Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 29, 1956, p. 10

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening aug 29 1886 page 2 proposed zoning bylaw town of georgetown this is the second instalment of a series reproducing the proposed georgetown zoning by law in its entirety a restricts araa zoning by law being by law to reg ular tht use of tand and h character location and us of buildings in tho town of georg etown continued from last wtek section 4 general provisions 4 1 zones in order to carry out the purpose and provisions of this by law the town of georgetown is hereby divided into fifteen zones known as class residential zone first density resldlntlal symbol rl second density residential r2 third density residential r3 fourth density residential r4 commercial neighbourhood commercial ci general commer cial c2 industrial first industrial ml second industrial m2 third industrial m3 transportation transportation 1 storage and service storage and service ss open space open spice pubtic 01 open space se mi public ami private 02 con strvation 0j agricultural agricultural a 4 1 1 zoning map the zones at iiesaiil and the boundaries of such zones ire shown upon the map at titheil hereto whieh map desuna ud as the zoning map logetht i with all th n t ttions ind riilrin us tiintmml ihirtnn sh ill be put of ihi llj law as if tin infoimi tun sit forth h s mi imp we i full disinhed herein 4 1 2 ltmind it us f zones whire unceiuintj exists with n sptct t thl lioiiiuhnis of tin ii ious zones as shown in the mum map the following nihs sinll ip 4 12 1 struts or i mis 1 hi rone houndtries in either stitets or lines unless iilheitfrsc shown mil whin th inliuud imind u us on the tinint m ip ne epprok imihh stmts i lims s ud struts or lims sh ill hi tonstrui it to la one bound mis 4 122 lot i mis where ihi zone houndims an not shown to be struts or lanes ind when llu property has hiln or nu liertaf ter hi divided into bloeks and lots the zone boundaries shall hi eon btrued to be the lot lines and w i the indicated bound incs on th oning map arc approximately lot lims said lot lines shall he construed to he the zone boundar its unless said boundaries are olh trwise inditated on the map smbol of zone wh building or structure or part ol any building or structure provid ed that the strengthening or rcstor atlon docs not increase the build ing height area of building or change the use of the building or structure 4 5 reduction of yards 1 no person shall reduce any i lot ara cither by the conveyance or alienation of any portion of the lot or otherwise so that the lot icovhragc exceeds the maximum permitted by the by i aw or so that the yards provided arc uss than the minimum permitted by this bylaw for the zone in which the lot is situated i 2 when any part of a lot is re quired by this by law to be riser ved as a ard or other optn space the part shall continue to he c used regardless of any change r ownership of the lot or any pait thtrcof and shtll not be deemt d to form part of an adjoining lot for the purpose of computing iv lot aria of in adjoining lot avul able fur building purposis 4 6 permitted yard t ncroach iments 1 fvery part of anv re quired vard shall bi open ind un obstructed from the ground to th 3ky by iny structun txcept fn unenclosed perches sills bill courses tornitts i ivis or mitt rs provided however thit th suite j shall not prop ct more than ilii tun inihes tltl into any nquir id inl 2 i in isiipis sh ill hi permit ti 1 in si li jiid n ar inis mlv i x tern r slurwajs shall hi pi rmitti i in nu unlsonlj nd lalcoiu s shill b pummd in funl i l 4 l2 i apply to prevent the siuf tlon or continued use of any non conforming buildings or structures which is damaged by causes be- yond the control of the owner sub sequent to the enactment thereof providing the residual real value of such building or structure ex cceds fifty per cent of the real val uc thereof immediately prior to the damage 4 12 2 2 non conforming use of buildings a continuation of use the nonconforming use of jan existing building or structure may be continued provided that no structural alterations are made therein other than those which jmay be required by existing law or by law or which may render the same more convenient or comntod ious for the purposes for which at the date of enactment of this by law such building is used and provided also that no new building or extension to such building rected 4 12 2 2 b change of use aj nonconforming use of a building ir structure shall not be chanaed xcept to a conforming use if such nonconforming use or portion thereof is changed to a conforming ust any future ust of such build ing strutture or portion thereof shall be in conformity with the regulations of the zone in which such building or structure is loea ted 4 12 2 3 c discontinued use an non conforming use of a bud ding or strutture which is diseon d or unused shall not be n sumed nor shall suth nonionform handed to any othtr nonconforming use provided that whire the nonconforming ust is i dwi llmg for dwt lling purposes h use liny bt resumed evin if such ust is iiseontinued or thi dwelling bt tonus vitunt 12 t j non oiiformim i s of i and 4 12 3 1 t onlinintion of i si a ihi non tiinforming usi of land existing at thi d iti of tin en iitimnt of lhish law nn in t in tinned so lorn is it is used fin such nonconforming purposes and not ithst ndin ehuse 4 12 2 subsi i 1 4 12 2 2 mil 4 12 2 i the tvs pin ul i thin fne fe inns ind pil i built ir yirds t ink m this b of thi huh in m i l1 in piintittiil unler ljj prjt il 5lllu i ml nd irs mij pil ii ijhti i n mi it ltd into i 47 i mis withstiiidinf imthink i iw whin i lot ibut imi hall of thi width nuj hi considered i ptrt f thi lot for thi purpisi of computing ithe lot area lot covi rage and tin roar yird depth for the lot as rt iquirtd undtr this by i iw 4 8 yirds for reversed turner lots where a building is erectui on a reversed corni r lot the mini mum distinct from the wall of thl main building to the side lot lm shall hi either ten teet 10 i or half of the required depth of the fro it yard of the key lot to its n it whichevir is the gn ate r i ots on one bound buildings which of this b i iw v- opt i iliou of i f i it thi l id fi mirkit fttd n 1 nirsi n t ibl optntion of a farm n dm oi n i n ho s zomtl ri or t limine re nl pur used enhrmd r new buildnik ere i lhe ire used foi n kit i rid i 4 123 one symbol is used on the zoning map to indicate the zone classifica lion of an ana divided hy a 1 mi i nt whin a ot line is p irt of or lanes said symbol shall tslab- a bonniljry line h twee n two zones hsh the classification of the whole minimum width or depth of if such area l m y or rtir yard whuh limits on the houndarv 1 4 124 street or right of way alloeation or division a street lane railroad or railway right of way electrical transmission line right of way or water course mclu ded on the zoning map shall un ltss otherwise indicated be inclu td within the zone of adjoining property on either suit thereof and where such street lane njht of way or watercourse serves as a boundary between two or mon different zom s a line midway in such street lane right of way or watercourse and extending in the general direction of the long dimension thereof shall be consul ered the boundary between zones 4 12 5 closed street or i ane in the event a dedicated street or lane shown on the zoning map is closed the property formerly in said street or lane shall be includ ed within the zone of the adjoining property on either side of the said closed street or lane in the event said street or tone was a zone boundary between two or more dif ferent zones the new boundary shall be the former centre line of said closed street or lane 42 i icences and permits noth ing in this b i aw shall operate to relieve any person from the oblig ation to comply with the require less ristricted one shall be he average of the minimum width or dlplh of such yards as permitn d in the two zones of this by i iw 4 10 uses of lots without buil dings where a lot is used for i permitted use other than girdi n ing or public playgrounds ind there are no buildings or structures on the lot the minimum lot an i mil front vard riquireme nts of thi one in whieh the lot is situated lnll bi eontplitd with is if then ere a building on the lot 4 11 through lots 1 the on ing administrator of this bylaw miy design ite either street linl bc any siut or billboard or nun i nit rci il advertising strut tun whit it is hwfully imintiineii at thi d lit of enactment of this b law ma hi continued although sueh use docs not conform with the provis ions thi re of provide d however that no structural alterations irt made thereto 4 12 12 b fxttnsion of use the nonconforming use of land shall not in any way he txpindtd xtendtd to my property ad joining that actually used for i non eonfornung purpose at the dale of enactim nt of this by i aw cl discontinuance ind hinge of vsi a if thi nonconforming use of land or portion thereof is dis continued or ehnngui iny future use of such land shall be in eontor inity with the provisions of this by law b any nonconforming use of a jsign billboard of commercial an vertlslng structure which is diseon tinued or unused for more ttun six months shall not be resumed and if any simi hillboird or ton mercnl advirtising structure is it moved such sin billboard or torn mcrcial aihertising structun shall not be reconstructed 4h spicial useus permitted is thing in this by i aw sh ill p ev tnt the use of land or the ust or ircction of i building or struitui a through lot as the front lot line 2 whi n a lot line of a through lot has he en designated i front lot line the minimum diplh of the rear yard shall be twenty 20 feet 4 12 nonconforming i and buil dings and uses 4 12 1 1 non conforming build dings 4 12 11 a rxisting non confor mmg buildings subjt ct to clansi fb of this subsection and scetion 4 12 3 a building which at the dale of enactment of this by i aw is used for a purpose nil pi nni- sable within the zi ne in which it is located shall mil be enlarged ation to comply with the require n 1ul ments of by law no 489 building tended or struhmaiy at i d by i awl as amended or any other unlpss uch hmuir thereafter by uw of the town of georgetown to be ued for a put- permitted llwitnin such zone provided howev icr that the interior of such build ing may be reconstructed or struc iturally altered in order to render the same more convenient or com mod ious for the same purpose for which at the date of enactment of i this by law such building is used 4 12 1 2 b partial destruction of existing nonconforming build iings a building which is damaged t the extent of fifty per cent or more of it real value exclusive i of walls below grade as it the date of the damage and as dctcrn ind by fair building standards tn which does not comph with the i use area or height regulations of this by iaw shall not b restcrcd except in conformity wilt the rtg ulntions for the use zone in which such building is located 41213 c reconstmction of in force from lime to time or thi obligation to obtain any licence permit authority or approval re quired under any other by law of the town of georgetown a3 building under construction nothing in this by law shall apply to prevent the ultimate erection to the full height of any building or structure of any building crcc ted to a lesser height prior to the passing of this by law provided lhat the said proposed full height is duly set forth in the original plans and speclfi cations of the said building or structure filed on the application for the original build int permit and provided further that the said full height is structur ally designed and provided for in the existing structure 4 4 restoration to a safe condil ion noting in this by law shall ion nothing in wis yw biibui 4 prevent the strengthening or res- damaged nonconformirg build torition to a safe condition of any lings nothing inihis by law shall for a scaffoltl or othtr tomporir building or structure mcidtntil i construction in progress within lit premises designated for such pur post by the zoning administrator until suth time as the work has been finishtd or abandoned b t sign hiving an area of not more than fifty 50 sq ft mcid intal to construction on the prem isis et a no trespissing or other inminctmcnt or sign hiving an area of not more than two 2t r other than in advertise ment d in authorized traffic sign or ignal e a public diction list or othtr proclamation by governmental au thority f any undertaking authorized or maintained by governmental authority or a public utilities cor poration where the land is used in conformity with the established character of the zone in which it is situated 4 14 building permits a no excavation for any build ing shall be started until a build ing permit has been issued hj the inspector of buildings b every person proposing to i erect or structurall alter any buil ng or structure shall whn ap plying for a building permit file with the inspector of buildings a signed statement as to the use or purpose for which such building i or structural alteration is intended and that the lot to be built upon si i bylaw continued on page 5 m tv appliances ls cearin a tt 1956 stock of 1 21 cbs console buy now and save from 5000 to 7000 90 days free service on all models no down payment easy terms up to li years to pay reg 299 95 save 70 oo models from s159 95 we make television our specialty see us before you buy for the best deal offered anywhere when you buy from milliere tv you are guaranteed prompt efficient service milliere television triangle 7 3405 1 1 wesley an st georgetown youre right all the way with dodge g you get the right capacity to carry the l f mod chiiilt ind cib wilh bolllnibodiflsoooibi cv the right strength to shoulder the load 3q d iriodil ctiiiui nd cab w th slikt body fl 800 ibl 0 v the right power to move the load your detdge dp soto duller lina tho right truck for your bukinesh ixtiuimo dodge lrueknnrc iiib bumnesa dodge traekfl nru fnitury engineered to fit the job the truek has to ao and tins yrnr dodge oftern n wider range of models to fit even more limiting need dodge trucks hove increased cnpnciticn huskier frames springn axils to haul bigger pnylondu an for power to move the load dodge vr in medium nnd high tonnage mode in nre tho mevt advanced in the industry i hi y provide up to 220 horsepowtr to renlly hustle you over tlie iughwny tiimous dodge truck six now i2 horsepower is 11 modern marvel of economy and dependability see your denier for tho right truck at the right price forvoiirjob from a ton to 66000 lbs gcw a tr dodge jobrated trucks ckrysleh corporti0n of canada limited uck to fit every hauling need i mill street hews0n motors limited triangl 7 2411 georgetown watch climax shower of stars weekly on tv check your newspaper for datc and time manitoba 4h members visit ontario juniors two manitoba 4h members keith leask 21 of clandcboye and bill ransom 20 of mountainside have recently returned from a s- week exchange visit to ontario keith and bill both farming in partnenhip with their parents were selected for the trip by the manitoba 4 h council on the basis of their outstanding records in 4h club work their itinerary which commen ced in toronto on juncmth was ar ranged by the junior farmers as sociation of ontirio while in the province they lived and worked on farms and met with delegation of farm young people from great bri tain prescntl on an exchange vis it to ontario in addition tray were taken on conducted tours i the ontario agricultural college i the st lawrence seaway and pow er development project the kempt llle agricultural college ottawa niagara falls and the grain ele vators at the lakehead last year miss katherine merry 4h member from milton travelled to manitoba for a similar trip the value of these exchange visits u widely recognized they not only develop friendly relations and nn ideratanding but also provide edu catiorul experiences which are stimulating greater interest in far mlng and homemaking and in com munity leadership

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