12 yeart v 1400 over 12 years 14o0 family plan 3 or mare 3s00 skating to commence mondky oct 29th fllljimaajifa the toggery shoppe of si l v e r s cualanmd oullty infant a oftlon pram suits infants oklon cardigans infants rompers roys jean sets roys nyion jackets otft wide stuctlons mobtrayt totlcl j 498 terry clolh and cotton y 19b 98 498 798 guis orion pullovers oihs roxjhtatid skirts 7 lo 14 wool pla ill gius 3piece all wool coal hat coat sets 1895 j girls au wool i coats icducd help wanted woman apply in person barragers cleaners 18 main streh south forgiveness week the putllc lirrary announces that uctoiir 39th lo november 3rd will u forgiveness week no fines will be charged on any books returned during this time and it is hoped that many long overdue books will be turned in fall is sewing time- start planning your fall and winter wardrobe now end save by making your own clothing or the family we have a complete range ol all your sowing needi thread uppers patlcrn fabric buttons plus many more t sewing machine special 1950 and up 7950 139150 reconditoned sewing machines from brand new singer portables cat and light new only singer young budget cabinet model now plui a oood aeleclion of vacs and floor polishers at real low prices no money down with trade dp to 24 months lo pay have a free demonstration by calling tr y4331 towne j i ewingcentre 35 main st oeor6etowm