nm tttokmyowm wutald weesaeatuy evening dee zath 1as4 eage8 f ah tkfte mtmma 3toeal ntast bunt f enduring atrenita or hartal aysiaballe la rterlgii as hat la pmp rullif in an humiliate et tun aad tit tribute of riagnl and nnmiir to tha dud a mmleril anuinaf of inspiration to tkt irving wa st ma ageale yea stay ave a ears ar lattar will tsrtaag eaarsiae oakvfllle monument works demon ftoattarai a uoiaaaam ctmaxsb oeaaerae staat waal oalrvatle pittsburgh paints ernies radio rusco lulsm isbmtoun combination scfieentstormdoor a eeraaa door and a atom door all la one jinat raiaa lower gisaa for ventilation georgetown lumber company tr 73211 11 water st fl owersi for all occasions wedding work coraagea a specialty cot flowers and funeral desipns we wire slower rosedale floral 32 albert st tr 72952 important news yet indeed you ii agree that when you can aave a consider able portion of the money pre sently being spent on food it is really news that la what i would like to explain to you when i ahow bow to live the new modern way with the fam ous chambers food plan not only do you save money you eliminate those dreaded shopping trips this coming win ter even if this is something yon have earmarked for 1069 act now and get full informa tion merely call harold shlung 30sj acton repraaarrung tha famous royal ranks assets top 3 billion mark the ttoyal bank of canada rioted 1u fiscal year ending november solh with aucu of 3 0241800 844 the first canadian chartered hank to paaa the 3 billion mark the annual balance sheet juat released shows assets have increased by over 1131 000 000 as com oared with a year ago losns and de posits are at the hi it heat levels ever attained by any canadian bank a notable feature of this years statement is a major chance in the capital structure oi lhr hink as result of the issue last july 1st of 700000 additional ihltm or eiputal stock the paid up rapllafof the bank has increased from 133 000000 to 41 800 863 from the sale of this addl tional stock the bank also realized a premium of 13 010 720 which toge ther with 16 000 000 transferred from inner reserves has been added to the i test fund in addition the bank has for the fifth year in a row transferred to the heat fund a por lion of the current years net earn inju the fifiurc this car beinie 4 000 000 as a result of these trans action the rest 1und now stands at 103 610 726 capital 1und thus total 146 033 664 a future which sets a rec urd high level for all canadian banks when the instalment subscriptions for the new issue are fully paid the capit action the rest fund now stands at 42000000 and 104000000 respec tivrly which with undivided profits will make the tatal capital funds of the bank 147 504 075 i posits have attained the imprrs sue total of 2 707 348 140 of which ovir 1 126 000 000 are personal a ini1 paablc in canada deposits by the public hac increased by nearly 00 000000 ixans ixclusitc of mortcaffc loans under mia total 1 183 022 047 an increase of 43 875 823 oer the 1053 figure call loans 156 303 203 show a moderate increase while oth er loans including commercial loans in canada have increased by 36 761 004 to 1 031 626 844 the degree to which the itojal bank has parlici pated in mortgage pending under the provisions of the nlta is reflected in the figures shown under the new heading mortgages and hypothecs insured under the mia 1054 name ly 22 672300 the liquid position of the bank is strong liquid assets amounting to 1 881 000848 are equal to 6534 per cent of the banks liability to the public included in these liquid a sets are dominion and provincial gov eminent securities totalling 060 888 546 profit tor the ear amounted to 20 013 511 from this amount 2 070466 has been set aside for de preciation of bank premises and 0276 000 for income taxea after the above deductions net profit was 0 558 045 as compared with fl635- 136 in 1053 out of net profit 5 500- 345 was paid in dividends to share holders leaving 3 088 700 which ad ded to the previous balance of 1313 375 totals 5504 075 of this amount 4 000 000 was transferrcjlto the rest 1und leaving a baunccofjl 504 075 chambers food club ltttokjntjtoti rdl toronto the old year is just about over and this week end sees a new one inl monuments brampton afaamnent werka designs submitted cemetery lettering comer posts and markers a good display ia stock wm c allan prep 68 queen st wast brampton shop phone 1410j res 813 concrete gravel road gravel rill a top soil tqm haines glefa wailm arm hawt kfagsway kiwauik entertain hajtoa 4h dob menibew tuesday last week was a red letter day for a group ofhalton 411 mem bars whan they were guests of tha kingsway klwanlaas for lunch at the old hill toronto for seven consec utive years the members of the king way kiwanis have given some reeog mtion to the top dub member be tween tha ages of 1 and 20 years in elusive ia each project of halloa 4h club programme with the excep tion of this year this has taken the form of a weeks short course at the ontario agricultural college with all expenses paid due to the fact that the short course programme this year is being held the week of janu ary 3rd and therefore rlaihtng with regular school attendance it was nee essary to make some sdjuslment in sll s total of as helton young people have been recognised by the klwan lam during the seven years those winning the awarde la 1054 an par tielpating in the special feature on tuesday last were as follows llalton 4 11 holalein calf club douglas slarrett halloo 4 ii guern aryjersry calf club klranor stark llaltuo 4 h lleef dual lurpoas calf club lyone coulter llalton 4 11 grain club merle ounby hilton 411 forage club don cleave llalton 411 trartor club andy mull llalton 4 ii junior farmers karl wilaon llalton 4 11 homrmiking cluba marilyn cleave and marion hlrd hilton 4 11 home garden cluba margaret stark and lleathrranne hayward the young people were acrotnpsn led to toronto by mrs mabel ilorg strnm home a at wood ley chairman llalton 4 11 club iead ert council and agrlculturil llrprr- rntatjva j f whitrlork a plraiing feature of the function vai the fact that two of llalton 4 ii club mrmben namely heathrrannr hayward and kathcrinr merry aup- plled the major part of the program mlu hayward a talent ai a vocalut golden wadding anniversary for the joseph ackroyds mr anil mr joseph arkroyd loni time residents of ilrampton relrbra ted their golden wedding anniversary on dec 14th with a quiet celebration at the home of their daughter and ion in law mr and mn john donaldson fullowed b a family dinner on sun mr anil mr ackroyd were ucd on dec 14th 10o4 in ilrampton in whit was then ihc rait parsonage at thr corner of quern and centre streets hollowing their marriage the couple lied on a farm near malton fur a number of yrari moving to itramp ton in 1017 in addition to mn john doia d ion mr and mr ackroyd har a ae- cond daughter mrs percy donaldson who with hrr husband resides in nor- val alio at the family dinner were four grandchildren and one great grandson dickie dalrell whose birth day fell just two days after the annl vcrsary on iec iflth 1 well known la milton district anal it is perhaps iinnnfraatry to point oat that her numbers tuesday last were a hlghllghlotahe program tha same also applies to 1 the addism of miss merry who was the guest spea ker for the wsttrtei kstherises ab ility in tha ahow ring is known from one end of the province to the other but flmay coma as a bit of a surprise to some to learn that she u equally versatile on the platform her inter esting address on 4h club work coup led with her charming personality lit erally took the kiwanians by storm lynnt coulter who egpressed the appreciation of llalton club members also acquitted himself with distinc tion helton auy well be proud of hrr young people and certainly the group who represented the county at this function made more than a fav orable impression hamilton construction 160 guelpti street tr 73480 hornet hsduaxriaj r rcatrravtaoag gswfe cetatttte wtwk buftfiag supplies every building need seasons greetings fbom the staf f farm news big variance in rainfall jew u hen preparing our report for the from c a grant hfth9 georgetown palittbki and daooratlng im0imibmmlw tm mil 1 1 i ii us mmtnimmmisa to all our good friends with ust wishes foi a happy new yiai bucks meats agroceries 1 mr and mrs pat vance pih tost jim buck mps c j buck mrs fpank whiimee mrs and mrs jack teeter mrs ernest forgrave w -j- the royal bank of canada condensed annual statement 30th noxcmbcr 1954 vi assrrs annual meeting of the llalton soil and crop improvement association which was held in milton on wednesday we wre aomewhat surprised to note the difference in rainfall in 1dm between two points approximately 15 miles apart in this county for the period april 1st to october 31st we find that st hornby where charles a galbraith records the precipitation for this se ven month pcriod there waa a total of 25 03 incbea of rainfall while near appleby where w e brcckon oper- atea a raingaugc for helton associa tion the rainfall for the same period was 10 43 inehea or a difference of 5 6 inches the major part of the difference waa in the months of june august and october when the read ings at hornby were approximately one inch 2 0 inches and 181 inches higher the total precipitation at hornby from january lit to december 13 wai 38 47 inches which is approximately 8 inches more than normal in con trast to 1053 thla arcs received 0 1 in chca more in 1054 however aa we ace it it is the rainfall in may june and july which largely delerm ines the extent to which our mows and granaries are filled for this three- month period there wss 4 8 inches more in 1053 than there wss in 1054 jiencethemaln reason why some of our farnrfolk will have to buy more feed during the next few months thsn they did a year ago ash on hand and due irnm hinks including items in transit 467129065 goternmenl of canada and provincial goscrnmenl securities not escccding market wlue 969668946 municipal and olhcr securities noi eiceeding market valfik 28a18r034 call loans fully secured l6395 203 lolal tincb mm 1 881900848 other loans and discounts 1 031626844 mortgages and hypothecs insured under the n h a 19341 22672 390 hank premises 24194181 liabilities of cucuimcrs under acceptances guarantees and letters of credit 59349365 other assets 7152016 3026895844 liabilities deposits acceptances guarantees and letters of credit other liabilities totalliabilitics to the public capital paid up rest account undi tiled profits 2797548149 59349565 23064466 2879962180 41809863 103619726 1504073 3026 89584 statement of undivided prorits profili for the year ended 30lh november 1954 after making appropriations to inner rcsencs out of which full pro vision for bad and douhtruldchti has been made provision for depreciation of hank premises provision for income taxes on above profita 3151634 dividends at the rate of 1 42t per share extra distribution si the rale of 10 cents per share 417711 rranaferred from inner freservei after provision for income exigible balance of undivided profile 3 n 1955 transferred to rest account balance of undivided profits solb november 1954 209rsrll 2079466 18834045 9176000 955r043 5569345 3988700 16000000 199rb700 1315373 2 13040m 20000000 isidty ahbs muir chairman sad president t h atkins0n general manager