thb oborqitown h1rald wednmday eveg july 28th 1996 follow the road signs to j terra cotta inn fine dining featuring roost duckling roast beef and yorkshire pudding g open dauy until november 1st special catering banquets and parties afternoon teas the only place to get home cooking without the work b reservations mrs harry farrar phone victoria 18 r 2 j for gas heating mk sure you get the best at eastern electric georgetown brampton ar phone 2562w or j 1 k 1u3y 24jb queen street trenching also we can instal your water line without cutting up your lawn or driveway go under with the iron mole hydraulic tunnelling triangle 72712 georgetown what council did many projects underway more help for engineer a heavy backlog of engineering work on roads sewers bridges sidewalks and watcrmains has led council to increase staff in the office of town engineer doug las wilson after mr wilson reviewed the work in progress and future plans at a council meeting on thursday council agreed to engage a steno grapher and a chainman for the department as well as a student as sistant who will work until univ crsity starts in october mr wilson gave a comprehens ive progress report pointing ou such major work undertaken as the highway widening rcsiuiat ing and sidewalks maple avenue extension storm sewers on guelph street the swanek subdivision and other locations a watermam ex tension to the vanan plant and sidewalk replacement in various sections of town he explained that his depart ment is in charge of designing and surveying these and other new engineering work while there are also routine matters t mam tcnance to town roads the lwagi- disposal plant and drainage prob lems mr wilson said his department is concerned with plumbing vioa lions which have not been chtik ed there are septic tanks which should be abandoned and sewer connections made and several pco pie have tllegall hooked roof drains into sanitary sewers he has been instructed to prep are a sewage waste b law a plan for necessary garage and works building and should be preparing master plans of existing sewers and grades for future references he said fuel oil service oil storage tanks 20000 bals storage capacity our green and lemon trucks available to bring you on the spot service budget terms arranged wh kenlner son triangla 72651 brings us to your door mr wilson said he would either have to have additional staff or cut back some of the work in pro gress ive been working fifty hours a week and the works staff has been working long hours trying to get everything done he said point ing out that the town is not realiz ing the full value of his services as an engineer because he docs not spend enough lime in the planning phase its obvious that the work behind and the only answer seems to be more help said mayor arm strong weve been playing ar ound with the highway for five years and it has to be finished this year and weve promised the school board a maple avenue road way tor the children this fall reeve allen said that on his vi its to the engineers office he had noticed the large volume of busin ess transacted and wondered how mr wilson ever gets any engineer ing work done at all the mayor pointed out that the maintenance work is suffering and said there are situations where a contractor should be hired rather than trying to use the town works staff he pointed to such things as stone work at the sewage dispo sal plant and eutting steel bars for the maple avenue bridge is plates where it would he more logical to use a contractors skill there s more work this year than ever hefore said road eom missioner walter dray and the engineer must have more help mr wilson anticipates having the highway sidewalks finished by ugust 25th and said the maple ave bridge should be installed by july 28th i he fill by mid august and urivel by september 1st a 300 level was also ordered n mr wilsons suggestion as a m lessary addition to engineering up plies cr i i hoy dale pri tipilated a discussion when he inquired what 11 the things would iot th it mr wilson had been mentioning lies reporting o i lb- uuk iu be done not in the funnels ml cr mcgilvray i i know that but w should traffic count before highway stop lights the dept of highways is plan ning a traffic count at the john street crossing in answer to a town request for a traffic light at this busy intersection the department has informed council that checkers will be on duty the week of august 13th and asked the town to suggest in eight hour period when traffic s at its heaviest town clerk john d kelly has notified the department that frid ay august 17th between 10 00 am and 6pm should see the weeks traffic at its peak taking as it does all the smith and stone and pap- ermill traffic as well as the own- town shopping trade which is ul ways iftavy on fridays council is anticipating no diffi culty in securing permission for lanes haulage for excavating and grading ponds cellars etc top soil sand oravel call tr 72521 the proposed traffic lights after such a survey kno what di ni h i eapi closer closer but still 12000 needed before georgetowns swimming pool can open the community swimming pool committee still hopes to have the new pool open within the next few weeks providing a generous georgetown and district public will dig a little deeper and reach the 50000 objective be generous 4rtn ore we it 5 since l2 it depends on you space contributed in the mrvict of tho community by john ubatt limited bt issued hi fori w i dih iht hulk of llu wn tal expenditure tht pi until inii nn hv laws iluadv ipptmut i hi ii nt n l m nt by ijhs i know bu i dun t know what they total tmitinuid mr dile and i don t know how to oil on future by laws mayor armstrong said that deor gotown has a total of 2 381 000 in dflknlurc issues nf which 65010 are for work contracted for this year 84 000 of this is recovtnbli under local improvements in une year we are imreasing our debenture debt by 33 per c nt said mr dale i wouldn i say in one year replied the nnyor some of the work for which we ire issuing dc benturei took place long before this year mr dale mentioned the million and a half dollars in building per mils reported in the herald and said this may be the tail end of things and wouldn t recur next year no one knows by the look of things now what s going to hap pen he said in a pessimistic vein the town is getting to the tax saturation point and some nioi ning we may wake up and find the bank wont cash our cheques he suggested that from now on the hank should okay any proposed money bylaw before it is sent to the municipal board its a strange thing the bank of commerce are mr heslops ban kcrs he said referring to the dclrcx promoter and if anyoni could borrow from them he should be able yet the banks aren loa ning mayor armstrong said he could see no worry the debenture debt has dnuhled but so h is leonjt towns assessment so hi- town is in no worse position we have growing puns ion eluded mr dale even before mr heslop came we had put 2 000 ex tra people- in town the industrial residential ratio is out of line and thing wont be right until that is rectified stewarttown a goodly number of persons ga thrrrd at the township hall last friday cv cning for a shower to miss evalonnc smith and mr carl deforest rev j e maxwell was chairman at the program miss ruth mcbndc played a piano solo and an encore mrs hazen played for two solos hy mrs francis thompson and betty mac milcham played two piano solos the gifts of the shower were manv and var icd useful and beautiful rubv tennant lois milcham lois bes sic and ruth mcbndc assisted in opening them and laying them out for display both carl and eval onne thanked the manv friends for their gifts and hoped they would visit them later when they would see ihcm in use lunch served to all brought a very pleasant even log to an end with all good wishes for their health and happiness scuje50z nit 11y iff i ilfal to i- 50 r nothing down j r j term to luit your budget on purchatm at 30 or more l s5r 3 super lastic nylon supreme with mtuful rubber the tire with the 100000 mile dupont cord body safer thaif the tihei oh hew cam yet priced lovwftrcanxdlak tire ym 1m1- 1 laugh hylonu urongar than aiaal cable ol conpw abla weight wad dupokt hvloh imii 11 ubm frongar than an olbar tire cord body cotutracttoa in 1111111011 tha hatural tree robber tread 01t up lo li tlmm mora tracuoa tot tut gateway or aroargancr alopa guaranteed op to i years gal rut da facts in arofkmanahlp or malarial road hazard ihsuhed or m months ctutomw para only tot aarwica rradarad save safelyi nylon supreme blackwalls yaor nat i yaw nat wmhanr with clan frka trodaln a tradaln tb 67015 i 33 22 204o 71015 37 2440 2240 7601 4108 2630 2430 4395 2970 2770 nylon supreme whitewalls i ts toyr nf i yaur nt i llh anr with clati trdlit i a trdti 670 1 3 i 2 235 7015 i 480 2 2588 760 4918 j 2888 2as 3398 3195 ft 3f cqnodifln tire associate store wj 1 502 guelph street tkhngk 7t9ti georgetown uoydmakks