Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 28, 1957, p. 6

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m t- v th9bmtostown herald wednesday evening ang 28 1857 pabt6 i the georgetown herald mrriag the communities of okmoetowh oumwruams norval umihousi hornby snwartffowm lauinapao asiwrovt tracotta subscription rate 300 a year single copies 8c each advertising rates quoted on application the herald is printed each wednesday tat the office at 22 main st georgetown walter rdshn publisher a hd editor staff garfield l megilvray bob baskervtlle leslie m clark dave bastings corey herringtonv j ken coweh ssrs alleen bradley terry harley authorised as- second clash auu post tlce deptf ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspaper aasoelatlon dtvd the ontario division of tha cwnla hornby changing pattern of business following georgetowns lead a nurnber of brampton stores have announced their intention of closing or aaonaays and dropping the former halfholiday which in bramptons case was rved- nesday it is the second time in recent years that georgetown has set a pattern which has become accepted practice in neighbouring towns we re call when merchants here decided to dose satur day nights irv favour of a friday opening a suc cessful experiment which now is the custom in a majority of ontario towns while it is still too early to say that the mon day dosing will become general indications are that locally at least the experiment has met with some success it is more complex than the satur day evening closing for in that case it was a prac tically unanimous decision in which merchants not covered by the by lav cast their lot with those bound by law to close monday closing has not been accepted by an important segment of the merchant population and one finds a double standard at present with certain classes of stores obliged to close such as grocers clothiers jewellers and furniture stores while the hardware and appliance stores stick to their former thursday half holiday both groups have their reasons and there seems to be no particular bitterness as was the case when fri day became open night it is all a sign of changing times in business where the labour situation has been hard hit by general adoption of a 5 day week in industry trie day seems to be gone when a person will work en extra half day in a store and most merchants who stick to the old system are using a stagger arranger ent for time off- one local dairy is also advarhing a change dropping milk deliveries on wednesdays to conform with a 5 day working weak changing hours indicate s radical shift in shopping habits in towns like ceordetown as little as a decade ago farmers whose business is of prime- importance to small town merchants made it a custom to come to town mainly on sat urday nights this combined shopping irip and social event has been ousted by labour saving farm equipment which teaves the rural business men more free hours it is only in more rustic sections of ontario that saturday is still the night to go to town at the same time the fact that a large number of town people no longer work on saturdays and trie continuing improvements in transportation make an exodus from town particularly in summer months which changes lo cal shopping habits too food merchants were once the main expon ents of keeping open as many hours as possible nowadays practically every householder has an electric refrigerator many have home freezers and most people are not inconvenienced by not being able to purchase food on any certain day mothing is static and the future will bring other changes retail business like everything else adapts itself to changing conditions we may someday see stores on a 4day week or we may see a return to two or three open nights a week if will depend on interrelated circumstan ces in all lines of commerce entertainment worth seeing locally and in toronto there are many enter tainment features at present which provide cjood family entertainment at the roxy theatre all this week hypnotist dr edwin heath is making showgoers chuckle as he put a group of subjects through their paces while hypnotism is a scientific subject it is far from dull and as practiced by men like dr heath it becomes a form of entertainment more naturally entertaining than any commercial am usement which can be devised we advise every one to take in one of the roxy shows and we guarantee you wont be disappointed in the city the ex of course is a mecca for those who consider a visit as necessary as a sat urday night bath this year the afternoon grand stand show is particularly worth seeing with the rlngling bros ftarnum bailey cigcus as the stel lar attraction aaovie and tv fans will want to see bob hope in person at the evening show a spectacular new feature at the ex however is the queen elizabeth building with its beautiful new theatre another toronto attraction worth seeing is my fur lady at the royal alexandra theatre it is the annual college show from aacgill univer sity which has played at stratford for several weeks while written and produced by amateurs it is just as professional in presentation as any broadway attraction and its delightful satire of canadian customs is clever returning to the local scene there is an af ter noon tea and band concert ir glen williams in september which will be worth attending opening of the new hornby comrpunity park also in september features a chicken barbecue which should ensure its success and of course georgetowns fair on october 5th looms nearer on the horizon and is a date to circle in your calendar jean peterson chosen for dairy queen semifinals miss jennie peterson won over four other girls in the preliroimr ies for the dairy queen title on saturlay night at thecaoadian nat ional exhibition- ishe enters the semifinals next monday night jea nie won a silver pin in shape of a maple leaf and twenty five dollars in cash bill speck won a second and a fourth in the stock car races on saturday at wasago jn sunday evening august 25 the wms of hornby united church held a special service in tie church with a good attendance tlie pres ident mrs g sinclair was in charge and welcomed the congre gation the service opened with singing a hymn and prayer the choir sang two numbers mrs sinclair then introduced the guest speaker miss joan wrigzlesworth who recently returned rami her trip to the british isles joan with the assistance of her father took the audience on a picture tour of scotland ireland and england mrs it j brown in her usual capable manner thanked joan and her dad also the choir for their contribution to a most pleasant ev ening the service was brought to a close with the singing of a hymn and the benediction mr lome sampson spent the weekend visiting his grandparents at norwood ontario gordon brigderr and john e wilson spent a few days at south ampton and visited mr brigdens brother stuart in harriston mr and mrs john bradley and family motored to sudbury on fri- ashgrove wonderful boon for georgetown successful promotion of the community swimming pool is a red letter mark for george town lions club if the club in its 26 year exist ence had done nothing else in the way of public service it justifies its life in the hours of health- ful recreation which has been provided for geor getown and district people on monday red cross swimming tests were a local observer the lady who conducted the testson aaonday for the red cross remarked that the class was one of the best trained she had jud ged this summer which is high praise for the quality of instruction provided the swimming pool is by no means comple ted yet future plans call for extensive landscap ing some of which has been started this season conducted and a number of young people will a wading pool will be eventually added for the receive certificates indicating their competence in smaller tots parents will ever be grateful to the life saving this culminated a series of swimming lions and their associates for this addition to d asses held mornings at the pool according to georgetowns assets ms prank dumlop wife former norval minister funeral service was conducted at the eglinton united church tor onto last wednesday at three oclock for caroline hill dunlop interment was in park lawn cem etery mrs- dunlop wsu the wife of rev frank j dunlop former minister of the united church in norval they came front the laurel district to norval where they lived for ap proximately nine years it is over eight years since they left the village mr dunlop taking a charge in south river in northern ontario although he vas of age to retire but the parish hud no minister arid he served them they have been living in toronto for the past fev years where mr dunlop still car ried on his work by visiting pat ients who were in hospital besides v her husband mrs dun lop is survived by helen and john their children of burlington a sis ter bclva hill and is predeceased by two brothers leonard and gor don allan meelon speaker young peoples service the young people conducted a very fine service on sunday even- 1 ing in the church with president i fred barnes presiding- scripture reading and prayer by bob rud- 1 dell a duet by evelyn bird and vcrna picket is my name written there scripture reading from new testament and prayer by allan brownridge and a splendid ad dress by mr allan neelon from ballinafad on the three musts of a christian his text from the 12th chapter of romans i beseech you brethren by the mercies of cod ye present your bodies a living sacri fice unto god he said mankind has been greatly blessed jesus said i am the light but many are still groping we must become new creatures and living witnesses for him what are we doing to make christ unknown he conclud ed go ye into all the world and preach the gospel the girls meeting of the wom ens institute was held on tuesday evening august 20th at the home of mrs fred nurse with a large turnout of ladies and girls presi dent mrs cliff hunter opened in the usual wty after several items of business were discussed and mrs prank wilson had read thank you card from sick ones the meet ing was turned over to verna pi cket who called on evelyn bird for the motto keep yourself clean and bright for you are the window thro which you must see the world roll call was answered by dos and donls in posture nancy hunter delighted everyone with her two songs jack was a sailor and don key riding a demonstration was given by three 4h homemaking club girls marilyn wilson cather ine hunter and doris picket on correct posture whichwas well worth seeing accordion solos by sandra tindale and a paper on life and farming in germany her homeland was given by ute and ostcrmann meeting closed with the queen and lunch was served by the girls miss linda pearl coulson of mil ton misses carol and barbara dc forest of georgetown spent a week with their cousin nora barnes our deepest sympathy goes to gordon wingficld and his sisters in the great loss of their mother last week her everrea wit and happy personality will be on she day to visit with relatives for a few day they took cordon buh home to sudbury be has spent tine sum- pier holidays it thp bradley mr and mrs win bradley and family and mrs dickenson spent the weekend in cantpbellf ortl mr alvin anderson was called to ottawa to meet the minister o trade andconmlerce and other de legates of the honey producers association little jackie robertson has the measles now who will be next birthday greetings to john brad ley whose birthday is august 28th and his daughter anne on the 31st mrs doug leslies on august 31st tnfcrahd to alfred brigden on sep tember 1st m mr isaac suave and sons who have been building the new read bridges in the district recently pur chased a large modern trailer com plete to he door chimes they are living on the brigden property a meetlgn of the hornby com munity park board and representa- tivejj of the local organizations was held in the orange hail onsattuk daj- night to make the final arran gements for the coming barbq brothers and sisters nephews and nieces off atrs frank chuholm gathered the some of mr and mrs ctilshohmoh sunday it was a going sway parly for lauriesmith of oakyille who has been working at the experimental farm at otta wa he is going to go to sefscol for two years in nottingham uni versity england and will be work ing in conjunction with the cana dian government there were eigh- j a goudy photographer 19 mary street triancjie 733o6 ofvets traf people of ocotoetofllrl and dtsyatlct a complete photographic service portrajr75- home or studio service by appointment vrhdungs i comaaeiki-fiancmjer- group photographic reproductions of your valnjsble documents idejijftotion patsport or uoansa pttotognprts au work guaranteed tvt i rnbbjbbss3ssibsshsbs greatly missed by us all and sundays in our church where was always so faithful mr and mrs frank wilson and marilyn motored up to halrburton on sunday returning on monday and leaving daughter marilyn for a weeks holidays with friends at their cottage- mr and mrs joseph drake and joey and her sister mrs nethcrcut enjoyed a weeks holidays up north miss barbara cunningham has returned from a fifty three day bus tour sponsored by the ontario branch of the alberta recreational society they travelled through michigan illinois iowa and wyo ming crossing border from mon tana alsb saw calgary stampede vancouver san fjauwisco losanj geles and salt lake cltyt your way to bigger pay 11m job yoa want and um alary you ions for au be yours if you pro- pare for it 1 at sbawa you set mtejaiuva buatneaa train ing lor a defin- la career coal relatively abort training time indivt- niuiunum coat free employ- ovffoi fiowl kguf as soon as too are ready day oassis mow open recognised diploma co or separate subjects km wm v citfyri ft ssud offkft ttss sat st psmmk wajmbu shaw schools its a deal youll want anoatiwrifalreal brick boats at a caa aaordly bast cafl collett cteldtrik and quikstone 70 edward street g tr 7js11 can you see i5000 in uour future you dont need a crystal ball to see your financial future an investors syndicate plan will make your financial dreams come true talk it ever soon with an investors rtpreaenuuve your best friend financially call or write okk riooall 4 ostrander teen guests present mrs garnet hdwden and bandy miss adrley downs and mrs jack simpson spent a few days holiday at wesagn beach hiss barbara pick of bormngton is visitingf w4thmr and mr carl saunders t several ladies of this district en tered flowers and won prises at the horticultural flower show in milton on saturday st dr j boras m3ne dental stjhgeon x4lat mill street ts 7wl br jotjn r- kerry practice of dentistry xay triasgle 7641 main street georgetown i r in nauscsb y tstsbffa doctor aff chlrep assf matwepatfay 43rd year of practice to pan closed thursdays ttaotry attandant 164 guelnh st georgetown triangle t36u m a s m fsjush ro optometrist mcnamara jeweuers georgetown w h carr professional e a ontario land surveyor georgetown ontario res 81 prince charles dr office guelph st telephone tr 73300 georgetown animal cunic c w saywra txvjn 106 guelph street opposite armstrongs garage tr- 72741 frank petcfa licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown monuments pollock a campbell designs cm bequest inspect oar work in greenwood cemetery phone 2048 62 water street north g a l t tool van sickler ba barrister solicitor a notary 19 main st s tr 74531 former hydro bldg maurice mawdwson bla- barrister solicitor and notary public tr 74654 office mill st georgetown lever hoskin c accountants 51 main n- brampton glendale 14824 44 victoria st toronto phone km 40131 hewsoti ord helson barristers and solicitors 39 main sl south beside knot church 120 guelph st hunter bldg no 7 hwy george c hewson john d ord frederick a hetson tr 73246 tr 74781 w h biggs and ralph davr3s accredited plc accountants 65 main st n georgetown tr 73351 office hours 9 sun to 5 p jn mondays to fridays for expert eye care consult 7 o- t walker 3 main sl north brampton over abeus drug store gl 14474 res gl 16243 hours 9 am to 6 pm daily evenings by appointment f prevent chimney fires use fir chart chemical chanwaay cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired units for sale at halton coop supplies walter h pope cpa ace certified public accountanr liceraad municipal auditor 39 main st south ttl 74821 after hours tr 74979 dale bennett barristers and solicitor leroy dale qc 19141956 sybil bennett qc 19301966 douglas latimer ba triangle 73381 mill st georgetown earl g black b comrn rja ca chartered accountant r- 182 main st milton ont trianal 85562 ti robert w fletcher ballht prompt reports v alley 74314v r r 1 bro neville stoller co public artontndants jvnhihnrs ato compatrn jcretarten trsteasinbajuirrcyr 0c4strti0nbrs fob oafflhs toronto bwraston o undssy f palh l 2o68s gak 14485 tr 747m fa 44404 georgetown qglce jrlmsln si ml mm 1 1 si

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