thb georgetown herald wednesday eveg oct 8 1958 he adlet page where buyer and seller meet for sale hearxnmd batteries available at ernies radio mi st tr 7- 1701 m no 1 fill top soil driveway stone and gravel len watson se harley motors glasslyner mufflers for all cars and trucks priced from as low a 785 31 john st w tr 7251 viscount supply co owned and operated by fraleigh industries ltd hamilton complete line of prime and storm aluminum combination windows and doors also f aluminum awnings in all color free demonstrations easy term phone collect guelph taylor 20294 for service writ phil clappison district representative po box 763 georgetown for sale slab wood cut in stove lengths wilfrid bird tr 72393 tf used simplicity washing mac nine good condition tr 7 966a haucrafter 4spccd automatic record player used only 2 weeks til 7 2660 after 5 30 p m for sale folding playpen good condl ton tr 73386 boys skates for sale size 7 tr 73318 colue pups tr 73708 small for sate fjshermeni new 5 hp hlto outboard motor tr 7 2922 used wringer washers n excellent condition tr 7 2522 norge space heater large good condition tr 72171 day bed for sale also piano ac cord ion tr 72764 1950 dodge station wagon subur ban rebuilt motor radio and many extras good condition tr 74149 apples eating and cooking var ietiea notre dame de beaure gard boys home tr 72584 tf 1956 ford v8 sedan 2 whitewalls good condition reas onable price private tr 7 roasting chickens and year rid boiling fowl please order thursday for saturday delivery mrs a n stark rr 3 tf wood for sale dry hard w ood for furnaces and stoves 6 50 per single cord of 12 harold karn tr 73764 tf salesmen denny williams tr 74263 dick budgell tr 74207 ken billington tr 746o6 turkeys available at all times we deliver willitts turkey tr 743m farm ballinafad surge milkers sales end service horace tomlinson 9 mclaughlin n brampton glendale 1 1275 tf sensational values used cars at hewson motors 124 guelph street former harrison garage 1954 plymouth sedan 195a dodge regent stdan 1953 blick 1953 desoto 1951 dodgr sedan delaval milking machines sales sc service vacuum pumps water pumps bulk coolers deep freezes good used milkers brampton milling farm supply tlcndale 10735 get your s now sunnibilt garage no payment till may 195 del iv t r bt fort the snow flies pay as little asjsm montbly stan smith 76 prince charles tr space heater norge practical ly newasfr 7 2156 easy washing machine good working condition 27 tr 7 9768 brand new 30 roll away bed spring mattress very reasonable tr 73288 cellar steps set solid paint ed grey rubber tpeads 12 00 tr 73486 baby carriage lloyd bab s car bed both good condition tr 74998 washing machine ingersoll 7 years old good running condition 30 tr 7 9375 treadle sewing machinp like mw 20 tr 7 9509 after 4 30 pm flrn c r will heal 7 room houi compute with pipes feood condi lion 25 ir 74755 desk targe size used 35 00 brampton community purmlure highway no 7 east oc brampton 10 2j man s windbreaker for sale liki m w sie 40 r nit lion with wool cuffs tr 7 3318 top value rok shrewd buyers 19o8 cherolpt sedan with radio 19o7 chproi ft sedan 1956 pontiu sedan with rad o 19d6 ford coach 1954 chevroiet oath pot ps 1951 hudson acdan 1949 dp soto sedan haripy dwison motor bike 1955 dodgl suburban 1955 chevrolet half ton pickup 1953 pontic sedan delivery scott motors record pijvyer for sale rpm plas through phonejack on 74734 if radio or tv tr 7 3318 i child s coat size 8 royal bin with white fur trim hardl vun tr 7 2670 after b pm i ittp r c mirier complete with bucket track etc vt rn arch phone milton tr 8 93b7 at fina s simpson art scott s s tr 74081 tr 7 2251 oil space heater lirte mh late model brampton commun ty furniture no 7 highway fast of brampton 10 22 smi i it yrn 18 x 28 12 24 zenith inarm p rank morrison 1 mile ballinafad tr 7 2007 i n hoii aid north of appi es spys and grctmngi from well sprayed orchard pleist bring own containers i en coxe ashgrove tr 7 3198 rangettes 2 or 3 in dition priced to sell community furniture 7 east of brampto ood con bnmpton highway i 1022 parts service for au ford products at harley motors over 2 000 worth of stock try us for parts and service 25 cars wanted 25 premium prices paid for good clean low mileage privatelyown ed cars 195058 models cars for sale 1955 cadillac hardtop fully equipped spotless 1955 chev station wagon clean 1955 ford station wagon clean 1955 studebakfr 4door over drive 32 000 miles like new 1955 rord custom 2 door spotless 1955 dodcf hardtop like new 1954 buck hardtop fully equip ped spotless 194 pord 2 door clean 1951 chfv 2 door one owner clean 1953 chfv convertible fully equipped spotless 1952 pi ymoutil 4 door ftill equipped original car 1952 gmc n pukup jood sound truck 1951 olds 4door fully equipped clean young motors the home of clean cars 33032 main st n brampton phone gl 10275 open evenings storm windows for sale is two 35 x 55 two 37 54 two 38 x 55 half pne tr 7 3407 coi em an oh hratrr mtd mm 2 large drums with taps and pipes s35 afttr 5 pm yvonne dams 40 normandy blvc jam plums grapes apples pep per squash hubbard squash crab apples notre dame de beaure gard farm tr 7 2564 harley 31 john st motors tr7 2591 fine quality used cars 1957 ford 6 4 door radio tv tone with less than 20 000 miles 1954 chevroi ft 4 door station wagon excellent condition 1663 chevrolet hardtop two tone and custom seat covers this a a jeai smart car 1952 ford 2 door two tone l only 1950 hillman sedan s125 by oamctin top quality unto wo haoo frianw whan you wo roady ian if ttw car of yoo choko k stock wo con tat it tor may wo aoroo yoo too for thanksgiving turkeys idr i for bulk cooler house 2 small gas space htaiirs 10 al ion hot water heater all at ci n lit ion georm town hup me ga- nt 7 2032 1 i- ml 1i k md 2h al ill i mk b ilh in i lit nt n lit n jl h iim s f r li th v i 1 s 11 mparatu ik 7 11 t holmes 5c t i po anniversary sale oct 910n just in time for you to save on xmas gift items cup and saucer nylon half slips you will want several of these for the gift list gored skirt wide lace trim pretty matching bow pastel aqua pink blue white yellow and mint special f lach 77 77 bath towels solid colour pastels dark tones stripes jaquard designs hcav y quality large size 22x44 sanle larger limit 2 only to a customer laeh ladies briefs raton solid colour knitted cuff elastic waist pastel pink aqua coral yellow whiu s 35 pr 3 for 89 mens sport shirts e shrunl 198 p inelv woven rayon and cotton pre shrunk lonk luu slandup collar colla labs expirllv tailored urns and t lrs sm path td p it flannel sport shirts lnshrunk lintd collars ind cuff- butt ins stand up collar 2 button tuff matching satin k size s in 1 pach white background gold trim set 19c panerkrisp candy 57 butterfly nylons bub standards slight imperfections will not harm wearing quality soft neutral tone 51 gauge 15 denier sizes 9 to 11 special 39 f ladies sport blouses 88 short skive sanforui d aborted style- and colour- sizes 32 to 38 spttial fraih 198 saniqueen stepon cans hh pink tunjuoi special each mens flannel shirts 159 smartly la lurid 2 pockets button trim colorful assorted plaids pre riimimiin r d krecn an i blue i il r hull ind half sies spinal iath childrens sleepers 1 i ci lintd si i pi rs loulilt foot hetl and in tsilv washibh elastidzid ribbing won di r dri inihzed non skid safetv st p i oiors blue pink yellow mini grim sizis 1 2 3 tcature alue pair for rent 3 room apartment for r apply d irons tr 79380 for rent november 1st modern 3 bedroom bungalow 100 month ly tr 74676 2 rooms with extra urge bath room large square nail upstairs tr 73708 if no answer call tr 73296 u j3asement apartment for rent 3 rooms and bath suitable for couple available november 1st tr 73386 apartment for rent attrac tive surroundings convenient loca tion berwick hall main st s tf modern 4 roomed apartment and bath selfcontained main floor tr 79786 for rent nov 1st 3 room ap artment near main st frig and stove available tr 7 2932 in erin ment will a liable nov 17 r 33 3 room apart 50 monthly av 1st phone erin 5 room apartment for rent immediate possession heated rent reasonable apply hutchinsons smoke shop 10 main sl south 159 to rent pleasant 7room house centrally located in georgetown available november 1st apply by letter to mrs r h marching- ton rr 3 acton 1 6 room bungalow for rent 3 bedrooms 4 piece bath oil heated grey brick oak hardwood floors in swanek subdivision i couple with two children wcl come available nov 1st tr 1 74215 tf modern apartment large i living room electrically equipped kitchen bar with stools two bed rooms with clothes closets cera mic tile bathroom coloured sx tuns private basement full size of apartment equipped with laun dry tubs gas furnace private stairway to roof garden avail able november 1st tr 73541 front end loader for hire basements excavated fill or general work with loader or trucker lorne norton phone tr 7 2322 tf for sale w lddim si 00 size take s25 dress originally 12 2 years old tr 7 2173 stfel bed and springs beach heavy duty stove tr 7 3335 all state auto insurance low rates 6 months to pay agent w h scott guelph phone collect res taylor 41383 business ta 42331 tf maclntosh apples well spray cd now ready by the bushel or basket bring your own contain ers s murray norval tr 7 w2 104j if you want a cheap portable 5idewalk cement slabs are the answer hu inrohmviion orut 4 murdock street or phone tr 74130 wanted tender for school addition ti ndt n will be received by the north halton high school district board for the construction of an addition to acton and eeorretown high schools drawings and spiuficitions pre pared bv barnctt ruder archi u cts ar immcdiatelv av ailablc at the architects toronto office reference copies will be placed at the toronto builders i- xch ame and it thi office of the school board sicrttarj col g o brown eorretown ont 1 1 ndt rs will bt received in tht inhiticls office sent by registered mill postmirktd not later that 4 10 p in mondav october 20 1958 ind addrt scd to north halton high school district board it irn it a ritdtr rchiucts mi 1 llinlon avenue past 1 in out u 12 ontirio 1 ii i iw m or in tinthr will nut m s ii ih bt aict pted a it p it hiiiii of s25 00 will lt it iui t for ill twines ind sprc i lno w ntro f ir slud nt will p i ensh 1lnst st il mnkt lnilbt tncl puce in itttir to lltr id box 53 1022 sfwing machine clectni con scilt 1 condition t xc lit nt iniv bra upton communitv tin ilitun hifhwa no 7 past of brampton 1022- want ft w mid w washing machifsts 20 and furnuure tndc in or up will trade machines hp nuht bnmpton motors to hp will buy scrap purniturc highwav no inttil tr 7 2550 1g rosetli bnmpton street 108 1 pino wnth1 hav itfrrigfrator fngidaire large i i fsh writ size good condition priced to mak st ii brnmpttn ommunilv pur hernld mlur lltshwj no 7 t t ot f brampton 10 22 1 d it nurnt r nt of 10 22 caretaker wanted applications will be received up to thursday october 16th for the position of caretaker at the new park public school duties to tommenec on or about november 1st further details regarding du ties may be received from the secretary apply to james f evans secretary georgetown public school board georgetown 1015 help available mil v 1ri w in kind ik 7 9490 i altlrntk work si 00 i nkt or statin rytinl height ind prict to b ipuk punting cement i hour all johs tr 7 365 10 h expen need tvpist will i t r ml deliver work myr 1029 lie blatk rillinafad tf fill the bill g bishop glen williams turkeys available at all times erman sales ssba8 norton floral 10 main si s tr 735s2 they re here i importeo utchbuy bulbs norton garden centre 120 guelph st tr 7t2 appljcs- macintosh court lmd snows spies kings blenheims 3c greenings douglas ismond nor al phone huttonville 135 j 4 we deliver tf bi ue suit size 24 two winter coats size 44 black antl grey al so six dresses size 24 grey um per and blouse also grey fur coat sell cheap tr- 7 9280 reduction sale of 50 welsh and shetland pohies variety of colours 1958 foals to 5 years 35 palomino and saddle bred marcs and geldings 1958 foals to six years many mares rebred shet land palomino or appaloosa 21 holstein heifers due this fall selling at auction 10 trra satttr day october 11th at the farm clarksburg grey county onl royden hunter owner carl v kellough woodford auctioneer band saw hinttpowir siw binoculars in case brownie tirjtt file cimin in case 50 ft transit tile and couplings 4 small tools tu 7 2i76 after 6 p m 1950 dodge sacnfici at 250 coich bine wilh radio cniplttcl ov erhauled cheap dependable transportation fxccllent commu ters vehicle see at armslrong s girage tr 7 2891 dead animai s2 00 each fo- dead or disabled cows horses old horses 3c a lb george gibson call collect bclwood 23 r 11 fergus 231 w 12 guelph taylor 4 2878 wanted halton poultry pro ducts deal m live and dressed poultry and fresh eggs custom killing phone collect milton tr 84401 it try an ad 1st results next week for imint l busintss strvicts in iiidin monthh stitements etc mi 1 tslu ujrk 20 john st wi 1 tnilovn motor th it is it ir mi tr 7 3078 help wanted stauffer reducing inc home plan diwsion offers a wonderful opportunity our expansion program requires representative in your ere experience not necessary must hive ood ippt ir inct and ir miituss n t tinins above iv i r ii i it i n i in nanu uldit phi n nu nbi r height vtiht b ftkroun mintal sti u- to stauffer reducing inc 813 hlinton vi west tthtonto ontvrit or phone mrs rogers ru 37363 real estate money available for second mortgages or buying out existing mortgages payments as low as 20 per month three or five year plans guelph post office box 533 or taylor 29700 guelph 115 prince charles drive 1 000 down full six room bungalow with separate dining many extras including aluminum storms and screens asphalt paved drive basement separated into 5 sections and partially finished fenced and sodded no profit sale will take 1 000 down or bar gain cash and one mortgage at total price 12 500 carrying 57 monthlv private sale tr 7 4407 tf detached bungalows 3 bedrooms solid brick basement ss57 full down payment from 10 448 full price no second mortgage contact syd lamb lo3 longfield rd cton ont phone 524 robert e lawson real estate lost found poind bo jicket 32 harlt i ost set of car keys tr 7 2847 christmas selling season will soon be here prepare now for large profits selling beautiful avon cosmetics write district manager miss ziegler norfolk apts guelph giving phone room por rent gentleman tr 8790 hornby largr umtfd statjes and ca nadian manufacturing company requires district manager in es fiicsing township exceptionally high earnings guaranteed repeat business automobile essential agricultural or farming back ground most important sales trai ning given box 84 london onl i ost brown tweed cap on main street saturday call tr 7 2051 boy s 1leasi i ost idv s wrist watch silver at georgetown pall fair finder please call mrs cecil wilson tr 7 2396 or leave at herald office accommodation available in acton s495 dow n 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow decorated aluminum storms and screens 4 piece cera mic tile hith iarge kitchen high detorated basement s12 800 ful price sid lamb 163 longfield rd vijn phone 524 representing r e lawson broker room and board available for gentleman tr 7 2930 boarders wanted european kitchen gentlemen preferred laundry included apply 40 charles street i room and board to let for one gentleman to share english speak ing 5 or 7 days tr 74736 tf house for sale completely decorated landscaped storms and screens low down payanont mr a ward 27 raxway drive