th uokoitown hmald thurtdtr january nthlw pace 11 make money save money with herald want ads classified rates word ads 1st insertion 5c a word minimum 1 00 additional insertions 4c minimum 60c classified display 125 per column mch memoriams 1 00 plus 10c or each line or poetry cards of thanks 5c a word minimum 1 oor births marriages deaths 100 for sale large steamer hunk for sale tr 7 2795 as spacf healer fullv auto matic tr 6 6707 portabl y u n d erwood rjpowritcr for talc tr 7 dry hardwood in ibs for ale 5 single- cord tr 6 bl04 1 19 help wanted mothers docs your budget fall short of your needs you can earn that extra income by workmg a lew hours a day representing avon cosmetic in your spare lime we train ytro write miss zejjlcr noifolk apartments ouclph giv ing phone i bagpipes sjo chanter s5 flwo pipi music books 2 tr t2994 for sale twcfc dressers 3 drawers large mirror 18 edward st trf 7 3534 40 moffat clean ranc good condition extra clt mi nl 40 tr 7 269vf double sizt films developed 8 lexposure roll 50c ure 60c send i jifh phi box 222j clinton ont pos new electric rargclte stove for sdle suitable foe summer collate tr 7 987 j tf girls while skates sue three worn utilv twice 3 child s slcigb tr 7 4350 lar radio for sale 12 volt for small english car prat tic allv new tr 71029 bbys suoctlv rocker 5 mic pair irt white fuur skalcs mi 11 si 50 tr 7 3070 1954 oiknwatn ood ton no layohs permauenl j ear round business employ ment income 5000 8 000 yearly require three men for brampton sales work with rul ler brush companv phono ha jrituon j a 8 7373 days or bir lington jse 7 0586 fur appoint ment training prov ided to qualified applicants 1 26 experienced janitor slab wood for sale cut in love lengths delivered w ill rid bird tr 7 2393 h m hearing aid batleric avail able at ernie s radio mil st tr 7 2701 tf washing machines 20 and up i4 bplectnc nmiurs gas engines will pick up scrap metal see us at 16 ro etta street ssi harris tr rro pw donald nona for wanted tor apartment building i rree beatcd apartment c ic state age experience and mar ttal staius lo herald sox 1 man wanted tvpericiiced in lumber am building iupplits vxilc iv inj age experience and salarv ex pet led to herald box 4 help wanted i real estate would llkt to meet rt spoil i lhlo woman fond of children for frequent hab silling avail able for dav oi i vening j occasional lad mghl wilhinl walking distance of charles sl or wilh own uansnurlation i it fa 044 mortgages first and second arranged la aull your budget guelph investments co ta 2 9700 guelph help available tf pbjvai1- tuilioi ik school duld lenced quallim til 7j378 t n to pub 1 h- wanted desperately for rent for rent 90 monthly 3 bed room semi detached bungalow possession immediately 27 sar gent rd til 7 9565 tl services aitract1ve 3 and 4 room apartments 55 to 68 apply terrace apartments 32 queen tr 7 9380 ft plumbing heating call triangle 733 biil carbutt 16 elgin street 0 carp n i lit ind cabinet ma iter av ulablc j veirs expert cucc all iim of woodwork edward t hrki ik 7 9h5 tf pi pi i s for pun forte now bcinj accepted bv winifred r mulder 41 mam st sou hi tr 7 4063 urpfmhl and tabtnl mak cr awilahl m iih lo small kin nclli ham 1h 7 l i main rloor in bungalow bedrooms living room kitchen and basement room headed w- have an ever increasing a conveniences ib edward st jist of city folks who are anx m 73534 icus lo by a few acres of land j in rail their own prcfcrablv gomrortablt furnished bed 1 but nol absolutely neccsarv room amiable tor one or two with water and or woods frits j lades apply tr 7 3384 also jand hungry folks want between fit ntlchians lovclv wine color one and five scenic acres now i silk rayon dressing gown for lis the lime for vou to dispose sale good as new of that utile piece of land vou f building contractor custom homes general car pap try rl modelling tr 7 9034 andy affleck tf thought of selling wt can gel vou a good price foi m contact us n6w no obli tuun on vour pari slarr real estate brampton phone gleildale 1 1510 in toronto dial bt 6 4645 srhvkr i rl dndc power ssn four d ivi hand winch ind tov tr 7 3275 or tr 7 3611 195b blltk c mturv hai complete wnlh all extras condition tiki ovei pai webb s greenhouse tor freh cut flowers potted plants flor al arrangements for anv occas ion we deliver phone hulton ville code no 416 8658158 11 all starb insurance auio home and contents accidt nt and nckncss 6 months 10 pav agent w h scon tavlui 41383 guelph phone collect it cafe and step tables with arbdritetops tall at wood craft companv at 2 cros street tr 739j6 t hardwood dry 12 long two single cords 513 00 delicti ed same quantity dr oi wood 9 or mixed si 1 rarlis mere farms tr 74501 j 6061 nllqtfc un colkclmn flint i lock and musk 1 1 liht iirtiat entu dismantled benson g roplaiu insiriiineuls and fii l ngs ni w tpt boil i it i 9417 dl1av1 milklrs sales and service used nulktis poultr and dan irnnlators b vent 0 m hi unpton l1h1n uid i- 1 n suip i 1071 tf rr mini 1un 22 bolt action nrw ld ml taict niodd id sulliut rendition rpntn scope sihi and inm sighl h atht 1 slui till ma s40 or ix si offer tr 7j903 a i experienced typist lop m required j for local firm apply box no 3 herald office inspector for plastics factory scum knowledge tuihrol lesirablc pre fined to rk 12 nim i appu mai 1wo bill dim i 11 i st batkliu up ui main shppinj an 1 i hi n i ra 1 1 w hunil ws r tnd till i r- ti 11 1 1 l tin w 1 ml 1 it usher plastics limited loh nelson sin it w bra mp ion gl endale 1 221tt iruidjt si phqne owner tr 7 3526 or tr 7 3251 all minium- storm doors elf storing complete with hard ware s39 50 iin ard double hungwindfjw installed tx 7398 r mjio eqn p nt no 19 pin coffee tadles or sale alsu alep tahies dcks and book shelves clearing all sccunds and discontinued lines call at delia craft acton 99 riur drive s linr s10 lick code osillaloi s and ke s10 oltmcter eico thnkir ffieo 520 70 r nil tubes awtrted r rail is need some tr 7 9258 surge pipllinl or buckfi milkers and vacuum pumps new and used machines pipe and ftuiiijs for milkers aim water bovli installed call horace tomlinsun 9 lclauh lin rd north biampton gl 1 1275 lots of reconditioned tv sets from 45 at wigo lotfcsfreconditloned tv sets from 45 at wigo wanted w nih good hoim tor iw kitlcns tr 7 9447 i w nth pxujtivluin b e i tablished small local hiisinos now hear this lb l ht looking for an altr 1 v ii complete with paed ilnu c 111 lm n palio water softener full iwrim nt ping w r havf it this is without a d nil 111 i 1 1 llsltsd and vou won i have in r j ih n furniture 111 down pvvmem xx jul sjoh u 1 hi oii to pa balance at 6 n on 111 1 t nha wr 1 so hur a six n nn i h li aped for si 000 down town country reair estate ltd 4 nelson street brampton ont glenda 1 1736 excellent used cars 19s8 ustln 55 4 door scdin in 1958 fiat ml i 1 111 recondition td from 1952 pontiat 4 door sedan reallv good kalsbeek motors car buyers before ou bu our nt 1 late model used car set us to insurance and fuiancins i ov est available rates lor selec riks the john r barber agenc 27 mill st tr 7 221 georgetown i a 10 nars hftalrl lov rred w 1 it w nt1- d at ov kind mistress n n lionn 1 j t 1 in 1i1 pure till sian paper spa aster v gtnll 0 fern 3 ed tr fine affec e per 7 1342 w n rin hal on product di 1 n lice ai std nouhi dii 1 tiili c run kilin plin colic on ni 84401 oultr d dres cu c mil tl anthj la old ch monllis t thnu flmk- tie ir s3 1 ih in n nn u 11 start t four ih hat in a prtmii m p lirn ilj uk tt ar id supph v ipph t ents 1 id 1 i id rcrc i ipk in tinlid flocks th tvi now p hick hatch s ontario ploni m lstok rhmo al iicinie rohll and 1rv 60 mw si ol pc hit lbs for dead cous rfiid hor s more fnr crip pls according to s and con 1 dill m old horse v a lb small animals remmirf f r c of iihar 24 hour senior- 7 dacs rn ph nr hi tf turkeys available at all times we deliver willitts turkey farm tr 74349 b1lnfd dead stock fast service diad and di- ihlrd 1 s and scs s10 each meat horst sv lb all antimc guelph ta 2- or gait 623 193s colled milton tr 19210 lorrn i id 43c60 if parts and service highest cash prices paid l norgt ttttison i icenced dead for all slock removal dead crrna ford products hrsts ltmi 0 oid htlttiv hiirs- v l small ls nnimiil irrr if clurse 4 ll mr sri ir i c nn 19 cfio jlher sz000 wurlh olslock call collect try us for parts and scrvrefe brampton ol ij907 harley motors gotph ta 42871 t john st tr7 2591 tl feroua plant 932 r 31wir harley motors if you are househunting don t forget to look at the one described below sl rooms 3 bedroom i- sluiv li t i full basement oil heated muminun 1 1 u is on tuo sides uit 67x116 laiss7 1 b nl li r i tlcttuc ransr included imnu imii pis 1 si 000 down if mortgage can lw iiiu d this house 1 not in the couiir im s d c s i 1 and hoppin full price only 6500 if you arent househunting start right now and don t miss this lovely home six rooms 4 in liooin- 1 si 1 1 1 t 1 1 stum fireplace and ara3i t- ill himinuil 1111 11 1111 florins and tcrein 1 von on bis mini kindi i argc lot 91x100 with shnili ind a o ml it tm s apple pear and peach trei- included mnminu n imi on kilthen windows anil canopv mi link it r ii nisr is in immhiulale condili n an i w rl i- i full price 1390q with 2500 down banlame on one niditgagr at 6 d anioriii i r 1 1 r and a further choice for buyers who know a good house when they see itl soi id buick 2 torc on quitt sin et 1 t 1 1 r un li i in huge trees nd in a good ncilrftsm h l a 11 i r a verv reawnablf price this house comprises tin ro 11ns 1 111 1 n lm nl should have vonr attenhon immediileu a two tai garage takes care nt vimr it ii h i 1 i 1 second apanmeni of the nritae vendor lakes back balance on one moncifcr al h illir vou havr told us what ou can pav rinu 11 full price 15500 paibaulnn to bf airn8d harold s hare ltd realtors brampton beprfentattve chaw es dyksttta 137 main strwt north tr 73245 georgetown wi will in yksd t tunatts ih 7 lf1 i gjhxpihi lrhmii drtss will w rk with in pitlern tipplii d 1 v 11 n palui ns 111 pi- 1 si havi italini ol niohls ih laiis hiuir ourlouii k il it 1 s ihli lo i fil j 7 3882 i real estate building lots in various georgetown locations i si mi i r r i h mo c uhl hi huill in a wiodd 1 t on mai kel si wlmli ha 9k f t f n 1 l 1 s tto 1 i nip of ticwlv luiill h in 1000 or large lot as down payment i loom bungalow full has nl oil furnace modem kilch an i hath taxen s132 nns 10 suit 1500 n bungalow bd unace modem double gaiagr 1 to tint 2500 buck older home laige lot garage gborgetown house for rent or sale 3 yeais old 6 room ranch bungalow 85 monthlv immediate possession iaw down pament phone cherrv 7 8846 modern and heated self ton tained main hoot 3 room apari i ni nl one bcdioom tiled baih i and shower living room and kilchenelte 65 monlhh lm mediate possession tr 7 2r15 tf accommodation available room and board in comfort able home for one gentleman tom clapham oil burnar service plumbing a and heating r r 1 dcorgetown ir 7 3737 tf record year for township building a record year for construe ion was witnessed during in nassagaweya township a the years end clerk don mo- millan reports he issued pet- mils for 310 450 worth of con struction including one largi school and several smaller prtfi jects the 161000 bioojtvillt pub lic school was the township largest piojeel others includ ed r2 liomes a bell iclcphoml building one small industry one barn sevecat garages a ditions cottages and sma farm buildinjs for paint inc jnd dbcorafing ten coxe 5 you man triangla 73ts b f auto body is re painting specialty room and com fori able 7 3491 complete collision work mounminviyt ret j river dr lacioss from vansn plant wiring commercial 1 domestic jown lenz registered master electrician electrical lon i racto i tr 73414 etobicoke constructio and paving y asphalt paving driveway parking lota sidewalks industrial work- and curbs tr 86149 clean hqm tr don brinklow if tr 7 3401 tf uy brick bungalows now it the time to buy before prices rite in the sprmi wanting to rent l up e wauls o renl 1 or 6 ro nn home with garage single room and board awi tabic in a comfortable home convenient lo factories and schools tr 7 9074 m rnishfd home rem free tn voting or middle aged couple in return for answering phone call for full particulars 88 luelph strecl tf j room board in comfort able coontiv home for woman who would pa kind attention to two chool age children and ketp ahead do the dusting 1 u while mother works contact mis irene saunders i it r r- hdrn by l nmf ll we have it transportation sydney k lamb realtor lillie baird georgetown representative 34 mill street tr 7 9641 for rent wanted wanted stoilr for rmt tr 7 m50 if trnsportstlon from norval to bia airivc 9 am and leave 6 pin phone 8bi82m rrnstorthon wnird lo brampton morning nnlv to iravo r 30 tr 73241 services c uonllr licenced prompt courteous service i norman t 1 iddle 9 mcnabbst tr 74413 moving storage i fas movers i ns where in canada and usa rumv insured n snyder tr 7419 ft brick and block laying concrete work new and rtpaus in nnevs fireplaces planters a euteneier tr 7 2932 tf ray conn plumbing authorized gas dealer hot water ft steem heat in 34 miu sl tr 7 2784 r beeney plumbing heating t1nsmith1ng r r 1 georgetown tr 7-9363- 24 hour i- tv service 7 days a week tr 7 9541 af1lr hobrs tr 7 3222 tr 7 9477 gs television delrex plaza trees removed ihile-t- hi a ted rooms for 4 tr 7 9650 house ror rent 8 room ind balh available lanuarv 3rd pplv 10hing st e tl biikoom dancing pnva lessons individual or group hem i hansen tr 73811 dave williams registered bonded master electrician ml ivpcs of w ng gas oil burners martins s0ddin sales and service tr 73322 19 elgin st tf i triangle 74111 spring s1rv1ce see george town welder 36 gue ph st tr 7 iiiull rooms end halh tei gas heated ir 7jb1 ashgrovt welding electric lav tf in acetylene welding all steel r bodies made lo order dealer for mcculloch chain i s lit tld 3 room apart ment immediate occupancy 111 7 3381 davs tl i wo grolnd flooi apart nn ills for rent 1 bedroom each i r 7 4842 i k hnishbd or i nfurnishec pt for renl i all tr 7 4201 for information 3 room basement apartment suiiihlc for couple tr 7 2858 l hoi si for lent 70 mntithu 10 fwing st enquire tr 7 4764 after 7pm pi rl ic address iylem foi rent use indoors or outdoor ir sound tiuck tr 74101 saws scolt m water outboarda ldhoio hvdraulic hoists ouco equipment ard ireo mgation systems tr- 7 9334 tf vsthlm mchinr repairs exchange motors lawn mowera repured automatic saw filing 1 ow n and cnuntrv struct phnne tr 66073 u piano tuning repairs re pairs to plaver pianos prompt service free estimates aus tin kitchen bramplon glen dale l2466 tf lphoistfred turniture rec overed and repaired quality workmanship t ii bnggs blewartioun tr 7 9312 tf h room bintmuw for rent qunt crescent s9 monlhh tr 7 4307 1 12 jor rint in t 4 io imed house l ih possession 215ft oni cosy unfurntahed b inenl apartment all coir lente- adults onl partmcnts tr 7 9224 ul nlufiown t pholstery lnwsi prices with all w ianvhip rii raniised 5 yes ns lrrm hn be arrinsed 1 nd 7 440r tr 73084 now tr 7 if grate if rem rl- acl your own floors new dustless electric sanding machines edgers floor polishers for rent ted bludd painting at decorating tr 73881 tf plywood panelling adds magic to your home i iii i fj i j j u xxx it s like magic the way your rooms will come alive with our pre finished wall panelling j b mackenzie a son ltd has a wide selection of handsome ply woods available cherry walnut mahogany and many others stop in today to choose yours decorating to express indiv fclr rlvr in belfounuin new duality artistic interior and modern 2 bedroom house all exterior raftsman in the conveniences 60 austin trade c a grant a l ucei phoi alwlon 2at12 georgetown tr 73781 tfl h f room bungalow 3 miles from town oil cirrii lalion water at door no bath oom 40 appl 33 queci street tf don hfrrington paint and hwjr 1 wallpaper tone craft paints floor sanders for rent watlpap cr and supplies expert decorat mi 24 main n hl 7 2s32 tf for ufnt or sale 3 bedroom mi delached house in dclrex ivailable immediateh rfosp to shopping centre j85 per month mr tcn tr 74441 dav or 1 r 7 32br night tf h oitsl judo iarn how to defend vourself against stranc ling oi knife guns etc private ox group instruction tr 7 3811 tf i grolnd fl oor apartment z bedrooms 75 or s80 with stove and frig freshly decorated i abl water si vparimentii tr 7 4842 tf apartment for rent attract ne surroundings convenient lo cation berwick hall mam st s for bookkeeping and tvp- ing needs contact mrs leslie clark molor vehicles branch 41 main street south fast accurate service fates reason phpne triangle 7307b tf panelling for an 8 x 12 wal cost as low as pre finished mahogany 1728 pittsburgh paint perks up any room in your home it comei in dozens of decorator colours 5765 john t armstrong clu all lines op insurance 19 main street south tr 7921 coats at low as per gallon beautify your floors with clean easy excelon vinyl asbostosj floor tile costs 14 per tile- or 12c per tile for 11 quality products moderate prices open friday nights until 7 3tptm 7jb mackenzie sr vast james st