Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1950, p. 5

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x w ts church nsws atssstojhij fa iss a tiassaa bjl i am ftinday school jilum poblia worship ii v watbuju glob tttoistar lunula 7 aav sunda bo public 1 jffinstar worth u uojmsv imn sunday school s run pabue warship ntrral hemby awl du has j k ansueo alumt kprfmw 8autfci- mttv j v j lawn 2na and 4uvsubdsy k max ktlun- it srd n4 bur sundays t- jiaik at 11 am j v vvw k if m ahentlm farmers we are paying the highest prevailing prices for dead j or crippled farm animal m horses cattle hogs telephone collect for trnnediate service gordon young limited toronto adelaide 3636 giielph 3334 7j8 run xvwmtul umst 1st sands iasaatti holy xsssasaaalon xtaas3 st 8ttsjhea haraay 11 ajb mornlne preyar except 1st sunday la st mrtfebaswatuam rfjo mm bvwamok y except let sunasy 14 month evensong at 7j0 tnfc r 1 nelrvsi and tjntso mrwbythrtan caarehetr bev jfju frervml ho bjru sunday bcflool lkfajn public worahlpt v oalaa 3pjn -r- sunday school 3 pjn- public worship baptist church rev chas r gowor hlrdster 10 ojn the gift of thtkholy spirit ll ajn- sunday school 7 pj the way the truth and the life ectlnff and blbje study at the evening service a musical prelude some outside talent falashw witt speak at as antttuu the geosvetowrfersvednetxlay jan 25th i9w r- i those who attend- the meeting of enquesi agricultural society tomorrow night will hear r a lashley of the department of agriculture as guest speaker mr takhley who la xsbtant to j a carfoll ttlreetor of ontario rail fairs ij formerly agricultural kepreseautive for stmeoe county the meeting will jtle held id es- qucslntf community haji srt tew- dy hm a rgbprt on1he earl jftcvv prtlown iicuviucs tvhleh included another successful yeai o opetattnir geor letawn fair will be given nii- noftval prlie winners at ihe jtidwjnter buchrc and dance of st pauls guud hefd last wednesday were arnold hazcll and bill hunter and mrs w caves and mrs percy nonaidson for the ladles dancing was enjoyed to dort rluiis urthea- tra wuhwes louth of norval floor evening among winners were miss 8pm monday bw l nigctrov te 8 pjn wedrtsday rtjer mceung and bhsje study ju mchl of speyslde and mr notice to cr la the estate t andkkw wmct lets ef the tswashlp ef tts- qneslng in the ceenly ef nsl- ten favsoer deeeased the creditors of andrew wiley late of the township of tniesing in the coupty ot haiton fanner deceased who died on or about hb d8th day of tmcembcr 1949 ho al others havflig citlms otfolnij bi ctdtitc tire hereby nouoed tdsod by joshpresiird or jrtherwlse to y to mcasrs ihgion ahd cetgclown ontario auction sale of property and contents located on elora street clifford ontario urill be sold on the premises under the instructions of jbe public trustee for ontario- by s a mack and co auctioneers on wednesday february 1st at 230 pm we have been favoured with instruciions from the public trustees lor ontario to sell the above mentioned property known as the residence of caroline gqhcen elora street andbeing part of lots nos 114 and 137 clifford ontario as well as the chattels and detail contained therein this property which is 66x100 is ery well situated with a two storey solid brick house on stouo foundation containing nine rooms and attic frame garage with private driveway hot air cheating pine floors througbolit three piece bathroom this house is in good state of repair the chattels to be sold in detail comprise in part of 13 pe walnut bedroom suite quantity of bcdolng tables and chairs cookstove quantity of china and glassware wood coal conditions of sale property will be told subject to a reserve bid all chattels te be sold without reserve terms cash cheques accepted 10 ef purchase price required aa deposit en house balance to be arranged within 30 days preview house will be open for inspection on wednesday feb ruary 1st from 930 until time of sale for further particulars apply to s a mack co a raccine kc auctioneers or public trustee for ont 1286 m yonce sc toronto osgoode nail toronto kincsdale 9117 waverley 617s st johns united chnreh rev john m smith minister mr norman laird director of musle sunday school 10 a m a spe cial invitation is extended to par ents and friends morning worship 11 ajn when od interrupts acts 9 122 john rockwood noted baritone wilt sing evening worship 7 pm mem bers of scsmon will conduct the service on the theme the shep herd saviour lesson john 10 1- 16 fireside service a 15 p m pic ture of the work of dr tucker in angola africa will be shown v mcnally lane king street near the station comptny limited knox and li meli oust presbyterian churches rev alex j caldcr ba knov church 10 a hi sunri i school 11 am public worship 7 pm public worship llmehouc 1 30 p m sunday school 2 30 pm public worship wst georces church archdeacon w q o thompson rector missionary sunday and fourth sun- dny after epiphany hoj communion 8 00 am sunday school 10 00 am matins 11 00 am evinsong 7 pm phone 18 st albans church glen tmllums fourthsumliv altir tplphany cmlssionarj suudav sunday school 10 o evemonk jooipru pnany a in isdistrivi hockil st iii iii i r we stock a complete supply of the following items bs humiu smi n il i incl il mchioukioii lli n u ncirv il li ii i il ss mil uk i ltlhii i smmil i il m iln li n plywoods fir fb birch etch wood weldtex sylvacord wallboard masonite v hardboard arborite tentest or donnacona insulation fiberglas bans and pouring alfol aluminum insulation sus i mi i ml hi u hu ii ml i i ill inn all i il h in snicn ltu k1 n 1 i mill mil inn i i ii l i t i mi il ss i ill niil tl li ii s iii ilallmnic i i il mi i n vilt n vj joi il hus in suit n notice to creditors herb workman of streetsville lunch was served by the commit tee under mrs a barnett and mrs burton otner in charge of var ious chores wtre messrs michael kushmef w coupland w fidler miss prairie magulre misses l morris d hazcll m jcedham dnd e scdore the ncxt party spon- soretl bythc same group wll be a special valentine euchre and dahec tuesday february 14th with he same orchestra anil callcroff in attendance the annual vestry meetinr oi st pauls church norval was htld on wohdo at the rcitory rev j e maxwell opened the meeting with prijer followink which tht mlnutts of the ircvious nitttini acre reail bv mrs a burton in the ibsckcc of miss ivy ravvlingson vestry clerk in tht ktctor s n port which follow id mr maxvvtll outlintd the ilms niul ncioniphsi ncnt of the church during the ear iiui lhanktd the officers anil other members of the contret ilion vuio hail htlptd in tlie work of tht thurch mis prairie momiire 1- hie financial report which showed hi it with sjiecnl iiforts ilurinr the tar ovtr 000 hid been rectivecl in ihc fund- but of this a consider ible pprtion was ustii in -conipltl- ink the stucio job on tht churtr it was also noted fhat tht sundav sihool was in a thriving condition md that the guild undir mr m hushmtr prcidtiit hml done tx iillknt servrcracuiu church func- tlmis mr w coupland gave uit parish hall rtporl which uio showed a lalanct on tht trulit mdt but it was the opinion ol the tstry thit iti lust of a polic of ienerijsitv toward tomn umlv tntirprises tht ii ill bilanci did not convc a fair ihtunitt ol tin txtint to whith lu hall h itl bin usui nul tht i ish on hanci vv is i ir from sufriiitnt lo car out much nttdcii itpnrs and rtplaitnitnts mr con 1 it 1 w is tappoinici htitoi s ii ilt n ii il mi john iv in ksoii v is tkcted to iiinuntit is piuplt s v irdin with mi s pr il ii mumiui iiluu is trt ibtirir flu ii ill coiiunitttt will rvniuiii 1 1 i in uh tn iililmoii i r hi i i 1 1 i s ii iorbts h is il o vt i l ii dlv inn slstinjl with lh ii 1 i sitli suit n fin tin i i i i 1 1 mi si inn i in kuhti i i ii mo i ion iii n hi i v i ol ll ii il 1 hi i iv ilui i uh tin 11 a iiiuiimi bv tin hu lor aflir which luiih i r i l mil i sot t il 1 otii i iijov i il at thi i imnr meeting of thi lniaili i i oi i- irn trs held it tin hi mi ol mi ml mrs iobt mir si ii i i t wi iikmi iv rev j max- vll vv i tin i uist speaker for thi aywworp plfeltox for the underafgnetf e ocutlices of the wtatp it the said andrew wlcjt fauncr dcoeotbd op or betqi thejs3th dny of feb ruary 190 their names addresses itqscrlptloixy and full particulars of their claims and tne nature of the securities if any held bj them snd that immediately after the 1 8th day of february 195f the fixecutrlces will proceed to distribute the es tate of the said decoa ed amongst tho parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the exocutrlccs shall then have notice dated this 13th day of january 1950 wilma stull and rowena stull exccutriccs by langdon and alysworth i their solicitors 21 georgetown ont f wsotp annual meeting esquesing agricultural society tjaurs4ay everilrlgi- janilary 2glb 1i9s0 sxfy pm dit the comm6nity hall j stftwarttowrv prestyitatlon of financiaj statement quest speaker jtjunch gv l mcgilvray secretary ssbsasss l weak tired nervous peples women cel new vim vteor vlhity mw losstttja to tlaa rat tfo aad afou got op or ft irsau t oltltajitr wi ovu h im trutt lamln hi fculwlri badjmn t atl tn irapro r- i ua itl la new r hjh j ihimtuum i s r lit ttrr ck oat ml p e phead optometrisl snd 2mantjfacttjiuno optician battebies for hearing aids eyes examined bcientifically 58 st georges square gu e lph established 20 years flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member i d s ttletiilh dcliveiv btivlcc i low cis bj wire anjwheie in tht iqrlrt norton foraf phone 31sw gcortetown a jilint nil ii i in huh fit n i nul iia roofing shingles roll roofing felt paper sidings insul brick cedar shakes cedar bevel siding lumbervaints cement btdtding hardware in thi ini u lane nn tracey late of thr lllii or llrn wil- iams in tilt iuiihv of llaltpn widow ilri rasi il i hi i mill is of i i 1 i ui v i itt of tin vlll iii it cun wil ii mis in i ii i t in ntv in ii ilion willi vv due i id who ilml on or r iv oi ii urn u v urir h ivnn 1 1 in is tk i nst inn bv nollfitd to i h p ml i i othi ivvi t mi i i nil iloi mil tht i irnt il pntnrio ex- tlu slild ilt 1 1 imd of rpb- ibout tin mil nil ill othi k li r i sliti ii u ml in p isi to tlillvi r lo avlsworlli ci in i tuvvi solli llrtis fin tin i uili i ti uti i of tin i- si iti of hint ann i i u i v illovv on in bifou tin i lit 1 1 il iv ruuv ifru tluir n i in s iiildrtsics duciiplions mid full pmluiilnri of their tlaims mil tin n ittin of thc- lofinrtits if nnv litd i it- them and that immediatilv iftci tin- mth ilnv of february loll th fjtcculor will proceed to ihstrlbutu the es tate of the said deceased amongst the parlies entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have not ice dated this 16th dsy of january 1880 i wlulsm henry tracey i 1 exseutor tanfdofv and alyswortw i inik ifis toplt was xilh in olil f isluontd virtut onihovv or ollur i7i tin nu i 1 1 ins to bt i vt iiinslfl r i inn mr miwlill ii isdil th il i l nlffi siuh as this uililil i st i 1 sh th spun in h ii l illi in of 111 nillii i n iitlj ii in inns for tin vv hull loniimm lv hv inti it tin thi in i lvi s in tun ii ii ntv pi i il siiviii vvithoiil v iitiin i i kii i miium llin ithl iii ii vv 111 1 1 no i il innliir i u mi rs i i id iimiiu jiutsiug it tht homd flings- 1 9 4 tart i memories to honour a hretime for lifetimes to come monuments markers moderately priced a card or letttr will bring our s ice to our door oakville monument works 20 colborne st pakville on luphway v il mi loinf mil inn nth unc fvr i own hit spiaker fni tht ivpnlpt wis ittv alix cihler nf no preshjttiiin church gtor- ii low n who iok uf his work on llin mission fltld i down through iha years gray coach linej possr i gers have cnioyed o ilii measure ol now modei comfort as belter ond belter buses have been bviltlhis record is your assurance that you will continue to enjoy all t e oavontqgesof progross a public travel sesvice on the highways st louis 2510 halifax 5475 owen sound 535 los angeles 8545 hound titir rnubject to change nature unspoiled r0sedale floral cutflpwers potttailants 1 ip its a spray wreath ff wssmlbf ftewen w caw pleasi you 1 w vyours to enyby the puirfle finch hoi been called the most melodious of his family he small with a soft porplnhroie color look for him in orchards and haw thorn bushes protect ltevely jjnger rhe feeds on wild f rulh wethd seeds and evergreen seeds yours to pk carlings

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