Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1950, p. 6

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f r m i i frie georgetown herald wednesday jan- 1 8th 950 5ft vsasfew hi new advertisements 7 rmookino for that odd trucking lab phone 460w harry scott quean and guelph street want number of calves waited high est i price paid picked up immedi ately call acton uhrjs n dressmaking i dresjmaltlnjbv curtain drapes wending andffuweuonsrtjptpn l i i ai- i t hkajung aid battemut hearing aid batteries are avail tble t braids radiol boxy thea tre bldg phone ms boarders wanted board available in private home phono 487m fdtt saue j i pprslsh lamb mx eoatto saxe sire about 880 woljn yery imuejjm good condition phone 403 if r it- m j dkookatoio f r beeoramftg to ejcpreasjvjduatlty artl lfttrtorail ejcterfc craftshflm in the trde ca 4nt p- 2 geottre plipne 7m r 13 ru m 1- carrots oa sais fdft saib quantity- of gooovflrm table a- bpuiffe owl 3h to 4tt lbs aie rots for tala at 1100 a bushel m lb drptsed orders taken up to tbursuay night tqellvercd 8 h ifjtehell phohe sblrts f6r sale white enamel cook stove deep fire box good oven will sell rea sonable mm jock harlow phone 495r 12s wanted piano aecomponm for ballot ela- froin 8 to 1 oclock monday even ings need not bo eitpert mfir fy b canhim phone b28r31 morn ings phone 4r2t l wanted apartment or house wanted by young couple both working on or before april 1st enquire box 2 herald for sale good used furniture and stoves rrttr delivery in town see horry scott phone 480w corner queen nd guelph sts georgetown 46u washing machine repairs washing machine repairs at enuvs rndior rooty theatre bldg phone 465 4 wa young lady wishes bo bccommpjdjtuon pho 1 1 or evenings 480j 118 h fainting and decorating suntested and sunworthy wall paper sample books interior and exterior painting estimates free don herrington main st phone 401 52bf for rent electric flooi polisher and elec tric vacuum cleaner for rent by the day ernies radio roxy theatre bldg phone 463 carpentrv carpentry work of every kind kitchen cupboards doors and win dow frames a specialty work guaranteed estimates free john e bull phone 569w floor pousner new lotest jtb floor po tor rent wnitmee electric phone 313 112u wood and apples dry maple and beech firewood- apples various types by the bas ket or hamper free delivery twice weekly w s enrighr r r 4 acton phone collect acton 110 r 6 28 painting and decorating exterior and interior painting nd paper hanging latest wall paper sample book estimates free jim kennedy phone 188 for sale practically new l3rd hp ball hearing electric motor shaft plso n ballbearing mandrel phone 134w record the passing of this tfvand old lady at the ago ot 89 years the regular meeting ot branch 120 will beboldn 4ngrftqiuary 28th tho number of placet for sell ing ardent spirits we did not learn but were glad to hear that tho temperance cause was very suc- huwdbycvance to in the legion abstlnonco society in the place the hall lets all filvc the elected meetings of which ore hed we be- offlccrs some encouragement by llcvo occasionally in one of the attending lets see ot least two i churches of which thoro are two hundred there ono belonging to the wcsloyah i methodist church and the other to the fpllowlng is cflplcdp in part i the m e church may the friends from alpgion f circular apptborhrg- at the society dolly multiply from on the bulletin board and plight be ot interest to jioma imperials pn- joners trie drcular was quite ft lengthy one dealing blth the effect tit deluatlon of uur urithih pound sterling on wnsloni retei- vte by intpcrjalk we havb attcrnp- td totbdlt u down dhthtttru leave pertinent fats for further ln- tfie public spirit manjrested by the nhtdiltants pf this place already we have little doubt but that it vtrillbecome a place of oonsiderabte nolo within n tew ywrs h the people continue sobcci ondtoek to beeomei rellglbus success whl crown fticfr jnbours- v wuilamsbureij we hivh for sale one hundred tons of baled hay mixed alfalfa also quantity ot alf alfa straw can arrange delivery h lt isaacs thornburyr-phone- 58 125 farm work wanted kas considered the representations whrcrv have been rnidc to him as to the adverse effect on the pen sions of britlsn war pensioners re sitting in north america of the rec ent variation of the rate of ex change between sterling and the dollar the minister has no powor to vary the normal sterling rates qf pension to accord with variations in exchange rates but he wishes to give some temporary assistance to those war pensioners who arc dc foitoauowwewelwae4aati- t hyt i bntho wet the ftepteseittatlve at tittawat basics of the credit between the the mlrilrtcr of pensions everlasitrhf huls on a beautlftt flat me business of k vllloffc is carried on principally by the sv of iht first settler old mr williams afiet whom the place is nambd the sons however hove their property independent of each other which is by far the best way they own an excellent flouring mill saw roll woollen factory tannery and chalrmaklng estab lishment here also is a very com- fortable church and indeed in the village and about it every thing pendent on their- pensions and who indicates prosperity and con- are experiencing hardship because lentment of the revaluation of sterling ap- 1 we remark for the information plications for assistance on g ofnfr readers at a distance that of hardship should be addressed tn wil is ahont 22 or ii the british ministry of pensions miles up the credit from its mouth representative ottawa this was formerly tho greatest stream in canada west for salmon the wajer is pure and perhaps tine of the most valuable strcahis- saw a experienced married man doslrcs work on farm enquire at herald popunr ns carh w passes b dont forget he monthlv mect- wanted in wl be held next thursdav used badminton racket wanted januarv 2bih inthp ieglon hjill last fridaj night sow a large crowd at the weeklv social these social evenings are becoming mor or jnacwnery in the provinco editorial in the canada chris- phone 677w for rent two furnished rooms for rent light housekeeping write box 1 herald ounc man wanted to learn interebting specialized drintirg business- ttaswmtr excel lent opportunity to develop into production m phone 62 or 31 legion notes be on hind the month of januarv is nluivs a big one from the point of rollect- in dues is so mm members like to pav up till the cminf the ear this vear the treasurer his linl 1 sts printed with the names of ill members on and the dute their dues tit van till we understand bill v pi ki fhese li hoard so thit verone i in see ju where the stand han atlvocatc sept loth 1840 written on the occasion of the in- nunl niagara confcrenee of the methodist episcopal chun h which iwas being held in georgetown th ft vear floor polisher we have the latest type floor polisher for rent by the day ted- bludd painter and decorator wallpapers and paints phone 328 and 660 l5tf carpentry let star builders quote on your building requirements general contractors alterations builtin cupboards star builders paul larson phone 41 r 15 sewing machine repairs sewing machine repair to all makes and models we are agents for vlckers electric sewing mac hines ernies radio roxy thea tre bldg phone 465 floor poltsinng our electric floor polishing will please you many years of exper ience all our customers are satis- fled m hauptmann phone 147r between 7 b p m 111 wanted to buy cash for old glassware old dlsh- 4t ornaments vases oil lamps old dollar old buttons old sliver fur niture etc phone 47 or write mr and mrs keith barber cor ner king and union streets chickens custom chicken picking with lat est machinery also highest market prices pnuj for fowl alivi or dress- ad culling flocks a specialty huttonville egg grading station pnone brampton 343 r 14 reverse charges the imperials held their rcgul n meeting on sunt i ifternoon 3ui- 7tat tut with i fan attendance president james murphv in the ehair v report uk l en from the piovincitl meetjlnf held reeentu at arlscourt coi tespondenee was also read fiom huiv feri mill in sunnv brook and fiom jimmj diek enson who iccenlls letuined from theie donations were oted to be given to jhe siek children s hospltil the christmas tree fund poppv i- und and members in hospital a discussion then took plaee on ne advisabilliv another trip to buffalo in the future also havlnp riothcr get togcthei for the im perial members was dtseussed and h was decided to go into this fur ther at the ne t meetin to be held the third sunday in february al i bif t ontain1d ioc m hlstoid in iii it ii fll r chlmnevs earrv off smoke it takes 42 122 milts of railuiv tmtok to wld 11 the widespread parts of canada into on in t tlon in italv the f i t to iri tfri jiiltt dont miss this bargain for the priceof the shampoo alone you get a regular 125 bottle of richard hndnot egg creme shampoo plus a apeoialsize bottle oicrema rinse when it comes to4eepinyyowtrebseaini cleonglcnminfr healthy manageable conthtion theres nothing to beat this inseparable pair of hairbeautifiers come ii today mt in tilt ei iht hi ttir c hurt h ju onit itcs u il lot linn nt w hith sin t u k 111 iti of cli li willi urn ik i ii i i n foi i lull l we if m ul in i for tin n i nth iito loin s i t li i vi il1l h i mi l in il li in illht oil the mil i ot lejiw n pi i in ssion h tht til is in iljout t t f llltl u t sttll ii irt ot thv tu w lill uiisbui h ceoiketown is in jtai lu m d ilti caretaker jim blair is doing i nice job n putting up clothes pels o coats and hats can be left in the rooms without putting them in the cloakroom which is at times locked this is a good idea and we ommenti tl lllaees ie nt ml georg mlihte w ft hers of tht c are wc belitw tin gcoilitown atiout since it was quite i n rodiu hon i li it fu to mi 1 t iv lit lt lit ill ic s ii v ill ik f k h otht i tl i i llu north t itsliip uf fstin sin k ml tit c kcllt uul ia on o of itv mn ill both mlfhfrs tft ni 111 u t snis uhu ih si im mi s win 1 1 tin ijiull kt iuh k uul hi a i wort in pit m nun jiltoii il c hurt h inderstand enough extra ones have been ordered to complete the room tiil dirt player dtohclc at it tkain after a holiday laoff the playoffs begln on the 19th of january and w11 consist ojf best of three out pf five the teams in 1st and ird place and 2nd and 4th playing off tho winners to plav best fouroutoiscven on jnnuor j4th a and d terms will play a foundt i s ol ten mat sllltlll pi u t having onlv a few houses with i gristmill and i sm41 woollen fu tulllng mill jna cirduu tory machine and if wt leiollect light one sawmill and it ma be pos sible there was n small taniu r but it has so fii increucd in wtilth und jioiilatlon since then that w were told the uih ibitnnts think soon apply i ng to hav e it uiadi i n incorporated town thcit are we belitv at pus tnt four dr gootts antf grotc i stores oik flourini establishment two saw mil iv on splentlul wool- 1st place the standi ng to tlu to is ns fol- lows team p w l pts a 10 ia 12 10 d id 111 t2 jfl e 10 10 11 u f 11 14 17 ml c 11 1 1 18 jtl b to u mil j4 avon product avon toiletries and household products are now available in georgetown mr irene caseley if georgetown representative apd will be calling at your home for appointments telephone mrs case- icy at 187w 1 4 i- sudden death game on the 19th for 1 fietoiv belonging to barbei ilioth rs who einpltn ibout foi t i hands an exteiisivo tannery mil boot shoe establishment bt long ing to mt sm s uavfoot who we w t rt told keep rtinstantlv envloid ibout 10 work then resides this xtt nsive eoneern tlu re is uiotlu i person doiiiii a vtr good bus in s in the it ather tl uli tht rt is i r oumlt t lined oq l mi dolson a must useful istab- llshnit nt foi tht fipneis and meeh is not doing so good at pre- wno cnn furnish themselves i hist plaee in the itngut will plough irons and other imple ments of husbandry and ninihin i cast it the georgetown foundfy upon very reasonable term which is doubtless much more eonveiilent for them than to be obliged to tia- vcl to hamilton or to toronto for such articles the chair and cabinet making business la successfully prosecuted by mr travis r who has an excel lent water privilege for such busi ness pncmn a very eligible portion of the village r the nnwlinj i earn we uncle r- tand sent however bob muir the team captain says they ore going to do better from now on in and jim yates nas prdmlsed to keep the herald up to date on the bowling news the sympathy of the entire branch 120 and the womens aux- unry goes out- to tho roney family at this time of bereavement mrs jim roney was weltknown to all member and it is with regret we have you given perlwpi vou think the building of the new sick childrens hospital in toranto is none of your concern perhaps you think it isn t up to ou liere in georgetiiwn to help a city hospital finance but did vou ever think of hovvmanyhuticirtmjs ofchildren troru iljjtirts of canada are treated there and because of our proximity to the city how many dozens of our ownlocar children have benefitted from treatment by canadas leading specialists yes it is yet childreit right her i h que today concern for it provides lasting benefits to georgetown if you havent given send a k uhiwim iinct inja t space contributed tn the service of the cornmurutyiry john labatt limited is ei l radios washatsls kkpugeratoeb eucotric an- hes radio roxy theatre buildi k telephone 465 mmm f

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