the georgetown herald authorind at sacond clan mail pott offlea dap ottawa wednesday evening march ltth 1958 second section pay for your li urance the easy way tod cak mui6eto have ike hhuums 0 tout 0w uk ibuumci mo hut heattfc of tout family if too ue fktm the keniiub mid aotommiuut rom toui 1ahk account hot mouth with the hew sin ufe autouatic h0hth1t patheht piah thb b o timt java noaty saving fatvra -eu- clarence kroll ft r 2 georgetown tl sun life of canada joes tuck shop 27 main st n tr 73301 high school students participate in canadian maths competition twenty nine students from the georgetown high school partici pated in a continent wide mathcm atics competition recently spon sored in ontario by the canadian association of actuaries and the canadian mathematical congress tbe competition s aim is to dev elop capable mathematicians for the professions represented by the sponsoring bodies and tomeet de mands of the expanding field of science over 4 000 ontario high school and private school students arc taking part in the 1959 competi tion entries are from 209 sec ondary schools a large increase from last ear uhen only forty schools represented by 800 stud cnts participated the contest consists of 50 questions in elem enlarj mathematics and usually runs 80 mmutts it is expected more than 80 000 students in north america w ill take part this ear ontario com petitors are grouped in a region that includes the province of que bee and the stale of new york except the area covered by ijetro- politan new york cit the fort students scoring the highest marks will be invited to attend an allcxpensl paid sem inar at the unienit of toronto about 25 of these will be from outside toronto commissioner speaks at hamilton guide dinner seven guiders and two guides soon to receive thtir cold cord attended from town whtn the jn nual divisional dinner was held monda march 9th in the scot tish rite building hamilton the commissioner for canada mar nesbitt was the guest spca kcr at the dinner addressing the asemhl on world guilding other guiders frotn this arta came from 1innhouse speuk glen v ll hams and acton gold cord app intec carol i am and barbara kinrade anl uider- mrs r bra 11 mrs doug sargt nt m rs jac k mcades mrs bruce hark mrs bett jamiesm mrs b j cannell and mrs bob ttjatt joumimd to the dinner from town r free marie fraser s exciting bazaar best sellers recipes write today 1 dairy farmiri op canada ago muroa sitmi toronto great music and c b c radio great music and radio broadcasting have always gone to gether and listeners to cbc radio have always expected the very finest from their publicly owned broadcasting system that is one of the reasons cbc radio is particularly pcoud to present the cbc symphony orchestra every sunday evening we have welcomed tome of the worlds most distinguished conductors and t- amfrng them have been sir malcolm sargeant william primrose sir cngeoe goossens alexander brott albert pratz tibor von paul and mary sii ar others we mvitc you to jam our audience every sunday evening at 830 pan for the the junior a winners in a 4 team acton tournament recently were snapped by the acton free press cameraman ust after they had brought honour to georgetown defeatinoacton and then milton from left to right gerald moody grog moody doug meades henry king bill chard fred yates phil lavell paul robinson captain rear peter barefoot assistant captain phil bludd paul turner ricky mcniven dennis wright doug hilts bill dwyer ass slant captain coach harold seckington is stand ing rear travel scenes music program entertain residents at manor cbc symphony orchestra vet fisl falls tft mf oet eodtini atop fcqyg m cbc re mdencbctdcvi3kmwvtsbyoma3cribtucbctbmtiti qwrif bttrpitetory rate tfmemt twesij ismafer tl m ftmij rati ts90 writt cbc 71m bex j trmbui a toroaft ooljar the first evening of pla for the halton manor euchre club was hild on m nda march 2nd with three tables in pla prizes fur thi three et nhi of pla in january and r l bruary w ert awarled as follows highest score for ladies and gintknun miss clara sutton and mr a baker lowest son for ladica and gen ik nun mural th nnpson and rddic dowdli the resident trjilled oer a larc part of canada and the us thin the space of a single hour on thursda evening march 5th hen six ladies belonging to tht halton chapter of the order of the eastern star came to the ma nor to entertain the residents the worthy matron of the chap ter mrs a cairns brought greet ings at the beginning of the pro gram mrs m purdy was the eon cnor of this informal and delight ful evening the extensive trav tiling spoken of was made pos ble bj the showing of a large number of very attractive coloured lides b mrs eleanor couter b means of the manor projector irs coulter gave an inlere ting nd informative commentary while hi was showing the slides bv mans of these slides the c dors of which were striking the aud 1 nee travelled bv train through n rlhirn ontirio and across the praint pr v inccs and back thev al o trivtlled b motor car thro 1 astern ontirio and into tht tate of new ork where the v autv of the lake placid region in part lcular was tten local boutv spots in milton ixiwville and ha mil ton were not neglected and the entire collection of picturt s was er enjojable after the showing of the pictures 1 lod raspbcrrv at the piano and mr norman viggers with the- bonctv provided a musical interlude af ter which the eastern star ladies served a delicious lunch of assor ted sandwiches donated bv them along w ith cold drinks prov ided b the manor on fridaj march 6th the resi dents had the pleasure of being entertained b the bojs and girls the greater number of which were of high school age belonging to the hic class of sl john s uni ted church oakvile these talen ted oung people who presented a fine musical program had been brought to tbe manor under the auspices of the kiwanis club of oakville which was very ably represented by mr keith warren chairman of the senior citizens committee of 4he club there ttrrr 3s t girls in the group and thewel accompanied by their leaders mr and mrs clare hope about a week prior to this date the hi c class had held a talent show of us own and the talented singers and instrumentalists who took part at the manor were the win nersjmrt other contestants in this talent show mr warren mtro duced the members of the class to the residents then after a spectacular entrance in a tov mo tor car the master of ceremonies terry mcnamara who performed bis duties in very capable fishion announced tbe numbers to be gav- tbe fbwur and colour of butter is natures secret ontario chmi hoducms aakkatimo boabd tmtsumt jiom out mmats j cn vocal solos sung b stephen smith and shtrne llassard were the first two numbers on the program stephen sang philadel phia ls and sherrie sang humming bird and both gave en cores both were accompanied bj john goss at the piano then john oss plaved a piano solo one of chopin s ltudes and an cnc re and gt rrv gaskell an ac coniion solo young love and an ncore these solos were followed iv two selections ionesomc town and children s marching song pla ed b a five piece rock n roll band who call themselves the discards they were blain swint the leader who played the clec trie guitar terry mutzack at the piano blair delancy thetdrums chuck ruttans the accordion and grant sw int bass probably the oungest musician m the group monica langer fourteen years of age aroused great admiration b plaving one of rachmaninoff s fa mous preludes and as an encore a selection plaved entirely with the left hand the last soloist on the program was pete howard who possesses the fine musical talent of writing his own songs acoom pan ing himself on the guitar pete sang iisherman and mj lit tie uardian angel the last number on the program was a danct the charleston performed bv 4 bus and 4 girls lie ith er i r nch margaret james- kar tn mcnatmra lirge bennett pc it r age j hn i arish dave hen dershott and barrv french t the close of this program displav ing such fine local canadian talent delicious refreshments were scr ved h the girls of the group su pervised bv mrs allen the re freshmtnls consisted of ice cream and co kies donated b the kiwa nis club and cold drinks provided bv th manor the heart ap plausc of the residents at the close of the evening expressed their appreciation of the kindness of the hi c class in coming to the manor to present such a fine program and the generositv of the oakville kiwanis club is sponsor ing the program and providing the ice cream and cookes a spec lal tribute wasaid to mr keith warren of the kiwanis club for his kindness in supervising the evening and to mr and mrs hope for chaperoning these fine joung bo5 and girls a very appropriate sermon for the lenten season and a very ac ceptable vocal duet marked the afternoon service in the chapel on sundaj march 8th when rev e orsborn and three talented mu sicians came to the manor to prov m nr t re the three musicians were mrs e b clemenjs her son donald cle ments and mrs s lockie mrs lockic and donald blended their voices beaulifull m the sacred song w hispenng hope and mrs clements plaved the piano ac eompaniment mr orsborn s ti melj sermon was based on the parable of the labourers in the vincjard as told in chapter 20 of st matthews gospel he brought out the point that jesub-f- wants us to serve hun from our hearts and for the works sake not for what we may set oat of lakesh0re teachers college toronto teachers college 951 cwtaw am twta oneyear and twotiar courses are offered lead ing to an interim elementaryschool teachers certifi cate valid m the elementary schools of ontario term opens september 8 1939 descriptive booklet teaching in tbe elementary schools of ontario free on request academic requirement for admission one- year course standing m eight grade 13 r one of which shall be kngltan composition or f literature twoyear course 1 secondary school graduation diploma of the general course interviews with applicants are conducted by the committee of selection secondary school students inter ested in entering teachers college should apply for inter view through the principal of their secondary school other applicants for either college should write to the principal toronto teachers college 931 caklaw avbiue our 2account plan is planned savin i pay all bqu by cheque on a pcnoaal chequing account a quarterly tatement will help yon keep your records straight the low amice charges are prepaid your ca cheques an on file if you need them krrp yrrrrr flvrwnfr rtmnmtfnr mifaajvmjtr it from every pay aa your v growa youll aala new peace i mmd start planned saving at ear n branch now the canadian bank of commerce mom than too huukhts aoob canada to sstve you georgetown branch d m wingrov manager il if we do what he wants us to i rewards us not according to the do yn shall receive a reward far work done but according to beyond what we deserve for godlspint in which it is done j