the ge0rget0wn herald e1ght page fiaorgttown omtsrie wrrfnuavtey deesikw 22 1664 first section businessmanjhere 45 years mprris saxe sells creamery operator of a creamery business for almost 43 years morris isasc u re tiring from business this week he hu told georgetown creamery and iock er storage to a group of toronto men and nick addulla will be man aging it for the new company mr saxe haa told the building which also house saxe motors as well as the busineu mr saxe came to canada from od m russia in 1002 to seek a fortune in a new land he was in toronto briefly then in guelph for a couple of year and moved to acton whire he forked for six years in the tannery he was a pioneer showman and was the first man to establish motion pic ture theatres in acton and george town the ihow which in those days was in the present oddfellows hall was later acquired by r l greg ory oak vi he who later built the pre mt rosy building on mitt street the creamery building on guelph street was built for mr saxe by j u mackenzie and as the years prog res sed he added locker storage egg grad ins n a retail meat business to the establishment ills son david was elated with him in the business until his death two years ago and aince then another son percy has been in busines with hu father mr saxe has been one of the town a most enterprising bus in ex men 1or lab year he operated a tannery loc ated in a building on maple avew which has since been lorn down in the tame building he later manufac tured needles one of his happiest rmmorics is of the days following the first world war when he worked for the cana flleil immigration department and was instrumental in bringing polish war orphans to canada well over a hundred residents of toronto wind or and other parts of canada owe their lives to hit efforts for the can jewish farm school which was loco ted on what is now the d g ii wright farm on tha edge of george town ills wife died several years ago and of their family of five percy is the only one whd is a georgetown rcsi dent mlna mrs max fichman lives jn new york city pearl mrs sam gins burg and leon a mrs m flcich man in toronto wedding reception for rmr and mrs alfred rolfe mr and mrs alfred rolfe were host to relatives and other friends on saturday in the legion auditorium mr rolfe and his bride who was mrs flossie ellen heather of lon don england were married wcdncs day in st johns united church rev morgan mcfarlanc conducted the ccr emony and witnesses were mr rolfe s son and his wife mr and mrs prank rolfe of hetpeler and mr and mrs garfield mcgilvray the grooms nephew leonard and mrs rolfe of hamilton received guests on fcsturdsy mrs alfred rolfe wore a i plum coloured dress with ajtscjc accessories and a corsagtn of pink carnatlpns ur bolfes six brothers from ham ilton were among the guests and oth era attended from linden dundu toronto cheltenham terra cotta and u a cable of good wishes from relatives in the old country was a pleasant feature of the day after din ner guests enjoyed dancing and a social time l broadcast amplipim pokes of aenlor pupils of chapel f street school broadcast christmas ca- sjrohpurthe tuesday night air over the amplifying system of st johns i ghtfrch le boys and girls directed by ken- b- harrison sang a half hour l which carried clearly to matt iof tarn and was enjoyed by t downtown as well u the weather mr hdlfor to otu and all may wc ka a mul hv tllaustmab mr and mrs wia tturmn date max mm 11 i h dec 13 37 2 s 1 14 j7 18 s j dec 15 6 23 dec ib 33 17 w 17 j7 it 30 dec ib 37 27 flurrui dec 10 23 10 1- lurries avi rajl 34 14 130 s 4 what council did town sells land for new dairy building irwin noble ii planning to build a new dairy on guelph street on land which he n purchasing acljommk nor mand lld mr nobles oiler ol 2 000 for a townowned htnp of land 150 feet deep with a 1b5 feet hlfchwa front age was accepted at mondays council meeting mr noble who is a roun cil mrmlxr wealed his chair dunnj the ilitc the oflir anil did not vou on tht matter mr noble first ofttred through his solicitor george hew son the sum of 93 300 for the complete property which is about 2 acres it was acqul red by the town when normand uoul avard was built as a wartime housing subdivision subsequently the 4bth houses on th boulevard were nm in private hutr art h r n ictained this cormr purtii n he original cedarvalt pa in i u reeve st in mien anl councillors harry hale and doui sarucnt who voted akainst the sale all stated that they would like to ace mr noble ob tain the property but could not agree to telling public land except by ten der mr allen and deputy reeve allan norton also mentioned the value to the town of having parkland then with the new lleslop subdivision ex peeled to heavily populate a largo area mr norton however was agreeable to the reduced area which he feels still leaves a desirable park site behind the proposed dairy build ing it is ravine land which would have to be filled before it is of value pageant christmas feature at knox presbyterian church christmas was observed in knox presbyterian church with two specisl sunday services filled with beautiful music rev alex colder preached a topical sermon in the morning the junior choir ssng christmas song and a quartette from the choir mrs victor torrance mrs william cromar rich ard packer and edgar cowland aang when- christ w asborn of mary mrs gowland was organist after a short devotional service in the evening in which edgar gow land aang the holy city fifty of the senior sunday school pupils presented the story of bethlehem as a pageant they portrayed biblical scenes aa the well known scripture was read the pageant was directed by jennie mc- dougall jean mackenie helen me- glll shirley muckart and mrs harold hutchinson ho derision yet on acton annexation with hsqueamg township alrongl npposrd to a dun i plan to annex a00 adjuining acrts a municipal hoard hearing on the matter has taken a radrall different path than in trwr town a ft w unkaajivo the matter of in mrporating on 1100 acre of the dtlrtx ulmlmiun in georgetown was df patrhid in u ss than a da with town and township agrei ink prt wou i to a ui r munrratiun artun started in february on a iimilar pi u jet i hut nut with opposi lion because a larje part of the cov ud land i llu luetrdmore and wool c ornrunt plant a good share of k fjuesing i imluatnil aaaiumrnl an application lo nntx 1goo a errs at thai tim uai turnn down b thi muv pl lw and home tunc ni actun brought forth a second plan cutting acrragr nin to 5o0 the hearing in actun wm adjourned and last week counst 1 for hi two muni ipalitira presented thnr arguments in toronto to mil the branny a decision by thi board l not ex peeled for ornt tune a eit lawer mr i ticas represi n ted acton and iery dale qc of georgetown spoke for haquesing one of the main utkumcnls advanced b hsqiiesink is that annexation would take ah per ce nt of the township assessment and over 87 per cent of tht property in tiurstion is occupied b the two industrial plants the hiunimon plant they aa wat in hmpiraink 31 cars before acton uat incorporated ksqucaing has agreed lo allow two farm properties which are tcing subdivided for hous inj to k the town thes total about 47 acre of tht hradj and jam farms tree coloured lights brighten town streets georfictow n has a real seasonal touch this year as most householders are making use of outdoor and win dnw hunting to make the night scene one of coloured beauty the downtown district is enhanced with more at rings of coloured lights a double string at the four corners and one at each md of the street a group of milt street merchants added a couple of strands thcnuclycs to brighten that part of the downtown area the huge lions christmas tree be side the koyal bank is also lighted merchants in all sections of town have outdone themselves with novel win uow decoration schemes another downtown attraction is lighted christ mas trees placed on lamp posts along main street recitations songs glenjnttep concert the glen wifflajjavunlted church sundayschool context was held on monday daeembefsfioth in the glen williams pubunehool the program opened with the alnglng of white christmas and was followed by reci tations dialogues and songs then to tha aingin of herecotn6s santa claua santa arrived to dlstrbute v what council did water rate hilu 1955 forecast water accounts will be pable tjuarterl neat year louncil uunday decided lo bill fur wadr aervicr every three months in nit ad of twice yearly tlir first bll lo domestic users will be j 00 based on the prrmit 12 minimum rate iteeve stan allen who is chairman of the water committee forecast a rale rise in the apnng when he spoke after a letter from kd i el en had imen read al the meeting mr peters said he had heard mm urs ofriae in rate and asked pert in t nt tjuestioias which he felt should be answered try ct until before any change la made 1eopte must realue said mr al len that we have taken necesaary measure to ensure an adequate wa trr supply fur industrial and cummer cial utc and for firt protection i ntil the new well was drilled a second pump and reservoir added he haul the town was in the dangerous position a brinj shuil of water thru 4 pump break down or a h dro failure the silvt rcret k rcsrrv oir he svaid htld itsj than a day i supply if indiittrv closed down and onl a houis whtn lndut was runmnj r have tht lowest rate of an miinicipaht in the ana he contin utd utun and milton pay 10 a mar a flat rate w m i im ink consitlt r d which will xh ntssaiy to pay for major water t tt nsions and operating costs and it will tc submitted to the municipal board for approval next vear what council did candlelight service st georges anglican a candlclightcd carol service in st georges anglican church sunday ev cning had a full church of worship pers singing the familiar carols the choir directed by bruce hard ins took special parts of the service and the fliru junior choir which is directed by mrs harding also sons a carol mrs w f bradley was organ ist thomas warnea sanfi asolo and glenn doherty jvas also a soloist archdeacon a c mackintosh of hamilton expressed bis gratitude to tho congregation for their welcome to him during a four month term as act ing rector next sunday v he said would be his last services at the church and rev kenneth richardson would be arriving from jarvu to take over bis duties as rector id january now with tca toronto opp1cb gwynneth mcgowan daughter ot mr and mrs w a mcgowatt is now working in the toronto office of tratu canada airline she was transferred there from montreal last month this week she la in town attlstng her mother with tha christmaj rush at ccrwajiy dwlalty jettaftjl neiv landfill machine for qarbagc disposal ashcrove white gifts for toronto mission a luvctv christina day service wis hi id in the church on sunday morn inr the anthem by the choir and the sermon by mr williams were on the therm of christmas and the sunday school scholar presented their white ciifts which will ro to some needy million in 1 oronto and help make the da brighter for some poor chil dren 1ast sanirday afternoon nancy lluntrr celebrated ht r eirhth birthday with a party at her home after they had been to town and srrctcd santa her little schoolmates returned to her home and played names followed by a lovely lunch we wiah the editor and his staff and all our readers a very merry christmas and may the day be lonff remembered as a very pleasant one stewarttown carol singing gift for sunday school from a very prettily decorated tree the children of the sunday school re ceived ntfts for christmas sunday afternoon instead of the usual classes a service of carol singing was held un der the leadership of mr and mrs w walker happy birthday touirry picket- who will be 0 years old next tues day december 28th a service of holy communion will be held in st johns church christ- mas morning at 030 christmas greetings are extended to the editor of the herald and staff and to all readers a merry christ mas and a happy new year to all george cleave host school board dinner chairman eoriie cleave was host to members of north hallon high school dialrtct board uunday at a dinner in the mcitbon 1 1 oust- which followed the cloinj meetinf kit in be r of the board from ceor- gclov n acton milton haquesinx and nasaaiawcya attended and regret was esprrssed at the retirement of arthur ileaumont who haa been an kujuratng member aince organization of tho district in 1048 mr beaumont will be ueccedcd nest rar by mur ra ults the three athool prinei pals were also guests at dinner the board is seeking a new teacher at milton lo replace mrs uc arthur who ha rrikned as mathematics and h imi rci nonurs teacher secretary i llrrwn received an eitra 1300 is a car allowanrr 23 survive flames in brampton tca crash iv nt three person scrambled from the crumpled wreckage of a ix a plane near llramptnn krtdav niiht keennds before the plane explo ded and burned 1or 1g pasaenkers and seven crew mi mbers it wa a miracle escape from death the airliner worth a million and a half dollars waa on a direct flight from tampa honda to malton coif star marilyn stewart was one of the passengers who escaped ser ious injury the plane crashed near the farm of clure archdekin who sheltered paa ameers in his home until they werr taken by ambulance to peel memorial hospital in brampton a former geor get own man dick cnrhton also lives near the scene and was almost a wit ncss to the crash mr and mrs crichton were prepar ing to attend an officers party in drampton armoury bound for the name affair 1 1 col and mrs john r narber of town thought they heard a train at the cnr highway crossing then noticed a bright glow in the sky but were unaware of what happened until the crlchtons arrived wth the news tragedy was spared when a burn ing wing of the plane was thrown clear intfae crash allowing precious seconds for passenger to escape investigation of the cause of the crash is still agoing on meanwhile brampton s maying harper bull has contacted ottawa to take safety mcas ures to avoid flights over the town where a crash might have been a ma jor disaster teorgetown a new landfill machine haa arrived and h 1 expected that this new method of garbage disposal will be operating early in the new year the 11600 machine purchased from the allta chalmers company will add another man to the town pay roll and the town u now advertising for a man to operate it council at monday s meeting dia cussed at some length the a tat us of ihe new employee some members favoured him being under the con trol of the town foreman while thn mayor was supported by the reeve and other members in his contention that as it would be a specialized job the machine operator should come un drr direct control of the public works depart m nt councillors mccilvray and hale ar gued strongly for including this post lion under the general town works stall a straw vote showed five of the nine ciiuncil members favouring keep ing garbage disposal as a separate de partment ounci plans to close the town dump in the park a alarm centre for vears and use garbage to fill in rav ines and waty land owned by the town creating useful property be sides property in the present iowa ii mils lies lleslop has offered the town s lartse site lo use on the mcolure farm which is included in his new subdivision social and personal mrs j s rankin leaves this week end to spend christmas with her son and daughter in law in grosae point michigan mrs hobcrt hnghsh left malton by plane on sunday and will be spending the next three months in lake worth t lorida mr and mrs jack hart and mr and mrs jim alcorn went to toronto on thursday night to attend the annual jr dance in the royal vork hotel for employees of tho bank of commerce miss ethel gilmer who teaches school at brantford left on sunday to spend the christmas vacation at mi am florida she spent the week end in town with ur and mrs har old gilmer announce winners for imperials draw the imperial section of branch 120 canadian legion held their annual chnstmasdraw on friday december 17th the winning tickets were held by mrs jack kay ticket 335 mrs prsnk carter 000 jack runham 717 d e cook of acton 1708 gcorfe brentnall of 87 woojward avenue brampton 021 and ed holmes 48 children entertain atvnursery school the children ol chorley park nur sery school directed by lira h j nwmsn delighted their parents with action songs marching and christmas carols at tha second annual christmas party held at the library an decent ber 21st christmas gifts were ex changed andthoae present were ltd- lanne and cathy beer lynne and johnny hewson kenneth lang jane mcnauy uhael faria warren and prater gunn donald macintosh tony frost mary carr- robert saxe breads shanklahov santaclaus neursleigh makes bigger better santa parade members of the georgetown fire department joined wlththe lions club to make saturdays annual santa claus parade a memorable event for the first time santa arrived at the bank corner on main street in a real sleigh drawn by reindeer which while not quitealive were as lifelike as the skill of carpentry and paint could make them the firemen conceived the idea some time ago of creating a alelgh which could be fitted over a jeep they constructed it and were aided by grade 8 pupils ot chapel st school who painted nursery rhyme charac ters on the alelgh brampton clown band and mem bers of the fire department dressed aa downs added a gay touch to the parade as usual all children received a bag of eandyv an apple and an orange from santa clausrnd later fourteen lucky winners were chosen us the tick et draw conducted by tho dub which raises the money for this annual ev ent mrs robert s barber won the doll dressed in ten 100 bills with ticket 05vthre won turkeys g c husk 4387 gordon raid s407 and paul pruat 4s83 chlfkena were won by harold mcclure 8231 jim enunerson lera qn ine aieign auwa acvaura dial auiunebon following santa in the parade was 3574 janet ucdougall 3429 cedrie a float designed by the home and grits 4288 j vandermeer 1w8 wll- school assoclstlon featuring euker trid ford wt al henry milton 8077 the safety elephant the young ton keith flyma 18 treleavea drive t of mr and lira ernie pearce alto brampton 3188 ellen biehn 3788 and baxe and followed in the parade with nil dor h a clerke r r 1 georgetown 848 pulling a small alelgh -i-