tt georgetown herald xi main scree ctafmwn ontario wc tagc4 thuksoavseptembel 13th 3 editorial comment jaycees boost leadership in its tomewfuit nwvlwi a v ltience in georgetown the junky cham- bar of comnoce ht bcom a vital fcwc art the tonwnonhy th jeyceea m they ere bhr know might be ciud halfway houte between lovlc dub end more lelfcentred or gan nation the pvirrvtry purpose of th oroup it development of leadership young men who join ere 6ncoureod to cuvwlop their public speaking ebllltut to become better buiineu edminittralora end to warn luch thlno prluwwnlery procwdur end bu fcrtotl lelterwrillng but the impovement end development of the community it another important pert f jtycee endeavour end here the dub rea ch tk public it lending e hand where it cm the spring bentern hockey toomemwnl b on tmeji exempt wert jeycee along with rneny other group offend to li over one certain put of errngnenli one could put k thlt way the jeyceei believe jtit by leadership training they can contribute tewnethino to e town which cannot exactly be teiue i eny ortho dox way but whkh will make itt influence felt in every tphent of public activity traffic talety beeuflflcetlon tourist promotion vot ng campaigns youth dev eloprwnt ere tome fleldt in which jeyceet interett lies during jeyce week the local dub it leaking member end young men between eg ii end 40 ere invited to gel in touch with the dub you will find welcome end by becoming jiycee you can improve your community while you improve your telf contributed to community 94kmu mf lefadmb nfammm vtwmctto m itjet fferfleat dories thu ety wife tftd i had efl utarwury kw w didst teunll it- w jiui had at tbere ere ae otuhrttioa we ueeei tall lftftl loot up out oi th d fed we ateniy arra taeet with tauxiwe of made e aad loowdul- ethiopia was never like this mxth im a tatlhs death look heavy total in george iown district rvcently of wveral man who who had tarvad in public affairt only in on cat that of walton vt ran provincial member of parliamant stan hm wai daath axpected aar hall hai tiri- fartxj a ievre it r oka recant ly affar a pa- tod of hi health in thr other cetet tuddan haart at lack i war th rule nd eomjng within a 4w days of each other cut mora than or- finery oloo on h communiry aar hall long and faithful lervlce in frnior government wet a proud one he wai a grait root type of politician famil iar with vry corner of hi comhtuetxy end alwayt on hand for public funchoni be they country or town fund ion i a oolden wedding annjveriary or a remembrance pe- red province takes steps to regional planning tttealj te ma hcram w aie vlthr a i gmficent official announcement by municipal affaira minuter frederick cen recently in port arthur might have the fleet of ltd ng suburban ontario i heretofore energetic ind vidual end community efforts for luburban expansion up to the level of directed planning for the future aar can will d v de the province into region with i planning official de gneted for each erea and about time too the future development of our smaller cltie and town halton wai the better for having theiel n u orowih ol our fr flung communiim i uch a tremendous problem that it s tomewhat turpning that gov four men el resident end their families y r wilfrid ftlrd who terved etqueilng for several years as a councillor held h ions highest office the werdenihip m year he was a kindly and an able man and his sudden death was a deep loss to his municipality corey harrington was known perhaps over a wider area than any district resident through hi poultry activities noted as a fthowmarr and udge of fancy poultry he also published a monthly newt pa per wh ch had wide readership in canada and the u s chuck laws was one of those public spirited men who had served faithfully as a member of the volunteer fire depart ment men el resident can take comfort in knowing that they con tributed more than the average in public service successful and profitable georgetown t induttrlil exhlbftlon u en outttanckng tucceu end the organlieri end exhibitor cen feel repaid in the ttrong public nrtpcuu the thaw wtl on e par with anything one lee at the cne i exhibition quality wh uniformly high booth ettrectlvely arranged and exhibit jjentfully choten for the maximum of inv luct on the viewer one cant anticipate that one induitrlal tjhow will make georgetowns future but it irill certainly play tome part in w if for no other reeton the thow tuccettfully in troduced tome of our tm tiler induttriet to pontltl cuttomart right in the area in moo than one cate we heard of flrmt gel- ting enqulrlet and orderi from neighbour who hvjnt reellied they could do that certain ob an 4 it it alwayt a benefit to have dli- trlct retldentt and tee what it produced in thejr ow community th herald wai pleated to play iti own tmall part in the thow and with oth- ert look forward to next year and a contln uatlon arnmental action and aitlttance hat come at tuch a late dtte far from the cntlcltm levelled by the minuter at tome munldpelitlet when ha expretted keen ditappomtment with their planning effortt the development ettooeliont tervice clubl end communltymlnded orgtnlzattont and individuali have done e creditable fob with the toolt they powetied one tlllent fact to remember it that many amateurt in the highly tkllled field of induttrlal and minufacturmg pro motion have been competing for years with the bett braint of the metropolitan areat fall fair time again t aaeat your friend at georgetown fair again looms on me horizon with the nnual show only a week eway i on the 22nd the harness reces take over on the georgetown track while cen tre tie id end the armoury fill with exhibit kit farm machinery automobile baking ichool end institute displays end the fin tthe horses and other farm atock for hlch this erea is noted jl there will be e midway operating jenty of refreshment booths some qavrte chance end enough attractions to keep i whole family occupied by e full after noon of wholesome entertainment friday night the hall is open to view ers end the midway will be operating that night too georgetown has an unbeaten record es one 8f the most successful fair in this district for wel over e century the local park hat been drawing crowds end the director are aiming this year for e new re cord if youve been there once we know you wont miss it if you re a stranger in town since last year make a point to take the family out to the park on saturday idistrict news at a glance oakvillh police are inveitlgitlaa oakvlue company which claims to bave invented a repellent for ms offender an adveftue- uent in a toronto paper offers a akin irritant to sprty on hottldbe attackers it is tald is guarantee hoapltallution to lb victim bramrvrom bramptons eideriy rest denta erf forming their own dob all announce- meirf laat week aild a rter orm8enle chtens ctnb for straeu- ulsv bnaptaa end sur- arw- would be 1 bald september 10th in btreeuvllie united church jhe club will offer a wide variety ef activities includ ing arts and criits but trips and other outing i uklimston a imilt squirrel monkey mm ed rotty it free in the burling ton vicinity because an eight year old child accidentally op ened the door of her cage in plata pet shop lira 3 uccory of- the ahop aald the monkey would prebabtybetllrlght en her own until the onset of cold weather nilluuroh a record entry of sowers end vegetables madethe 1mj lilluburgh horticul tural society khtfw one of the best since use society wis organised in 1mkt there were over 1100 en tries rim pour hundred and eightyfive miplulrtglstered at ttrln pub lie and high schools laat wee including 22 in grade 11 it 1 the flat time in uurhlstory of secondary school educstlon in the district that there hai been a grade 13 taught in erin high school omahcllvilli work has started on the walt disney movie the incredible journey near here on location last week were the atare of the movie- luath golden labrador retriever tao a siamese est and badger a very old bull terrier a crew of 60 movie makers are cur rently miming the initial sequences on the mono township farm of mrs tor rance beardntore milt6n plan for the winter aea- eon oledult night school classes ere well under way in milton and a meeting bail been called to elect an ex ecutive and plan the cour ses to be offered a similar projectis being undertaken wtqtonlttttnumberbr tiecjegetownr people includ ed on the leaching staff a former government official whs spent 1 years fighting for redistribution and equltablt sharing of industry lauds the present announcement but sdds that the day muet coma when the provincial government will be forced to offer sttractlve tax inducements to fotttr man ufeeturlnf tblntdnf euttld me- troeallten areas ha cited ease after cate of united statu manufacturers who examined the concise go vernment documente eonrern if smeller cities for industry almost unanimously they fa voured suburban development it was a different story when the crucial time came for construction the american induitrlsllit found that they could not get top oxaoutlvet to mo their pianta unless they were sit uated in a metropolitan area cheaper land suburban llv ing on a gracious scale meant nothing the msn who were to coma to canada wanted the big city with its alleged cosmopolitan atmosphere and accelerated pace plus of course she ex elusive clubs and sorlsl ststus joss com first however mr cats plsn at a etart will piece an informed individual wbo can advise local communities on plsnnlng pro blems and keep the government informed of development ita a forward strp but is it the first forward step primarily jobs have to be the lure to create jobs in out lying districts induetries must be influenced to settle there to settle there they must be told bevond all doubt that tub- urban development more than rivals that of the metropolitan treat and their products jitve equal opportunltlea in all mar- ku kihnidy lioislayiom a piece of legltlatlon often ttudied at queen park b the area- development act of pres ident kennedy created origin ally to give aid to distressed employment areat with aweeplng scope the act gtjv eligibility to no leas than 148 urban districts where the rate o unemployment averaged 6 per cent of the labour force for from one to three years and bad alto been tar above the na tional average small labor markets includ- itiflrabturaltreaerwlie w kerf were consistently ubbw ployed alto qualified at well ai so indlsn reservations where itmllar conditions existed there were 34 7 million peo ple in thete sreat with more than 1 4 mtlllon out ef work thlt mrant 10 per cent of th nstlonsl labor force tat 91 per cent of the unemployed if any csnadlan government can learn from thlt act u it she fsct that so many urbsn ar eas were affected that the na tional aid was spread eo thin that it became mlcroeoopie naverthelet there waa no doubting that larger depressed cofflsuinltlea and big eitlea were at fully eligible ee jfie subur ban district one of the most progresaive aspaeta of the act is where an area has been certified at ellg lhle for help then that area it required to produce te own development plan which muat be provided by i the itaie and federal auth oritiee after that epeelfle pro jects csn be considered such at channelling government con tracts into auoh area ontario paradox the altuallon in ontario of courts is quits paradoxical there are no contingencies for such messuree as enacted below the border however one of the moat functional and efficient depart mentt in the provlnclelephere it economlee and development with an induttrlal development branch here experts compute and compile mateea of atatliuee showing all the potential for in duttry and manufacturing land improvement and building for every community in the prov ince when a potential euttomer makea enquirlaa about ontario he it given thlt utiole mass of information but he and be alone mike the final decision tbtu i urge industry might be convinced beyond a doubt la develop in a rural ontario setting and without hesitation it might alto aelaet the rlcheat- eommunty in the province no thing can be done about it then lr nobbing government sources can do to influence in duttry to change and move to a more depressed area nn mind so at economies ft develop ment does a migntfikient job roroittario it it powerietcto pjduuht chop deserving com- munlueti s vot instance n v3 manu facturer contact the dapamv atant asking for 10 aperltlr ar eas in wfaka te tattle he glt in return 10 different piece ef inforaulloe than he toeitas his cuhkin se with strength alio come weknts- one exempt ef unbalanced economy lie northeait of th metropolitan area ef toronto vut exptiim of lend and wst er including the nickel rang the gftet clay belt and tb mult population figure in north rrn ontario em at timet ap- par maladlag for instance north bay now thriving uotrepotie ebowtd 31100 in lftm with aa expected 27 000 by 17 ilowew tine that statistic wre compiled north bay ha assumed all the proportlene of a metro ana and already give figure of s0oo0 these skyrocket to a retail trading soaa figure of ob 000 but might encomoaaa commun itiea up to k mile distant tfriao industry one thing cannot be dil counted north bay has prac tised and wortted hard for dlv itrsiiled industry comiftere and trad and now boatta the title shopping magnet another factor reapooalbl for the mushrooming of uu metropolis it 1u military impor tance sag ststions mlttil launching bases snd now nob ad personnel government btstutict like poor relations paint a peatlm lttle future for ttmmtna whitfi could be chsnged in the future by directing and spreading mora industry and commerce to that section as things atand at the mom ent the city and ita adjacent cu burba stands st 30 000 snd that s the figure given alto for 1076 lt there any reason that more industry couldnt be channelled to the timmlna district to giv diversity to she huge mining in duttry possibly the fact that it lies northward from sudbury and north bay could influence pros pective induttriet isnt it ironical though that in yeara to come that one of the larger citiaa will bloaaom to auch an extent that the pre fix metro will go on and the same section arguments will atari again clay rilt rattli moving to the great north wettern city belt population it quoted at 107484 in 1036 with an increase of 4s518 in the next u yearsi now it entirely within the realm of poatlbllty that those ii gurea might slant upward to a marked degree and one reacon will be a peaceful farm near new lltkaard alwaya a prominent dairy district th farmer supply 11 milk in that area attention hat been turned during recent year to the possibility of beet cattle the present experiment could be one of the moat daring and micceettul in ontari j hit velopntent there might develop beef cattle country tecond only to alberta and one thing it certain with ail conditions being equal it a certainty that the wettern beef magnates will nurohata huge holdings to create eec- ondary nhlpplng outlets at present there are two hlndrancetvrhe belt hat not been improved enough to cre ate cattle wnpire secondly the price of lend la- loo high good grating pasture can he obtalnecwinpartt of bruee county in the south almoet cheaply at new liakeard sugar and spice by ksjfl smiley kl say tw ctttty t y- into rarb life uisae rala bniat fll t lac w aa pliu 11 but it dtdot txeji a fulwab vturm it wu raininj luro the djy w tvr aurrtw tod h su bmj thundaminf n4 llffatlbx ever llnre 0 hautj fcwol wr r rue h we slarsw u ui u rtkt eh arw we luw yri we wr- well aitiud fintvnrially secura and aaaiia- ally nuture nona 0 ikls ru avhink into hatty ilironiid rrrd ptwrty butehad union that we e aa often amoag lb young people today i very thing was well planned and carefully prepared before we leaped into ike quicksejid we were lust meriuf furh year ef celu i iu 1 nurriej tke uu alt rlt we we mp a wulihr mj a f mmn j sulvktj me j 14 tee we kh ua- btte e kerreweti car anj seek h f er a twtvaa eel tee where we lived leva ad keirewed nieeay and wbrn we returned there wj none ef thla busineu of moving in with tha folks no i d rented a smart mu apartment where my bride and 1 were going to live like real married people the neljh bourhood waa a lttut on the ihabby aide juit a blark from the red light district but it waa only 910 a week 1 made aura we arrived after dirk and she didnt cven notice the poolroom neat door i wit i ceuu say mat i car rlad kar ever tha threskem ifj ejanaaj te tot i ewljnt futd the iam bay aiul there felleweaj eur first flkt ene ef tkeae krief aiul utter eherte- l ike tmu m v i aea i iw vgvg kt u fiwr ef vgfut iw en ejfe swaat alateea4fy at ihrhapa tua ldcidt-t- lt6k ike uee aue eif thrill t a ee4eridg ker fir hume at y ru when the cnxubf old landudy finally ll iw uj tise uida didul auad ur and iquael vuh du ai id ek pehed- she took one blt gkaee around uxiw t ftrat tf ievraj uiemaand- tdur- dereua laka id tuct tew i eleiut u4ieiwilihj key tuc e fve ua tryi uue theif t 4 u yar aee witi k w ykal ws a r4tly wai reettt with e ultul lj uvru uwry wid a katkmfii ut u w tke kitt tur aj twwn the cerrtder a llftte way akj ive bi aaliuf tkant tlti aver sbue at weve been through a u to- gthar in the enaulng year bet trr and worse richer and poor er sickneu and health colli ran and mortgagea and you ra only to take look at ui te know which one has thrived on it iva utt ule a kit ef wy fc kalr a itj maty ef ny hih weeat ef my lllualaaiia aagj all tke areumeetlt am ive ukad inylll sfretau i e kua ef fc heaturti kj a kuleej u4u yke ou lfcey kaavt test a tku tke still ki tke sllte flew i a y a fiaivkajr tke wklt uetlt and all tke real ef kar feed leelis ad skas sukaj up twe tkm drene a alt ckaju4a aeaaunt and a maddemliie air ef levfalll klllty ii uivt fair however out a tha way things have gone and t m not com t plaining aj tha eld proverb baa it a man work from aun to sun but a woman alts around watching television no i do not object to having worked my head to tha bona for the last lfl year to keep bar and brr children in atyle iv written all that alt a experience wker fat te la tsaf site hut tke future tke wnawt eda that i will kave fe live until daatk de ua part with e weftse wke la ety kattar leahltm and smaher than i amj a but hrtewt it echoes vow the ttaae ef the herald tebtember 1952 end iv37 10 years aoo total enrolment of 563 in georgetownt two public tchoolt it the laroett in in the town t hutory there ere 162 local atudenta et the wrlaoetworth school and at the old school which it ttill unnamed the registration standi at 359 jane anne emmerion and richard jenner were prize babies in the tlx months lo one year clan at the rob- inton baby show at the fall fair saturday topplnn the 3 to 6 month clatt were lorralne ledwldge and thomat proute winnert in the clatt for under 3 months were katheleon gi ven end edward hunter se cond prize winnert in the re- tpective clatset were won by sally ann htyet richard utile judith draper martha jonet murray brownridfje and danny enejlaby the notorlout boyd rjana hat georgetown littery it it known that they are in thu vicinity becaute they weratpoted changinp into new cothet in a fiolct this side of no 10 highway on monday itit night e back firing car woke many retld entt in the middle of thb night end the poji office wat flooded with callt repor ting gunihott many who heard the loud reporta dres ted hurriedly lumped in their can and headed for tha but- ineil dittrlct thinking the four atcapeat had made en at tempt on a local bank tory 35 years aoo iaferllwahatww wsth the removal of frank king clancy at goodwill ambastador of tha toron to mapla laaft georgetown t midget hockey league wl i lota irwuehlhreratted friend tatt year king clancy we auparvltor of tha midget ho ckey league and opened tha thlt it not to euggest erio will that northern ontario will ever re place alberta in thla industry but it could be a most valuable addition to the national cattle industry ap at n th future ana an optimistic future to ton- template midoet hockey season hare latt taaion in the capacity of referee a railway car of vegetab- lat fruit etc for wlt- ern relief it being loaded at me cnr nation here to day there hat been a tplan- did response to the appeal and it lookt ilka there mtghr be two cart tent from geor getown inttead of one in the clettlfiedicomfor table 6 room house for rent on george st electric light and water si 3 a month two clean yong men wan ted to shsre room end board 5 a week eating and cook- ino applet jor ssle 25c a bu shel apply cedarvele farm the date book lap j lt4j it years so unetmutlenet surrender ef ja pan leak place ebeanl rahla- thla mltseurl anehered in tekye bay tapt 3 leber bay tept 1 1 743 17t years reety ef frla erielally ended the amtrleth revelullenary war gt 4 mlta amarlea buty cenlest ols under wsy at atlantla city nj sept t iiu 101 yeara age jane ad- dsms plenear weill werktr hem sapl 7 ik 70 year age jamaa j carbeh knekd out jehu l sullivan te become haavywalaht champion ef the werld georgetown herald publlthed by heme newspaper tlntlleal georgetown ontario walter c buhh publisher earheld mcollvry production superintendent office staff i terry harley allaan bradley news editor accountant hyde parker advertulng atanaier usll dark da haatlngt bobbaskerrllle ifylee oilton bob atwrtwrr v member at the ctjujdltn weekly newtpaperi attocjatloi m mjfc