Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 12, 1961, p. 3

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flans are being laid to hat an open house a boon as it is feasible 90 that citizens maj have a preview of their bospi tal this was one of the matters that came up for discussion at the month b meeting of the hospital board of governors held last thursday the jneet p ing dealt with a number of fan th obokoitown hbratd k jm thursday january 12th 1941 pagff a guelph man was hotel employee r marshal noble brother of mrs arthur wilson victoria street died in guelph general hospital on december 22nd after being in ill health for some tlm mr nob who was in his sixlj second year was born the son of helen and charles nohte in kingsey falls quebec where e lived until early manhood since that tun be had lived in guelph and dis trict where he was employed with the regent oh company for mans j ears and later with the wellington hotel he is suried bj his wife well s the proposed p tfco chldren admiohtrstor discussion with maminorramr oiscuo aiho le ji tzt loelw geo anne and three sis arthur and the formation of commit tees for che ensuing jear mrs clarence bouskill sr ad iclal port credit and mrs john it was decided that the view wallers naomil oi hamilton tag of the building would be majr q of the g amnfed faen m the opinion army conduclei the fun of the building committee and era aemce at the mclanaghan the contractor there are no i an wa funeral homo ucl undue hazards kl present it ph on aturdai december 24 is m a dangerous state and b i nephews were pallbearers too dangerous to allow people omar and everett wilson clar in howeer it is hoped that e jr lawrence and john in a matter of weeks this sit bousknl and vernon cole in uation will be rectifued terment was in woodlawn cem concerning the state of proyeter guelph gress on the building mrs brownridge again heads auxiliary group e msiallatioii of the offi for the afternoon auxtl vis of si johns united 1 church was jjumiutied tn the ian henmik on tueila the attendant r tor the first meeting of the ew year was most encouraging mi v brwnridge president presxi- month we hope to bring a gress report to public attcntii through this column and beginning did jou lcno that maonrj all are 85 completed metal lathing is 50 fin tshed that platermg commenc on januarj 3rd will be finished on february hut that terrazeo flooring 35 and will shortly be bhed i that roughing m of the wir ed and read a new year s poem tog is 0 completed includ for a call to worship to open ing roughing in for xraj the meeting reports from the equipment i different departments showed that roughing m of the much had been achieved durmg beating is about 75 done the ear the bale allocation and that the number of had been filled and sent off in bricks used totals an astronom good ume mrs g l rquhart the loal 242 773 i community friendship eecre also deleted to the site for tan stated that a total of 279 installation are refrigerator for sih had been made to mck milk formula and bottle wash nd shut ins a home and in r and developmg tank for x jp ttnanuall at the present the communili mrs buck n ume 407177 29 has been paid v jj out on the hospital and work allo 1 sos completed woum be reached whch as the president or the oeor graufmog to hear mrs w e an read tin setown medical aaflciatian u hmiiil scripture lesson from i ukr 17th ofajter vencs 121 and chamberlain the list of his association and presented applications for the devotional the following to be accepted as kingdom of god staff doctors dre j h cham berlain macintosh thompson brewster and hooper dr c v ho pren wthe the rod worki within our souls whuh ejiables us to accomplish great things for him let us stir up this u that wc of the association and also an honorary staff member president then thanked the ex lain various aspects of the hospital members for their staffects local doctors were ftbfui and all rejoiced discussed with dr chamber that it had proved to be a most satisfying jear david and jaime r inning then entertained with pi los also mr harrison playe h k largo and special request and all who the officers of the board of directors remain much the aame as last year with john gunn as president mrs w hamilton as treasurer mrs uoyd marks as secretary i erv much appreciated ted evans vice president i the following slate ol jffce a number of committee chair i jvi men were named john gunn finance and management pub lic relations and publlcitj les lie m clark property ted ev ans and medical ir j h chamberlain applications were discussed dyng the post of admin and nursing supervis nth a committee from the tis board and medicat assoeaon reviewing applications it is hoped to make an earlv selec hon in both of these impor tant positions rqftdir ifalor we remind evenone that receipts are given m all don ations of s50 or over and on completion of payment if pled ged over a period of time if however anyone wishes a re ceipt for a smaller amount just phone- tr 734d0jnd4t will be sent along gladly i unsolicited donations are tnok n health unit work is president mrs bro ridge 1st vice president j kirkwood 2nl vice president mrs a nielsen treahtror mrs e buck correstmiridnig sevrelarj mis a annattcr recording tecr tarv mrs j kirkwood chris tian stewardsh p mr- h cur christian ctizcnship mrs hacs missionary monthh mrb g ward i tcrature stc retarr mrs hjves supplv miss iorgrave ami miss m sjv res associate members mrs a vannatter comunilv friendship mrs c lrquharl with committee 1 mrs il btein mrs fvans mrs b ward and mrs j ktrkwood pianist mrs wnhl auditors mrs v macdonald and mrs aaam social convent r mro v macdonald and mrs a niel ecu pom i op this one arrived this week from faroff england with c- k jp a donation of 10 sterling cxpiaineq uy wursc and closer to home one from there is tne tegular wl meeting of so int yet to bgafac and ao j georgetown n v1 was held much monev needed each i m knox all januan 4th w donation large or small i nee i u ft lhe ded and most gratefullv tccep plt thc ci the meeting opened with lh ted and to all those with pled ges may we remind vou that ttwy are pax able at wry of thejxered local banks or direct to the t treasurer mre w b hamilton reid court a certain amount institute ode and marv sleuart collect and a roll call was ans b something fo sell the members responded well and a number of varied articles were sold later the minutes of confusion has arisen in look and correspondence wre read ing up the treasurer in the an it was announced that the a phone book and we would just theme for the wl at milton fair i point out that the number is v be wool articles listed under hamilton constr a report was given of pro- motion ceeds from prizes at george there have been manv new towti f ftnd a mo residents la town since the cam made to send s25 to schoo paign ar 1 thearc urged to for retarded children in milton take part foriformauon or i mrs ken davidson convener todinss a donation or anj for the meeting introduced miss phase of the hospital just call o shea who gave a talk on the of the directors and thej work of the halton count wfll 1e delighted to do so and finally lets all recall the campaign slogatu we need a hospital wate aljl ftving health lmt which was very instructive the meeting closed with the queen after which lunch was served and the members en joyed a social nah hour tvi qlui4- distressed merchandise of floor samples damaged items odds and ends discontinued lines returns starts 9 am tomorrow 4 days only cedar chests featuring such famous name 6 boshart and red seal regular ranges aq from s5995 10 sb9 95 clearing fri sat tues wed kroehier sectional tnree lge roo i p c backed by kroehler quality and slylmg inc udt h i sofa bumper end and curved centre section toqq reg 3995 xt7 2pc french provinclat one oi oar finest- 1 nes now you can have the grace and charm ot luur oui french provinciaval a special sale price 4030 reg 299 95 don i mss this buy jpc colonial suite sweep ng canada by sloini this handsome styling adds a new d mens o i of cnarn to your living room includes roomy loose cush o i sofa and chair s219 95 regularly tl70 marked down to snyder 2pc llvlst room suite a real beau and built as only the tradit onal snydtr peop e n i build them quality an we way rhroutjli 1q9 wass23995 must go only jpc kroehler suite in nylon that s n c o der fabric that actua ly fights wear a d st vf f it in a choice of several colours one sample toro was s329 95 marked down to qo save 40 on this kroehier nylon ai ol r wonderful value genu ne nylon fabrics plus kioci c quality and design was originally 279 95 lto0 out it goes at for only t kroehler 4seater suite want lo oi eat a space well this long low oto l c ca four or more and comfortably it was 219 ye teid closing out sofa and match ng cna roily i i inlk vc k disulsscd ioo md t ic onl1 1 blllli c molktd lip willi iiuxmihu ol cioll l s wouh iii bi uul- ikv lllwhuiil m i lit si in ol ihl till sc isdii ind silts lnc been i iv oil c- xcud loiiu weic muck and we imisi liqliidue tins siock ji once so mil jlieji go il big ledlielions you jusi an 1 no wionj on ilusi ikks ac i ow wink sckinons ml loiii- nkii lamps lamps lamps selection of table ampi boudoir and inliqhls ai ar below normal oij enrre ock lo be cleaned oui including iionuiacturtr i end of line a nd samples reg 57 95 to539 95 closing out at 298 to 2495 kroehler 3 pc bedroom suite luxury in looks luxury in qyeliry a winner for value built as only kroehler can build them reg s329 panel oao bed double dresser and chesl clearing at 3 pc kroehler magnolia suite a style winner and quality of course with a name like kroehler regularly 299 bar bed double dresser fco and rhest vanity desk for above suite laige expensive tne perieci drebsmg lable or desk fcaq for your beiroom reg s89 95 t all le finsl no phone mail or c o d order immediate delivery only no exchange or refund merchandise subject to prior sale no dealers 199 another glamorous 4seater made r di o tor spec alists and n sty s1 selected iatv s j normally al 219 95 tlao- closmg out at t scandinavian 3seater suitelfedture ful scandia pities now so popular w th rever filled seat and back cush ons a real beiu cho ce of three colour como nat on was regularly priced at 169 95 toxlear 129 kroehler bedchesterfield o ie only floo ample the best in sea ng sleop io comfort froi kroehler reg s229 95 closing out 189 upholstered side chairs reg s69 95 1 i t i braemore a tne quality r a r n k y tan l a c yo r dote oi several 59 lazyboy recliners yes tne v nous t e 1 fclrtr se don ofeied at a reducti dn priced lequ uny a s 1 29 95 go nq out for on y 99 kenmar recliner rocker come s complete w tn n nich hq otlori an beaut hi tamily p amiable plai c loowi ike leathev roof nagah de w th iw ce if ustif a retil begu jo tne n an ot umir normally 105 00 tne 3 pc walnut suite made from selected veneers o o e ot car add s leai i g makers of quality bedroom fj i lute a iedl beauty scand a des gi loo w n updiw ue vertical m rror reg 259 95 5 pc platinum walnut complete with ribbon spring ft martresx anoiner value winner from thii cica sale tn s ha dsome double dresser suite in- clurdes r bbo pr ing a id mattress atfhis tlqq one low prce genuine 239 95 i ne 3 pc deucraft suite f n bedroom furniture at its verv best ih luxury sute regularly sold for s299 00 moor id i pie n pr me cond tipn 09 los na ou 60pc chrome ensembles featuring famous lib erty d tieites n your cho ce of chror ie or bronze full a qe ot patterns all w tn ex tens on tables includes 0 nerwarr qla wjie a h tiatware too taq- compiete 5 pc bronzetone dinette suites arborite top odt j upnols ered chsrs all makes colours and pat ems sle oi oi fi i she fio valu to s109 95 wp ie they lav scandinavian 2seater sofa yc the suite described aboye th s s ofa tvo with foam revers ble cush ons reg 79 95 5995 kroehler 3pc sectional anome- kroehli p showpiece th s s a floor sample tn pr me con i t but according tojge must be cleared it s a redl b y was prgmall9 399 95 9qq 2c living room suite a qua ty su i bu it tr sell originally for 179 95 aid exceptional vi n its regular prce one only floor sample qq to clear w kroehler relaxer chairs its caught on ke if rt kiehler own des gn comtort 70 a i qualtly reg 89 95 cleir 1q t kroehler platform rockers com tor mb e teailv ti lored i a var ety of fabr t another qi icrtul buy tor these regularly sold tor tqft ut ai f dinette buffets made r 79 95 los ng ou iih bronze ton 49 60 00 clc snyder tv swivel chair perfect for the odd ha r ii the i v nq room or the de i or too reircilon room sold fo 39 95 ore only at platform rockers cloeout ot var ety of i nes and styles reg 29 95 to 39 95 toa oft 0 tearing at one prce t luxury iie hostess chairs real faults a h you have a cho ce of clear nq at tnis value packed closeout prce regularly 49 95 coo oo they have alrfoam too t walnut showwood on this arm chair beautiful number regularly sold for 59 9s ci two one w th showwood arms and one with upholstered arms combination amfm stereo hi fl imported tine quality set witn beaut ul cabinet rtq s41995 clos ng out tooooc demonstrator azyvvd half price sale of smooth top mattresses and box springs includes sealy values as i gh as 139 95 tor halt the r original price alrfoam flake pillows cash and cany 188 698 195 proctor automatic toasters j2 95 cash and carry card tables famo s maver top qual ty cash and cany hassocks from 49 tables tabus tables selection ot top quality makers including moderns french prov incials contemporary and scandinavian end step coffee lamp or comer tables reg 419 95 aosng 798 to 6900 free delivery budget terms 24 months to pay thctw furniture of georgetown 14 main street s georgetown tr 7252t

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