the georgetown herald wednesday much 18th 1bss st johns united church minister rev m g hcfarlane ba music director mr norman laird holy week services sunday 11 a m ereeaster communion service reception of members 7 pm evening worship monday 8pm guest minister rev john hill of hornby tuesday 8 pm guest minister rrev g l rojal of nerval wednesday ib pm community service at fust baptist church friday 8pm the cantata the crucifixion stainer presen ted by st jfbbns church choir assisted by members of st andrews church choir and the christian reform church choir under the direction of mr laird remember jesus christ sunday school every sunday 11 00 a m beginners dept 945 a m all other departments 2t ths shoe wjth the beautiful fit comfort inspired pigskin pump soft and light as a powder- puff attractively detailed at every turn styled for round theclock wear molded to your foot with luxurious comfort 1495 many new spring styles now on hand n georgetown exclusively at silvers two robberies at beaumont mill net thieves 1000 sock thieves axe again plagu ing the beaumont knitting co ltd in glen williams and after two recent robberies the mill owners have decided to engage a night watchman an expensive but necessary method of dealing with their troubles last thursday morning the dis covery was made that a window had been smashed to gain entrance to the finishing room where 400 in goods just completed were re moved by thfe robbers the mill office was also ransacked and a small quantity of cash taken a month ago the wareh6usc wa entered and 600 worth of sox were stolen provincial police have been unsuccessful as yet in locating the criminals the incidents recall one of this districts largest robberies also a doubleheader which occurred six years ago the mill at that time owned by arthur beaumont which has since been sold to sam pennce and gordon graham was robbed twice in a 2 month pcripd in october 4000 in finished goods was stolen and in december 3000 collingwood man was railway section foreman a cnr section foreman for over 40 iears john smith 94 died in collingwood on march 6th a natic of norfolk england he was the son of william and i louisa bickirs smith he cami to canada as a oung man farmed for awhile then joined the rail w a he was a member of the independent order of foresters and of collmrwood united church i his wife alice eleanor chilvors died in 1930 and an adopted dau ifihter mrs ewact ethel hilliaid in 1944 on ma 2nd 193 1 he married epen slav long of gcor pctown at i imchousc nho sur- mes he also leaves a brothir frederick smith of norfolk enp land a sister mrs ernest sunn suffolk count england one crandson john w milliard mid land and five rreat crandchidn n mrs robert beaud in john hilh ird jr georfit it nms and pi irun milliard ill of midland so vt rjl brothers and sisters pnde ceased him one in california and the others in frigland rev john e hunter of trinity i nited church conducted the fun i ral service on march 9th in col linwoori with interment follow inc in trintt vnited ccmttci pillbeirers were wallace camp bell and j w leisk collinpwood george and alex dodsw5rth croc more stanlev somen ille and earl harrison orangevillei relatives from town attending the funeral included mrs wm h long and mrs joe mcclmtock 53 market st mr and mrs jack long 27 victoria ave and mr i and mrs norman long 38 henry i sbt ail food features effective march 19 20 21 iga evaporated save 5c milk 339 hunts tomato save 5c 1 1 tz btls catsup 229 pillsbury chocolate pineapple or white save 6c 17 oz pkg cake mixes 29 regular or chubby save 10c kleenex 229 nutritious fresh flavour perfect for jllrce size 138 sunkist f oranges 3dor oo easy to peel navels sunkist oranges s 45c size 88 dot 55c new crop now arriving fresh daily asparagus lb 39c just a few of our produce features quality meat features boneless rolled veal roast 49il boneless oven ready with dressing pork shoulder oqc pork butt iqc roasts 57ib roasts 47ib dairy features kraft cheese whiz 49c lenten feature billionaire save 4c 3 oz tins sild sardines 2 35c money maker features iihj m n s 6c off 16 oz jar mayonnaise 49c mother parkers 15c off 6 oz jar instant coffee 114 1 vvt size 8c off blue breeze 77c w kirk m t milk or frlit i tt tv bars 29c frozen food features ii i soltii 6 oz lins orange juice 5 99c now available at your ica store the new iga spring summer catalogue supplement filled with wonderful fr gifts and monay saving valuatl enter the iga festival of foods contesti i 5 free hifi consoles 250 free electric can openers entry blanks availabla at cashiers ramambar contact ends saturday march 21st i scotch bakery t mill street one location only this week we are featuring good things to tempt that tired winter appetite cookies rous scones cakes pies tarts and many other delicious items have you tried our meat pies a lunch fovontyldc remember to drder your easter hot cross buns early so you wont be disappointed we carry a complete line of homemade bread cakes pies tarts and rolls scotch baking everything baked on the premises cakes made to order for weddings birthday parties etc phone tr 73481 i brownies entertain new brampton pack i a salvation army brownie pack i from brampton accompanrcd by i their leader brown owl mrs bill bridges was entertained by the i 4th georgetown brownie pack in knox church jiill on frida march 13th under brown owl mr bruce harlc packees cirol loud- ju anil iiiin built is sistcd the packs joined in the even ings ceremonies in which chris tine tost walked up the golden road to receive her golden bar a large gold hand was placed near the toadstool where patsy cock elaine barker pat bowman peggj martin brenda boyle and gail walsh received their golden hand first j ear stars were received by marlcnc stoddart and christine tost the two packs plajed a number of games during tha evening and at a powwow the salvation army pack being recently formed learn ed some new songs from the host pack the meeting closed with the brownie prayer and taps i unch was served by the brownie mothers auxiliary under mrs garfield mcgilvray and mrs w r cock i barn is flattened in sunday windstorm the windstorm on sunda and mnda caused a lot of dam iw to s viral burldinus din i lirns in tht diatrict tearing ff shinjus doors tv anli nn h lr jkinu windrm and liftm ifs bun i md b mr jim hi id on tin pn n rt uross from lu f irtn f a i h hi im 1 il ili m ist hm nn sun 1 damage 500 when highway cars collide i damage amounting to approxi nntol s500 resulttd in a two car collision on no 7 iiirhwn just insult thi wistirn town limits on rmh thi hth an hi mrdonild of i inn hmisc was driving his car t 107 he t on tin likhi and was pull in mir to the shoulder when in nr ihii 1 tn ipr off his wind shn 1 1 win n tin nr l ink n fi ji f in hit i n mil 1 ci nin i kippnn n tin iu i to hi i attend welland bonspiel and visit port colborne mr and mrs ernie curry r r 3 miss jean ruddcll 116 main st n and mrs alex blackwcll 12 young st combined a trip to welland to compete in a bonspiol with a visit in pt colbornc with former george t owners mr and mrs bob burke mr and mrs curn muss rud del and mr burke lost their first game and won their second in the bonspiel but failed to taki any of the pmes the local rroup had a nice vap with the burkes who moved to pl colbornc recently when be was transferred there s t at the bank of com- mi homt in oil ins a hit rti 1 sunda itnm she his spt nt thi list two wuks isitii hi r min frit nils and f inni r muhbours in the hornby district miss chml smith returntd homi with her for an extended visit mr bill speck and mr john cunningham are enjoing the fin weather in florid i thtse dajs rirthda wishes to scotl i eslie son of mr and mrs dims leslit who will be ont rar old on march 21t the march meeting of hornb w omen s institute was held at thi home of mrs g albraith on wednesday march 11th there were eleven members present and th president mrs w oulton was in charge and opened the meeting in the usual manner the roll call name a farmer who has become prominent in business was an swered by all mrs j mccarron convener of agriculture was in charge of the program and intro duced the guest speaker mr rrancis our new agricultural rep resentative he spoke on the farm accident survc which is currently being conducted mem hers of the institutes have been iskcd to assist in tjii surej and mr francis gave some very inter esiing information he closed his talk with the thought the farm nn he a beautiful plare to hc in if jon ire around to enio it mrs m j brown thanked the spea ker mrs j wallace reported on the summary daj program at stewartlown hall mrs mccarron gae the motto nature never spoils her work by belnr in a hur ry mrs mccarron and mrs a king assisted the hostess in aerv- i thniin 1 adjms q hr mt s p i it und mi ihi in in 1 rol hltd w li wi i ihiinn i i dn i i n in i line milton tht d tnnge wjs dnidcd ippro imililv 250 to inch uhu1 ic cording to cm ted scolt who him stigitrd the smash it occui red at 10 40 fndav night georgetown ministerial association annual holy week community service wednesday march 25th 8 00 pm anglican baptist presbyterian united churches in the first baptist church main street north sermon rev k richardson st george s anglican church the wellington cafe 124 guelph street across from dominion seed house this is your takeout order menu chinese vegetahle soup 30 sweet and sour shrimps 1 35 pineapple chicken 1 45 sweet and sour pork 1 20 chicken chow mem 1 25 shrimp chow mem 1 25 beef chop suey 95 chicken fried rice 90 beef fried rice 90 lobster egg foo young 90 chicken egg foo young 90 chicken liver with green pepper 1 05 steamer rice one bowl 20 doors open daily 8 30im to 1 1 30 p m sunday 1000 am 1000 pm to save your time egg and mushroom soup sweet and sour chicken moo goo guy kew chicken with almond chicken chop suey lobster chop suey pork chop suey shrimp fried rice pork fried rice sweet and sour sparenbs shrimp egg foo young baoon egg foo young beef with green pepper egg roil each friday and saturday 8 30 tuesday 8 30 a n phone us first 30 1 35 1 60 1 20 1 00 1 00 95 90 90 1 00 90 9ct 1 05 15 200 an 200 pr triangle 72823