i page l i the gogetown herald wednesday dec 29th i94g seasons greetings from 1 suso bbsti bill mccrtrvell s georgetown district agent i prudential insurance co of america i imltllw seasons greetings from georgetown plumbing and heating i joeprucyk phone 192m niiiwiliitiiiiictixiktiicickiciictiiib grejetingq at thia happy holiday season we wish our friends and customers a happy new year 1 lanes haulage phone 5 georgetown jj lifcfcfchfcihmmmmslluaiinllsailmiliiiitlliiliai turning the paces of l along the boards with wheldon entering the arena last thursday night around f pw- wo were ur- prlsed to see the oakville teanl with allvthdr equipment on hand ftiliy prepared to play hockey knowing full weu georgetown had eliminated them we figured they had made the trip from forcti of habit poking our head in the office door wo were dampened by spray from pne of the qwkvllje exijcutlves loose of uppcrf we thought of calling veterinary bill stilhs down to give the fallow a sallvflvtost but seeing r he yeent ofli gjiy wsls not a playerw let it ride we realized aftar he belched that he had come by thef milton mountain route ajid had stopped in to sec kenny mash had his picture x tak en by a local photographer the other night in col ling wood and we hear one young feminine admirer has ordered a coloured portrait of her hero couldnt be bfp could it came upon two dangerous joolo intf lhufr characters the other day a round 5 or q years- old playing as christmas was nigh we felt rather gay thiswaa bepre na walker opened the place up sowe ttfay y some of you think playlng cowboys and- indians eh fellas no onawcif they ignored ne and kept wielding iheir clubs with downright deter- a spendthrift that ken mcmillan is he was throwing those ten- tlollur words uroupd like they grew on trees we were all cars as the battle wore on at one time we were asked if we would mind pulling one ear in juat a little as we were blocking the view of some of those in the rear oak ville claimed they had been rob bed cheated misled georgetown find broken the rules the arena office was packed with annry ex ecutives the lobby was packed with aniry fans the little room off the mena lobby where all the fellows go between periods was packed and out in the seals there canadian air officials for flying just wasnt anyone to be angry too low flying without pilot lic- oulcviuus executive claimed geor- ensec and no distinguishing murk- getovvn had used rene martin and ers on their wings this trio gath- clom dwyer illegally georgetown ered 13 points out of a possible 17 claimed oakville had not lodged a during the game protest so therefore were not m authorized in any way shape or form to replay the name in ques tion but oakville knowing full well weston were not coming up to play their initial play off game with georgetown after phoning distance and 5uc messenger charge the georgetown executive learned weston had been informed they iriends of his inside the office a initiation oops and robbers i verbal battle was underway what asked- at this play was slopped one jittle fellow looked at me as much us to say dont you know who i am guess he realized from my blank expression that i was ignorant so he told me this much were playing hockey hea acton and im scotty patterson well we will admit scotty plays a pretty fair game but we doubt very much if scotty could hold acton all alone last thursday night dclly beau mont jack kemshead and junior beaumont were really flying a a matter of fact we heard they were severely reprimanded by porthe best 1m chesterfield reupholstering fv rnpne 310 pnoenfac house f rate far jack sudermann of john dick and son wb ddxn new octlftfl fwvure be quick 7 day service phone dick fatsy payments tarrahged if desired on reupholstetin and new chesterfield up o 13 months to pay enjoyed our christmas but have h doubts about new years mrs don uarrager and mrs bruce mac- kenzie are after us claiming xfrvy are going to make me tell all were forceful don and bruce are after ua clulm- weston long ig dead men tell no tales this winter will see industrial hockey again with 0 teams com- 1 were not in ccme until the follow- peting the business men 2 from ing tuesday by this time some of the mills mcadowglcn- growers howard graff j real estate business broker 5 investments s the executive began to smell a rat oh we felt terrible when they snif fed us as we had juat taken a bath anil 2 from smith and stone from all reports some good hockey should be forthcoming no doubt before the colu weather set in it some of the old timers will turn was plain to see weston oakville out to show the young gaffers a and acton had been conspiring thing or two against georgetown all this under handed work must have taken place the afternoon before wonder who sent georgetown the the book of rules through the mail couldnt have been weston or could it abraham martin a scot came to canada with champlaln in 1614 1iu son eutache born on october 24th 1621 was the first white chlfd born in canada the little col ony at quebec numbered only 65 settlers 46 years luter when jean tulon the great intenduut took the first census new france numbered 3215 people mostly farmers hetween 1665- 1673 the king ot france sent about 1000 young women tocjinadaasbrldes by 1784 canada had grown to 113111 inhabi tants ontario then called upper canada had about tlmo settlers united empire loyalists the hope of the new life in their hearts soon brought this total to 4tm game as that morning weston had informed georgetown by phone they would be here what we couldnt understand wus oakville didnt the gals go for the peanuts were rarin to play hockey but during the last g-eorgctown-onk- just the previous tuesday night ville game jimmy try cracker- they refused to finish the game jack the with georgetown over a two min- workfi ute penalty to thomas the fans were howling by this time some demanded their money back the next time it usually hoe you heard t is one on of the local players arena board took note of their trying for a position here in town names to be or not to be that j after reading the questionnaire fil- was the sixtyfour dollar question led in by the hockey player the was there going to bo a game and prospective employer looked up and said u ruler experience could more sptilc a happy new year to ikts lion- the promu the land held wu so sought tht from 187 to 1913 canada w the ol of 2339m hopeful people frotp europe england and he united states today canada holds a promise of great thhrtd to come for thousands of crowded people from europe who turn to canada because theres room to grow in canada unlimited compamv limiti f so p who was going to play who finally both executives agreed to nt you be a bit play hockey but then another ar- than just oh boy gument arose what was to be the score georgetown were leading 71 in the game oakville forfeited the rule suites the forfeiting team has all its goal taken away and i the final score would then read gemgetlwii 7 oak nle u at that rate of figuring lever got hi shutout it v is lii willy agreed to replay the game and the score would read 74 in favour of geor getown it was with little effort when the game finally did get un der way that the locals won 71 we would like to say here and now it is too bad such unworthy teams us weston and oakville are playing for such a worthy trophy we know one thing if weston or oakville had any sheeney tosts on their team they would never skate off the ice until the final- bell or fail to show up for a game all ibmir the good days the seventh gives first seeking somehow ways and lie in gnndne to meditating improve thy higher rating by mortals everything in general just who was the pluyer bunk holmes of acton borrowed a bridle from ken mcmillan fojr at the last westonacton game we could understand a tight rein on some of the boys but when you have to put blinkers on em bunk its the limit guess going in through the crowd with the bridle wasnt so bad but it must have been awful coming out after your loss to wes ton eh dunk all the hockey players received cigarettes as a christmas present from santa clous but all father got as his share was the muklns from ute name on the package it looked to be potent stuff if you cant smoke it bevc you cun al ways try chewing it last week the bosi wus horrified to find just before he went to press somehow somuono had our column headed with chatting with anne muybe the boys in the dress ing room would welcome the ch a i itfe but wouldnt we look sweet in the midst of an arts and crafts mrfilngj v u that command spurned adown the intervening ages we find when records backwards turned a cause of blols on historys pages could it be in part that goodness means contentment with whats fair for labour and capital to us it seems should good example show its neighbour but that my friend has not been so in many cases we remember the grasp and greed goes on we know from january to december and more or less adown the years envy mistrust and selfish ways despite the sweat the blood and tears has made a chaos of the days now soon will be old 48 a memory in the page of time lets hope mistrust envy and hate will strangers be in 40 oer all the world men yet might t brothera the bard of avoni dreama would each the regrou of other ft43 and practice what the good dook mean bid tuylor water st mr and mr harry suvlntfu have moved into the home on john st of mm siuvlnxs mother the lata mr ii krancu their apartment in the grfrrulvlew apartment 1 now occupied by mr and mri harold schank insurance of all kinds 2 seasons greetings to all s mill street phone 392 res 176j attention farmers we are paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crippled farm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service gordon young limited toronto adelaide 3636 o guelph 3334 mm model z todays most refined tractor all the operating leoture you hava wanted idf yus ar yours with the new mm z ths fororuno af modem tractor engineering tbla popular model ho beem th first in the mm line to offer rwrolutionary derjop- weals recall th first 2 had the exclusiva mm engine with iso fewer operating parts jmore progress changes make thai i better them ever latest hnproirew menfjr give 10 more power on draw bar and belt where is the man that cant appreciate the advantage of extra horse power improved appearance far vision hit fng farther prto- motes risibility permits better operation on every j08 speed range has been increased to provide most suitable mid speeds a practical chattge in veeplng with the times hardened sector gear has been adopted an ob z models except the standard tread which has rede- signed steering arms and tierod located at tmcu 0 axis heeum to tsspsoved rtserif si lotto see stsirfaa gear differential now features the bevacycle tooth term a precision gnr with increased strength easy comfortable operation isatdres inrfad xaef bad ak cushion seat adjustable steering wheel wohjbes sddr gear shift lever improved easy hraidiig acstoa aad itnkmatic tooicontrox a new era begins with this obedv 1 eat easy to handle new t tractor when you know all about the new z which is so far ahead 1st us 1 own power class you will want no other tractor l aaaa j g davidson ashgrovet