Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 28, 1962, p. 4

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7 georgetown herald puuuwd by hh rbut umltodl 22 aain slrml s gmrgtlown ontario w c wihw fvbliaw pagc thursday june 2blh 1942 editorial comment locally in peel end hjllon rhe ufhit vlll have people telkinq for e long hrtw to corn for peel elect on of l bezel buce keer ended in unbiple i comervfl mof ty iinc 1699 for halton two cendtdefei had 10 bite it r frige ft out i monday when ihe ol final count noud ng ihe terv c vote revealed sandy unt i 61 mofily wet re veued i d d harry harley w ii go lo 0lw fof tr t i hrtt to tee 7i00 niior ty change to de feat our yeert leler vhot ihe uncertainly of pol t ci mr beit had two yeert wl en hi wii if gold i boy of hilton pol t ci end tht w ii be tone tontolai o hih ei et to uii i it if election a thriller th lderal lct- ff getting off tg yllo itahn jh iniifei ugi of 1h tempeon ended up reel thriller fttoh u v igtif pognot- ikekvl would have ul believe ht ih ctyurv alive i would b reiuvhed with lankwuil fducd meionty with ihe lb ewu and ndps picking up eh odd hee ad tlf and whet happened the ku edged in wh tuff be rrut t combine on of the op position can unseat ihem hind ly the other two older pari et pded up much rrtoft than the few rja nt pred otd end social credit wh ch had been d kountid together i the pett sprang to i n qimuc to look i ke e forte to be reckoned with in future country is conused the canadian ere confuted it evident from election retutii and we wonder if there in ghtn t be a better system of government than the tim fvonoured two parly idea wh ch hat prevailed m canada nut confederal o there it to i ttlt d fference n the ph i ocopby of the two older pari at nowadayi nd the newer pari et are offering no lh ng radically d flerent n the r political theories that electiont are tend ng to be a vote for the man xi rather than adherence lo e party ima localized condittont of course are alio tector in halion and peel the avro ahutdown wat a contr butmg factor to tome extent at leatt for the pc defeat but ettent ally we in nk people are wo and more voting for a per ton we wouldn t want to tay what they bate their vole on pethapi it t perton elity perhapt something fie hat advocated in public or private whether he hat recog hired you the tecond t me you met the way he parti h t hair could it then be that w ere head g refrigerator warnings every now and then a trag c death erout empty trunks can be utl sugar and spice by bill smiley cftmlbf up imti thud ll the ur hualr ihn u iw hi jul about thf blul welt iadttnll nd ulh ir it mu ll lh lir tor utiudltm ii iw killbmh of iwo buuui ki in hilfllaj ikl 00noolki n whirti lu fin bl olhtr wk tnd 6 our nl to crup in n opb kol uh ur produm lluriliri nstlvirloui baatt ut wlr wilb nd ay brtiutj iii ika tdl hiuiluwoui kirdar kid 2dnl of tumuur drlsli liunvy bwr lo u ulrtl c4ltnl ikur joy accwjujf t on 1j wr hhun umux ultxlly wu tk imiuhj y m juw j i kul try k tall aimtl w ll c mllif lly tohuj u t yw 1 i l- w w trt iw 4mj warni runltfckmmw wliii uwi how tk tot wl wt st 1 ics for a pow cl italernate of tie type that e ttt n fiance where there are to rrny part et that none can get enough majority in off co for a iy protracted per od or could it be that we iftould conduc our federal part anient 1 ni lar to mumc p one devo d of parly pol t ci perhapt i m ghl be an dea wortn trying in th t tyttetn each electoral d itnct would elect the n an they wanted at ot fawa rather than the parly and at the tame t me we would vote for a pr me m n t minnesota or iosstralj r a liter trid a deputy theve would telect the r cab et juit ai a mayor chooie i- commtliee lieadt and a term of off ce could be tet two yean four yean what ever m ght be thought bett to g vi an idin njtrit 01 a proper ct ai ce holet 1 1 tt e dea loti of them of rrs hjuu to keep up with the kennebys one of 1 fluoride in your drinking water it may be next year er it may be newt week but tern e time in the near future gecrgelewn will be fated with the fluoridation quettien thla column it net te awey epinwn but to inform reader f the facta about fluoridation bated en information from the health league of canada itcly the hn forgotlrn jwk llrr tfiizini rrlr pirrnli lta a nrw w n iri iuci 1 hrr dulu nhl ij altil i in ioiu piwt n i inlii llir i alj a rnli 1h u hrr off i g at the ahjr of t trrli tin hrr parrnti m ml li rrur ii ng nimulm ri r m ii i- mininjt or i oo j 1 i hi- r be atprlwlly twefy et cuim with ckluran wha wlkavt y fuy ax4 m u0 mlrua and uarfa have fud h dtit dw the hthy kach the oat tjcmf t the etry kls heart la lihr m tkrhbli ulii ol cake aa ha cl i thao frwf lvly tumnur ill all try to tell h in th tour it utj with maybe tivuk atd orraur whot rahiru are aa dtwr im a iu rtaurahl rinpy a hi raih rvfiitrr wtwa tr ha la hat bao whoi tuiiu tqual on th ihore tifut iitiful pfuu kata lik r m minv gutrrj rrurodllft wh d rung rom cho oniv and of course lor eefyone m llir ion rrart of hn wifr at ihit warkrnd tin 1 penal aig hr limpt in from th kiuhrn mflranr beramr looming up in irv if there any point in right in th mirfdl of it it that prrpanng d nner for noniut glonoui relrhralinn of taoadi nt gurtli jfreat natmnil holiday tha i rirtt f july nr a e uti uaee tummer baelni an ika 10 call it in simpler dayi iom lau weakine in june anj we mion uty miht aa wall reain eurulwaa te il thar when the kanrfea what canadian la nt thrillad f urckina aaur farth in an to tha aaerraw ky ika lwwje aukerant tidal wave f thalr fc k i jy kheett filial wltn a kurlln around tha corner with its wilj uniatian af frcodam wklck will bacckanallan revatry lit ftae- laat about u heurc rbh nerulan ef a highly m otianal eeoal a daaait faau thai when hi farlorv work danclni in tha atraatt rr who hai jpent ii monthi wine hewlna like maela ayrup p mi ni ruuiid prgi in aquara kitau uaia the maeuc ae h iln or aometh ng or th sort thoae halhlaodatj canadians rt ff qtjiirnng with iifr it up in celebration h nfnffns of m loludatlt new evulenr of th effect nn ri of a a ui d fluoridation program ujt dtnnntrated r crntl at ittd lkr au mm ng th tem drank nr rent redurtion i rhildren whm walrr u nhtaineh air nurr hut uhn miripal uairr dunnj uri but any more holet than one could p ck in the pretent tyttem after 1 tlemng to the confl cttng toret wh ch emanate from pol i cl part et dur ng lect on cam pa g it occur t becaute a cunout child enteri an unuied refrigerator thutt the door and un i located until too late wide publicity hat been given to two uch catet recently in ontario we hope that our readert have check d thair own hornet and tafely removed ny chance of thit happening to a george town child we don t advocate at tome towni have done a law providing finet for rhoie who don 1 take tuch action they would be too hard to enforce and it 11 rdt nly refngeratrt which can be dang dangerout at can anyth fj wh ch i tight td which can be opened from the outt de but not from int do what thould be dona i a government d reel ve to maker of refr geratort call ng for a magnet c lock type of door or tome 1 milar tafeguard meanwhile we hope every reader w ii check their home for any hazard of th t kind if you have an unused refrigerator part cularly remove the lock ng device to the door cannot be completely doted or bind it tecurety with knotted rope to it cannot be opened by a child nema jjirre a dental mirr of at tiool children mrnnj a tenear prriod real a 70 per cent 1 rd uti m in dental cane among th rhildrrn whn had lurd continnoinh n thai cnmmunit nr floonda lion of th water aupply u- started in 1051 tht infnimati n vu for warded lo th ileal h traitor ol t anaita h iinii 1 dor wnler jr director of re erch lwtllii heearch t ommillr slate of minncao- to the mii pjj nal chool ho lnh os f1hf f he m ttherrd the lu with tier glftt t 1 r oh eli av i who never wrr t ttinugli this harntwin eiperirnrr hav injf heen smart enough to h rlti m aoas wrn eari aparl the ii om h ih he in nrhof i and all thee tro an 1 lerple n jhti will he forjr t trn onlt whe k n r ir art lit nnv an trr are k ne thi igh tiain l 1 raie a fani iv d wi rea n how n 1 rlth fir ht tuourrkt with pav riv to tialfkill him if if golf 1 k huimmirik drinking ueer dart 1 ir r whatever is hit plea ire he fore rraullng hark i pent h it r 1 tent 1 1 the ahrirk irijj monotno of h joh what is daminian in aid eo dy it i s now u it the dj s r wilfrid laurler rompmed oh canada nn that don t eem to ring a hell w as it th day itirhara ann scott warn irmn ijke supnor i jvs the fan what council did the 314 no private borrowing e sought for town nt irr ve ikn reveal a lcduluuu is al v ho niumt on orr innn tho children endrnce in th en in had not htn rontinu th irnvvar prriod fjiial important that 20 per rent of children p n 1 r 1 pa ti n f 10 urev thu r sh iwed endenre of denial rariea either thr r dertdumit or p msnenl leelh tin t hsimw sixt rrn minnesota com m at le than fi m nuinilie who municipal wa tt charged when the k ern ler supplies sr approsima fl numir pj hmd one third of th tet 1 po- rounr na given th ltr i 1 pulation have adopted fluonda nlork invttmtit dim l lion aa a means of ronlrolling to atlrmpt a prvale 1 rvnlal canea sine lso an mm f he eot h nncdv itddilional 150h children hae p chool a 1 lilion tenitd from topical fluoride f nance chairman ii h me treatment proram during the v airancrl thu ih thi rnmr prncnt a to w tirminrttrrtttltu v v that t whan methara whe re ihe v p 0 rlnn i thing io vsi it th day d iiuffli u b uknri king introduced the clean socks and kleusas te t bahy bonut 1 don t believe r about the kitchen maklna it was toast with peanut butter a no lam have a new spnne in thair walt e minute its cemin ttep an unaccuslemed smite in back te me new tt was the their hearts theirs is th day toenahody drev tha last deep inner warmth tkat comas tlke into sir jehn a mac trem the knewtedoo that fer donald anyway happy h the neat twe menths they ii eat first ef july and try to restrain maals whan they damwall fa i that wild canadian exuberance il and de the washlne within bound ef decency a dltta our whole natian toe haywire with ey durlnf the celabritla r th ha flhermsn a of this our glariaua national 1 teed s peculiar tn his way as holiday arrnrding ttr a jordan thief of ih sec linn of denial health for thr late department of hrallh echoes j i f k- av v a h j m im ed at par at not mar thaii nrm had frm tho papea ef the herald june 19s1 bv dorothy barkkft thi mail ftox doesnt believe evolution theory june 22nd 10a2 apt 4 43 mam st georgetown ontario v th bible- stress again if anv mtn shall lak awav the words of this prophecy cod shall tak away hit part out of the hook of life and out of the 1ii1 ci i 2nd trtrr ch i wr 21 irllt bear mr fhitor us that holv mn of dod in toronto s three leading spake aa th wn m ved b ptpun wi read an article re the holy host or i ha spirit adam and eva hinuhrd ftoin of god cardan rtt fden in company j recent week w havr with many othera mv own com menl wu how dark thtsy taking away from ih word of dod hath prepared for them god in revelation ch 22 ver that love him odlen lorn 10 almost the last words of tminism and much of scirnc uork hand in hand with the drit jialousy hurts of adjuslmnt mo i first rhilt lealie patricia has calcbrated i o espenenr when her third menlh in this vale af new baby comes into the tears or should i write in another bend prd inlcrrl aid hut lalrr d akrd h iterv 1 r sargent ssid 1 been given other im aiv dined p tiilt o tea ti irun thr i 10 yiarl ago counc i ruled monday that no act on be laken n a pet t on of n ne merchants to tquath a bylaw thill nq pc i n ght from saturday to fnday and on a pet don i by one drurjej tl at neither represented oneth rd at requ red a t ni lr mot on by one operator of a variety ttore did nol fnd a mover or seconder earl scctt l mehoute it entering the canadian old tyrne fiddlers contett thit week at sheiburne fiddlers from all partt of canada are expected to complete the play downi on fr day night the temi fin sit and finals are ithlon of the b nil market what counctnld seek hazard control on property owners cc orcrlnun council n con mderinc iruiution which would tchcduled for saturday force proprriv ounert to over come haraidt on thc piopcrtv a 0ocery store ettablithed by bob harm two yeari at a recent ci rev john uliol ironif cniictmii of wxe in th ijtne jlhe din of leri s tears ler i grandma to thi riscuk uh porki t lark nuantitir kaihenne iitlaro like all first children whe have ot water to create a huard for i reached the aoer at twe plus i remembered hew my first children and find the affections af thair grandchild ricky had utt a at the jme tune cr frnl parents suddenly shared with bout decapitated his sitter su harmon said ioj1 in thr mil june 3430 swim for health a wlooilnfl speechless bundle tan with the french heal ef duimnn winch have not nnl mrrtnik a in stewarttown has been purchased by ken wilton ol rxpicct toronto mr wilton look pottetnon th 1 weak and moved p or driii subdivision the date book when darwin proclaimed the theory nf evolution and told ui we cam from monkey no on paid t much attention thinking he was harmleitly off balance however it would teem that many tcfantlsu followed his lead with ever lncreslna till we read in our newspapers it ami that even tell ui our ncexlora were fithei not content with making de vlt nomhj to deitroy this beau wilful gttdcretted universe they have turned their attrntion lo the minds of men to destroy their faith in the bible which la 0d word op truth john it v 17 in getteils eh i ver 21 cod orly alales thit living crea i turea were brouiht forth af weak june 55 1174 i years humanity spent the first his methara slipper the first see can caaroe custer and days of leslie patricia s advent weak she was home frem the hit 245 man ware wiped but nb k barker family in a hespital nursery he had been by sleuu indiana at battle of tearful rafte aa resentful of her as lerl little biq hern june 15 iwo prepared lor was rjaw toward har adaptive l grandmothers i discovered i ri 1 i 0l cemuilil ihl tvnt tor m by klp vo d r iwlxom k ju3 u v h amrlcri jlllonry jk nd ttorl ill h c irre rnhd frnc ilgrlnivv vi tuch t wr i juna il 1110 wln in uktrd ii h ii vmrt hun kllr mlll r ih ilm w krm jun 31 1wh 40 vn jmu did not tvolv than my mort vffaan ihey do now it evolution wr trui why sdjd it atop with hianr ljhorani ch 3 vfer 4 uyi cod be true but sy man a uah m unuui plksu in thblbl lwvuut adding uttot ei 1 il chrul could b hiiicntlon i r tulll n i j k mr l v rhd frn dgrln v vi uch or nd i i prep hen she year mn9 j vr teajelhei aee unl7ad purchaaad chlldrena aid of the unfinished fanawa canal trets another lit frem franca june m 1w3 r he boy m yeara ao cam peter rich- v fe d ard redoare born by over lealoui apostles etc beginning with eve all down tha centuries the devil used the minds of men women to oppoie their greater creator our heivenly father which means ule glvflt in 2nd colojalaos ch 2 ver 8 paul warm ui thus deware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit af ter the tradition of men after the rudiment ot the world and not after christ in genaila ch 8 ver fl and 7 xjod aald ha would destroy man beeaiua the imagination and the thoughts of hit heart were continually evil god did deitroy the picked world of hat day with a global flood in hli own good time he wilt ch s and only thoie who have kept their faith in hii word of truth the bible and llvadby it will survive paul telu uh in lit lorin thlanv ch 3 ver d eye hath not aeerf nor ear heard nel ther hath entered tnlo the heart of mitt uie things which si hrrn irrrptitt in tht town uri nnl bruit krpl in propir hani nd lir thinkt ctiincll xhnulil have lillhonu in tin 4m nit rxiry unrk ind charso il hiclt lo lutwlltirirr in iurh rar j thr public umks cominitlrr htf funcllan knwlnf ih will ituitvthr hmrili nil thr frubl kr prnlt wr hv drpt nf munirlpl aftalrs uill lna whn tmv bru0ht ih br cnnlrlrd for ilvar nn utikl- nw bby u tor m to m i llrbislilinn u pnslbl lung ihr lenrhf hr and tctod lorl line lucbrsird h cr harrison wllb lavlth dlaplay of aftoc h houi in which th ttor ut locid yiirday mr and mr harm hav movd to town 0 don barragr wai imlalid a lion ch af whn tha club hald n outdoor mlinrj lait wk at th horn of ih reining prndnl ray whitm jack gunning wai named hr vie prtdnl clsrnc knnedy it 2nd vie pret dent and albert tnnant 11 3rd vic prtidatnt 9 entertain ng at th garden party in the park thurtday were vince mounllord emcee the royal city four joey hollingtworth the paul brother and shirley ah sub ion und andy culhbert hkimch advkntur1r olivier clou tha colourful preach american novelut of lha latt century who wrote under tha name guatay aim ard ja recalled by the book of knowledge after voyage to america ai cabin boy be lived for ten yean amons the indiana tn arkanua and mexi co later ha travelled ownjunduiy deatroy itagalnjad pelerr loldlernf f ortun myolliimthelirahwithlhr ledtnnor lhtthxrahe my the caucasui and spain ler ved an offlcerln the garde mobile jn trujfarlt revolution of 1048 and aa commander of realli thla would b ahoew to lftrla imao of hr new r latlv lori becama a stransarbolh lo her parenta and to heraelf he refiued to obey rejected all her meall pinched the ba by whenever aha got a chance and even tried lo mother her with a blanket krom aweet obedient lovlrtl child ahe tur ned into a little montler each morning at five a m ahe- waa up fjr the day she conked tlen th watohd ma warily apectlnat m to eh and ah ever th baby whan thla did net happen aba efimbad into my tap put har tirad little head en my eheulder end ba ved lh 1 ralut sh drank ajlaaa aftor ttlaaa f rano lulm had levly tlm drlnb iny m to with me frem e ejrewn upalie cup and aau car 1 hr flrat telld feed in daya end elmeat reverted to normal alls well before the family left for home ahe took my hand and garden toola mommy bought lorl eo ahe could help daddy niakethlhg grow if they jo much aa dared try tn eomfnrt the f ranullreui a tf thepexu her inalde that atnul little in the franco inualan jvar of body waa a broken heart and 1871 2 many or hla adventure in her agile llttlebraln wu norli were translated inlot nothing but reaentment lorl cngllih i waa going through that pejrlod tialwtiihilorl anj klated the tiny hand that waved from be pink satin bunting lorl of course had more tanlruina l has taken werka forher to accept the fact ahe uiuatshire the love olhcr parenta that ahe isnt the only ivjanltmhe bottle but fortun georgetown herald publltbd by heme newipapera limited georgetown ontario waller c ftlahn publisher oarftld mccllvray production superintendent okice stak lerry ilarley alteon bradley news editor accountant merryrmenagerie by walt duwy -tom-nuth- advertlslng manager lealle clark dave hastings bob baakervllle myles gilson bob macarthur member of the canadian weekly n association and the ontario association a 1 j3ecauljmtollalbau

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