Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 19, 1961, p. 5

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scottish school chums meet again in srompton tjbe3tsiatjj 1 j- kion by uilio clirk setting materials tq papers and i tv 1 we think this will be of in lerest t mem to give an i idoa of the tremendous load of work earned by just one of the command employees zona bowling milton fosterflaii-aids- korean education readily recognizable lotha maoy local people who knew her here mrs bill uyjor i fright chats wtlh mrs william nicol during their reunion after 34 years apart thirty four years after they lad seen each other last two omen sat in a neat brampton ving room and gossiped far kto the night we finally went to bed at 0 smiled mrs william tay lr of 52 union sl then i tk eliza a cup of tea at 6 30 ttthe morning and w started txing again pm going to have to go hae and rest up added mrs wliam nicol of 1206 kenmore bit akron ohio ie scottish- accent in both the voices niario jl n s pnng to find ffiey nart grown up i rothes- it s a distillery towjli explained mrs w went t6 school together andlived near each other ms nicol had been back to scoand last june so i had it was an account -of- her visit published in the rothes paper that prought thej two friends together after so man yoars 1 still get the rothes paper mrs taylor said and the bus ineas address of fihzas son wat given in the article so i wrote to him and got his mothers address a letter from her friend was all that mrs nicol needed she immediately planned to spend a week of the christmas season in brampton i was 19 when 1 arrived in atlantic city said mrs nicol i went back to scotland a few years after to visit catharine mrs ta lor but not again until last mer trance he was killed during the first world war mrs nicol said she had a chance to sec paris copenhagen and holland as well as scotland and it was all unexpected she added my son it with holiday house travel bureau in cuyabaga falls and he phoned me at the last minute to say there was an extra scat on the plane would i like to come alonfc the tajlors moved o brjmp ton sex en year ato from georgetown and mr tax lor is now working at copclandchal terson ltd catharine wasalwax like a sisterto me said mrs nicol too bad we lost track of each other for so lone now that the two friends tnvc met please note just for tihe h of it we are running the new crest above the monthly meeting will be held next thursday january 26th and we are told there is to be a dance for the hospital held tomorrow mghl ralph hawcs promises mov les and refreshments after the meeting next thursday night we expect that the local branch will have some item in the legionary in the march isv sue when wc hear complaints about command oeeas tonally wc aro inclined to think many of them come from lack df knowledge more than an actual desire to deprecate the efforts of those who as often as not an doint a treat job this was brou hi furubh to mind when wc saw the list of accomplishments of lb pr man for dominion e ommaiid norm shannon and his staff fror instance onh in ontario does fie reccixc an help m this job this is lh onl pro ncc which his a public rcla public m hi saturday january 21st 1961 team no 1 g collier capt j patteisnn ii chappel f hcrguson n brpwn and g king leave georgetown 2pm bowl 2 45 pm toom no 7 burnt cross capt herb ar nold norm mcdonttir shell lawr bill korzack archie iol lock leave georgetown 0 clock bowl 12 45 p m team no 3 earl wilcox capt gnrd it id itoy hudicer bill ft inn ichiii jack kemsheud bud hill leivi georgetown 9 am borfl 10 15 am f plat not you must havi icgion card or ccipl to compete in sports if j on cannot o pk ify jour c ipt mi immeili lf i el the tragedy of the world s st trying arrd destitute children ulways appear inrter when on considers how many treat minds and talt nts the world may be tosint like the case of 10 yearold jun koo chun who to i ly huddles against the hitter konin winter with bis two sisters mil sick mother m a ln mi in idi wood and canvas shack be suit t railro id track koo chun w nils to be a lawyer fled south koo chuns father had red si nth from communism m irth koic i be fore the boy was 12 born he had bom a school leather in seoul he started a i small so ip i ictorx with anulher mail ind studied iw al nilhl 1u had just psvid his h ir ex 111 munition when the eonimun isl nivadi d seoul and the fim il tied south a known anti eoinnmnihl the f ilher silddi n b divpp ft ti his filu is lllll nh known to this d v each other regularly with let- jnslaled hothwav byitlmirad plan best of all for koo chun is the knowledge he has that someone sdtfiewhere is in terested and wants to help him to help himself information why don t you or your group becomo foster parents infor mat ion can be obtaipcd by writ mg p o box 65 station b montreal the cioftot6wn hirau fish supplied iarly beads mankind has favoured beads 1 as an ornament since the earl- 1 lest days says the book ot knowledge and 30000 ago fish bone was used to nufau i them jsterefrai smile fbi you ih ihe liuptri il seeliuit ol hi i nch no 120 caniidi in iciin held their election of officers for 1w1 on sund ix j inuan 15th with the follow uu roliilt imnudiau ptsl president hs fix lor president id mel r molt vice president itoj ltu i icr treasuier pcre ci irk i try bob muir fu rrank stoddirl i nd hill kimiichu miserable life hi been al mi erahle 1 he to upp irt lier i pdidlinj i l nil euir pennies a ulaliws lo public i lo don bar ranger a downfall en m bcd saved from net 1 sin and was now beating drum at revival meetings 1 lined to flit from party to parly the told the audience i drunk liquor and smoked cigarettes and kept very late now i don t drink smoke or go lo parti cf and i m in bed every night by ten o clock in f mt i dwii to now except land around and beat this lousy drum i well there nothing like beatc inj your own dnim bo her cot for the finest dry dean- tnk care you cant beat tht work we do every garment receives individual attention from spotter to anisher for the life of your clothes send your dry sh ttuid kite no free schoi ph st md then it was an extraordinars tnp m secn das she travelled i aeain plans jre underw u al lotlf newsto tellof olov old 1 10 000 miles my purpose was ready for another reunion next friads she said to visit my brothers grave in j summer this time in ohio ehllinafad farm couple narked 40th wedding m couple well known locally whewere fnamed 40 years ago janary 5th in the erin parson agejmr and mrs robert warne obscved their anniversary with thet family and group of frietis and relatives yh couple both born in erin towahip lived for six years on tie warne homestead in the actoi area before busing their own dace at r r 2 acton they lived and farmed there for 31 yaws before retiring and ttovinj into town in 1947 mrs warne the former phoetx hilts was bom in ball inafac and was always fond of chickens and gardening during their 30 years on the farm sirs warne looked after nearly 600 hens in one year she re calls planting a peach stone and watching it grow into a mature tree producing 18 bas kets of fruit one year the first year of their move to town the couple found it hard to adapt themselves to the change but now are happy and enjoying good health in their ret we wouldn t want to go back to the oldhife they stated mr warne recalls the change from horses to tractor age on the farm and has seen many similar changes during his farming lifetime one of toughest experiences for couple after they retired was i to stay in bed in the mornings explains european farm methods at terra cotta tions and publiclu committee i members mht be interested in the anous phases of his work and we list a few of the m chairm in of commute is um and a few of the incidental alx fajor sick mr i h jobs he doe m connection with rilx p nli 1 1 iiniiie nl in his pr work murph and dave bowimti he is secritarv to the sport- training proram m charac of operation star shooter secre- j t t f ij tar for membership and sec hwdrd i oiis ot vlold relars for the curllnp commit t 11 f tie in charre and responsible iqllhee tlld jerseys fur the promotion and dtstrib ution of material for lopp in i it cist hi rd f mi k campaign kits sccrctarj to the l blla sons ilornbi out ir national remembrance das the cow rocfc fcil i ir imi i committee and handles all in slmdess 2281 cl formauon anej liasori wnih the cellent his just be iill schu is in chun attend both are members of the at the home of mr and mrs lmted church and mrs warne harvej puckerinc the terra is active in the wms and for cotta tanners club held their mcrly taught sunday school first meetin of the new sear mr warne was sunday school the ladies meeting wis openj superintendent at ballinafad i ed by the new president mrs j nd served as an elder there mcdonald and sutestions for 1961 programs vis the re sponsc to the roll call on the farm their day began around sam each morning and is serving in that capacity acton presently present to join with the coup lc were their family consisting of roy at home edithmrs peter binnie acton dorothj mrs k allan acton marjone mrs w bell kitcicncr and vera mrs r pinson guelph the couple have seven grand children as well the groom s gift to the bride was a gold wnstwatch press rado and tv for national coverage of nov lllh last eir he vas alo re ic for most of the co crage for the dominion con ention ocr 6 500 column insl appearing in 56 dailies and a large number of weeklies lie is responsible fr the tri alls increased spotlight on commu scmcc work in the of he also prepared 20 newv releases and feature stories sa v pictures were used and carried ndicites arr mtcd a ton 1425 dts lbs uf fat hlcr of the supi an article entitled injoving cbc tv nows mtor life giving tips for the com ing year was read by mrs fraser macdonald al the joint meetint under the direction of mr chrencc anderson a possible bus trip for the members was discussed also plans were laid for i bowl mg party in ichmirv with the member rilurmne 1 ih home prjll sluhl nationalk and arranged for a favourable stor in time mat azine tave a ten minute i t ws inters lew nationalk on t hc radio and sert picluns and mats of the new let ion crest to i all canadian papers arranted an interucw with the d maain ipttftu ftrtiuii spnaten jgrkk liiltrs stth fim itns ffittu iiidor mavin bin i tmin i1i111 limblmitn cra pkihi cn samot onitm it vat tbtsawi and the many flowers and cards f mr and mrs llosd cnchlon well as numerous gifts bore -a- musical interlude w is pro the esteem in which the couph were held by their friends and neighbors during the day 140 guests attended the rftnpluiaand en joyed a piece of the three tiered wedding cake made bv the bride and iced by mrs w evans one of the highlights of the occasion for the happy couple was the receipt of a letter from ahoyhood chum of mr warne living in the united slates mr and mts alfred sherwood of sarasota springs remcwlbered the couple s wedding annivers ary and sent the letter of con gratulations their best man 40 years ago henry hilts was present in the evening to rem inisce with the coupie ided bj mr archie 1 siolin accompanied bs mr liar very puckering al the piano after the music mr alet mckinncy spoke bnefh about his trip to europe illustrating with slides scenes in home holland ireland and great bri 1 tain pnmanlv the trip wi concerned with i he difti r nl methods of agriculture in thi at the close of the tn etin before the serving of lunch mr f l thompson thanked the host and hostess and thovc tak ing part in the programme ml israel fetes dr best as world lifesaver in ihr- crop car ended juh 31 i960 canada had 28 per cent dp the worlds wheat mar kel the u s had 52 per cent australia 12 per cenl agren tine 8 per cent by max rosenfeld in the toronto telegram the world s most notorious jler and one of the world s adlng lifesavers were- in jcr ttlem this month but they lnt meet tdotph eichmann was in jail aaiting trial for wartime enm against the jewish people tfid toronto s dr charles hbest codiscoverer of life ung insulin who makes his sumer home here was feted a guest of the hebrew uni veaty of jerusalem r best through insulin hai the distinction of saving nw lives than eichmann des- trod 1e toronto doctor who m his discovery of insulin w a 22 year old medical altfcrrt spent 10 days in the h land wilh his wife and mi linda mahon secretary of tn banting best chair of mocine bey were received by israeli prudent yitkhak benzvi in his bo during the early part of thi- staw l the second day of his vis dr best packed ihe uni veity auditorium with med ica researchers and students foriis lecture on forty years wit insulin n best reporicd after a tmitof the univernity labors outstanding merit and among the best- in the world today he renewed acquaintance with several scientists he had met in european universities before and after world wtr ii and expressed pleasure trjjd ing them rehabilitated to crca live work in israel he also met prof jack gross formerly of montreal who now heads cancer research and fx penmen tal medicine at the hebrew university dr best amazed reporters with his youth his name has been famous for so long said one reporter 1 wondered how a man i tho ught would be 90 could make such a long trip dr best and his party trav cled thorughout the holy land visiting religious shrines new development lawns scientific institutions and art colonies wherever they traveled doc tors civic delegations andord inary citizens came out to greel them on departure dr best said to a scientist it is heartening lo sec scientific principles being applied m a new country in- al most every aspect of its devel opment j the reufts are evident in lorn and clinics that the work purposeful people deriving con t id examined there was ot tenlmenl from fruitful work travel notes 17- day excursion torontolondon 331 1 by propellor dr ven planes 361 by jet available to march 3 1st john r barber trmvii adviior john r- brbr agncy insurance tr 7 2514 travr mill si homoh- amounting our appointment as your nis dealer vvc re proud to announce our appointment as an authorized new idea dealer it is our sincere be lief that new idea farm machines represent the hijcst sillies on todays market well be happy to expl nn their many exclusive features to you at any tune wc re dso ready to give you any needed serv ice and ru ir intee satisfaction stop m soon and qet icqeiaintcd aam ni- turner ltd mike norton afad ontario meet tnceirttm s so much a part of 61 ponuac with its si m inm sleek csienor that moves you miles ahead of th rest in clcv mcc ind sensible taste a balanced combina tion of ditnus prestige and youthful good taste that teut ou ih it ponii ic is undoubtedly the hnest car in its field hee s i tir ihii s soundly engineered from the tires up on re etjuijefmti comfort and security because ponttacl rutted fnme loundmon means a lower centre of gravity moothcr hindlmg and cornering and suptrb suspension giscs you a joit free nde on step inio new ponu ic doors are wider open farther so sou c in slide mto luxurious deep toam cushioned front se its u nh trc iter cisc sc us arc higher with all the head- n oiii ktioom fool room ind shoulder room you could ui hlnr spirkhnp upholstery excites the admiration of au ci ihcse tenures barely start to spell out the porltiao luxury story mdfmi t crilil il engineering quality construction superior new m neriais ind finishes combine to make pontiac a car that will uic von belter performance longer xvith less maln- tcnincc ind grc iter gisohne economy y h never realim how in tch due leareingivcyouuntilyouowna 61 ponuac opt onai ai extra cost a generat motors value rabso much a part of 61 for th bail ir drama o4hrol motor proonu wkly ehatk local tv liitlno for hm and chonnl- arthur scott motors limited 61 guelph street georgetown triangle 72251

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