attwrfc jmy ttx cold waving style cutting bleaching tinting martins beauty salon quavetkhm dmve 1 7332 v x 1 i 4 521 resbter for classes at community swimming pool insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 mill street serving your community for over 30 years hamilton construction 66 prince charles drive tr 73480 homes industrial requirements garages renovations concrete work building supplies every building need welding arc and gas woolhead speers tr 73941 nights tr74713 georgetown heavy equipment a specialty government certified welders ortable equipment no job too small no job too big construction equipment repaired hoppers buckets shovel teethe trucks reinforced cat repairs pipe work a specialty trader hitch mad o order and insta lojo1100 ilarr baumgartner jotln ann shftlu cainpoeo conneu bonnie conneu billy sykea maureen wyatt bonny bell david jane ann emmerson david clark 11001l30 ricky andrea chaplin philip jones jimmy harris mary bonathan phelln owlalley beryle bauey brenda handy john bailey mic hael nasterman nancy master- man 11301200 bobby hart hard blackweu anne harris shirley king susan corbett john blair donald macintosh kathryn king xrandy armstrong sharon preston douglas parker 12454 15 ann barrett gay taylor heather meades rose mary meades robert crane james jackson jane ann jackson kathrine meades patsy lince 1 151 45 virginia flefcher john fletcher marilyn cuus judy cuus jane ryder susan webster carol lowrey michael sicrsema glenn roshier judith ryder junior clau monday to friday teacher lynn scott 9 009 30 ken snell glen buttrey david armstrong judy caldcr elaine barker janet armstrong brenda boie david caldcr cnthia lambert 9 3010 00 carol ann stevens iian cross john shortman jane mcrarlane mao jane ward gil lian swan carol shortman ann ramond elhs rick hue ned hard jane hard bran wicks mctarland maurtn bradlt john ward childrens swknmlng classes bare a roll registration this wear at the community swimming fpooj with 611 children registered lor the clasaeswhkh occupy mornings at the pool then am still vac ancies in the adult courses and anyone wishing to take instruc tion may still do so by contacting sandra scott chief instructor at tr 70964 the teaching staff this year in dudes joan cummins ber km morson lynn scott bob bing ham paul barber and miss scott bagtamrs class mod wed frl teacher joan cummins 9930 wendy denne robert armstrong diane armstrong mary lewis kathrine hamilton cathy rathbone carl shortman ray mond inglis mary jane emmer son ken gould anne marie quanbury joanne segurdson lorraine ledwidge 9301000 eleanor ross john graff jane graff bill chart susan mitchell jennifer jones jimmy walker mary carr jo- anne mitchell robert mitchell pe ter walker 10 0010 30 louise seckington lorraine seckington ginny terr billy terry janet cloke laura k nnersle linda thompson tcrrj hobson gregory hobson pamela earl 10301 lv0 lawrence kirby elaine heal sean bilsborrow bruce bilsborrow carol n hal lit i gordon halhtt cathy bradley fowsetk dairy qhrjori hooovs in hawton conrty princaas will j oar halton be selected in the hornby garden party on sat- 16th hqtmoho to ams uaoot says maple ave w rattan nwpawwd in hanoi rwdwry madiloacy tapafawd on haa job anywhe all work guranteed or money refunded or of paulmt whiter 11 0011 30 kosmar irancis bonnu hilts sallj llunsdalc barn 1triuson harold ferguson donna stewart patricia armitage juht constantine slcvn constan tim shtila ralkinham alan pallitl douglas penrice 11 3012 00 marlcnc kitchener jucndj limgslon nichola short man lesle buresh madeline buresh george scllmcr jean lee paul ibson bah mckee tom conncl ken connely 12451 15 donald william ann golden pau ann mcahs ter margaret sargent gerald walsh karen don robert mc bride philip hyde gail walsh carol allen i 151 45 vicky chappo janet mcclure catherine young de borah young dale walker dave richardson cathy richardson beth richardson bobby mandcr son beginners class tues thurs sat teacher joan cummins 10 0010 30 vicky beaumont chris cock stephanie cock teddy brown mary lou brown diane richardson bobbj bradle linda hamilton penny wilson carol wilson leslie mccotgan mary waterhouse 10 3011 00 tom gosling rus- sel bennett chris bennett ann gillis ann burley hazel burley mary henderson jim henderson linda peck james scarlett ron aid scarlett jody sargent i i 001 1 30 robert saxe billy sohenk raymond john lnda oliver norma hale judith whit son glenn wright mane ptgna tell john pignatell 11301200 gordon smaltwood billy maveal paul clark keith green joan harris john prouse sandra armstrong garry conn grant wingrove graham win grove charles biehn tommy prouse 1 151 45 heather barber phyllis barfcer rem pankenin lillian mccolgan franciszka gwudala teresa gwudala ray mond mccolgan beginners clara mon wed frl teacher beverly emmerson 10 00 1030 mary vanhoorn diane vanhoorn eva lindaucr david sheppard david fisher bronwyn mcknight barry wilson dick lindaucr donald mcclure philip white dennis guardhouse bobby wilson 10 301100 allen studdart lee urscl anne garside jane garside margaret gilchrist nancy timleck julfc garside karen whiting david whiting nelson barber jackie timleck 11 0011 30 mary neale diane gail rusk john fenley jackie bowell robin kitchen jennifer unsworth douglas una worth clive warwick elaine gault margaret jane rusk ft30lzoo mary rawson lin da uncell marsha jones peter hayes joan docksey jennifer eason barry earle shirley stamp michael warren agnes lorentsen peter peterson beginners class tuesday thursday saturday teacher beverly emmerson 93010 00 guy cluney garry bradley douglas street roger street elizabeth allen lome tcachout linda mcmillan lilly potts greig street steven how ard marshall hansen leslie han sen john collier roger smith 10001030 barbara hansen norman hansen shirley armitage christine tost david farnell leslie mcausland pauline arm tag barbara evans michael hariey billy namtnk urday evening july j h taylor of burlington b r no a who is chairman of the county committee charged with that responsibility the panel of judges wilt include everett biggs commissioner of dairying for on tario david pelletterlo of guelph and one other still to be named each of the four young ladles who have entered wql be interviewed by the panel of judges and follow ing this will give a minute to minute and a half ulk on the inu portance of the dairy industry in ontario some excellent prizes are offered for the county contest and these have been provided through the generosity of the following firms arid organizations acton jersey dairy masales dairy acton acton creamery acton milk producers george town dairy ltd maple leaf dai ry georgetown georgetown milk producers georgetown creamery milton creamery milton milk pr ducers milton dairy park farm dairy milton district no 12 tor onto milk producers oakville dair coop gilbrae dairy oak ville oakville milk producers halton cream producers and the halton federation of agriculture the oung ladies who are par ticipating for the title of halton s cl tin princess art as follows the misses lorna woodlcy of milton r r 1 mary lou robin 10 00 10 3o larr stitf dinnis son of oakwlli r r 1 barbara slit r iarn thompson marline cunningham of georgetown r r rmstrohl fcliubith ha hiza 2 and mrs jim reid juo of do job 1 1906 dear mr editor- bull baiting and bear rlti belong to the middle ages modern ontario to go back to the dark ages for your plumbing your transpor tation or your sport ti not pro gress i wish i knew the name of the lindsay newspaper jm justs like to send them a note to say some of us feel that their chamber of commerce is myihng a very good job of getting lindsay on map as a good place jo stay away from yours sincerely adelaide lash miller billgarbutt tton r r 2 stone school mrs albert presswood teacher to grade 7 honours richard bell jan es graham paul kidntj richard huh diudson sunk knntrsl nnt i urrame nobk christine lark kathrine laird 10 301100 diane foster 1 hihp barber michael hall mar hall richard carrie lnda tea iuc philip walktr bcverl oadinl 1 lu nn murra clau dia ttaju 11 0011 30 brenda elliott pau line cass sandra hayes linda alex colborne llats linda barclay maureen p melvn renolds pat smith glenn broomhcad gor rick graham jacqueline burt don southan patsy tost sandra viola melanson marchmcnt donald burke i rc 11 3012 00iane copland mary to grade 6 copland tom copland georgina honours bonnie bell ea brown david fairley peggy tyler undauer michael tler tom bowell jan i p keith hill bonnie nor ice william donald fairley l judith norton marjone burt 1 151 45 howard walker diane melanson donald maveal lnda howitt dianne mccolgan susan kidd to rde 5 rhona gadd jennifer inglis peter honours steven reynolds clark margaret parker terry roheri melanson pass george henderson dav hancock gail lloyd junior classes monday thru friday teacher bob binfham 9 301000 sheron denne gary armstrong diane hutchison da wd howard elizabeth hansen keith allen billy eason angela marsh debbie hyde lynda hde frances linton l nne ritchie 10 0010 30 ann marchmcnt bobby barber neil young gail young sharon puckenng barry cock dcbby anne brown mary harlow gail scarlett michael fans 10 301100 carol mcgilvray patricia armstrong gerry deboer l nn wyatt simon lewellyn charlene lee janice wild caro lyn wright jody sargent john golden 11 0011 30ludy mccrae arc hie martin janice chaplin pat harris wendy marks sheila wal lace elspeth macintosh gail mc donald wayne norton knut keire ann gudgeon 11301200 susan collier da vid smallwood richard parry mary mcnamara bonnie brand ford trefor smith judy prouse wayne king linda foster intermediate clau monday to fnday teacher sandra scott 0 009 30 roger schoheld dar lcnc ledwidge janet martin alan peterson rosemary hole donald mcfarland peter macnamara richard brahby vuian perry 10 00100 bobb mccumber gail pnei pamela clark ingnd langcbeck mary fvans gail stigger janice mino carroll far ncll carole barber michael cum mins terry kennedy 9 3010 00 lym emmerson bobby eason bobby graham john hamilton pat sargent jacqueline unce david lloyd ellen biehn jane bradley man lyn brock kathrine wiuiams anne peter son christine mcarthur judy nash jill runhjim lynn ritchie 103011 00judy berry david conneu sharon sykes ginny lee bill handy joyce rundle peter wright alaister blair kathryn saxe christine sargent janet dunning palhyde diane golden mark llewellyn iijoom30 pmm armitage anneka bouwman patsy cock nancy korzack diane schenk nancy jamieson karen korzack patsy davison linda puckering nancy parker jacqueline barclay settlor class monday friday teacher sandra scott patsy barrager david barrager gary mccrae para carrie robert harris diane read terry dunn- id pressw ood to grade 4 richard corbett john f b0u6ht0n jeweller watches clocks watchbands straps jewellery silverware guaranteed watch repairs opposite georgetown high school guelph street we service television all makes radios record players car radios appliances mmis toaston c ernies radio 24 years servicing trianflu 72701 honours hugh graham pass linda baxter laura henderson dale carleton grace mary graham richard lindauer terry burt john bailey to grade 3 honours george b graham barry earl sheila campbell pass peter carnere thomas melanson to grade 2 honours deborah rogers terence corbett anna simonyl pass vincent graham grade 1 david baxter gary mintz di ae baxter w h kentner son 45 queen st tr- 7u5i georgetown summer sale of blue t coal order now at years low prices price for june and july dbjvexy stove nut sizes 2500 per ton ing mary mcclintock gene ros hier danny golden jm blair carolyn biehn barbara finlay lesley bronen dlvlny junior tuesday 6 7 pm teacher paul barber david barrager patsy barrager terry kennedy elspeth macin tosh gene roshier mary mc clintock marilyn brock jack gudgeon john mcclements ricky curne anne marchment pamela clark diving seiior tuesday 8 30 9 30 pm teacher paul barber gary mccrae mrs leslie clark diane reed mrs irene marshall gary teeter bob bingham lynn scott bev emmerson mrs curne adult class wednesday 30 930 pm teacher lynn scott mrs pallett mrs mccandless mrs tee mrs ovcnden paul graham jim costigan adult class wednesday 30 9 30 pm teacher jim buckland acton harold seckington mrs leslie masterman mrs hogg m ann- strong mrs sunnucks award of m teacher sandra scott lynn scott bob bingham joan cummins bronx medal lifeaaving teacher lynn scott monday 30 930 pm thursday 830 930 pm henry helfant gary mccrae mrs leslie clark june lyon francis hulme bill zulo lesley brown les diekenson bill far- keepyoir grata insect free far a whole yearl hotfs all you do pnr bin tth howard bin treat bat iww train with howard grain guard costs less than a bushil fass than 0 does to fumigate bin treat ktus insects in cracks and tr has prolonged killing action lasts at least 6 weeks but does not harm grain so tus grain guard mlzaa aasfly with new grain as it b binned pr it from insects for a whole year contains malatalon does not harm grauvamioomaamiziq ttcijr tffise and other howard kodocts are on sale at halton cooperative suppues tl 45 outvh stteet