Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 29, 1954, p. 4

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tut moshmltowm hkald wednesday eveeiai dee imk 1654 skats kxchanob page 4 the adlet page where buyer and seller meet boys figure skates black aiie 6 tr 7263 for ult for sale 1jve geese for salejim burk oth una tu 71824 good iiixkd wood for ule furnace or hove tr 7764 for if is iip motor foraalc lirsnd n o cycle tk 7 21bi roasting chickens lira op drr lnurtday for saturday drlivrry lies an stark tk 7 2103 hearing aiu batteries are avail able at ernies radio itoiy theatre liulldlnx tk 7j701 u stqilu sash and aaah and frames quick delivery open evriilrues twins woodworking uinetkouse tk 7nei tf there is only one genuine hy- llne rhiir do not overlook it fishers can supply you llyllne and 10 other standard breeds and crosses write or phone the planer orchards burlington ontario tf vacuum cleaners buor pol- llsvrs sales and service new used and rebuilt machines guaranteed repairs to all makes see the new swllaon vacuums and pollsters at nriifltbourhuud sewing uachlne 45 main street n tk 7uwi buy used or will exchange boys slate aiie 8 for 10 10v or ii tr 7330 william j sansfort realtor for action in buying ok seujno houses farms small holdings or anything pertaining to real estate tiionk tk 7zss4 bill booth representing william j sartsford realtor urampton kjcwing machines service kssnlale also hood sewing machine n tit 7laoi sales and neiavmiur- 43 main sl tf ik iiaciiaciiks sre blowing you up lake uumacaps and help yourself lo irhef from pains and aches ask your lruvil dick ritwll motors where wise buyers go sewing uachines nerrtu nln fid arrvtr krpalr to u ma tea t enua ildio lloiy theatre hldg tic 7x701 tf ttjiuckys available at all time come to uk trm and pick out your ujrtl or phon tr 72314 wulllla turkey rrm uallinafad u when vou i1uy aipijs from notre dams de ilcauxegard farm you vt only gh excellent valua but you help the boy at th farm earn their lvnj we hav maclntoah wfil- triy talman swrli snows spy a and grimt t golden ordrr ami well drllvrt or come to the farm and thootu yourvjwn til- 7z364 saa dont gamble i wait and see the all new beautiful 1955 ford before you buy has new styling completely new motor with trigger torque power we offer 2 great bargains i0s5 imimk sedan brand new with sir conditioning heater signal hunts back up light deluxe hub caps warranty policy ids3 c11kv sedan brsnd new wilh air conditioning heater wsrran ty policy com in and see these bargains and lava money en buying a brand new carl 19m ilymolth ruippl with air cunililiomni healer and slip im a happy and prosperous new year to all dairymen in halton peel may 1955 bring you a pleasant and profitable year your surge service daelar horace tomlinson brampton see tiiem try them then you know why so many pro ad awpera buy t rawars al used cars ibm plymouth sedan twotone 1031 plymouth coupe twotone 1050 oesoto sedan green v hmd dodge sedan green 1040 dodge coach two lone blue 1048 chrysler sedan 1048 plymouth sedan maroon ra- clio and heater 1047 plymouth coach gray radio and healer 1041 plymouth coach 1048 chevrolet coach blue 1047 pontiac coach gray 1041 plymouth coupe black 1041 dodge sedah 1041 pontiac sedan 1040 pontiac sedan trucks 1040 ford one ton 1040 ford three ton dump truck 1047 fargo two ton stake truck 1046 ford half ton sales ltd electric floor polisher for rent by the day tt ernies radio roxy theatre bldg tr 7t701 thrbb unfubnishatd newly decorated rooms no bathroom flat separate entrance centrally lo cated suitable or twoadults ab stainers tr 7z43 tf accommodation wanted wanted house or apartment with 3 bedrooms urgent gordon jen nings tr- 73487 furnishes- jlooii or room and board wanted for single man clif ford holt tk 7 2j0s accommodation available hoard and cake availahlk lor retired gentleman tk 7 3884 1 2b services wanted ray bower motor guelph street tr 7j481 nivcri a 1 cunilil onl 1wj mss t hkv ijiuippl ith radio ml hratrr a cur vim rjn in proud lo oun inrit inlv 1395 ims2 mktkoh hire l a real har pit tllliptml with hejltr nhp corr and vhll tvalu priced only s139s i0s2 plymouth a rrjl kmxl clean car for the family man priced for quirk sali only 13vs him 111 uk sedan huipimml wilh radio ilnafluw iransnuvmon slip covers anil wfulewall lire iticnl only is5 1931 prefect here is a car thai will kive you miles uf trouble- free driving iricti only 1495 1150 mercury twolone paipl job and healer a real sharp tittle car priced only sf95 1948 c1iev a car lhal is just like new and priced for a real quick sale only ss9s ll4li pontiac this car has cood tires motor and hotly and is ready to go only 1495 truck bargains 1932 ford 1 ton csprcm here is a veal rukred truck lo kivc the farmer good service new paint job good tires body and motor only 195 1949 mercury half ion pick up new paint joh this truck runs and acta like new priced only ss95 1947 international naif ton pick up a good little truck only 395 1040 ford 2 ton stake with plat form and racks only 3952 sea dick riodall les deforest dick riddall motors where wise buyers go- main and guelph sta tr 72571 always a talesman to be of service to youl riddall for ford deadstock service 3 oo each for dead or diaabled horses or cows old iiorheh xe lb fur prompt service phone collect erection 22r23 or lfannon iftors steve peconi u dead stock removed from your farm promptly tor aanltary dispos al telephone collect george town tr 72741 or toronto km 3- 33 gordon young ltd lljl live pouitry lllgnest price at all times for all kinds of poultry alive a llarnrtt ti son hutton- vllle poultry killing ltd custom work done phone dramplon 343 r 14 if eggs and poultry wanted if your poultry is not for sale let us pick and clean u for you hel ton poultry producta govt- appro ved plant milton phone 1 tf dead animals 500 500 each or dead or disabled cews and horses old horses jc lb one of our trucks parses your dislrjrl daily call iikiwood collect 23 r 11 24 hour service george gibson tenders for truck chassis ano cab only spcifications lor truck lliooo to ihotmj his gross call painled unlay red colour heavy duty rear springs tire mr bjsjluhio ply gas lank must lie vicar of chassis frame sealed tenders lo ik- delivered lo georgetown hydro oftice on or imiopc january tilth 1933 lowesl or anv lender nol neisar ll accepted help wanted domestic help wanted 1 or 2 mornings a week in glen williams mrs earl tr 7 23bh 1 5 dressmaking curtains drapee mending and alteretlafia tr 73217 washing machine repairs at ernies radio rosy theatre uldg tr- 7rroi u iiookkkeplnfj and accounts wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk and commlaaloiier tk 729a3 radio rfjairs car and home is dioa immediate satisfactory service tube test lineup etc -r- kelly kldd 13 normandy ulvd tr 7 3287 flooring til hardwood laid and supplied sink tope a special ty nestle wall ule william p saul til 72283 4tp if leos eiectric service for commercial and domestic wiring ilig jobs smsll jobs we do them all mill st tr 72001 for 24 hour ser vice if commercial domestic unlolhtmino klteheaer your furniture can be handaorns as new again add looks and cemfort wltb skilled restyling low eost cive wk service for information call joes tuck shop tr- 73301 81 111 amllikove whjilng is at your service ductalloy guaranteed plow shares electric and acetylene weld ing fabricating construction your otaco dealer horace m barnes ik 1sh1t 31u reiiahie woman wanted lo look after ihree chihlren for the month of january sleeping in optional til 73124 tractor operator scaled application will be received at the oltce of nv undersigned for the position of tractor operator div ponnn of and ooverint karuagc for the town of georjjetown wages 137 par hour applications must be in the hands of the clerk on orbeforc 4 pm jan uary nth 1955 john d kelly clerk treasurer municipal building cicortrtown ontario 1220 wanted experienced typist for local industrial plant apply by letter herald box 102 help available housework wanted byrfetday mrs victor gilligan phone tr 7- 3300 good used cars 1053 desoto tiredome sedan 1933 dodge royal sedan 1032 chevrolet powerglide sedan 1051 dodge regent sedan 1930 pontiac club coupe 1050 hudson pacemaker sedan 1050 studebaker champion sedan 1050 ford convertible 1048 ford sedan 1047 chrysler sedan 1048 c sedan 1048 chevrolet sedan trucks 1054 chevrolet sedsn delivery 1033 international one half ton 1053 mercury one hilt ton 1063ford one ton 1053 chevrolet panel 1040 international pickvup loibintehnational kv8 dump truck building lot for sale on vic toria street sewers and water avail- hewson mtors navwqhway holland marsh housework live in 2374 after 9 girl wants phone tr 7- kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite uphol stered and completely rebuilt aa low as 90 we arc also experts in rcuntshlng and rug cleaning and repairing one week service for appointment coll mcgowons speci ally shop tit 73241 iawn mowers sharpened steel railings built rads rccorcd geor getown welding fit radiator repair iyount st til 72131 3lolf n carpentry work kitchen and bathroojrircnovatlng new houses lor small jobs we soil floor tile jand are experienced in laying ii frank ilrcnvn llmehouse til 723o0 tf ueholstered furniture rec overed and reivalred quality work manship t h ilrlggs stcwarttown tu 73137 iir1ck work olock work and masonry repairs call al mints tr 73156 l water st apt- 5 714ti resuuface your own floors new dustlcsa electric sanding machines edgera floor polishers for rent ted dludd painting and- decorat ing tr 73m1 tf electrolux sales a servlee electrolux cgnstaa ltd c fenncr brampton o80w dfcorating to express indlvl- duality artistic interior exterior craftsmen in the trade c a grant r r 3 georetown tr 73781 tf geo e mitchell chartered accountant phone edmauson trisnola 73j7i eveoo 414 real estate tersstrictly cash for an un- bellcvablebarcain six room house with 4plece bath automatic oil heat ing aluminum doors and windows throughout in georgetown posses sion february 15th -r- 43 normandy blvd tr j200 n real estate ant inaurmiice fire automobue life ysu call mui well call oo you wm r cromar tr 73183 for rent modern apartment 5 rooms adulu only tr 72024 ground floor apartment four rooms and bath oil heated in norval tr 72127 three room apartment for rent private entrance immediate posses sion main street nortjucall before or after 8 mrs stoeeley tr 72364 selfcontained apartment for rent oil heating all conveniences private entrance tr 72725 ir been ouk puawjk to sttv you in 1954 ano we look fotwajtd ip youi rctenoshv in the coming yeat h mcgowans specialty shop 1 vain wk vaur dajlar gee further tr- m141 r lahasialbv 0way youi new yea l fillrj will laughter k1 la joy the bkcllowneaa of frlendtldp and th atljc11onof accomplliltmehl rewarded ts1 btt 1 w j maccorrnacrt main street s drug store tt 73w wanted applications are 8eino accepted for experienced linesmen please stale qualifications so end salary eapejeted by utter lo secretary georgetown hydroeiectric commission georgetown before january 1st 1955 all application will be treated with itnctesl conlidenco stewarttown hicmammis ssiix j a- wiuotifrkby a sou realtora it you arethlnking of boylng or aeulnfj farhb homes shall nolbtntfb everything regarding real estate contact tom hewson tr tmu walterridler slitwstyvv isktlsiaiaistll house for rent 3 boaroonu all modern conveniences possession im- medlatojy tr 7882 rentals sewing machine vac uum cleaners floor pollslien dally weekly or monthly nelghourhdod sewlna machine 45 main street n tr 72802 tl pubuc address system for 1 rent leoa electric mui street to 72001 bachxlojt apartment for- renteciulpped kitchen imsnedlilte yttirfrbikw ler- macs repair service towimg tr 72644 tv antenna installations channels added repairs moving cec greenslade phone brampton 1247w reverse charges t chain sawing oord pricker brutli hautad away v gtmral hftuliof a- tr7i3 ia-m- alfred j bishop malta st ovwum oiflec hduh d autt to school chrulmm concert in the community hall thi school christmas concert was held in ksqurstnn township hall the senior and jumur chools putting oq alternate numbers and all matting as a whole the ktory of bethlehem the teachers mrs pollock and mr ior- ey and the music teacher crawford otilas should be gratified with the result it was a very enjoyable con cert anta claus came and had bin job giving out the large number of gifts it is at a gathering like that wc realize how our school has grown congratulations to mr and mm itob mcdonald whose daughter sha ron anne was born in peel memorial hospital christmas day lost and found lost black and white and tan fox hound wearing an kasl york lag an swers to the name of lady kinder please phone toronto cu fiord 11280 collect iteward rugs broadloom save 60 new ruffs madetrom your old rurx carpets woollens etc blankets also made phone tr 73301 don herrington tsnecraft paints wallpaper supplies floor sanders for rent expert decorating j24 main 9l n tr t23 a service of holy communion eras held in st johns church christmas morning conducted by rev j k max well mai kvalonne smith at the or- kan and the children in the choir mr and mrs j sanford spent christmas day al mmchouse mrs m ilsily visited at islinstoa and torontu for the christmas holi days brampton rest home ceatfertabu an per elderly terseats phone 1228j wholesale electric oakvtllk modern fdctcre showroom condnlt panels and wire switches lamps and appuahces- is florence drive off kerr st jjaleivhona vloasfls p i 11 i viy w iht fmau us nrv ytm ttulbhtg yn m full aaafam jtv tuffhuu tml fnghpm j k i bill plucnunfl and l i sarah st

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