we service television air wkw ramos mcokd players affuancts ernies radio years servicing trinn nle 7701 i cant help feeling sorry torall those fellows in the city who nave to eat lunch d every day when i think of what they are missing my heart meeds for new bathkooms installed or remodclled ken charlie nash mcdowbll i wntw sjadjhaia kino street east rprof adkbhtk tm 72m2 insurance travel red estate walter t evans co wangle 72s12 mill street serving your community or over- 30 years them we men who live and work tin small towns go home to lunchr at noon c th dry follow his wife and kids khsoe in the until that cruet thaw birds know itmfwm nfuta iimiejl m noinlhe tsmrinlity end ejhfrnesne fan their lunch hear that robs tham ef one of tha most vital andl interesting pohfhms of the day think oif it same old ride down in- the elevator same old walk to the restaurant same old double martini or beer if they dont tap- pen to be having inuch with the blonde receptionist same old steak and mushrooms roast chick en pork chops spaghetti and meat balls or salmon steaks same old leisurely halfhour with the news paper over the coffee back to the office with the 6ame old feeling of drowsy contentment we have chicken boodle soup or bologna sandwiches nona of the old monoton bf pie and ice cram far dessert either we have a wrme and fascsnatina selection bread and peanut hotter r credit valley 7 e sop s asphalt paving co 2j 7 craveu georgetown s d 7 motels driveways parking lots tennis courts road work service stations sidewalks concrete curbs if you need any asphalt paving dome call triarigle 74651 free estimates j yr lawr i ney doii know itaismnfpi compojro tno o0montojwww e from reality with the lively lunch hour of the small town male sees hem to eat with his der ones in the bin fat boeem of his family let me teu you of the vibrant in timacy of lunch hour at our place i get a cah at ten to twelve to pick up a loaf of bread and a spool of thread white no 34 or something they dont seem to have any at the store so i come home with grey no 43 only sign of life when i come in is the breakfast dishes in the sink and the washing machine thumping away like a cement mix er in the back kitchen thats what like about it none of those res taurant smells that clattering of dishes that hum of conversation its so restful call hm kids from mm heck kitchen where aro theyt i holler back outside where do you thinkr c the echo none out around the clotnos line outside turns out to be down at the perk after ive looked in all the neig back yards and driven arou half the streah in town we finally get heme to find lunch ready at least its practically ready the toaster is out with a pile of bread beside it and a can of beans is burning in the saucepan good old beans on toast i once remarked that they made a good snack if you were hungry enough now we have it monday wed nesday and friday the other days y bread and peanut butter honey and lean with sliced ban anas en fen there what the kids like a heavy lunch makes ma logoy and i settle for tea and a another thing about hutch at home that keeps you oh your toes jjs the conversation- none of this dull mumbling abut the stock mar ket and the new waitress with the inflation problem that occupies ci ty ranchers vye get down to brass facts local revelations and interna tional problems wife says dm you oat the no 34 threadt i say no i she says the making a tm certeinlr glad you right thread tm be held up all af- h you hadnt i hadnt hear district supervisor at jehovah assembly here tiw oro hbrajld i wednesday eves sep 4th met pages nh georgetown and vicinity resi dents were well represented among the more than 40fipersons who at tended the key bible lecture at the three day assenrbly of jeho vahs witnesses held recently nt the memorial arena in george town they heard mr george salkmarsh district supervisor of the witnesses speak on the sub ject removing the barriers divid ing mankind j the opening wersbtof the speak er reports otto dojcsmah preside arena jloor the spacious hugh says is it true that three people in china die every time you takef a breath i say well i tie says can i ride my hike out to grannys this afternoon i say no i he says kims got more slices of banana on her sandwich than i have she has kkn says caddy is it ok if the beys khs iw in tho woodshed theyre always trying to i say no i a she says hugh told a great big lie this m and you should spank him i say wall she says can i go out barebelly this afternoon wa 5no oooaw wife says those bass have to be cleaned before you go and i want you to take some stuff to the cleaners what are you going to do about hugh being so cheeky to me if you dont get me a new clothesline im never going to wash again yom look terrible why dont you have a shave with ten minutes of my lunch hour still to go i take tha fish out ee nae rovngswaser loofci at twam slip ejuietty out to the garba can with them snatch up tha dry clean ing end make all haste beck to tte sanity safety and sanctuary of fuel oil service oil storage tanks 20000 bals storage capacity our green and lemon trucks available to bring you on the spot service budget terms arranged wh kentner son wangle 72rsi rings us to your door ing minister of the local congregr ajtlon were to leave no doubt in the minds of the audience the con viction of jehovahs witnesses that nil mankind wih be brought to unity for he said ah kind should be one and all rnan- kindwih yet be made one showing that the present between nations are insufficient he continued it will mean far more than t tying mankind together by means of travel communication and international alliances be cause in spke of these ties never has man been so seriously divided as now we talk of the human fa mily but we dont act like one he said that the idea is wide spread that some nations are su perior to others by reason of skin colour the bible is emphatic on the point that the creator made all people of one flesh to dwell on the face of the earth said mr saltmarsh quoting from acts 17 can we do anything now to solve the problem no rather this is something which is a matter en tirely for the creator to adjust by removing the barriers to interna tional unity by means of his king dom which will recognize the equality of all people regardless of skin colour africa france argentina ger many and many other nations of the world passed before the eyes of a keenly interested audience through the medium of a specially prepared film which was presented to the public saturday night the audience of more than 300 ap plauded the presentation of the scenes from a recent ordination ceremony in nurenburg germany where christian ministers from eastern germany poland and hun gary were among those symbolizing their dedication to do gods will despite obstacles imposed by com munist rulers a similar service was held on the weekend at the cost cutting of prime importance to dairymen lower production cost is of the prime factors on the road to higher cash incomes accord ing to the latest farm booklet is sued by the ca bank of commerce entitled cutting farm costs the new wellillustrated booklet describes in detail what the dairy man can do to decrease his proj duction costs and thus raise his cash income the booklet has been prepared with the assistance of dr h e patterson phd bt- i rector of the farm economics call ut 74271 tr 72674 co work fcftohngs cellar floors sidewalks block work brick toying for your coiutnictkm heeds carpemtry kitchens feithroofiii remodeling modernizing ai iii ivkcoshleamtn wad in christ church anglican brampton white gladioli and pom poms formed a beautiful background for a summer wedding in christ angli can church brampton when irene charlotte leaman and john david mccosh spoke their marriage vows the bride is the daughter of mr and mrs robert leamen sophia st brampton and parents of the groom are mr and mrs urcjuhart i mccosh corbetton rev lanscott- irt buccleuch performed the double- a ring ceremony ken cuthbert pla- jed the wedding music and accom panied the soloist willis mdmeilly of toronto the bride given in marriage by her father wore a fulllength gown of white nylon chiffon with round ippliqued neckline shirred bodice and short sleeves the bouffant skirt with shirred back panels fell into a slight train the fingertip veil was caught by a lace cap trim med with nylon tulle irridescent and seed pearls she carried a cascade bouquet of pink delight ro ses and pale pink sweetheart roses mrs ruth hunter sister of the groom was matron of honour and mrs shirley west and miss heath er leamen cousin of the bride were bridesmaids the attendants wore matching waltriength gowns of seafoam crystal charm with v- neckiine and bow and streamers down the hack headdresses trim med with irridescent and seed pearls they carried cascade bou quets of pink carnations and white pinochio pons miss bunny kohson a cousin of the bride was the flower girl she wore a pale pink nylon floor length frock with matching sash and headdress and carried n bas ket of pink delight roses and pln- chlo poms ken mccosh 7 mary st george town waft his heothers groomsman and ushering were reg mccosh another brother and ron leamen brother of the aride following the ceremony a rec aption was bald in tha oraago hall the mother of the bride received tan guests la n ft ea rem lace pwn with white l and a corsage of whub eunmfenm the grooms mother anmtted la pow der btae crap gown with pink tribn walm aneaaanriaa aad n cor- of pint totitmas he cotmia wtu reside in bttmp whys a bj the pattern states the bride travelled ia aavaqua sheath dren with nut- btjttt duster cjoal pink acceamoxiea and acolmageotspjro ontorowii gaieala were present 4rom dintoa okrllle corpefeoa xtttynalk aglaotwrt weeton tor- eato jydgkgeonrn memorial arena as omlookers wtt- nessed young as weh as older ones aymbo3se the dedication of their lives to do jehovahs will the theme of this assembly was teu the good newaff on fri day night this theme eras highlight ed during the ministry training school and service meeting the rose room was fued to capacity so the colourful platform and sound equipment was moved af ter the friday sessions to the provided ample room for the audi- ehce and the cafeteria that was provided itm the delegates the cafeteria served over 1000 meals during the three days and wns completely operated by volunteer help this added greatly to the convenience of al present fau fair dates acton sept 20 rl ancestor sept 20 xi arthur sept 24 barrie p sept 26 28 beamsville sept 5 7 beeton oct 1 2 bolton oct 4 5 bracebridge sept 12 13 brampton sept 12 14 caledon sept 20 xi caledonia sept 26 28 chesley sept 6 7 collingymod oct s 5 drayton sept 14 10r rttsbirgk paiife bobhor arwnstetlor ernies radio mia st tr 74701 buiudino samo concretr 0ravel road gravel pill and top soil stone work tom haines olen williams tr 732m 3c dundalk oct 2 durham sept 27 etmira aug so sept erin oct 11 12 and 14 fergus sept 6 7 gait sept 19 xi georgetown oct 4 s grand valley sept 27 28 hanover oct 4 5 harriston sept 18 10 icincardine sept is 20 kingston leamington lindsay listowel londern western markham milton milverton mitchel mount forest napanee new hamburg new liskeard norwich orangeville orillia oshawa sept 24 28 sept 2 7 sept 18 21 sept 23 24 sept 0 14 oct 3 5 sept 27 28 sept 20 21 sept 24 25 sept 21 23 sept 2 4 sept 13 14 sept 12 14 sept 24 25 sept 10 11 sept 5 7 aug 15 17 costs the booklet says more subject to control prices instead of waiting for higher prices the farmer can bring down his costs his problem is to and out how to do this there are at least five key fac tors to profitable dairy farming it continues they are 1 feeding efficiency 2 labor use 3 produc tion per cow 4 sine of herd and 5 capital use the booklet goes on to explain what can be done in each of these categories to reach maximum pro duction with minimum cost to reach higher feeding effici ency for instance the farmer can increase pasture use in mauiy areas he can use hrome grass ii pasture mixtures to help early spring and later fall pasturing while in others he will ottawa winter fair oct 28nov 2 owen sound sept 23 25 palmerston sept 30 oct peris x sept 27 28 peterborough aug 7 10 renfrew sept 11 14 rockton oct 12 14 st marys sept 5 6 seaforth sept 19 20 sbelburne sept 20 21 simeoe sept 30 oct 1 5 stratford sept 16 18 tavistock sept 6 7 teeswater oct 1 2 toronto cne aug 23 sept 7 toronto rwf nov 15 23 green oasis to make that attractive moral arrnnawment yourself green 0 asi s the green plastic block that can be cut to any sine will absorb moisture and keep your flowers fresh on sale at norton floral tr 735s2 walkerton waterdown welland woodhridge woodstock international match simeoe nov 6 7 sept 17 18 sept 10 14 oct 11 12 and 14 aug 22 24 plowing oct 15 18 notice to creditors in the estate gili of frederick all persons having claims against the estate of frederick james gjl- mer late of the town of george town foreman who died on or ab out the 22nd day of july ax 1957 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under signed on or before the 28th day september aj 1957 titer which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of find that claim they shall not then sudan grass is a good hot weather nve notice pasture and that early cutting of j dated at georgetown this 27th hay to get an early aftermath may supplement regular pastures these and other efficient farm practices add up to what the bank booklet calls farm business management the most significant factor today in raising farm in come this is because fans business management provides the farmer with guides for efficient farm operation and keeps individu al farmers completely aware ef were he stands on au his specific problems at any green time the new free booklet is avail able at any branch of the cana dian bank of commerce day of august ad 1b5t harold frederick ghmer ethel gilmer and george albert gilmer executors of the es tate of frederick james gil mer by their solicitors dale m bennett georgetown ont 911 travel notes thanksgiving holiday new york city special trvin 3850 up theatre tickets awabable lv toronto 7 psn frl oct una rt toronto t eumu tuesday oct is full particulars at john r barber travel advisor john r bajtret aqency insurance travel tr 73521 mul street uil m1n0 millw0rk doors sash cabinets stairs frames screens prompt service free estimates 11 water st tr 79771 n notice to creditors in tni rstatr ef henry wllllana hley- ruvonvrr club srcurrs newsitr at llhntrhousr ratering its thirds year george town re club has purchased an acre of land at umehoose inundations have been set and material purchased- for a cement block ehjnshouse where future nca rjvities of the dob wall be concen trated the grc will be the gest revolver club in canada to havblts own nrenuaht many older elubaatill use morh or bams for their shooting aesiwjtma all persons having claims against the estate of henry wuuam isley late of the township off esquesmg genfleman who died en or about the 20th day of jury 1957 are hereby notified to send ptxtkutra of same to the undersigned on or before the 2sth day of september ajtx lhtf nttor whhn date the ea- tate wml to distributed with regard only to the claima of which the ttn- denigbed will not be liable to ahy parson of whose claim they whall not thtn have notice dated at georgetown mis tm day of angtttt a4mr7 alice ueyand wlwan ets isey recntora6c the estate of herty wlluam roey vp tfidr aottmtonv rto m aett oeftrgetoerai ont vm wm i h v8fciia h i