Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1958, p. 8

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a tw bw h wwdr nowmbar mk lw face i high tales published by the students of georgetown high school vol 7 no a wednesday november 5 georgetown ont the bazaar dawn ffebts i would like to uko this time to remind you of the annual ba zaar which is coming up it takes a lot of hard work and the coop eration of everyone to make it a hit i know that at tunes you wonder u its worth it but the after effects are mighty nice and when you think back it wasnt so much effort after all so how about it kids let s get busy today if you are talented at knitting how about some mitts or socks if you can sew wed love some dolls clothes uaybe you do shellcraft well earrings and broa ches sell well by the way wood working articles are very good sel lers too this is aimed especially at the boys and if you have no special talents now is the perfect tune to start one to the parents and friends we hope this years bazaar will be bigger and better than ever so dont forget to reserve thursday nov 2 besides helping us out you can do a lot of your christmas shopping remember only is days till the bazaar only 50 days till christmas editorial platter chatter carol symons and june mcgowan here are a few new discs b groups of singers or one singer the natters this group has two slow ballads out it s rain ing outside and i wish the shields you cheated is a rec ord which is already on the top ten the flip side is that s the way its gonna be the imper ials on the quality label tears on m pillow is already estab lished as a hit the reverse is two people in the world tr this one out its really nice dion and the belmonts their re cording of no one knows a slow ballad bis skyrocketed to fame i can t go on another rocket it on the flip side chuck berra5 jou know carol is a kit but the flip side he pedro has not done as well sheb wool ev following up the purple people eater he has recorded the chase the storv of a hv ing doll he saw while riding in his ford the flip is called mon ke jive tomim edwards is a new singer who sings its all m the game backed b please love me forever this is one ou def imteh ought to hax e duane edd and the rebels have recnr ded ramrod and the alkcr on rco label which are noisv with rebellious shouts from the rcir dale hawkin has a hit on his hands ladodada on qualitv the flip is cross ties a low rocker the tune rockers on i niled rtisla label have made a hit tth green mosquito if vou turn the disc ov er arm up might appeal to vou bobbv darin since he has splashed to sue cess decca have issued silh will and dealer in dreams see ou next w eek when we flip the hits washrooms ticket sales on editors gripe list virginia walkar instead of discussing past coming events i want to take this opportunity to give an ac count of two things i have found anno ing the first item is the deplorable state of the girls washroom this is due to a great deal of careloss- ness on the part of the girls i realize that we cant be expected to fulfil the position of janitor but a little consideration and thought would help the appear ance immensely another thing which bothers me is the rumour that the student council i having trouble selling student cards and year books you 11 need jour student card at ever school event and ou 11 be able to reminisce about past school dajs as ou leaf through our j car book this is reallj a bargain so get with it kids and bu now lol 245 regular monthly meeting ind election of officers tues nov 11 8pm loof hall veslcvan street special i0w 1111 fa1es to the royal agricilthral winter fair toronto nov 1422 fare and onehalf fob thi round ttl good going no 13 22 incl return leave toronto not later than o 23 finish season with one football victory 3rd gam georgetown vs acton john cummins georgetown can win a football game without church bells ring ing horns honking and police es corts for a parade through the streets of town so in m mind there s no need to ring in the new year it will come without help well georgetown did win a football game and it didn t look like we would until the last feu seconds ot this game there was no scoring in the first quarter at the first of the second quarter acton kicked a rouge putting them ahead one point near the end of the quar ter at our 11 jard line acton was stopped in our first down the ball carrier was pushed across the touch line putting acton ahead 30 at the end of the first half not much progress was marie in the 3rd quarter either vvav earh in the 4lh quartir a couple of cton bujs slipped through our line forcing hv de to run this is when t hinds pic kid up ken beam made a fingertip catch and 1 ii swear that if he had trim mid his nni mails that morn ing he coul in t have gra petl the ball a run hv flarbe r brituht us to acton s tin van line vvhe re j ene s of plune s brought us i touch dow n vv it h u n scionds of pla remaining crli mju the touchdown a convert followed nothcr mis plaer was lost to the ranks of spectators and critic dac smith wfio tore some liga mints in his ankk fourth game georgttown vs milton john cummins this same was as unusual as the japanese tea cercmonv to south american head hunter fvcrjboclv has ihcir bad das and i guess everv tiam does too but ou dont usualk set that much of a change in a gime however i don t neall seeing two teams change as much as georgetown and milton did in anv sport in the first half thi pla ias par wilson scored a touchdown for milton in the hrsi quarter hvde got a touchdown for eorgetown in the second quar ter both touchdowns wen un converted the second half was where the big change occurred dcorgttown dropped out of the game complete iv for lark of blocking on- in lin es mccutcheon in the first half missed about 75 per cent of the passes throw n to him through no fault of the quarterback but m the second half he rarcl mis ed a pass he got a touchdown in the 3rd quartir and in the 4th quarter both were unconverted to top this off wilson got ano thcr touchdown also unconverted the final score was 24 6 in mil ion s favour tall tales of 9b audrey brown the students of 9b enjoy the n st periods between each word in composition classes eh kids also several students have been transferred to the front of the room i wonder why sb is the quietest room in the school just ask an teacher ilh the help of two three hun dred lined essavs one lad learned the meaning of curiosit and man nero xic new staff member taught in greece batty avery this week it is my pleasure to introduce you to another of the new members of the staff miss mackay miss mackay comes from toron to and attended the university of toronto where she studied arts and social work after completing her course at the university hiss mac kay spent two years in greece teaching pngbsh in i private school which certainly must have been a wonderful experience this is her first job teaching other than in greece miss mac kay teaches french english and guidance she is certainly a wel come new member to our staff john lenz president of student council lynn scott the 195859 year for the student council began with the following people as student rips and officers presidmt john lens secretary ljnn scott treasurer tom for grave and head girl joan cum mins 9a karen armann larrj goss 9b yvonne sloane bill carnej 9c leuenbergcr 9d shirley engkb 9e sharon sweezie jan ferguson 10a jovci morning r bairstow 1qb brenda dawson dave diggins ioc judy richard son 10d elaine king 11a peter i glynn karen norton 11b c ta lor john cummins 11c diane wngglesworth bob bingham 1id i dorothv thompson 12 verna pick elt dave grccnwa c special lynn scott shann harley as ou can see there an quiti a few reps and it was decided that the best idea would be to elect an executive council consisting of an officer from lower and middle school plus the upper school reps the idea is that they can hold thi meetings without trjinf to round up all the students rips from each room the studmt council is in full swing although it has onlv him in operation for a month and a half you have probablv sun that thi football team has new sweat ers that is thi studmt uuncils doinj asun we remind vou thai thin an viar hu iks and stu lmt cards on salt at si 0 if vou bin them tnether vim savi 25i is that i bargain or is it not 1 w n h r what conniving mind dn mud that up j 1 hi 1- ool b ill of li b r j4 vv is police plaqued with accessories thefts police have been plagued lately with a rash of thefts perpe trated in king and qifeen street districts in which accessories have been taken from cars park ed on the streets overnight mirrors and aerials have been the main targets for the thieves who have been operating in the district for the past two weeks cpl jim bilsborrow is conducting the investigation president jake spence right chats with bandstand host gary mclean left when one hundred members of the local club midtown appeared on his show on the kitchener tv channel on a rec ent saturday lari halhrtond phil wade are interested onlookers i rnalh urn d out hi dine 10a report jean kitchen quite a change has come over 10a since the last column whin our classroom walls began to bulge something had to be done the resuk was that ten of thi class lift us to in rich ioc at the same time rosemary young ob tamed a transfer to 10b leaving a modest group of 30 students don t get me wrong the tudents certain ly aren t modest a goodly number of the class turned out for the october 24th dance joci fleming found it a luck night winning four prize records in elimination and spot dances with john ottaway one of our bovs pete forgrave compi ted in th swimming meet at uilph in which eortetewn came fourth grade loacrs contribute many of the cheers heard at the school football games rooting for among others our representatives on the team by the wa dots anbod know wh n certain 10a girl has sud dcn become so interested in f tot ball id it the stud nt i mil s n 1 v bis s to th 1 mice ip at f t bat nut 1 d n kin vv hu h wai iu n fun ih jllll or thi till ndi i sinnrilv hope hit ir stud t nt rep will 1 ike in i rt 1 rest in thi i r stuck nt tounci ind rv l hi ir hard i st to promote incl migmst new idtas which w he prt st n ttd this veir the most annoying thing to me by barbara schrag 10o hen i was of jour ae mv di ar mv parents sav we djd not tuar of television jets ind hot rods jivink rt wars and foot hot dogs of linjuaii lniim runts groans and squeaks that make up vour form of spe c h the adolcsctnl f todav is irn sponsible and gav your nsti in musir ujh mil clothis are appalling heiun know mv parents shake thur heads mil sigh then till me of the divs gom bv when the v to their school would go walking for miles knee deep m snow thev sloshed through run and mud and slee t no buses there lhe used their fief thev worked like beavers div da alhennf e js and pilrhin biv baking bread and makinf buns cheerful smiling work was fun they never were allowed to jo to dinres at nur age oh no thev elul nut even wint lo isk thev were too hippv vinh their tlsk but when old fru n is drop in 1 call the tales are not the vinir il til with streaming eves md loud guffaws thev reminisce pnst deeds lhat cause me to sav with ferve ncv tis the most annoving thine to the crocodile tomb robert shatfetr i his is a mysterv morv ab ut a wiunj vnnnun bruce brandon io is iacr to e irn more ibotil the drives ef the t tviti in flu st irv is set in in ivp i in laikroun i as s n fiom m iki iiilouil md e con nine view itruce s vii with thi wi ilthv se nine i f iniilv result in ne dis t venis tl i pviinnl on the set mi i firm ltiuei is ill u inline d o find the mummified crocodiles winch win t iken t a sfer place lnnn i he n in if kiiv khe n ill ii uhi tried to introdiici mm olhi ism into 1- tvpl the st r i i ihi s irch for lie rnitndil ma kt virv inle re tin re idin i ter hnn m s me hi r ne w a ive n ore st ir us ire is follows hifi v ae ir bv obtii n sn iw hoi thompson in sleiiiunhur 11 ir i ilot bv hill ind the sherwood hin bv 1 i pe town nominations will be held m wrigglesworth school on thursday nov 27th a public meeting will follow the nomin at ions girls sports a activities austria verrtis the rn i hichfitht of this ne v vrbool ve ir wis the innual school irick md field meet the div of september 11th wis a jre il mccs thanks o the unlirins ef fort cf ill our le iche rs i he pup 1 who recorded stitistics and rin err ends ind lo mr armstrong uh nn our i svstem and kep things runnint smoolhh sandr i spnnile md ken beam in the se nior e hampions of dhs st pt in be r 24th prov idcd in ihi r re pile from studies whin the mlc r schoed fi hi anil track in wis idd il aelon miziheth h ttoitis deserves great praise for shi w is the onlv eoretown stu dent whji won i ihimpionship al the inteischool tnck meet of course we mu tn t forget those who provided the keen rompetit ion tor it is lh who jmkejhe mee t i success led bv sandra sproule our viv icious cheerleaders i inda korz ack miureen hepburn tifohn hie hn sharon cook joanne rojlc indjlusnui verlis clid in mw uni forms blue plaid kills rel sweat ers and red socks added much l the rugbv see ne tumor rheerleielers hive been ihoscn to cheer the junior rujb trims lo victorv these seven cirl will be dressed in red jump ers and blue swe iters thi v ire ilhirme hunter jovce fleming yve nne slenn hrtstine marsh mint t irol highim i liiabeth hot ms pl pamela curne i n ierjtble guidance of miss knocke r anb mr dobson a lennis club ha been organized we were afraid al first that onlv bovs were intere s ed in the sport but several girls have since joined and thev now meet tursdivs and thursdavs after school for practice xic report linda koriack high tales has begun onct again and vours truly will re lav all the happenings and news of xic and d vi e we iconic d man ne wcomer from mlton and district we hope his term vv il be a successful one for them in vic the bovs outnumber the jjirls thirtien to siven but in d the weaker sex comes back in full force victorous thev are by nine to three teits have been flying fast and furious but we arc meeting them with the usual calm and smiling faces h m m in m what were those unforgettable words that wen spoken at the inter school meet sandra i cant move i ain t m1 no teeth also mukc whos vour favourite de rman teacher hfp whv is v our c ar gre en w he n the school colours are red and blue i now will close with those f minis words tt th it s a folks capers of ioc pat crawford al the beginning of the year 1h was a small class that num i red fourteen since then 10a v as ov e rcrow de d and we are lid to welcome the new students t our room our c ass is very good in one object that is losing our wav to i and when we yet there we h event a teacher by the way c hervl haven t vou figured out tliat program vef m cant vou find those lines mr beer is waiting cl lhat s all lo report from hk now until next week chatter in the halls nip n ttjck hart mast du luck bei 1rauen 1iir a translation see miss luke for whom it ma concern when entennc grade xiii beware of fhing erg this no volk eith er tek about mad scientists at ljmehouse twelve girls are enrolled in the ih club naming themselves lh limehouse woolics under lex dership of mrs gisby and mrs ross culp and have already met twice halloween we arc pleased to report saw many spooks about but apparently they were not de structive characters mr jack cnchton is with a deer hunting party this week garry scott returned to hospital in toronto on saturday where it is expected he will have his final operation on his ankle injured in may 1957 flight cadet peter scnolx was home from royal military college kingston a week ago ghs they re the maddest the other day in chemistry class two gentlemen were seriously think ing of burning up the school while another young man sang merrily as he performed his experiments we also havesome singing math ematicians eh carols brother lenz we hear vou pre fer popeve to american band wand well in the words of a gh grad tout suite parlez vous ding dong uimt next week i ami ci librorum paulem watson a number of new books have been added to our school library these new books should be parti cularly interesting to the boys as ev eral of thm arc about base ball aviation and space there arc also biographies historical novels dog stories and ad ventures in the following weeks we shall endeavour to give you more information about these books as the first of a series of book reviews peter glynn has ntten a review of the crocodile tcmb bv rober shaffer dont be colour bund when you buy coai it can cost you money dont just order coal insist on bhw coat blue coal is colourmarked for your guarantee of heating satisfaction order blue coat and get clean safe lowcost heat don t bo colour blind when you buy cxl it paya to order blue coal w h kentner son 45 queen street blue coal ont just order coal insist on mm cat steady controlled heat from your living room the blue coal temp- master changes furnace controls automatically saves tune saves steps soon pays for itseir phone today for a frees demoostranoo garnets complete line of building materials plywoods flue liners plaster cement tile nails insulation glazed pipe roofing paper rock lath ready mixed concrete no orders taken after 12 noon saturdays phone tr 72mi tr 7 2519 drop in at armstrong ave ocoikmtown

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