tm gboftmtowm rltttald wednesday evening october 10 ims pages come tothe in kec itt tax mat tt cniatpsw urtstodil qoamt gulaau ceoptfaboal cattu aiktlobsl colourful nowarsaowl ceauac damotttbaooal dazeas of other fetturat hoval hqrbb wow evsnlno 13 0013 00 ualiiwh wed and arte el oo eaturtfy ei oo j 1 tovm aciicultufal wlnttt ta itftittstawiassta to x general admission 50 royal coliseum toronto see if today amazing hew pushbutton its the greatest sewing invention since the needle i the new push button automatic is the only machine that does everyday sewing jobs is automatically as it makes fancy stitches and its unbelievably easy to use just push a button and necchi makes buttonholes mends dams monotrams all by itself you dont even have to tarn the fabric fancy stitches automatic embroidery in endless numbers i nuiem wttuadtu wtaanva stltsltm mw mw at ay twta vtott a free home demonstration sewing machines canada ltd necchi a witt j4 mm memui neighbourhood sewing machine authotlzid georgetown tit 73mtt dealer v 43 main st n georgetown collision service avfnub west al 7th line georgetown i hour towing service triangle 73790 gondolas beautiful glassware highlights of venice visit lbw w ix fem mr and mrs uh gawd tktr ewnj tour ttkm us om lour ef ueihvl vuc wkr rky wr phui tarty urttrejlhrl with rk qls4s- war praiueej antl of curt ihtriud by water traattvartatltwt 4aj basisr ol autortofcjut venice luly we arrived about 6 o cluck 10 the morning we had taken 1u clas tick ed for the train hoping we might git a htua rest on tbe way our tot duappojdtisect ramb when we discov ered tbe train crowded and ut das car was definitely not iirl cs m my opinion however we took it all in good grace and settled down fur the night but not to slep our train would jiave done credit to a bukmg broncho it a a wonder we got of all in one piece we looked for a c it office they are veiy good nd halprd u to find a hotet venice u full to overflowing and we took a big chance of finding a room at alt but our hotel at rno had contacted lit here a ad we had no trouble at all in half an hour we wrre in bed for a lung delayed rest we ilept till 12 o clock then refreshed we took a ferry for st marco square there are no cars id venic every street u canal every where you go it la by ferry or gundola gelling off our ferry boat we went up a very narrow street with shops each tide almost tvery other shop was a jewellery store or hotel they make the most beautiful tclsviuarr 1 har rrr urn lure its impossible to describe the fantastic shapes and colour of the glass vte msi titl mm shops and 1 would hive lilt itl to hrinn home just one of llic tlijhcs they make but thry are loo hca first it is cliar glass thin a layer of multicolor glau then a pat tirn of old traced with some thing like a knitting nndlc and smooth d out and lastly another ticr of glai lu coir the hul and coloured glass it is all done with a fire like a gas huckrr and wr went into a manufac turing place wturc they rnake neck laces of w ry description i watched a lady while sht made the beads first she mcltrd a long stick of clear gtass a little biv r than a p ncil tfun she pirked it up un a long neetlli and shaped it into a 1m ad then some cut ound lav then she hratcd a long nrdc of old and traced a pattirn un the 1m ad next she spri ad it hy puiing it m houow piece of steel then another coat of dear glass and the bead u finished it u fawinaung next we entered sl alarko square the church wu to the cntre facing us end all ground its between huge pillars were more and more shop and hotels outside tbe hotels were little tables and chairs where one could buy drinks of every description or ice cream neartyevery hotel had its own orchestra i counted 4 and every time you bought a drink you had so extra charge for jthe orches tra the music was good f a lot of straus waltae etc and we did enjoy it there are thousands and thous- aryis of pigeons here and one can pay a few cents for corn and have your picture taken feeding the birds ttoey are sdteme i hey eat right out of your land and jvcb on your shoulder nest we visited the sights st markos church with its many altars the clock tower which strike ev cry hour there are two figures oni on eafh side of the clock they strike the huge bell with hammers we went through the kings palace of olden dsys and climbed up the godeo stair way socalled because it s ceiling is painted gold and only the few chosen were allowed to use it next though the prison dungeon and aj last i saw the bridge of sighs ali these things we have on our films then we wrnt to cft where we purchased tics eti for a moonlight serenade with illuminated itsrgr by gondola ah my gondola ride at last at nine orlxk we assembled at hotel iaihs where there were about co gondolas waiting to take us for our ride we wire escorted up the grand canal by the illuminated targe on which was a v ry good orchestra it was all hal an singing one of which was my dandahcr we moved very slowly u the canal 14 gondolas abreast so cloai to rath oth r it looked like a hiili floating platform many of he gondolas had lanterns with very lay colours just before r returned a young man passed from gondola to mntlola taking our pictures the jnndolcert wore black trousirs a tin suitor middii and straw hats round ap with floating ribbons w ar rived home at our hold at midnight very tired but satisfied another dream come true tomorrow w it a e for r lorrnrr i ir nc and iisa am only just gelling rau up uilh my letters hope you iot thtm all now on salsfor cosh or by tnauflments ut all branches of thm royal bank canada savings bonds va sure way to save throe bonds never drop in value they caa be caihed fur tbeu full face value plu accrued interest at any tune at any bank they bear interest at tbe rate ofi a year ordsr your mmicis today at our nmormat branch juit lpjim ij you ul the royal bank of canada insurance travel real estate walter t evans co c triangle 72512 hap mill street serving your community for over 30 ycare ken interest in proposed series of farmer meetings jew on vlrtlm m1 uf last uk 43 arm upcntori had mulr application at ihr milton offirr of the ontario irpt of agriculture for thr rrlra of iwrue meetings teink sponsored hy the hal ton soil and rop improvement auo ciation these meetings arc being held in the public chiml llruce si villon on tuesday evenings romnii n clng november lfct at b p m can 1 afford to farm with farm land aelling all the way from 1300 to 1 000 pi r acre that m a question which many llalton farm era are asking themselvei and olhera thia ii the timely subject which op ens the series on november 1st and n j thomas noted soils and farm managcmont expert will lead the discussion the following tuesday night the topic is another timely sub ject which many farmers were asking themselves last mid summer when the pastures were almost non existent would it pay to irrigate here the discussion leader is to be prof hugh ayres of the dept of ag ricultural engineering at guelph on november 15thdr w e touell of the dept of field husbandry fol lows on drought periods and for age crops then comes the econ omles of ilechanization with dr it l patterson as the discussion leader the fifth topic in the series is entit led the place of commercial kcr tilliers and uming in llaltons mixed farming with prof n r richards head of the soils dept at guelph as the leader the sixth and final sub ject in the series before chrlstmu is another question which many llalton dairymen have been discussing nam ely the economics of zen pastur ing and the future of the dairy in dustry in llalton here prof george e raithby head of the animal hus bandry dept at guelph has agreed to tackle the broad and comprehen sive topic with bulk hauling of milk gradually working its way in many llalton dairymen have been heard to state when it comes to the day when ive got to put in a bulk cooler or else im going out of tho dairy business this is a viewpoint with 1 which we aympathtie nevertheless one is forced to ask himself it im going to stay in the farming business make a living and meet increasing ex penditures to what other line of far ming can i convert my present farm this u previously stated is a bis topic and ts indicative of the high le- vcls of both subjocts anil speakers li ned up for the entire series of twolvo nights a number of farm operators have asked the question can i drop in for the odd meeting without signing up for the entire series in answering this question all we can say at tbe moment is our accommodation will handle about 80 which means there fa roam for about five more conse quently if you are one of those in thur category it eertalnly looks as ii you would be wise not to delay lo in aetaaioiwattir- k cordjro what you can do with money lgl large cigars with large wis spaaaculat but matches roalki doabenerjob hide it in the cootoejar fibek it under the mattfes too lumpy for comfortable sleeping spend it all and fast- too nsy junior always raids the jarl it wool be there when you really need it buy canada savings bonds now there you have something whether you pay all cash or in intlalmenltl theyre fireproof and ofe too every bond is regliierect theyre no good for pqpering walk but can b uaaci to buy thswhou 10th sews pays 34 j interest house and what a comfortable feel ing to know you have the funds for an emergency or opportunity more than a million canada savijfgj bond iriveilors havw hsati jetllng