thi ocokostown hhuld wednesday november sth 1808 vhtan kirkkraft studio i nor v al exquisite gifts to mention a few h hand carved wa1nut trays bowls serving sets and figurines swedish handcut crystal beverage sets decanters vases and assarted small pieces please accept this advertisement as a personal invitation to you to come th and see our several displays of beautiful gifts we are always happy to have you come for a while to browse around you don t necessarily need to buy anything just come and look and enoy our beautiful things wjh us open daily man to sat to am to 6 p m phone tr 72974 friday evegs 9 pm mayme mover georgetown propane gas sales ad service for home farm industry distributor for afagas ltd aoinc ontario tanks stored at silvercreek on no 7 highway tr 72032 collect if necessary bill mcenery proprietor this weeks special flavour banana week end special gallons 83c famous for homemade ice cream if rich its smooth its really good georgetown dairy ltd quality milk products u6guelph street modern ballroom dancing lessons adults and teenagers 911 pm 8 00pm and 9 00 pm special class for adults and teen agers who were unablo to attend first class to catch up stewarttown hall monday november 10th and each following monday learn to fox trot waltz tango swing rock n roll merengue the very latest step mambo rhumba samba and chacha you will receive 8 hours instruction per month members of the classes will be taught the original steps taught in the arthur murray school of dancing for a bronze or silver medal h t hansen wrestling guelph memorial gardens thursday november 6 830 pm tag team match kalmikoff bros bobo brazil yukon eric best of 3 falls 1 hour limit darah singh vs frenchie vignal firp0 zbyzk0 vs timothy ge0hagen an exhibition of scseoce and skill ringside 1 jo reofeod 115 general 1 children soc turkey shoot popular rotarians plan again last mondays meeting u held as usual in the north hajtoon golf and country club with an italian style dinner quite a large amount of business came up including various oills to be paid treasurer walter pope announ ced that he would have a full re port on the draw which the club had participated in in conjunc tion with listowcl club lie said that advance information was that it would net a goodly amount for club projects chairman of crippled children john ord gave a report on an in terview he had had with the com mittcc in charge of the retarded children campaign and said that he strongly felt the club should remain exclusively in the work 6f the crippled children s associa tion the club agreed with him and arrangements are underway to hae another service club take this project over a case where help was needed local was also brought to the attention of the club and the chairman stressed the need of ever one in the com munity helping the club by con tacting a ttotanan when they know of a case where there is a crip pled child president bill hamil ton echoed these remarks saving thai ht lilt could all cooper ate in this job and that he hoped alt the citizen in this communitv and district would the next turkc shoot will be held by the rotary on saturday member 22nd and ads have been placed in the herald to ihls effect including this weeks is sue the tn club meet was discussed fairlj thoroughly and it is hoped to have a large turnout of the three sen ice club for his affair it is scheduled for monday nov ember 17th and will take place in the legion hall the night will feature an italian stvle dinner there will be dancing prizes and special features the other clubs the kinsmen and the lions are being contacted to see how many tickets the- will need this promises a big evening for geor getown s sen ice clubs and their wives and one that they should all enjo as well as aiding fellow ship among the clubs and their la dies the meeting closed with mac baxter showing a coloured film on rotarj hornby church host vms sectional rally halton presbytenal of the wo man s missionary socict of the united church held a sectional rail for the north and west groups on october 22nd in hornbv lni ted church the morning session ua open td b mrs g ray and the after noon session b mrs j kirk wood the president of hornbv auxihirv and rev j hill vu homed ttu dc legates rock c nape auviliarv ltd in worship in the m irninj and mr at rge flruwnridgc in tht jflernoon mn stuchan lit ratun mere tar gave a brief svnop is of the books chosen for mi ion studv on concerns of a continent tht delcgatis assembled in dt part mental croups and after discu sion brought in their findings during the dav solos were sun b mrs hammond of abt rfovk and mrs kelvin itrown of george town reports were presented bv regular food prices effective nov 6 7 8 choice quality lamb iegs ik 49c lofntlbwc loin rib chops 45c sasketlb27c wieners dempster wiener rolls no waste no leftovers maple lear 1hg or 8 all for 11 cejt burns shamrock sweet pickled vac pkg cottage rolls tabllr1te si j ced cookfd mr ats macaroni cheese olive loaf 6 oz aq- pickle t pimento chicken loaf pkg zc yeu get 3 fr dividend credits with each pkg 55c lb 59c 16 oz jar save 8c 1 lb bag sat 6c green giant save 7c niblets corn iga peanut butter igasunnr morn coffee 1nstam uk khoulak savfc 4c quaker oats dairy department features iga royal gold cheese slices jg 25c frontenac ice cream ff 25c hoi tins 3 49c 29c 59c 44 oz pkg 37c and get 2 free dividend credits dividend credit boosters each item with 2 free dividend credits effective nov 7 10 11 thurv thru tim iga orange juice robin hood choc or white cake mix bud s macaroons or wafers 20 or tins 2 37c 21 oz pkg 35c 7 oz pkg iga chocolate candies 39c domestic shortening 32c frozen foods pictsweet strawberries 15 oz pkgs 389c morton pies turkey chicken beel 8 oz pies 263c with free 1 dividend credits fruit vegetables from fla us no 1 thin skinned grapefruit 5 good size w xp 485 w- vacuum cooled crisp fresh us no 1 ig hds lettuce 2 25c canada no 1 snow w hite 10 lb pol bag marsh potatoes 39c canada no 1 burlington grown jumbo stalks celery stalks 2 29c snappy fresh us no 1 grade green beans 2 lbs 35c choice grade natural flavour cello pkgs lemons 2 35c with 2 free dividend credits an easy way to extra savings with the iga family dividend pun free how this plan works 1 rtfixur at our marest kra store and recu ka iamilv plan catalogue 2 ord r m rchandim through tht rata ogue and receive 5 divuhnd iridits equal to fivi cmls with each dollar of purchase 3 iurihati qualm iga foods and receive 1 dividend c re lit equal to 1 cint fir cvtrv dollar sptnt use your dividend credits to purchase further catalogue merchandise or iga food purchases family dividend plan feature values available only through iga markets i guaranteed retread suburbanite trea no 7013 snow tires t 1449 snapper type corduroj mzes 1 and 2 no 7015 each town countrj stvle no 7024 sizes 1 and 2 n crawlers ellovv powder blue 9vc save 2 on luxurv 66 x80 no 7013 each bue lemon rose icliht gren blankets 398 really a moneysaving reliable time saving food plan backed by hales quality foods since 1887 i we are specialists in the hbuen food business and jarill gladly fill your home freezer regardless of where yow bought h or whet make it is food is our business budget terms or cash all orders delivered in refrigerated trucks for free information call hales frozen foods phone guelph ta 29910 mrs j ii hunt treasurer mrs ii sh rnf f mis i n circlt mc ntan an i mrs ii monaghan candidate stcrttirv mrs ttjlnr hr nndc intro ducid the gin st speak r mr c it jarvis christian stewardship secntarv f r the i murium v ms board pn mi she ha ith piki on our r s ha been kicking around i as members of the ms f 15 that the provincial villi auxilnrv prsnttd tht m vermin nt sh uld meet at least rtisv nprl mrs hams 50 ptr crn of the overall local r d thi mormnk si sinn and dutation costs jarvis thi afternoon stssion pravir s is our business if ou visitors a birthdav part uur child a wedding or nnivir arv phone tr 7201 70 men of st johns plan visitation tour this sundav st john t nited hurch will have its lvery member isitation ulien an expected 70 ti n will ro out and visit homes in tht oiler sections of own associa ted with the church the delrex irea will be visit id the following week november tfith this is the third jear that st johns has participated with chur chi s of differ nl domimmauons in this ana in the sector plan fight hundred churches across canada are joining m the canvass this vear t a deserl butm in si john s memorial hall on octoher 19th the ronfr nation discuss d plans for 1959 christian education facilities urge nth require additional faciht ics an arrhitecl has be n engag ed to plan this extension one mw ho scout troop has be n formed this vear hnnint the total to tii als t a new girl guide group and a brownie park were started in addition there are rxplorers for girls 3 cub packs a cxttt group and thv young ivnpirs union at tendance at sundav school averages 350 st john s is the first local church to actively plan a new church in the delrex area and in vcars t come georgetown will have two un iled hurrhes whm plans are car ned out for the mw striirluvr the contmit te planning the sector canvass comprises kelvin brow n gcn ral chiirmin roy hansen ro chairman bruce williamson visitations chairman thomas niven visita tion co chairman rrnir forgrave pmgram chairman dick hogan program co chairman jack van winsm n puhlirily chairman read the herald every week for 1 a full budget of news of george- i town and district ccf leader urges local autonomy for education the liberal proposal that teach er salaries should be paid b thi provincial government is a mis guided and dangerous form of re luf from the finanml burdens fa ced hv municipahtus bicausc af- thi failun of sinior levels of go v eminent to hare equilablv in duration costs said donald mac donald mim ontario ccr lead cr spoking to a meeting of th countv cxf association on octo ber 28th in milton mr micdonald said it is impor tant l depcn public interest in the responsibilities of municipil covirnmcnt and thi liberal plan w uld undermine this still furth r tint rained and bureaucratic control would weaken intirtsl in educational matters he believes man ttachir fedirations have r aeleil unfavourabl to the proposal he continued rtucation cost li not excessive ontario spi nds 3 2 per cent of us available wealth on this the same percentage as in depression davs onlv quebec is below this percen tage he contended but it is wrong that proper should bear such a heavy share of education costs and more money should come from corporate jnromc local autonomy should be jeal ously guarded and teachers should not become employees of queen s park he said his solution is to get more money to municipalities without taking away their respon si bill ties increasng school grants sufficiently so they do not become an undue local burden in short he concluded fulfill the conservative election promise grace baptist church meeting in georgetown odd fellows hall spend sunday november 8 with us 11am and 7pm special speaker rev cameron orr missionary to sailors on the great lakes a rhan of god with a unique ministry when you need tv radio appliance service you want them right away and you want them made correctly johns reputation for top quality work honest prices 3 id speedy service is your assurance of satisfaction call tr 79453 for johns howard g vickery chartered accountant announces the opening of an office for the practise of his profession at the west building 34 queen st w brampton telephone gl 15530