v ymm high school promotions mam ix robert mckay lynn mack ensie jacqueline rippon ge- tba fouwlnc students sue n huuedte patida ssr eeaatuuy passed all subjects b sinclair mieoae id grade dta lsh6m turner laal baler ansa bar y jollowlnr era prbaioied rait karen blsaop pslricia grade x technical donald bllgh shlrlay bjuou ua box gpyd wayna davuon- roaa it deld brewster daaaorjduntaa tbomawataell wo georxioa brown vr- j ollcrwiai are promoted ij campbell jiau enjliah eobdjllonally rnk creaehj paul fisher carol roomier c weld marilyn klbtb yolaauu coudekelunt llieliaelij h uda uukini hall barbara hildcbrandt v- patricu uebaln rlna pouls- lerie afjltkejl skirley klovsei terence wilsoa sieatf xjeweuyu robert ly eau robert ucaianaaay david j ckabt ix h sr tb follow mudenu sue pop cm pt chriuii c iubjmum eeaatulrr eonapletod the grada six special commercial couree barbara avery suaan cun hinfbam sylvia ellla carolyn eva marlene canton gretna koaslaa chrla atatnews pame- rlcbardaon jeanlaer speaguc la tumbull clara vander evelya stamp ernie tboaaaji voort ineke weatateyn liar julie ward j tare i murray calej roden the followlnf are promoted tmi iokoitowh hikalo thoreday jury 12th im to grada xi clerical course heatiier allen lynda arthurs ecetmeen alpden nellie byda- vaale cnerle frencb jane hoere gloria jonci joyce tumbull the following are promoted to grade xi general business florence knglcby betly anna eyre heather price food hints r the next tune you re in a quandrv about what to aerve on meatlesa days try this recipe or shimp wlule clean and cook shrimp or use tbe canned variety drained make a sood licb ereeu sauce adding a bit oieevy creatn ii youre in a sehattl loroeliua somuer grade ix ii danny crawford promoted to is asce stir inline grade xi technical ckad xi av the following students sue marty wheeler weil young dennla wright diana aruslrooi lynda bar clay anna toowbei terry an xoung hancock patricia hyde unda john andrwa promoted to jjfr jancv 1111 jamea grade x comnaercul raymond t j u uli and dougla haruy pro j wrrabvlb lis tooled la graov x trtholcal jub win resijuily passed all subjects in i shrimp and enough cooked green peas to add color about a cup of peas to each two cups of shrimp season and serve over hot biscuits thank you i would hka to aln- b thank all the vbo voted for me d also bke to thank all my aupportera wbo worked so untiringly on bay babal i give my personal and heartfelt thanks and well do all an any power to justify the faith placed in me durtng any tenure of office to otuwa sincerwy harry c harley member elect lliloo cad ix jubilb urcrea rr marie newman jbiocahaa drrsoa ijnda warn the following are promoted the following aludrnls sue ltli x techuical johncrlt retsfully pssud all aubjscla in rnlaw joseph drake ronal grsde ixu drew bruce kfndley red slmone bodin brndabole ltowl michael marsh dav ovj grade xi a nick atkinson janice car ter maey kvim david gra hij dialer llachnun very anne klngdon harm konack mark llewellyn robert mc lumbar alio mryer ann lor noblv carol pujolay area reeve calberine slobla toil fvclyo von olke ray whitman joseph ifltitia rd kinidi id i tht lti following air promoted mr and mrs harry kennedy itiuto by le roy tol urjn mirppard paul thompso condillonally richard beu ja j iaulia tiu 1 ynda luthbert i y fullowmg arc promolfd uu chaplin robert darby pen hayward llealhrr flagnar erg david hewing to x commercial diane ny clockllng tony kan rournirr dorothy han ooiry judy norton carolyn mcsall jl and mis hawiy kinnidy iign llic reg her olio r gcock jaron harris joan har lllt f are promoted ilarchmcnt audrey namins air woddi in bloor il unlad churili toronto recenily ria llulh kldd konald lane corallliin a blair jojca itundlr h r c zrtxltzjriti im cu w lion buisell 78 ma n m j o u diane mitchell uea trrrance sullivan vd ilia rjoo 11 11 hit ion of mr and mn thomal kennedy nnf mitchell uargarel parker wlndorp rim vr cathannei juelph ceremony unites ocal girl in marriage i alan pttcrion anli pritl j sharon puckerini carol short man ttrea scoti larry surf vera lniuvorth philip wilkt lvnn wjill mrrn pflto promolfd lo didf x trchnnal fhr following uihti wrrr piumitlrj rondiliunall mirh dwtrr william urfnrry lllnau hirkb th following rrufully pjrd ttudrm u all ubjca 11 craoi xa asaga trip for lorval brownies hie norvjl hruvin fnjunl h inlrrrhul uip on saturday lie 301 h uilh akj mr ln fin 1 1 h and mi o crl r each fakini a or kud 1mi im t jig uric tjv1 owl lrvmal louth and mfi i itrjnuldi irownira wnf lim srbb fenny and tannj htjtiuld falhy and iiiiir laitrr karrn lohinson jack r rr and coldir cor i hry lfl ihc vil lcc ad ut 9 jin nit vivittd i if ikl lift alt cm i u there iho crijintd a r dr n fhr lift hirj louttd tin tcrnic civr it 1 1 lltt lv mtl lhric ttn- ic tin r luin h af a i inch thr imti d uki trarh wtirn thrv hd a k d imr at ihr iuiijv and i aildt i inc in ihr ukr on thnr honn vard jdiirnrv th hail upprr fn rani v lie ai i irlurmd lomr lirrd hut lieij pv jradt xi b gary arimironz carol ann harlmt rugrr clark carroll th following mudentb auc arnrll dary hrrbtrt terry iraufullv puitt1 all lubjrcu in jn sharon iwi janrt llur ciade x a ray da id naforirn david ulen bll prtir h th rfv sirn donna utranrirr ie txrt rill hrtsrlry handel he guarkrnbuih david shrub tle urddinai of shrila ud pmoiej conuiionai mrn im jick m anan ikinald lurk harry van rrv hrinipf and ralph aahnm i v william urrnery mudtfr j kovari peter drnoort krm webb taruv tmk plar in si irt icki uell hranrei uman manj the following are promoted ork l rupe curlph on grad1 ixc lnton latncia mar kin rnnditlnnally david armitronj sjlurdj julv 711 ttie lr dr n diane mccolgan sharon mvlene atmtrn2 jovie n the daulltu r u mr anl mra the following muurnli auc i jennifer mill vir hrown judith larcaud peggv jurtve llnm r j stcrn jrekifully paued all lubjecti in f nrelv dorjihy page mi cuatley jack oudgron robert lrrif rorittoun and thrord ixc f p david ilnallwood l chmtint leille syuia lrwmi it the jvon o mr ash bonnie belt madeline bur i wnght manerley caroline norton ri ton rark and the ute mr a fh ramond carnry john xh following iudfnli were chard pagr tene roihler call larlrv of tu iph garland wayne griffin ann p eonditlonally larry stigger john stopper robert u- 1 i jrnnrr offirialrd i ardy lanli helllwell sjlly allen daud coi dianne u nglleaworth at thr crirmum and mr ralph hunidale carry keeling jo t tatneia rournirr ingrid 1 kmf ijng b maier bette ctadt xi c hii mr irli salt i n 111 iiiartiif iji rikinnmin ann kemihead norah sandnson of terry ijne sherry mcconkey 1 peter mrnamara douglaa mai hv lirr jnice uinn carol str bill maa milrham ceorge nrulel da id i ndrrhvll mairr bette allan moore jeffrey nurae the following n ceufullv parted all hlup rrv patricia wilton indi thinj llliam hi 11 hngg ua1 promolrd to 1 grade x technical sman smith and sheila wal ace were promoted lo grade t x ommrrcial th fillowing alu lent were promoted conditional paul arhutt royrr schofirlrt ani diant turkington cradi x dei t fathtr thr bride rhoe flowrrrl lrr with n hjt and utnle accrv rie she 1 atrri 1 d a norav of whie mu m hi ir carnali in i t el low juirlh art no i nil vith t w hile ribtmin mjtr n of h 1 ir mr dor t m hkt n v dn r i m el lo with wh le irmrri irer imjik irl wa thr vime a ile hn i s ta 1 ith a lluv chad ixd ribbon nir riri n mj fmue i the following aiurienn mir j barbara mil brad li a letiptinii at the total irifullv paued all auhjecm n j jvmgilone david lound ta lliitrl in in iph mr- rrinirr 1 grade ixd rol uccilvra mary mcnimi rent el rr hrr d i i paulina armitjir janice ba ra mchard parr jamel r urrnit p nk dr andker janie iloukill marion rhll rfunn hnn nitrhie jill uhitr at rsmin mrv t r burt fied dutcsburn robert runham rrtty sargent i ruli ii chose a bluk and ahile ron jo hainr r litahelh srhalli shirley suchan drtlrf dre and a pink rorace hansen marv harlnv klin s v summrrell ri the bride and groom will re i nanrjall hibbert da fh wagner turn fntm thnr yuetwc hone howard allan jamieon xh following atudenl were lode aidvr and moon lo reside at 21 radon harron macphermn dne cue ph miller uarjoric pe the following iludenta tur rrufullv parted all iubjecli in grade xi c roxanne cowbrough retty john von ineka koetlag fvelvn xiuth philippine macdonald ubjecutn mary mutrav marcta robinion judith rder suan simpion i ucy adtmi keiih allen jrk thompivon i mda thorn p- reen bailes i aura bairl lon lnda van uyck mmr nu hlrn tlirhn jamti bow ffn williami men jan rradlev glenn the following are promoted rroomhead prtrr clark pat conditionally unda clarke r cia c ck michael lummin jrol halock jorr umebeer rhtaheth daidon barbara belly stokrt carol varley an rai john rinla gerry ha n wilinga barbara wallace tui i ir thr vt nitrd u t js tn i l vl ailh a t ip to slur hi ok 1 ndi n on siturda ji 10th which ihr thnruukhh rd t h se tln g ri w ir and mrs ial shi a mr nd 1r t mr vriimi uthrir mr s marlem promoted conditional i robert robert kemhad stewart saie ir prv f m i iwi rnjdnl thr trip the irnvril in t me to enjov luiii thr gjrdrit and vprnt ihr fternooii i ung the pol of litrrrnt while toiirinc th fround- ik met a girl guide lo from uindun who urre en lirtaining a group of sea rang tn from hamilton bermuda mr and mn h irawhrd si tnd the irval uidrs had pat and jack ire holidaying it their picturn lakrn with thrm dorset for a f w ai after nhry ate their mppi r at the which thr will tpend thr ret jriaminco rritaurant in iohdon nf their holiday wtlb mr craw nd returned home after a f rd hrothrr at rolwaygeon annie diinecjifjii birryiginia ttu w 0rad1 xi d the following hudrnt mr rrufullv parted all lubjrcu n grade xi d rumi1 rradlev glenn too per dinah fwin alvrl rrank rujter barry hirvr dianni hulchuon the following are promoted conditional jack barnri an grla manh smith vlaurrrn smith chn tine tot tom vellinga the following are promoted craoi x c ptrasant dav tine tom tom vellinga at i guides on the tt ip were i n hit following are promoted th f mr th follown tudent auc d- shra bonnir 1rndlr deb lo grade x technical roger n lfl hv pied all aubjccu in be remolds dianne i oolev add heth gllletl jim han rvd x ubjecla in ridt k donna fihhurn and i leulrn cork larry picket snenrer amo patnra bow plt ger heather clarke ant cherjl coolr the follnwng are promoted jf urzm ibttv ann irot kru knr i0 l a ti f mrv rraam betlv ann n u nein uik iaa grade x commercial peg g martin donald norton gil lian swann data wittakoak the following aludenla were prommettefladitionally irli nigcanoe flalne barber yn i hie lambert vivien perr grahami wood ugion notes by andy a si laurant cradi ix i a field of approximately i gob could have credited bo golfers turned out for the himself with a fine 73 hard zone lourramcr1 at north luck gob on those last two h1 1 ton golf co irse last holes but st ii congraii on saturday t must say tbaj the fine score you shot all participants certainly en oyed themselves weather smcal maatinp itamperature course condit you must know by now lont alt were excellent bran ihat special meeting will be ehei being represented were held at the branch this even brajbpton oakville streets in this meeting is oj vital vilfe millon port credit importance and all members acton and georgetown are urged to attend meeting defending champion bran will get under way at 8 00 ch 120 holder of the thomas pm a da mi trophy for the win ov6v port credit in 1961 re picnic pea ted the feat again in 1962 would like to make a cor- port credit as last year was rection on a statement i made runner up m the contest m last week s column stating the winning team for br that the annual picnic will be anch 120 was composed of on the uth ofthis month i gob collier 38 3977 harv chappel north hallon club champion harv fired a 3938 lfbr- tine 77 grots john ftlnciale 4038 78 and yours llruly had a big 4 t on- the pfront but got hot on thvback 1 nine with a 37 for a gross 78 j making it an aggregate of mj30 for thejeam ancfa very edeflnito win over port crod tit l a word of caution to those holt b playing again pb collier in the future ob had 5 birdies during his jundj unfortunately he took 3 btfr bogeys on the 17lh 18th at well other w lie to alex by pat chamberlain this is not so the annual pic nic will be held on the 15th of july see ad in this paper ululu 5050 draw zone b 7 sports chain man alex waldon was the lucky winner of the lack pot we d6rvfind when our money is taken out of town but when it is taken by a guy like alex waldon then we dont mind it at alt con gratulatlons alex on winning the draw and also many happy returns on the occas ion of your 70th anniversary this lucky ticket was cold broun gotdon riown gordon urn sharon gorth dorerne greenwood marv hilt 1 ynda krnlner paul kidney sharon kf henrv klootter gailmc donald shlrlrv mcnally san dra marrhment ann petersen pauline howe dave smith su tan troll anna van lloekelrn the following are promoted the following itudent mic conditionally marianne ber retafully passed all aubjecli in neche adam buch tloberta grade ix e llauea patricia llifx fleinor donna bradlev sharon o hill mary mccllntoek donald burn unda i- onrnirr linda ma eal i inda power robert ganton guela hermann jen smith jim wuerch ptfer jonei eva llndaurr iar v m mulon bonnie norton ca oradi x d rol hayner bonnie stutlarj tn f atudenla auc ljnda 7amhra renfully paaied all aubjecta in the following are promoted grada x technical john jackl barcla dorothy barber william flikkema jchamberlaln mary copland john ford and uilham jefferi nianne kendley edna fiaher the following are promoted nilid jurley r hunter jacqueline grade x commercial san dra baurr lynda davlea ann flkher diane fiaher ilaetta pinkney and bonnlt saunder cradi ix w jane ijw jacqueline unce judy naah chmtint sargent sharon sykea lfl mrlarlane ricky smith the following are promoted conditionally david booth bar ry tarr melvin 1 1 ay lock john kelly david kidney gary mc crae david mrvali leith murraj ole poumrup bruce quig1e llarend schoulen ka ren shorllll craoi xii a the following students stir reufully paaied all lubjects in grade xii a i heather arnold paul baker iealie brown pautderoo wen dv larle robert riahfr laro- n hallilt sharon handel si i mon januen paul kttchrner carol milli bonnir sella jran rtte smith mary jam tucker barbara rutmer baverl wilkinson gloria zilio gordon ralrstow repeal cbemutry diana leff repea algebra rarry hamilton i e peat chemiitry brian malta hon repeat english and latin llie following are promoted andrirnne miller repeat ai the following atudenla auc reufully passed all subjects in grade ix r abel frankruyter nhnna bull gdd margaret higham mi chsel huffman rodney prejia w50d on da puckering jennl fer rawlings donna stamp lynda walker gail w a fh yo landa wlrner patricia wiles the following are promoted to grade x technical john adams roy donnahee and steven hoar the following are promoted lo grada x commercial mur conditionally jamea blair rrad ben n elt jamea dixon dl anne golden gordon llallitt thomas higfiam nrian lang don jackie martel gloria turn nm ftaier cheryll jewell patricia lawi muy ucniven gall walker gkadk ix o the following atudenla sur ceusfully paued all subjects in grade ix g ruth atkinson ariel belleg hem eilraa clark susan col her ann davltijtichard hid dleslon john hole aiin john aonr carol lawson lynda lee cradi xi th following students sue ceufully passed all subjects in grade xe john adema john faidale john falers ron guyett paul hale leonard hulme leslie markham jack saunders wit jiarrt symons allarv thompson keith vivian phil wilson the following are promoted conditionally david boyd tom copland jack heppej murray marchment larry saunders dan sweeney doug las vivian gradm xl the following students sue ceasfully passed all subjects in nora barnes lynn crocker donna joy n son myra mcbaln david meleod barhara mark ham jacqueline mills wayne selica michael payne repeal ktench and german anne pickup repeat algebra and german stephen saxe repeat atgohra karen stewart repeat algebra and chemistry cradi xiii the following students sur ressfully passed all subjects in grsde xii b robert armstrong ralph bailey bui barber lenielens donald sargent barry shep herd margaret smale ralph tripp stewart bottomley repeal algebra and french bill car ney repeat encllah wayne compton repeat english and chemistry tarn currif repeat chemistry glennwright hil lock repeat english chemist it and french ronald megow an if peat english history und chemistry cradi xii s pad a i towwarelal the following students auc to help you enjoy the wonderful world of warmth imperial oil limitethrrpleased hramtounee the appointment of a new esso heating equipment dealership bergs electrolab plumbing and heavng 64 main street north georgetown 8774202 safe dependable esso oil heating equipment convenient budget terms up to five years to pay imperial products i x