vriwfc35tstoiawjtfk the gkottgbtown herald wednesday evening june 17 1951 page s the adkt page where buyer and seller meet for sale 1950 mercury tudor loaded with extras phone 380 r 2 ace ice box 75 lb capacity rea- sonably priced phone 479w twelve pigs ready to wean tommy hunter r r 2 georgetown registered jersey cow due june 28th phone 181j new idea pushbar hay loader new 2 years good as new d j ismond r r 2 georgetown phone 519 r 22 forty acres of good hay will sell or on share basis thos r giffen georgetown 6 17 started pullets up to 10 weeks old capons and day old chicks canadian approved thompson s poultry farm 8c hat chery phone 48 r 15 415tf sewing machines necchi sales and service repairs to all makes at ernies radio boxy theatre bid phone 465 tf evinrurwe outboard motors dont be disappointed again this year a small deposit will guar antee delivery lightwin 3 hp 30 lbs 182 fleetwin 7 47 lbs 263 fastwin 15 hp 69 lbs- 397 bigtwin 25 hp 98 lbs 479 dolphin craft cartop boats 170 budget terms available mrclukes home furnishings phone 54w for sale fancy lawn grass seed seed spreader available for sowing garden seeds in bulky hy brid sweet corn ontario grown and certified wisconsin grown hy brid ensilage corn at new low prices quality first seed buck wheat peel brand pasture mix clovers and grasses for late seed ing all no 1 grade william couse sons ltd streetsville ont 6 17 phones 18 and 114 special sale of two and three week old pullets standard quality 2 weeir old white leghorn black minorca x white leghorn white leghorn x barred rock black aus tralorp x white leghorn 38 95 per hundred 3 week old add 5 00 mo ney maker quality add f 1 00 extra profit add 2 00 special mating add 3 00 per hundred these are all egg bred pullets also day old pullets in above breeds 27 95 spe cial bronze turkey poults non sexed for june delivery money maker quality 80c each extra profit 85c money maker toms 69c extra pro fit toms 74c lower prices for july tweddte chick hatcheries limited fergus ontario gravel top soil fill cement building blocks general trucking 1939 buick good condition phone 169w wooded lot 90x300 two miles from georgetown phone 155w beaver planer 6 forty four 8 cement blocks and ten 10 phone 155w 165 cash takos 1940 chevrolet engine excellent two new ttres and tubes mr kent phone 672 cabbage plants wakefield var iety mrs l robinson r r 2 norvalp phone 732 r 21 hearing ah batteries are avail able at ernies radio roxy theatre building phone 465 cress wart remover really does it your druggist sells cress corn salve for sure relief english road racer splendid opportunity for mechanically min ded youth don parker phone 661w or 317w man s com bicycle 25 swede saw 3 50 5tine manure fork d handle 2 scythe 4 rev wm gibb ballinafad phone 79b r 24 hay loader international cylin der in good running order earl p ward malton r r 1 phone brampton 321 r 12 mcclary electric stove 4 burner apartment size 50 1 normandy blvd please note change of ad dress for surge milkers sales or service call horace tomlinson fist line west c o general dellv ery brampton phone brampton 1650r 5 13tf electrolux sales service electrolux canada ltd c fenner brampton 688w piano for sale also number of preserving jars tfione 521j white kitchen cabinet phone 220 r 31 after 5 30 p m pressure system mcdougau shallow well al shape gordon hume milton 435 r 14 1949 ford custom tudor good condition price reasonable h robson murdock sit after 4pm small babys cot imd frost king ice box both in good condi tion 5 for cot and 15 for icebox mrs wm bralsby caroline st 1953 hudson jet sedans 1953 hudson wasp sedan 1952 studeba- ker sedan sharp 1954 chev power glide with radio sharp 1950 hud son sedan sharp 1949 hudson sed an 1948 fleetline chev coach sharp 1952 international dump sharp 1946 pontiac coach 1941 internat ional stake dump 1947 mercury pickup sharp 1952 international tractor and 32 trailer 1947 ford dump sharp 1944 fargo 1941- chev stake 1946 ford stake new inter national pickups number of good used cars and trucks 1 good used international tractor w4 tom hewson mill street phone 332w reai estate new hou3e for sale 6 rooms and bath centrally located write box 1 herald 617 open for inspection new 6 room storey and a half house on duffenn street airconditioning oil james mulholland phone 334 frame bungalow for sale in college vieia 6 rooms 3 piece bath 1200 down full price 4200 pos session arranged phone 674w lovely ravine view immed iate possession for modern home large living room dining room well equipped kitchen and 3 piece bath downstairs upstairs 3 bed rooms study and 2 piece bath new ly decorated good cellar laundry tubs hot air heating harold iiavcox phone c chicks for sftting hfns get them newly hduhed and raise them the easy way one cluckcr will take 25 chicks put them under her at night fresh hatched chicks avail able mondays and thursday all breeds see your dealer c e hernngton georgetown ontario neuhauslk hatcheries essex ontario ernie thompson glen williams phone 707r23 scon exceptional value in better used cars si chevrolet fleetline coach radio 51 plymouth 5 pass coupe 50 chevrolet fleetline 49 chevrolet coach 48 chevrolet sedan 47 oldsmobile coach 39 pontiac 5 pass coupe 51 chevrolet panel 51 international vi ton 50 chev pickup ton cash trade terms scott motors chev olds gmc trucks queen and guelph streets phone 161 1 pittsburgh 1 paints and varnishes rubberized and satin hide for walls and trim ernies radio roxy theatre building phone 465 buying or selling take advantage of a e lepage ltd service five offices drawing clients from both toronto and suburban areas for prompt courteous advice on selling your home rr vacant land or farm call sanderson lt2861 mrs a m cowie georgetown 504r 10900 real estate and insurance fire automol lie life qu call on us wc 11 call on you wm r cromar phone 98 r 4 j a wjioughby sons realtors u you are thinking of buying or selling farms homes small holdings everything regarding real estate contact tom hewson georgetown 332w walter fidler nerval brampton 395 r 4 collect are you looking for a home or an investment six rooms bath full screen ed verandah modern kitchen tiled rubber floor new air conditioning oil furnace average cost to heat full season 112 00 garage and new workshop side drive outside fire place beautiful grounds flowers etc located on one of the best streets or if you prefer owner will duplex this home whereby you could have a beautiful home and an income or as an investment you can realize over 10 per cent on your investment owner is mo ving within thirty days this is a bargain especially when you learn the asking price why not invcs tigate today by calling edgar bil- ton owner days 464 or nights 341w acton ont principals only 6 17 190 acres fine clay loam dairy farm with beautiful creek flowing through lvt storey 10 room solid brick house with conveniences bank barn 48x48 and 21x60 hog pen hen house driving shed and gar age must be seen to be apprec fated yes we have a number of houses also a few building lots j v barker georgetown 392 representing h graff realtor wanted tenders for various work in georgetown public library 1 floor covering covering floor in the west end of building with battleship lineoleum 2 painting painting interior walls of the west end 3 ceiling removing present metallic ceiling and replacing with fibreboard acoustic tile and painted fibre board bevelled tile to be laid in alternate strips ah work must be done during first two weeks in august tenders to he adams secretary treasarer georgetown library board george gibson will be pleased to pick up your dead or disabled farm animals call belwood 23 r 11 collect immediate service 527tf live poultry highest prices at all times for all kinds of poultry alive a baroett ac son hutton- ville poultry killing limited cus tom work done phone bramp ton 343 r 14 tf dead stock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis posal telephone collect george town 11 or toronto em33636 gordon young limited 1231 we are looking for more broi ler growers we have a market for them with a guaranteed floor price when they are ready to go birds are weighed at your nearest muni cipal scale we have one of the best and safest deals that you can get anywhere breeding flocks wanted our broiler business is growing we need more flocks to supply us with hatching eggs practically the year round wanted to purchase good pullets all ages not broiler pul lets wanted to purchase new hampshire breeding cockerels 6 months old tweddle chick hatcheries limited fergus ontario real estate wanted farms wanted and small holdings we have the buyers w f hunter realtor 107 main st n phone 1132j brampton help wanted caretaker wanted at the roxy theatre for daily cleaning apply to mr leslie at the theatre young man wanted in sil- ver s mens department permanent position foi profit j rnai apply in pc ts n nr by m ill to mr i nk wjtw n n inaitr uawi e1gh blsinesb now open in georgetown tndi well elab hshtd fxtellml rpportunlty pull lime write it onto rdwleighs dtpt f 214 180 montreal 6 24 full time position available for worn hi on hottl htaft see miss gladys mcgibbon at the mcgib lion house main street experienced dutch farm help available see or phone frank har- kema 1st line west brampton phone brampton 338 r 3 yale lodge wasaga beach wants woman or strong girl to help in kitchen with cooking write mrs b rogers r r 2 elmvale province of ontario civil service openings at toronto for stenographers 35 to 53 a week typists 31 to 49 a week remuneration according to experience and qualifications three weeks annual vacation nine statutory holidays retirement and pension plans generous sick leave apply to civil service commission room 475 parliament buildings toronto high school graduates graduating students grade 12 and 13 are invited to discuss unusual opportunities in a nation wide in dustry with head offices situated in the west end of toronto a worthwhile career is offered to young men with a will to move to the top with a corporation where ability is recognized and rewarded if you are interested in this type of opportunity a number of trainee positions are now available write boxc theheralad torrent two rooms for rent for light housekeeping central location phone 373w modern apartment for rent in berwick hall main street south georgetown adults immediate pos session see caretaker on premises 5 27tf cement mixer and wheelbarrow for rent we also do cement work andhlock -laying- thone 275r electric floor polisher and elec tric vacuum cleaner for rent by the day at ernies radio roxy theatre bid phone 405 tf for two weeks only june 19 to july 4 special prices infants and childrens dresses sizes up to 8 years sun dresses and blouses buy one at and get one at half price 198 298 398 buy one at 495 and get any dress at half price large stock for your choice ladies slacks 200 off mcgowans specialty shop main street where your dollar goes further phone 643 budget market 20 oz tins 29c clarks pork beans 2 fancy red clover leaf sockeye salmon tin 39c culverhouse dessert pears 20 02 tin 18c shredded wheat 2 boxes 33c choice quality kings choice tomatoes 28 oz tin 21c frys cocoa half lb tin 39c crown orange pekoe tea bags 100 for 89 stokleys cream style corn 2 1 5 oz tins 29c york brand kam tin 36c spicjfd beef tin 46c bologna tin 39c kuk tin 38c canadian boiled dinner tin 34c strawberries lettuce radish celery cabbage tomatoes and new old potatoes a good selection of fresh and cured meats budget market free delivery phone 346 floor sanding machine with edger floor polisher paint sprayer don herrlngton paints sc wallpap ers main sl phone 401w if accommodation wanted will pay top rent for a house or apartment in georgetown vera crawford phone 152 or 264r refined family with referen ces wishes to rent house cottage or apartment in georgetown or vicin ity mr shepherd 4 westchester rd weston cherry 17586 617 room and board wanted for several beu telephone men for 3 months starting next week call miss isobel thompson at the phone office apartment wanted preferably 4 rooms wanted by september 1st don parker phone 317w 2lltf truck lettering by john hennessey norval jim mudie asphalt roofing new roof and