for tv service onallmakes over fdurhundred gather for lmtehouse reunion wednesday bvenljut au 11 ism tub ombgwtown bebald call ernies radio tr 72701 roxy theatre bu scon motors b 61 gudpb street b i 8 m georgetown m h m m m m b m m b ll miiiiiiiaiiniiiiiaia hamilton construction 160 guelph street g tr 73480 s home industrial requirements h renovations garages concrete work building supplies j every building need 5 kfje jfflemorial 3beal a monument built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and rev erent in purpose resting in surroundings of peace and beauty a tribute of reaped and honour to the dead a constant aouroa of inspiration to the living we employ no sgents yea nsy n eemmusion bay direct a card or letter will bring ear berries te year dear oakville monument works cemgter v lettkbjnq monuments cleankd so celberne street wet oslrvltle painting thisjfear if yoolre paintin ths outside of your boose titan whits onb- coat home paint can sn yon time sad money for painting ewer previously painted surfaces bar coat of titan whits gives hiding power and protection equal to two coats of ordinary paint and titan white is selfclearv log it fy white issson after tit il white t tat he noden trend to t7 natoral colon for onulda paintwork try the new kaath toast thais sre isveb bcuog new colore plot 21 beantuai thus sail jaisrss to chous trass theyre durable too bscsow pignut sod paint oils have been epedauy thaeea tounsure fedatan paler alas color ptrnaneoce thompsons hardware p ztzls rick miss kathleen klrkpatrlck ytri mr- mrs c cross miei bar- recently fcy the knox church wo curris trudy scott mr joe mans association were noted i peo- si j f j no mcdonald mr windsor toronto ft upper madoniad g notch cobalt werford london a hu mr calvin uacdon- sharbul lake ssrnla toledo ohio quebec halifax vancouver barrie aid- mrs herb cleave mr and yueoec juiiiu vancouver uarre joh wlland kitchener dresden ham- khnr urfiin mr tlton stmcoe diali wenoo west h vts jliu a well as many irom town and villages in the immediate du ll u tarzwell mr e g turzwel mrs mabel tarzwell rev and mrs alex calder and children mr geo somerville mrs herb scott miss pearl scott mrs r k- dmmsn mrs j dlllmun mr and mrs kjirn arid children jelet ccclei david uoughley mr climwd mc- donald mr j ktrtcvulrick mr colena sharp and mrs douglas xlrkpalflcki mr bnd august clowdy r and mtiam ivtiu gpliwr mr w j mall miss nel- trlct guests who signed the regtstrb- tlon book included mr sndmrmv david arch mrs mabel johnston hirey johnston mr and mrs duncan- sharp miss miss helfh ivans miss marion ens mi as joan i vena mr and mrs jerome jlowden miss joyce low- flptc mitt jean lowden miss lyla sinclair miss w polkingliwrpimr and mrs clayton allen mrs k ver so n mr ii k dobblemlsa margaret joiuiatun miss dianne johnston mr luibert johnston mr and mrs wll- 11am teller mary tclrr nanry telfcr mrs george iftnderson sr miu maud hendrrson mr ttnti mrt howard henderson mr and mrs william ii allan mr and mn iappin mr and ln husawll mc donald and children mr and mn v- downing mrs a norton mr j warrington mrs alice storey mr and mrs lirockelbank mr and mn george tylers miss ultlan brocklehank mlsa hetty brockle- bank mr hilly hrocklebank mrs o marchment helen marchment mr lome norton mr snd mrs harvey norton mlu kuy norton mr hos norton mrs norman thomss mrs huntley mrs grah am mr and mrs william millurre sr mr and mrs george mllllrre mr and mn w a marshall mrs e sanford mr and mn a c pat terson miss joy patterson mrf joe ifartley mlu carolyn hartley mr dean hartley mr david hurt- ley mr and mrs karl marshall mr and mn ii mcdonald mr ucrt moesop miss dolores mossop mr and mrs h j hutchinson mr and mrs arthur uinc mlsa norma lane mrs hoberl lane mls helen dcvcreaux miss jean huddell mr andy dcvcreaux mr and mrs angus law son mr and mrs jack 141 w son mr and mrs ralph tur ner mr paul turner mr and mrs sam muddle miss sheila muddle mr and mrs harry smcthurst miss catharine smcthurst miss madeline smcthurst mr joe smcthurst mrs james noble mrs hazel norrle miss lena toulcr mrs john scott mr and mrs a grant mr ken neth grant mr and mrs jack smcthurst miu jacgucline smelh- ursl mr john smcthurst mr and mrs harry devcreaux mr and mrs andy ml no mr wm mcdow- m ll hall miss marjorle hull mr and mrs jack uoughley mr mcmanrry mr it lienlon mr and mn e perryman mr and mrs mndlay mr and mrs hay crichton mr stuart wurlng mr t ii price mr iteg dlllman mr hussrl dlllman mr and mrs shel don lawr mr aft sheppard mrs irene smith mrs hubert patterson mrs hcrt sinclair mr snd mrs il pucker mr and mrs k packer mr and mrs klllott mcdowell mr and mrs tom wurncs mr and mrs clifford garton mr nd mrs woods mrs jumss mcurlde miss ttuth mcurlde ajr glen mclcod mr herb cleave mrs j glynn peter glynn mrs jane currle mr bernard zwlckcr mr lioyd sharjtc nell benton donald jar- vlc miss heuy wlllson mrs leslie irani miss marguerite jollcy mrs mary mcdonald mr and mrs wal ter llnham and family mr snd mrs it latimer mr and mrs prank brown and family mr and mrs lloyd mctncry mr and mrs wh- frcd harding mrs angus mcdon- oll mr ted llobart mr and mrs georke smith mr and mrs tom hamilton mr and mrs beency mr and mrs chit powell mr und mrs art stamp mr and mrs jack luth mrs newton huddell mr va mounds mr arthur clu bine mr wlllard brldgncr mr elgn heck miss vera heck mrs doris lindsay miss barbara lind say mr and mrs mux bradbury und family mr and mrs james rlshcr alois lbelllpack johon heller mr joe hoss mrs khcl- lxurih- diane shsbourne mr and mrs j 11 bigcs mr and mr charlts thomnun mr brocklcy mr george cook mr alvln bar- bour mr lonard zlons mr iaws mrs klrby mr and mrs howard garvin mr and mrs george service and children mr und mrs service mr lambert mr don mason mr and mrs lilly mr nnd mrs lloyd pholcn and iimily mr phillip wicker mrs marie henderson mr nnd mrs nor man learn mrs joseph mcurlde ell mr joseph dccmcrt mrs mnry y d mfl c joe brown vurrcll mr lyn tarrcll miss mau reen karrcll mr arthur cooncy mr and mrs gordon meredith mr nnd mrs howard meredith mrs mccartney mr and mrs william bowman mr harvey mcdowell mrs a j smlthurst wlnnifred g ivens mr nnd mrs harold john ston june mcquillan kred purrie gnrry scott mr and mrs stuart wright shirley wright mr sam glsby mr and mrs wal ter crocker mr and mrs spence mckinnon mr nnd mrs a mar shall miss eileen marshal mrs churlottc osburn mr nnd mrs william marshall miss olive mar shall mrs vernon fenn mr wil liam marshall dr nnd mrs corl smith miss marion smith mr john mcdowell miss dorothy kjrkpnt- mrs kerr jr mrs clurcnce buck mr william proctor mrs edna godwin mrs hoy mcquillan miss doris mitchell mr and mrs wil liam mitchell mr and mrs e san ford and nillte mr and mrs t applcyard mrs thomson mrs krankle sutherland mr and mrs kusmll pnttcrsou nnd carol mr and mrs hoy hamilton mr and mrs j morgan mrs e wysc mr und mrs c h wyno mrs j l davidson mr nnd mrs musselle mr and mrs w 1 newton marga ret newton mrs john newton miss ivy coiunson mr hossell bella und may roaacll mr and mrs a w benton bert benton mr and mrs jones mr ond mrs earl scott rebuild streetsville firerazed factory ttcbuildtntf hai olrcady beffun at the graham bell plant in strcct- vlllc whrren dianstroui halt million duluir fire occurred many of the 103 omploycci arc curagcd in rebuildlns work and other will engage in production work in temporary quarter until the new building la ready later this year the fire started above a bak- int ovenin the cement bl and frame building in the early even ing brampton and coofctvtlle bri gades assisted in fighting the fire fiddlin around playing nelto before fire breaks out can also be mighty foolish especially if your insurance coverage is out of tune with the values it is supposed to protect better see us for a protection checkup t0rayl john r barber agency suoosssors to elmer cl tfaeaspaoi bsirhctf jg3g sajmbb 8tewabttown three christened in st johns church at the close of the communion service on sunday in st johns an glicsn churciv rev j e maxwell officiated at the baptism of thimo children they were gregory keith and ellen barbara children of mr and mrs keith duncan and anne adele daughter of mr and mrs leonard- benest ltcol and mrs gordon consensu btaiidparents of the duncan children were among those present liappv birthday to lynda walker who will he 6 years ofl on wednei- day august 11th happy birthday to carol mcclean s years tuesday august oth mrs lawaonbr mr and mrs walter lawn and bob attended thd rjsher reunion at stsnley fork pn flundisy v t ragb j 8pxcial pasimooht exd b00kev8 salmon 35c grand union offee 27 romar instant coffee 69c carrolls tea b ags33t 65t bpeoial s west tfliat su0eo ob uu8hxd pineapple 25c lemon juice 2 27c hlc orangeade grapefruit juice ssoe tim iiol tim 33c 25c spzoiairjzllt powders lushus 3 27c tmt trb httw lnglfob amd ioc cbxam sxcttb ootl owh asamd oatasao ginger ale ikzy 0apz oranoz or ec btlfl saijc limi rickey orapz oranoz or root beer dtpmlt ertn special sttjakrs deucioub rice pko cookies 27t st lawrence oil tfn 35c 65c domestic shortening 28c rose margarine 29c brioht b fahoy tomato juice 480z tin instant milko 7 37c instant poddingitto 2 23c cigarettes y carton popular brand 299 others ctn 269 toilet tissue urrettijuu 2 cauliflower know white home grown 19c each celery stalks carrots cabbage oranges cantaloupe crisp it fresh for conveniently clean large notlvc 19c a bags adc california valencia size 288 dor homegrown fine flavour 30 qu bikt z head 25c 45c 139 our new truck now on the road to bring you on e spot fuel oil service watch for the distinctive green and lfimontrucic iwyiim swccoal nut coal 240o we