iftttli teiasafliatt v sis r isiilin wjixiayvlmyi toth 195cl i j ladles provide saridwichesw iis i v s t i v j r j a 27tk in esquesihg community hall stowarttown c auspices of the hajl boird cards 8530 pjwmv doris hu1upchebfa 5 i and eavestroiiijghtng ijoodworlonanswp atteasonawe prices g i don houstotst phone 547w georgetown llmlt howard graff 1 jr pajtify by toronto cbltimitis refiljestate business broker k investments insurance of all kinds phone 392 r 176 j mill street those who read bruce watts dally column in uib globe and mail wore interested sea lstt waste a humorous column on seed cala- logucs while notjnentlonlnnjhib dominion seed hojioby namermrv wosthnd used the local firms cat- albifuo as a basis for his column ancl boeauso of i the local interest we aro jroorlntlii it below hct humlthja spring foyer ft sw iuvhnt wir vi w were slttlttb in uie bjtttcs yea- 1eraftefnohios4ttob 4ttw bptrclocusod prlhe typewriter attd w fthooftt y iwajdoiw whbit vfto shicnild wait ihbut wj urtrctolvhostoss thv rqjtal iporoolbylfkoibl8ald cte i- would suggest some rending like thi- and what do you- thlnlcsho drop ped on oiif desk tab- new 1qs0 aeod cntaloijucl can you imagine that no wonder that not a a social nostexi- she certainly stems to now the rlfiht thing for the right lime on the cover of this yearij cala- lokue we are glad to report 1j a fine coloured portrait of the fire chief petunia this petunia- ol course is a shade or red which goes quite well with the name xt the top pf the first pane deal ing withyjgctable seeds is a lovely bunch of mary wnshinbtonaspora- hus folldwlhi iii qlpjiabetlcal or der ore the artichokes broccoli catobresc green sprouting apd tjeans abroad xwfavai along jtlecc hi the catalogue we run into thc-beew- oi what beets they look as big as pumpkins il lustrated are the early wonder the detroit dark fled and the crosbys egyptian tilicn of course we have the cab bages theres the danish bu- fcoad the danish stonelietrd t savoy and uie penn state bailhead the danish stonehcad the savoy and the penn sajballliead there are- even picfure 6f a couple of chinese cabbages the wont bok and ihe chlhll as iisarly as we can make out from the rule which at esquesing council ah h0ndavjan1tabt u1 mombirsoftle ibm council all of whom were reelected by accla mation took their oath of ofttca members are neeve 3eorge cur- rlo deputybeevo george leslie arid councillors wilfrid blrdwal- terfclnhw arid h ciwemletdv i pafdtb pw- fc4bwlngw-sfcp- amis g6rge ulir w- batk i of acto4kcinl3tav ard wl- fidrh bhiiey- milton harewoiwi cdootoirvplittaijold delorrchrle defojrem ixule deforcst terra catta nurse georgetown n a rotjlh- sbii ndrvolrlo eachvphlhp bof fey milton john laws4n adori charlie- sheppard mark virey tarra cotta john gordon acton and e hobertsbn hornby -5- each sheep claims paid amounted to 123 john eason lamb killed 40 sheep killed 81 f w shortlll valuator 4 a deputation from the 10th line attended council and dscussed con- templated work on the hiujit lt id deputy hecvo ccorfie leslie and councillor wif rid bird were ap- poln members of the commun ity hall board forlfj40 william schcnk x glenwllllams was nppolntcda member ol north haltbn high sehoohmstrtet board 1050 on motion of leaue and reld a previous motion by lln- hani and bird that orwell john stone be appointed to this office was lost reeve george ctirrle and coun cilor- craig reld were oppolnted members of the board of manage mentfor norval athletic club for 1050 9nposf s domlnionit iuuo buarsbiwm iitaisa it uutr- bluebird t 2 isjtrsfs w is aviwooo cmoi lesowts porlcftfteans 2 hi 2k crrqt- 9c avhohojhuiobi 04joiwood chomwwclb vegetables 2 h- 29c b e e t l 9c etilvtsmouuvchoiea puainvctuui snu golden corn y15 auht iauy- aavasmr ooa1dj0imm 1uu jam 31c syrup 17c cahab tio 1 wwia aunt 1auytwo tjt honlyr v 73nllcinaudelfc25c tomato juice 323t ij 1 ii bbabbbaaaaaawiibbbaiiiiailabbflbbbabaaakbbbba attemion farmers i a we are paying the highestprevailing prices for dead sj or crippled farm anfmals 5 horses cattle hogs j telephone collect for immediate service s gordon young limited 5 toronto adelaide 3636 guelph 3334 niiitkiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiif council petitioned the dept of asnsariy as we highways for subsidy on approved m the rule which road expenditures last year of jtshown beside the chlhll this var- m7276 accounts passed included 039 as thcnawnshlps 50 per cent share of hospital accounts in ims 10050 as 50 per cent share for an esques- ing juv a the ontario train nrschool 8520 for relief oc- speedy service everything in trucking dickensons haulage telephone 723 r 2 icty grows q about 1ft inches high we never realized until we turned to the carrots how many kinds there ore we thought there were jwl hood t-arroli- and bad carrots but its ifot o simple as tliat theres the amsterdam forcttqrr iho chantenny hcd cored the cotmts clxanteny lontf type the danvcrs half ioiii tlk- iiinvers red cored tie ou-miindi- or oxheart the morei htuuliiiirf the imperator ioiik the scarlet nantes the tendiuiweet aiid the touthon theyrr all ihrrv m tae and they look sililit api-eliinn- ordi narily carrots dont look appetizing to our particular rye but in the rcd iiitalogui tliev look wonder- tul and tiieres ttu riui treat whopin bunche of it oh lory of h the utah salt lake selected the ciuldu 1m smiiiner pascal and the syect- heart jtist a nuiuite and ill net my hat and a i on with you for i -rt-or- ol thit ilaltwam hrouh the- hook you on o tahh s iind into thi dessert p h lit i in canada a white woman who marries an indian becomes an in dian legally and an indian woman aho marries a white becomes a white canadian railways spend 288000 icr year in malntalnance for every mile of track in the country fruits and vegetables bc foncy eating lare size sbs delicious apples no 1 fresh gffennew texas cabbage ontario no- mcintosh jed apples 5 or 25c ibvrc 3 lb 27c lb 15c california no 1 red sweet emperor grapes 4 ontoridgreeni pascal tender crunchy and crisp celery stalks ontario ko 1 marsh washed carrots wsysmi 2 stalks 25c 3 lb 19c 1- a splendid vaclelji of madclals frlese bonrlr mohslr velonr tapestry llk brocatrllr hllsrmnd cotton rep upholstering at its lowest price and highest quality dick the upholsterer operated by jack sjudekmann lasy psymenta arranseil 7 day srrvlce vint will be pleased 16 visit your home wth style ismpln hasjta no oulfoatlon be quick phon dick phone 3 barbers ildl the y lake the thcvt a trlclnii ah h ri il id in tiirhi thy apai if- how iiiinr lln in tin- flower cctioi ery ln toll- ti trintl ilelleatt- fresed llat say so hiv iiiti- look n hivt the f- am- ii and ultiiite arair feath- looks like an filmy lent the catalhf iilil asjiarakus ih as well as rati tie a spa rami- th jhii yer we think wrll t n couple of miiall packaci nf 1-nch- chrdtiu seids whin they rome uiio full bloom the iieinhbours can have all ihey yant if they ran pro- nounei- then i the laviitetvt u- can take or irave h sounds like a rather juct- v flower from the description but the nameunl cry appealing somehow or other yoli jut cant imaffhie yourself callinji friend on the telephone niut saying you ituit u over and our kayii- tela it all met l be filml kurden and is the fluel bloomltii iavatern yti ever saw an wll wiiat is o rare ns a day lu jjdnjjvpcclally- in the middle of lamnii y hie white ttllllum i ft typical of wlhl woo lnnl plants in eastern anidiiis vi foot ailments treated miss allan t re chiropodist treats eoma bnnlona ealleoai inrrown balls ste appiuboca ir loot phon 13801 st ar1bor st ddklph mr elmer c thompson insurance service takes pleasure in announcing that mr john r barber has becomi- associated with him in his office and ill assist him in all 1 branches of his business seethe new 1950 models morris cars v i and ask fdr demonstration r immediate deuvjry v some modetskeduced as much as i 10 a down payment as low as s50 will enable you to drive away in a new- morris t3m hewson mfflstraat mm vyiwff vv s2