grace baptist church in georgetown oddfellow hill bibie school 300 pm transportation is provided for those desiring it evening service 700 pm mr bruce penny pastor net not gross important figure dairyman are told peter pruneau plastering stucco work fra estimates ntw or rtpalrt ss ontario st tr 7mb1 monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corntr posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 quaan st wait brampton shop 1410- j phones rt 313 rep tom nicol phona brampton 603w it is not how much you make but what you have left after your bills are paid that tells the real story of farm income emphasized canadian dairy farmers in annual meeting rec ently in st john new brunswick they pointed out that the public was constantly being misled by the fact that for a number of years the gross cash income from dairying has been increasing this was due to the grad ual increase in the volume of milk sold off farms which was finding its way into the higher priced fluid milk market continuously expanding be cause of the population increase the gross cash income taken alone as an indicator of farm prosperity has led to the widespread belief that dairy farmers enjoyed a high degree of prosperity while in realityhigh costs of goods and services required to pro duce milk had yielded a low net cash return it was pointed out that some sections of the dairy industry were facing real financial trouble a fact now being recognized in the annual reports of banks and other economic surveys in 1956 the national producers or- ganziation dairy farmers of canada is calling once more for a continuation of the 58c a pound floor price un der butter they expressed apprec- iaton to the government for the floor price policy relating to butter and ford 1956 monarch see and drive the finett most safe and economical transportation on the highways finest service good delivery at thompson motors acton phone 69 acton or georgetown subscribers tr 73756 a c pat patterson see us for a good deal we also have good used cars priced right pointed out that it had cost the tax payer less than three cents per htad since the policy was instituted at this small cost dairy prices had been stabilized both to the producer and the consumer it was evident that marketing legis lation in its various forms affecting agriculture was a matter of vital con cern it was pointed out repeatedly that better enabling legislation was necessary both federally and provin- cially if fanners were to continue to market their products in an orderly fashion one of the vital enabling statues was- federal bill 82 which is now being looked at by the supreme court of canada the decision of the court would determine the future mo ves of provincial governments and of farm organizations in drafting future marketing policies dairy producers were insistent that once the decision was handed down no time to be lost in taking action designed to continue and strengthen orderly marketing of farm products dairy producers again asked for adequate protection against the impor tation of cheap vegetable oils and the products from which edible oils can be obtained producers were also eyeing with alarm imports of cheese and milk powder from new zealand and australia they will ask the can adian government to take a close look at agreements with these coun tries made as long ago as 1931 the cheese producers say they need bet ter protection than the cent a pound tariff negotiated at that time they claim that on the present basis it is impossible to compete with new zeal and where the temperate climate re quires no expensive stabling of cattle for the same reasons producers in terested in milk powder want a 3c a pound duty on powder imports from australia and new zealand dairy producers also believe there should be free milk in schools and that producer associations should take responsibility in seeing that such pro grams are initiated in each locality booth taxt your as surance of prompt courteous and safe service call tr 73271 tr 72674 concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks block work brick laying for your construction needs carpentry homes garages kitchens bathrooms remodeling modernizing mcnally construction elgin street near cnr station seek more scholarships with government backing of all our nations rich natural re sources the greatest and most impor tant is her youth for these youth are the future of canada what they makjj of this country when it passes from their fathers hands into theirs is what canada will be if canada is to be great her youth must first be strong and strength in the complex ity for modern life is found only in education and knowledge full exploitation of canadas res ources requires welltrained techni cal personnel a great number of uni versity prepared professional men and a general high level of education among the people under present con ditions this need cannot be satisfied statistically this country is falling steadily behind in the development of doctors engineers dentists and other professional men needed for adequate service of the existing com munity prospects for the future are worse more young people must be trained in these fields only four per cent of all those star ting grade one graduate from a uni versity of those who do not gradu ate more than half fail to do so for financial reasons present scholarship arrangements are designed to help only the highlygifted students and university costs make higher educa tion prohibitive to all except the win ners of scholarships and the people of means many young people whose natural abilities and inclinations qua lify for university training are denied it for lack of money to meet the high coats if we are to prepare for the future of canada many more of these people must be given the benefit of higher education present high costs of education are felt most strongly in rural areas aw ay from the great university centres of the country younfi people from these sections of canada must face the tusk of raising often impossible sums of money if they arc to meet the cost of living and studying in the cit ies that have the facilities for higher education and training the scholarship campaign commit tee of the national federation of can adian university students has presen ted a brief to prime minister st laur ent and members of his cabinet out lining a plan for more scholarships to deserving students across canada they hope by this plan to make edu cation available to all qualified young people in canada regardless of their means so that there clin he real equal- it of opportunity for this countrys youth and so that lack of money will not condemn able people to waste their ability it is to the advantage of the joulh and of the country for us to support this campaign and to im press on our representatives in par liament the importance of making it a reality the georgetown herald wednesday february 8th 1956 norval institute entertains husbands and families members of norval womens insti tute entertained their husbands and families on thursday at a family par ty at the home of the president mrs lawrence may some 43 people were in attendance for a social evening of games and cards the children played crokinole while the grownups had a session of euchre mr and mrs elmer patter son had high euchres scores and sec ond prizes were won by mrs walter fidler and oliver hunter following lunch mrs oliver hun- tar extended a vote of thanks to the host and hostess for the pleasant ev ening now a fertilizer with only half the moisture content of ordinary fertilizers new process shuroain fertilizer provides superior drillabiuiy prevents hardening and caking thiabhatrationahotmffitaibontttytttmofdrurtandeoohn at the shuroain fertiunr plant in toronto htrt ftrtoimr ingndientartaor6uifymixadandbunadandexceumnutn u quickly driixn off tumuttwniapnctm shuroain ftrtaimrwwi tuptrior driuatouy costs roi no more heros important news about the first major advance in fertilizer manufacture in many years now process shurgain fertilizer through a special ized process has excess moisture removed down to exceptionally low levels with new process shurgain you now can get a fertilizer that has only half the moisture content of ordinary fertilizers thus eliminating the chief cause of harden ing and cajdna new process shurgain fertilizer provides superior driliability at all times ensuring you better more uniform results in the field and with the advanced shurgain manufacturing process every granule is better balanced with plant food than ordinary fertilizer new process shurgain fertilizer is now available at the toronto plant see your shuroain fertilizer dealer about your requirement ofjnaw process shurgain fertilizer canada packers limited fertilizer division toronto i special this week sa5ie3s rt to introduce the sensational new 8upbr sipclip wivaltor open lnuiitdwn lu ov from 1 pmltlm rotodouv ah thats modsrn in one cleaner andyou save35this weekt i m match no durt t c hucholiulkorop toota ti f m lhthpgur i so lm khj amtinoloruenkit otfra 9 ts ita tot oift ftoiling bfuli rdvcd auction honk t0 oll lo day homi tftlali ernies radio 67 mill street tr 72701 georgetown plumbing and heating licensed plumbers certified lennox dealers ted tom hicken and clapham triingle 7 3170 triangle 73737 for fuel oil telephone tr 72251 automatically delivered by ralph muffin oil sales insurance travel real estate walter t evans co gg triangle 72512 mill street serving your community for over 0 years georgetown collision service mapii avtnu wist it 7 une ofotorrown 24hour towing service triangle 73790