Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1959, p. 1

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kh georgetown herald foukthn pages authorized as sacond din mall pad office dapt ottawa georgetown ont wednesday april 22nd 1959 hrst section 1959 tax rate is 61 63 up 13 mills roads schools servicesdebt some of contributing factors georgetown home owners face a sharp nse in tax this year the 1959 budget approved by council at mondays meeting calls for a 61 null rate for houses and a 63 rate for industrial and com- merctal properties a 13 mill rise over last year in dollars the own er of an average town house will pay approximately 50 more in tax es presenting his budget finance minister garfield mcgilvray point ed to high debenture costs schools and roads as some of the factors which have boosted the rate for some years the finance committee has tried to bring in a budget which would please the argest group of ratepayers a rate which would allow new home own ers to get established and those on fixed incomes to keep up with inflationary costs in other commo dities he said we felt the tax payer would rather have the ben efit of savings instead of us bull ding reserves a 30 000 deficit carried forward from last year will be offset coun cil hopes by sale of building lots in the park school area estimated to bring 20000 when put on the market this year anticipating expenditures of al most a million dollars in 1959 in 1958 the town spent 766 000 ma jot increases in the budget include a 6000 grant to the cemetery board a 25000 increase m road expenses much of this due to extraordinary winter control ex penses and an 85 000 boost in public and high school expendit ures a 2 000 police cruiser a 7 000 jump in administrative sal anes and 3 000 county rate in crease are other budgetjumpers and practically every municipal expenditure reflects an increase in some degree ending his budget speech mr mcgilvraj pointed out that while georgetown s tax rate is high it is still on par with neighbouring towns and that local taxpayers will pay no more and perhaps some what less than other area rcsid ents prior to striking the tax rate auditor h a lever reviewed the 1958 financial statement with council debenture debt of 2 552 000 represents 21 5 per cent of as sessment or 305 per capita he said and the town is in a fair pos ition in this respect he said plays music presented at teen talent night young people of st john s uni ted church were hosts at an even mg of entertainment on salurdaj in the church hall which featured two plays and other vanet enter tainment tom forgrave was masterofcer emonies and applebj nelson ypu presented their award win ning plaj no time for skirts while mrs v mccumber directed agroup of local people lnan amu ysg skit the city slicker and ouv nell taking part were bill spring is here firemen called to 6 grass fires a rash of six tires in five days had firemen inhaling more smoke than fresh air last week how ever the brigades promptness in answering the calls held the dam age in each case to nil a bonfire which grew out of control was the cause of a ounce that blackened a large field near smith stone parking lot on on tario st as in most cases the firemen rather than beat out the flames controlled the fcurndng and finished razing the dry grass a similar blaze early thursday afternoon also resulted from a bonfire igniting an adjoining field the fire near van alphen motors in glen williams burned grass on the land between tlnr van alphen property and the logan estate on the ninth line raging out of con trol only briefly at 4 50 the same afternoon the brigade was summoned to the nor val property of a l noble where two little girls started a grass fire while playing house in a cave near there again there was no damage and the girls escaped in jury the friday blaze which scor ched the bank along the cnr main line near the maple ave east bridge was of unknown ori gtn the call was turned in shortly before 2 00pm some members of the fire bii gade burning off grass on the 8th line property of perc saxe turned in the alarm saturday afternoon when they needed assistance this one led to some confusion in the department as the rest of the fire men were testing the siren at the time a number of stumps went up in smoke in sundays grass fire at the new armstrong quarry near waterfalls playground on the sixth line the cause of this one was not determined businesswomen host to region ladies over a hundred members of the business and professional worn ep s clubs of region no 4 corapn sing brampton stouffviltc new market unionville and george town attended the regional meet ing held at the home of mrs art scott maple avenue west on mon day april 13th it was the larg est attendance there had ever been at a district annual regional meet ing y the georgetown club were the hostesses and the guests were met and welcomed py the president mrs aileen bradlej vice presid ent mrs win wallace assisted by the regional adviser miss irene abbott from brampton each guest was presented with a yellow rose the five delegates received a small torsage of pink carnations and the other honoured guests received cor sages of red carnations a delicious buffet dinner was served prior to the business of the evening with mrs elizabeth mccrae and mrs joe greenwood at the tea table music was provided by roy fcock with his accordion during the din ner hour and during intermission the guests were officially wel corned by the georgetown presid ent to start the business meeting which was conducted by miss ab bott reports were read from each club by their presidents showing the work that had been accomp lished during the year each club had been very busy and all had made marked progress the new market club had been largely re sponsible for the change in the municipal act governing voting in that town work for unicef united nations scholarship funds and local funds and committees had all been part of the work for all clubs the club was particularly hon oured to have the provincial pres ident miss nazla dane as a guest speaker along with six members of her executive board miss joan wilson regional adviser fron tic guelph district was another hon oured guest who spoke miss dane used what membership in the business professional w omens club means o me and miss wil son spoke on the effect of busimss and professional omen in the ommunitj both of these bust ness women arc inspiring speakers and have proed in their part en saturdav her guests mess careers how effect vere her brother sam george and cn can in busincss profes 1 inda dickson susan street slons and m lnpr communltj mlss calhie peters lome hutchison w on aiso reported on the com susan and gad douglas barbara muee for tthlch shc cnairman blackhurn assisted with the guests n thc proincia board barbara brandford was unable to i oe present due to illness birthday party for margaret hogg saturday margaret hogg 28 windsor rd celebrated her 6th birthdav with anthc proted 7n t heit ownnuv ilson tom mullen elizabeth- sloan lois niven carol mann da wd markham joan kitchen man ln mcfarlanc and raf ollivier kenneth r harrison p aed pi ano accompaniment for the musical numbers which included a solo bv tom forgrave a duet bv carole laneand jackie pennock and a quartette manlj n and margaret mcfarlanc elizabeth and yvonne aloan golf club ladies model at monday fashion show l mpl ment condition stressing the fact that each club should be organiz ed in this fiud and work for equal of conditions and pa for edward harris noted as gladioli grower edward james hams 41 qnt 10 street died afhis home on sat urday april 18th at the age of eightyfour mr hams was born in sarnia and came to georgetown in 1016 to work on the mccullough farm just on the outskirts of town in 1921 he and his family moved to stewartlown where he worked with jack smith for several years after the familj came to george town mr harris worked at malton and later at smith stone ltd until his retiremcn mr harris hobby was garden ing and many people will remem ber him for his beautiful gladioli mr and mrs hams were married in toronto in 1903 she was the for mer fannie eloise leeder and she survives him as do their sons and daughters kenneth and robert dons mrs h luty and lena mrs e hodge eleven grandchil dren and three great grandchildren are also left rev llojd whan officiated at the funeral service held at the har old c mcclure funeral home 34 edith street on monday april 20 at 230 pm interment was in greenwood ccmeterj pallbearers were clarence robbins albert weller harrv butterfield all of toronto donald hodge stewart town and william freestone and george greig of georgetown car clips pole at stewarttown an automobile accident at stew arttown earl saturday morning resulted in an estimated 400 da mage to a 1051 meteor sedan dc livery dncn bj guiseppi gilto of 22 meadowvale road acton mr gitto was driving north when he lost control of his truck the vehicle plunged off the road and collided with a heavy pole clipping it off at the ground thc accident occurred at 1 40 saturday mornin ands investigated by 1st dave haiiy of the county de tachment 011 there wen no in juries social personal mr and mrs garnet wiggins dallas texas weekend visi tors with his another mrs mary e morrow victoria street mr wiggins is stationed in phladel phia penn as acting district manager for his company ameri can locker company inc mrs wiggins flew up from their dallas home to join him and they motor ed to georgetown while in town they also visited with his bro ther and sister in law mr and mrs gerry morrow 1 bafd lane on sunday his brother and mrs morrows grandchildren and three great grandchildren joined them from toronto for a family party eut ken mcmillan president of 0h a a georgetown man wjll head the ontario hockey association executive this year km mcmillan 8 emery st vice president for two years has been elected president succeeding lornc cook of kingston he lb thc 29th president since 1903 ac cording to veteran secretary w a hewitt who informed him by tele- gram yesterday of his election to office with top officials elected by ac clamation another district man is fn the running for an executive po sition brampton bank manager pat patterson is one of six nom intes for the four seats remaining on the oha board in the election which will take place this caturdav ron to iijrpro red feathers lead in bowling mrs bud bishop s red feathers are apparently on their way to thc ladies afternoon bowling title whtriaukmic week remaining in leaguphlt5pmseparate the rod feathers from their closest rivals the sk larks captained by mrs orval paul who moved into second spot last w the late season thrust bj thc skv larks bot sorrv a heav budget of news this week meant t hat a few items have had lo be held till next week if an item you were expecting is missing see next weeks herald rural music festival preliminaries in town aprons quilts are work projects group 3 of st johns united church w a met at the home of mrs jesse wyatt 24 prince char les on wednesday afternoon mrs j kirkwood read a seasonable poem birds are april poems to open the meeting followed by re sponsive reading in psalm 729 and prayer thc story of the good samaritan was read from the scripture by mrs frank petch who led in wor ship when we ask jesus who my neighbor he answers anyone who is in need to whom you can be of service she said apron ma terial was distributed and after taking stock it was found that a good supply of aprons had been made through the winter months two quilt tops were shown one will be made up later on and the other will be sent to thc fred vic tor mission in toronto the roll call was answered with telling of a beauty spot i have visited mrs walter brownndge read two interesting and humorous readings lighting up the farm jnd the old wooden tub and also conducted a contest which tested knowledge of the bird pop ulation this was won by mrs vic tor macdonald with mrs r wright and mrs a nielsen tieing for second lunch was served by mrs v whitney and mrs j kirkwood as sistinj thc hostess and a social vi sit was enjojed mrs nielsen mov ld a vote of thanks to mrs wyatt and others who helped with the program the may meeting will be held at the home of mrs g urquhart 8 albert street t 1 k dropped mrs cord pautioid c equal work the bill governing kk ihk has been parsed but not al v f st eason was tops in mrs thc individual scorers taking both triple and single with 696 and 287 mrs wm mccracken had the second triple a 645 and mrs john foster was third with a 625 including a 269 single also in the top three was mrs george burling ton who carded a 258 running the gamut from sports togs and casual ensembles to cock tail gowns mink stoles and bridal ensembles the latest spring fash ions were modelled b members of the l s o t nor passed but not wavs followed and shouldbe che cked on miss elsie gregory mac jill past president and chairman af the committer on penal reform spoke of her brief prepared and presented to the minister of penal reform mrs gladvs douglas spoke on a motion that will be brought for ward at the provincial conference in north bav in october that will lorne scots to guard queen deal with pool train fares for del egates member of the region were lome scots peel dufferm invited to hold the meeting next ani halt n rtsiment has been vear in stouffville on saturdav chosen as the roval guard of mon iav 9th in the afternoon miss r on departure of her majemv bbott was reelected for a second queen lluabelh from malton air lerm as regional adviser apprcc ip on junp 30tn and barragers cleaners just be- lation of the guests was cxprcssetff l a kemp co of the unit fore the show commenced miss d a member from newmarket to j px ed the regiments pleasure marger mackenzie president of i georgetown club mr win wal the ladies section welcomed lace was convener in chargc of those attending and introduced all the arrangements the meeting he commen forthe eventehrwd th the smgtng of o can mrs harold hutchinson a h nrlnn floral col u 1 in accepting the roval assignment from ctntral ontario area it will be a 100man guard of honour drawn from the thrcecoontv mil itia unit haltftn golf country club their fashion show on- the clubhouse over two hundred ourful japanese lantern and thc ladies enjojed the event which strains of organ mus c all len was held in the afternoon and in further charm to the show john the evening i nob e of the hemtzman companv models included mrs russ woods toronto presided at the console of a drvrrif fatki second game ontario oha ceorgetowns campaign for the 1959 ontario intermedial crown got a shot in the arm da night when hunters realtors paced bj the triplicate scoring of bud varcy rolled to a decisive 2 win ovir the thorold falcons- hen in the first game of their best of seven final the realtors had to shake off an anaemic first per lod u tain the win as thorold pounced on two defensive lapses to hold a 2 1 edge at the end of the first twent minutes realtors plaving coach n ck fern who possesses more knack at lighting fires than two troop of bov scouts lit one under h s lagging inggermen between fra i mes and then sat back to watch the fireworks in the second period roger da a st catharines outh who guardei the netting for sm coc junior bs not too manv vears ago and latch has been doing an outslan 1 ng j b in that department for the falcons ate rubber f r most of thc next two periods an 1 had to be sharp to h ld the swar mmg realtors to nine goals alu mating with bill chard it the r ehl wing slot with dave irons and jamie cunningham bud varcv probabl logged less ic lime than anv other realtor bar ring chard but was deadl while out there two of his three b il lets were buging the thorold wine before da could make a move on them dave irons and junior beau mont were also instrumental in clipping thc falcons wings thc each counted twice whllfe jam c cunningham and rill chard shar ed the remaning singles dave vo ce w as tonight in hockey finals jerm coop safecracking miss ileanor spitzer mrs ben i the hammond sp net organ matthews mrs jack gordon ton mrs william racroft mrs lloyd marks mrs muf4 ahison mrs arthur beaumont mrs ken neth mccaulej mrs william mc sally mrs e wvbinkle mrs ross duncan and mrs jack gun ning the fashions were by brad bury s ladies vi ear jewellery and hats to complement the cos tumes were by barbers jewellers and the town country hat shop brampton the models wore the latest spring hair styles also coif fed by the louise beaut salon furs were b nelson tanx furs greeting the ladies as they en tered the club bouse were two pink bunnies impersonated by ja net cbamberiua jfil marks they distributed favours throafh the courtesy of youngs phjormaey davidsons pharmacy convener for the show was mrs i russ woods assisted b mrs jack gunning mrs harold hutchinson and mrs j h chamberlain mrs arthur beaumont convened the tea commit ec with mrs graham farnell ms dou davidson and mrs jack malcolm assisting mrs sid orr mrs jack run ham mrs mac mckinnon and mrs e w gilmer won the luck draw prizes ml thc afternoon show winners of the prizes at the even ing show were mrs john matthies mrs harold henrv mrs walter siehn mrs russell klh jackie pennock mrs w hitnev and mrs john wolfe at the conclusion of the show- both afternoon and evening cof fee sandwiches and cakes were served for which mr and airs david spker catered safecrackers entered the coop said the thieves probably used a supply mill on guelph st sometime template to crack the safe an in over the weekend and made off strument cmplojed by most pros with 229 22 burglars to pinpoint the exact the breakin was discoered by location of the tumbler key branch manager charlie hams i a small hole was drilled in the when he arrived at his office there coop safe door near the dial at 8 00 o clock monday morning and through more than chance the theft occurred sometime be- hit precisely on the sensitive key tween then and early saturday a light tap with a punch and the night when the staff left the build- heavy safe door would swing open ing at 600 p m like a kitchen cupboard the odds an opp fingerprint and safe- against an amateur porformtng cracking expert called in for the the same operation run into three nvestigation said the burglarj was figures the work of professionals entry as sained through a s id ing door at the rear of the building and once inside the pro cracksmen had little trouble getting to the money chief constable roy haley who is conducting too inwktigatfoa all roads lead to wriggles- worth school this weekend and next for the big minstrel show sponsored by georgetown rotary tickets available from all mem jers of the rotary club stewarttown thc cement in the defensive wall and turned in one of his best games of the playoffs chard varey and blake inglis were also generous with thc hip while a ron dixon s pe nalty killing hit thorold like the plague the falcons scoring ace eddie cadot ron rfeid mike danluek and day stood out for thc opposi tion cad6t and dale kennedv accoun ted for the two thorold markers georgetown were chased for 8 of the 14 penalties handed down b referees gord favereau and bill balmer the second game in the set is at thorold tonight the third game is here on saturday the fourth in thorold monday and if necessary a fifth one is scheduled for here next wednesday elect mrs herb reid president of institute the annual meeting of the es quesing w omen s institute was held at the home of mrs lvkle devries on thursday evening ap r 1 9th with thirteen members pre sent as usual meeting opened with the ode and praer report of the president the sccretar treasurer and the conveners of standing committees all showed a verj busy and profitable year during the ear donations were made to the retarded children fire victims sick children s hos pital the poppv fund celon flood ictims and musical festival two donations of clothing were sent to the unitarian service and r i od v etims flowers and fruit baskets and cards were sent to the sick an shut ins a leather wallet was donated to a public rhc ol pupil in good standing mo ri v was raised by catering to ban q icts thc sale of cook books and calendars and collections the following are the officers for 1959 i960 past president mrs c a grant resident mrs herb reid 1st vice president mrs robert iawson 2nd vice president mrs walter law son see re tarj mrs fred arm strong treasurer mrs william humphries p anist mrs reg wiu ham assistant pianist mrs lyklc au mrs joe sand ford mrs robert harris s c home economic and health mrs robert harris agriculture cam lian industries mrs l de rie citizenship education mrs robt law son flowers and fruit mrs john murrav mrs h p lawson historical research mrs walter lawson public rela lions representative mrs walter lawson resolutions mrs herb reid district director mrs c a grant although we all know the effee tiveness of an organization cannot be fully judged by its financial statement still it is encouraging and stimulating to both officers and members to see a comfortable credit balance at the close of the jear without financial backing so man projects which might be undertaken by the organization have to be bypassed some pro ects may be moneymaking and some maj not but the fact is that with a little capital we can under take a variety of projects which give us the opportunity of work ing together and getting to know the auditoriifm ot knox presfayw tcrian church was a hrve of mon- cal activity last tuesday when pupils from rural schools in kfc- quesing township competed in a preliminary festival winners ap peared yesterday m the finals ui robert little school cacton preliminaries for nassagaweya were held the same day in brook- ville hall with mr j asber oaks ville as adjudicator hiss monica barnard oakville acted as adjud icator here north halton rural association has mrs clifford hunter r r 2 as president and mrs vera arch er r r 3 as secretary and mrs lloyd davison rendered valuable assistance also during the day three finalists were chosen in the solo classes and two in the choirs winners appear below in the first paragraph of each class with other competitions following girl 8 and umfctr robin simpson quatre bras margo clarkson milton heights sharon hume dufferm debora rogers stone anne shortiu blue mountain connie coles bannockburn brenda el liott dublin linda shields horn by susan telfer lome sotratt green pinegrove lidunne beer waterloo judy hardy ligny boys 8 and under robert mcgee pinegrove john vanarigan dublin douglas grd- house quatre bras bert vanderwoerd bannock burn barry earle stone tommy learmont hornbj david swuv dlehurst blue mountain douglas wilson ligny donald mcchm waterloo graham dredge dut fenn philip powell hilton hts glru 11 and undar susan tisdale waterloo dor- eert harrop pinegrove faye gra ham dufferm j eva luidauer stone caro mcehery blue mountain sandx franklin lome sandra fletcher bannockburn susan perry dublin doreen carney quatre bras lyn da learmont hornby margot inr ing ligny glenna freeman hil ton heights boys 11 and undar laune death hornby sidney wiestra dublin bui cargill mil ton heights andrew spiece blue mountain tom melanson stone albert vbet stra lome john mcdonald ban nockburn john forbes quatre bras girls 12 and ovar linda brown pinegrove donna kmgdon hornby donna renmck dufferm diane melanson stone carol forbes quatre bras laura bow den ligny barbara freeman hil ton heights boys 12 and ovar robert melanson stone john mcgee pmegrove bob peddle quatre bras boys changed vowtt keith ellis hornby lloyd da- is lign vocal duet carol lawson and john mcgee pinegrove donna kingdon and peggy robertson hornby doa- na renmck and annie kamminga dufferm arthur brooks and glenna stark quatre bras double too hornbv quatre bras duffenn pincgrov e grade 16 choir schools 24 and under blue mountain pinegrove dufrenn waterloo stone do im bannockburn lome 2part chot4- schools 34 and under quatre bras ligny 2part choir schools 35 and over hornbv milton heights engagements mr and mrs e smith norral announce the engagement of fran ces zubatmk to ted kress mm at mr and mrs william l london onl the wedd take place in st johns church georgetown on iridwj may the fifteenth at teres pam each other better which shoald strengthen our wx mrs j sandford auditors mrs robert bum after a hiniiml laaiiifiiig af turkey sabids relates jellies rolls cake an ice cream teaand coffee the meeting dosed with the lords- prayeri and a tote f thanks to the hostess

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