Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1956, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesda evening nov 21 1956 the georgetown herald serving the communities of georgetown glen williams norval limehouse hornby stewarttown ballinafad ashgrove terracotta walter c biehn publisher a nd editor staff subscription rate 3 00 a year single copies 8c each advertising rates quoted on application the herald is printed each wednesday in the office at 22 main st georgetown garfield l mcgilvray bob baakcrville leslie m clark dave hastingb corey hernngton jr ken cowell mrs aileen bradley terry harley authorized as second class mail post office dept ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario division of the c w n a nominations next thursday georgetown s most important yearly meeting is scheduled thursday nov 29 in the public lib rary a similar evening will take place for town ship residents next monday iri stewarttown hall we refer of course to the yearly nomina lion meetings at these meetings ratepayers have a chance to hear comprehensive reports of the busn eii handled by the mun c palily in the year to ask questions if they wish and to nominal candi dates for o ces being vacated it is son e years since there ns ben nuth excitement in the to vnship nun mationwie and we have heard no umours lliij ear of an maor changes which night come about it is almost traditional in eoljuesing that top officials stay in their positions for two year rms and with a new reeve and deputy elected las ear chan ces are they will continue witnout opposition no great number of council aspirant ave come forward either for some years and posio lity of an acclamation for every seat would err to be the most likely predictior is more unpre tin georgetown sil dictable an election is sure for voters are being asked to express opinion on a 100 000 deben lure issue for arena improvements even without this impetus chances of a contest for the six council seats are good three men no presently on council have already an nounced their intention of running and there are rumours of at least half a dozen more poll deal newcomers who are interested one council seat is vacant afler the death of leroy dale one councillor has been outspoken in stating though not publicly that he is retiring we would guess then that in georgetown acclamations might be the case in the three top council seats butithat anywhere horn eight to a dozen men might have their names on the coun cil ballots perhaps too we shall see one of those rare occasions when there s an election for school board at least one ratepayers group has discussed the possibility of placing a candi date tht field to represent them on th s board ward politics returning mutual o uhm o 4ee it skate it is odd yet understandable to see george town reverting to a ward system of politics ab andoned several years ago when the town voted to abandon this in favour of electing all council members by general vote which system is best is a debatable point the ward system certainly assures a more equal representation by districts in council and in theory at least put the interests of each part of town more to the fore through its represents tives however who is to say how many distr cts georgetown should be split mlo and is it neces sary that any one sect on of a community should feel they are not fa rly dealt w th even though a the arena debentures elsewhere in this issue of the herald the board of parks management has stated the case for an extens ve arena remodelling property owners are being asked to vote for an expenditure of 100 000 to put the arena in proper shape the building with rotted tin bers inadequate lighting and poor exits cannot be much longer operated without these repairs if they are not made the building will have to he closed down at some future date the arena board is certain the arena board stresses that the debenture issue will not be a direct dram on the public trea sury as with the 30 000 artificial ice debenture which has all been retired now the board plans to meet yearly debenture payments with antiapa counc iq doesn t happen to live in thtir n idst a bg argument in favour of dropping ward representation several years ago would also ap ply todiy a general vole ensures that the six men n osl wanted by a mo0nty of voters will sit on council a ward vote means that good candidates in one ward m ght be beaten by better ones while m other wards candidates of less calibre m ght be elected and we have seen the day when a second nominal on would have to be called i one ward while three or four candidates battled it out in an electioi i arotlerward ted pro ts from operation of the building and by mak r j the building suitable for more thin winter acl vitie they are confident thai extra revenue ti ii accrue whether onif of the money will have to cone from public funds or not voters are ficed squarely with a decision as to whell er we sh ill have an arena in future years the present build ng cannot last much longer and dismlegrat on is such that pafrn ng here and there c in jo no good a yes vote december 10th will tl erefore ensure cont nuation of a recreation centre lack of which would be a serious blow to i ports m nded town like georgetown health unit nurse speaker in town mrs jack kerr queen street president of the local council of women was hostess for th november meeting on friday the 16th at her home there wa good attendance at the meeting to hear the guest speaker miss grac leavey of the halton county health unit miss t eavey spoke on the work of the unit in its various asptcls and asked for volunteers to help aj the three clinics which are held each month in the lejion auditorium during the discus mon of business it was decidid not to hold a december mcctljif after the meeting closed the ho- less served a delicious tea the herald has a fine selection of xmas cards printing also done on cards supplied by euitomcrs order early sugar and spice d by nil i smii vol llio v iirloi i wish rm wife ind thi 1 nal ministerial smmijii n would ji t together she thinks ind nils mi nul irl th it lm ibrml is i emhinj and romantic is in unpn ho uakr in ll ih in if hi is on th crmtnrv m i m to think 1 in arimilirciid np a few months ago the minister isl asked me to take part in a pan el discussion on how to keep sun day i was informed without apol ogy that 1 would be taking the neg ative unchnstian side of the de bate acting as the devils advo cate i was also told that i had been the logical choice when they were trying to think of a man for the ob ward the social end of it by eating a cracker with a dead sardine on it with every fifth drink mn r s nntltiiil s hi ilili ilmnt ski il dnnkinj iin i jj iss v ih in did tin ml in t k fik slnrin i hi ic of in til s or li hui in i hit la uul fishini i lind h l t ld ifti fi w hints uld i t is no thi d of hittin n s pi i n hi i i j 1 putiti id ih dn fn thi- if hut i swallnwid it and look pirt in the forum dtlivennr a well thought out earnest iddrcss it wis rrci i vc 1 with prolonfir 1 rpplaitse from rm uifc ind th kids whin 1 pr ic tisid at home the audience on thi nig nikht was j isl as hard hit it could scarce lv rcstnm itself from going to sleep that was all very well but it was another thing when th pre dent of the ministerial called up th other day and suggested that i take part in another forum on so cial drinking this time taking th positive aid we thought youd ba uat th man for it h say bold at braaa hew do you ilk that the latest incident did howevor start me thinking about social drinking the term is one of those beautifully vague ones like neur otic that cover multitude of sins were vory fond of them in this age the fellow who it so hung over the blood is running out of his eyes will tell you with a certain amount of pride that hot strictly a social drinker the lady who is as nutty as a fruitcake and should have been put away years ago will i announce smugly i m very neuro tic you know fifty years ago she certainly wouldn t hive admit ted so freely that th wat batty rr linn i heir the tirm so rial dnnkini i mtir i cmiph of ishnrt inrkml 1 iu siral drtn king is just an excuse for riltin plasti red in public instead if qui etlv and dccmllj al home or mil back of the turn social drinking and the cocktail party go hand in hand a cocktail party is a gathering of peoplt pour ing fro liquor on their empty sto machs with th utmost dispatch theyre all getting loopd in a hur ry but they make a gesture to- but social drinking is a horse of a different hue ask any housewife who has come down in the morn ing after a party her head thump ink like a torn torn and viewed with horror the cigarette burn in her rug the stains of whiskey mix ed with ashes on her white linen table cloth 28 dirty glasses a la dy s handbag a mans hat 14 em pty cigarette packages and her husband snoring on the chester field that s social drinking sk the mlow who drips in f rlrmk just i pick n up mi j iflir rk lufoi hum spouse ind spmn lie iis i ilk int wili tin bos one think l ids to mother md hx irmes norm in hour latr hi s i little hijh spin till but scme l i nrlinj drunk all he us for dinner is ciili shn il der ind hoi tongue yet ill he wis do nu is a little socnl dnnkim social drinking was fine before th women got into th act those days it was known as having a snort or laying th dust men enjoyed a delicious sons of guilt when they got off alon for a nip ther was a good market for clo ve but then women got started booxing and messed the whole thing up mixed drinking develop ed and th only thing worse than international truck salb3 sirvtcb 24 hrtowing rrr3611 re5tr 7339 en route to dance new car damaged couple in their wav to the rls pijh it ind d nut i ist hi id t november 24th were unipon h lljmd when their hit mo k i t ir us invuhed m i collisi in it tin urner or tt iter ind gmlph sis mr ind mis ii i s inch rsnn h rehard hhei we re prikiidinj nciilh on tt iter stmt ind hid hil ted it ihe gmlph slint stop sin u the s mu tirm l i ir eliivm l linimi mtdomld if itosid ik ave i runpton wts travelling west on gmlph sim i ihi veh nk w is ilmost opposite bimtrs motors when mr s nidi is in think nj hi h id pknt uf turn st utnl lernss tin hilhu i the ml don ild e ir shuck the siudeison hul linndsiik houn einn it tow ird thi west curb mil s mile ison l lr i vkh icilft in list d d mi itc to the rilht side mi otintm to ibout 4011 wink dun ite l the stiikiric vehicle was in esliiniutl sj00 mi s mile i son v i nnh shhtl injiuid mth mini r liniisis to he t it fl side tst lid seotl must i tt el the mish ip mrs arthur walters w i quilt winner ihe georu toun i nun s i i tilillt hi hi i v r sute f i ue lire list ihurslis miiini in lie odd i til mill seenti i i ihhs if e ii h mil pined hub ii ve durh mi st n tlit h t pne mis i nk i st i uelph st ml mrs sliidehrt rhll i i in i fi i mtund pni mrs 1 st wmi iiil tin rut mis lick il h im i ti links st mil mi lu ttilse ii tud f r f mirth plm mr willi nis m ihifil tin ttiimr mis iihur ilk i din lu n st was ihe luck winrnr of th driw for th inlt in wliii h in d gay d c myths about your health laboratory explodes pet theories at the phjsica fitness research laboratoi y university of illinois men and women from ail walks of life arc measund by a battery of 128 tests for afjility endurance strength balance flexibility and power these tests proved that man pet ihcorils ahout health in dueling m iny of jour own are only mths as you grow older you should exorcise less just the reverse is true a soft flabby heart will tire more easily than a strong one it is less effic lent and more susceptible to dis ease ust as an unfit person is likely to be a conditioning program in which you exercise lust beyond the first onset of fatigue is best chiropractic clinic tuesday 12 p m to 8 pm thursday 12 pm to 8 pm saturday 11 am to 6 pm 2 min st tringle 7 3401 d gay dc e tetrault dc ttttfrum 6ert everyone knows that women are keen shop pers and that they are always on the look out for a real bargain that is why so many bus passengers are women they know a travel bargain when they see one round trip fares nbi k t i i lit i ml 11 mixed i nking is selling ed ifhi iipltd king s 1 1 il li nk n j r ml unr i uzlnil is n i uld ju i is t isilj h ill i lus ii 111 p itc tit itl k trurtur ier if the ludroun unli it i i i pi brnki n rhshis broken homes ind on urisun broken n sis ihe onli lnod thitii ibo it it ind ihe nmn n is in it s s i pcipuhr is that it rn ibl s pi optt to pit up with ihr borts kninklt hi ids and other vim tic s ihij in t n ii limed to social with to end this little homily let me just quote the immortal tines pen ned after a particularly hard night by an old drinking pal of mine if you get stinking from drinking it isnt social ifs atrocial chicago los angeles boston ottawa richmond 24 15 102 15 28 50 14 90 31 50 mackenzie news tickets and bus travil information at corner cupboard triangle 7 30 si a garage protects the value of your car and an overhead door makes it easy to open see us for both budget terms arranged you can have a winter of comfort by installing a berry all steel garage door on your present gar age it comes complete with hardware attached and painted for 70 00 easj to install yourself and easy to operate see you joining the crowds to the arena for curling skating or to watch the icorgetown raiders in action y jdmackenzie sonh cjmf- coal building supplies directory dr j burns milne dental surgeon xray dr john r kerbr practice of dentistry xray triangle 7 3b41 main street georgetown s m faibuh ro optometrist mcnamara jewellers georgetown for expert eye care consult o t walker optometrist 3 main st north brampton over abell s drug store phone office 599 res 830 hours 9am toflpm daily lvcmngs by appointment w h carr professional engineer ontario land surveyor georgetown ontario res 81 prince charles dr office ouelph st telephone tr 7 3300 robert r hamilton ro optometrist prescriptions filled or duplicated in case of shut ins eyes maye be examined at home if desired office hours monday and wednesday 900 am 900 pm other evenings by appointment cau tr 73971 guelph street opposite hcslop development radio repairing h spfual il in this work 27 rars fmrrit- nch j sanford son triangle 7 2412 honour bride elect- with two showers mirir i 1- osier whose m irri ite will tnko place this siturrh to girnct eeh wis tcmkred two showers b friends list week in brampton on siturdn tftrrnoon mrs idith roster m mill st oer taincd 27 guests at a mlscellnn eous shower which followed a number of contests on tuesday mrs leonard coo per 29 jessie st was hostess a a similar event georgetown animal clinic c w sayers dvja 106 guelpn street opposite armstrongs garage tr 7 2741 a m nielsen d c nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy 43rd year of practice 2 5pm closed thursday lady attendant 164 guelph st georgetown triangle 7 3612 w h biggs accredited public accountant successor to a j bishop cpa main st georgetown tr 7 3351 office hours 9am to 5 p m mondays to fridays frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service p 0 box 413 i tr 7 2864 georgetown lever hoskin chartered accou nts 51 main n brampton phone 2478 44 victoria st toronto phone em 49131 maurice manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public tr 7 2464 office mill st georgetown dale bennett barristers and solicitors leroy dale q c sybil bennett o c mp tom van sickler triangle 7 3381 mill street georgetown hewson 0rd barristers a solicitors 39 mun street south beside knox church george c hewson john d ord triangle 7 2246 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 2048 62 water street north g a l t first baptist church rev a j barker babd 1000 am church school 1100 am you don t apeak my language 7 00 pm the failure of success

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