Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1950, p. 4

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vvitb iji flfaft j j the georgetown hwjdlwedneadayjaa 18th ijo rnatwh onswjitto mtiw and view for ha f aktiiur spencer el tlaitmiw j 9w grosbeaks qn a yfal fowof hie loodbtn tml 4 srfllr0ry bouhfut ioft nxyred in cc4c roetf these handsome bfrcfa they pro bi vrorth6 live flflvw frtfveohes and seeds yours to mtotcct f- 1 cariwgs the u f toi wws uuk hnrmctajhtteo xixttldo ontamo rosedale floral gut flowers potted plants if its a spray wreath wedding flowers we can please you our prices arc right phone 283j ve deliver fapkesv the orange halty at hornby on wednesday of inst week was the scene of the annual meeting of the halton arid peel guernsey club wch- nearly l6bauerrioy hurts in attendance j lloyd chisv holm wi the oble chmrmanofthe days brogrammj wnllh gpt way sit 1100 sutti following th tpuittess seseiqh in the morning the ladies- ot the fioraby wj served uw gathering with- a deiioujf4ujr- key ujpmi cwla included don mcatjierof york cbuntyj rf dent of the onurrfoduetoiey club dr campbelt guflpb secretary of the canadian guerfutey preeders asaoctatidn jacki fraserof frnser- chile farms vork county and bruce hodglns secretary 6 the ontario guernsey i club j a carroll superintendent of horticultural and ajrifciiitbral so- 3v holstefn baivjuet in the province another highlight wtycb resulted w this years attendance being a record was the opporttmlly to- in spect the new township hall of whch trafalgar township may- well be joroud -v- p4 v i new dodge special deluxe s4 held at jlhe home of speaker this speaker as usual had a thoughtprovoking message which provided much food fot thought under present conditions the election of officers for 1950 resulted as follows u jrcsidcn arthur spencer palermo vice pres john v mcnabb georgetown sectytreas kcnheth marshall miltob rblrectora gordon king wm p booth m sljlhbn john ullycropt j u flnlay joyce peel county j g jarvis e wilkinson w t booth jos- cph brownridge halton junior farmers sponsored a public meeting ir tfe nassagh- weyo township hall op friday ev ening of lasi week this jneetlrig was held in response to- request fromsoweof the nosagirwyb tfun- iom- the old tdwrwhlp- hall had a crowded audltorium- fdv- the onv jprswune chaired bfe dmlas jamey keen preilbcnj of hflc junloin inctudedwore hijrt addresses oy xttlmcwts 8arbe h ome keoijomlst david peheiteho stn- ty jay geo s audhs sitlts by both norval and palermo juniors and a atnvsong led by haltons great utile- long wader bvejyn peuet- terioi a committee composed of om musses jean prank audrey rlnehart isabel brooks and messrs elmer blacklock gordon darby and wallace ljuby was appointed to take charge of the first meeting isabel brooks on friday evening january 27th at 830 pm the en joyable evenings programme was brought to a close bya short dance to music provided by alex nears orchestra 7 a longer lower and wilder appearance is a the xjeltiite series on 1uu wheeuiasie aaui feature of the new 1930 dodge roodels announced includes a door sedan and club corns 5c today the urgestrcar windtrwiitt dodge history deluxe series on 111 wheelbase eetssts 3 adds greatly to 0 allround vfiibuity7eature in 3door sedan business coupe aid allmetal this new model i suburban special deluxemodels on 118 h wheelbase are safety rim wheels and super emhicar tiraa sank available as a 4dooi sedan and club coupe standard equipment en all dodge models v e mcatiiuit reelected president of crop assoc reminded his lhrge audience of thep preir v e mcarthur nelson from mr beaty no word is avahh ndage never more than two writfc township able as to the price he received bwl rtraw crops in succession mr vice pxcs c f picket esqueiip will probably be the highest ptae- i thomas also stated that there are inc twp ed animal ever sold from haltoa too many farms without sufficient scctytreas j e whitelock county certainly in the jersey i alfalfa to- their secvmixfurcs fol- milton j breed at least testin address included in the tentative prori several rernrds have ftoan c the afternoons gramme for 1950 u the annual pleter tn halton county lowing his v in i tke remainder of improvement programme wai given over association hold thetr first meeting cxcffllent discussion periodl in 1 p thirsdjty afternoon j able mannclinwhlch mr thomas chlsholm last tic farmersiriwrmjttmil- j hahdled the barrage of questions famous iiabton jersey holstein breeders elect craig reid as president wrprwatboiitllve blocltcom- missioner for ontario was the guest speaker st the annual meet ing of the halton holstein breed ers club held at the new trafalgar township hall last thursday mr watson in discussing the agri cultural outlook for 1950 congratu lated the holstein breeders on the continued demand fo their cattle at good prices but he stated you cant have prosperity in the hoi- stein business without some ic ton was packed to capacity for n ion soils fertilisers pastures haygoer to 1iiited states j thomas address based on the mixtures grasssilage liming jptc three soll- building competitions etc was a delight to all who heard sponsored by the association irtljim in fact many were heard to 1949 j cinark it wrs ore of the most in hutintroduction mr thomas worthwhile meetings they had at- reviewed the many factors which- tended in many a day iiad to be taken into conside included rosajraa to an seed fair to be held at mlltoti on oormley lyn 181404 the march 17 and 1 ihree yeor old record an 291 of 7867 ibstot mirk and 510 uf fat and blossoms gormley jufli 194717 as a junior three year ou in la8 days produced 9283 lbs of milk and 4b2 lbs of fat- norval volunteers wonder 182217 in the herd of lloyd crteh- ton georgetown has been awarded a silver medal certificate for her oneoi the greatest jersey sires ever developed in canada is bramp ton basil ward for several years at the head of the luirice beaty herd at milton ontario basil ward qi thursday morning prior tola i nctqsire at the recent- junior twoyearold record is jn nnptapllnfi a soil building pro- the general meeting the new- board royal winter fair arid his offspring lays ol 8614 lbs of milk and 4m gramme for ones respective farm of tli rectors electe at the annual won more pri7cs than any other fat reference was made to the over- meeting on december 3rd met to ires the- sons and daughters of another splendid record has beesl stocking of farms which resulted in appoint tbir new officers for 1950 this bull have been in demand both completed in the herd of tfmnastl oastures being grazed too closely and make some tentatie plans for in canada and the united states rha hornby volunteer standard to the practice on many farms of j their lflao programme so much so that recently w l growing too many grain crops in- the election of officers resulted yearwood of fayette tennessee succession in this connection lie i follows nurchjiscd brampton basil ward clara 146581 at five years in sm days produced 9561 bs of milk nd 496 lbs of fat a driver carefully train ed to drive in all sort of weather and jj oris of traffic jtus equipped with the best safety devices and reg ularly inspected these are the added safety foptutos you enjoy at low cost when you travel by bus new orleans 4210 washington 2100 north bay 1235 montreal 1485 round trip subject to change blancc of prosperity in other- bran ches of agriculture inrevtewing the feed grain situation he stated we in ontario must adjust our livestock poulation to the grain crops procyfeed on our own farms in short with a minimum guaran- teed price of over 2m cents per lb j in contrast to considerably less than 2c per lb for ods and barley he did not anticipate cheap feed for i some time yet- he also pointed out that as long as grain prices arc high there is not likely i be a serious collapse in livestock prl es in concluding his able and mas terly address mr watson started the outlook for 1950 is not en tirely black prices may be a llt- tle lower and if there is any de pression in 1950 you will in the years ahead look back oh it the most profitable depression you have ever experienced george drennan holstein field- man for central western ontario presented certificates of production to a number of halton breeders bert brunsdon of graymar farm received theworlri record certifi cate for groymar champion whose record as a 2 year old is 24972 lbs nllk and 1120 lbs fat and also for buttcrmaid leeland a former grand champion at milton that produced 101808 lbs of nilk in five lacta tions ross scgs worth received red seal certificate for poplar row chief lain maid the dam of the winning progeny of dam entry at both the halton and champion ship shows in 1349 this great cow on two time milking now has pro ducer 1qjw04 lbs niirk and 4621 lbs wit morey watson had- both a red seal and blue seal winners etta abbckrrk colantlia in 7 lactations fias produce 124646 lbs milk and 48ut lbs fat while snow ball sylvia beauty has produced i30106 lbs milk and s059 lbs fat another blue seal winner was katharine dutchlapd mercedes which on twn juniimilkuig hns produced tor harold rflngham and son 1407115 lbs milk and 5221 ii iat other nd seal winners were ashvlle merviia llvktil for f iel- letterio and sons a krieland gladys- 1iebe for johnslcm nee- lauds tlio election ur officers for ilaij were as follows president ii craig itcid 1st vice president a g hunter 2nd vice president gordon sim liii- secre tary treasurer y j lawrence directors fo hunter c f picket percy leslie w h blggar jor trim bio tom hays e f ford a t woodley ross segsworth m t watson wm motion and elirm easterbrook t q hunlox prealdenl v0 halton club for 1949 was the able chairman of the while mrs v j lawrence was the convener oflne ladlaa e4a which annually stagw she so make a date to see the newest finest deluxe and special dejluxe dodge fa hot itw mr bavty fnm th front lidm and ror thmng naw qtlttt thm gracklul bdf llnii wldtr lewmr nor nd w the big roomy interiors n za th mm f wfifry and wmii thmitp th big wtd doora th nwtw and groom th comfort ol charhlgh jboh fh pwffot rllion for both cfrfvr and poo mngors a new nojifjf f f ff pr oof- of dodge dependability a kid performance- any dodge owner safety orask lit your d o d d e s o to dje aler t q d ayt 4 1 eip hone 152 w guelpti st xeorjii 1 w uhfi

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