Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georgetown ontario wednesday evening nov 3rd 1948 what council did mrs harry fryer dies suddenly wan member of pioneer flsquesing family onf monday novimhek i i ilcqut ted the tworage engineer c h hagty to appc tr bcfoitf council to talk over dltche t elt which might be nta ury to tom- pleli tho tott jackson contract the mooter cumc up when a let ter wiib rejjl from ray lhompon complaining thrt tho rear of his mali i street property had been left vi un unaitliuttory condition th driveway almost inpathlbjc and the flnce in pqor condition after fc trunk line had been pjil through wluiput hit ifermlnjion hid that ho wanted 0 itiintion coirtcted several council members cilticiwid the poor condlt on m which many tliiril had boon le ft by the con- sbuctitm firm ind then wn lo criticism th it the cngincci hit nbt been keeping a proper check on this gibbon in my opinion mr haic is the man we hould i ct after davidson i think lit s j en j i rotten deal gibbons ivc been trinl to i et him here for two or three uecki and it 3 been most dilficult to tcn let him on the phone davidson mr robert the waterworks engineer can ejvc ui information in a businesslike wiy but there always seem to be prom ises and excuses fiom mr ii t cv macl iron he ilwavs hedg ing whitmee the town is faced with up to 5000 in repairing cut erts alone armstrong lies well aware of the situation on john street but nothing his ben done et gibbons if we do gtt him here is council prepared to get after him maclaren the last time he was here he said thi job would be com pleted in two or three weeks and we would go over the town to sec what was necessary gibbons i made it cleai to mr jackson when he was here that i expected the contract to be carried out goodlet did the contract say roads should bf put in original shape gibbons thats my impression goodlet it s open to argu ment it says as nearly as possi ble to the original condition gibbons our difficult is with the engineer he s the one we hhould be going after the mayor read a letter from scott jackson which explained that difficulties had been expert enccd in securing machinery for the disposal plant but shipment was anticipatco from chicaj o by november 22nd mccumber its time we stop ped people dumping jntothe sew ers if that s the case whitmee there should be a strong notice to that effect in the paper asked the town foreman to re pair or replace highway atop signs at john and queen streets as rec ommended in the police report moved by davidson and arm strong granted a 25 donation to the poppy fund mayor gibbons re ported that the legion was ar ranjing the armistice scrv ice on november 11 at 11 am and were paying the lome scots bind moved by hill ind herbert amended the pukinf by law to prohibit parking in front of the arena moved by armstrong ind d v- ldson inert ised the s il u of tht may or from 200 t j innu illy re troactive to j ii mry 1st 1040 moved b vhitim i ind good it t the motion a as put by reeve maclaren and ill voted in favour except mayor gibbons who de clined to vote in presenting his motion cr whitmee said that he was thinking not only of the heavy burden which mayor gibbons had been carrying this year but al o of the future and that while a man in mayor gibbons position could spend so much time without pro per remuneration future mayors might not the seconder cr goodlet said it had been the pol icy in other ontario towns this year to incrcas salaries of all of f ielals and the georgetown mayor s job was of such magnitude us to warrant it cr davidson said the mayor operated at u loss in his position and that the time exp n ded and out of pocket expense far exceeded the 200 salury this is un cmbarraslug mom ent said the muyoi i certainly appreciate the remarks made it u even harder to make up my mind on this question thun on the watei b law i have u kert thi eitien to plat me in thj i i i tioi at- tin pre tut salary sotuc timet i think got mpio uitisfntj- tioji in crvini tor nothing became if erllici in got too severe i coufd jluuv ay i wn dohij the job for nothing at the nm trim the time iiud thouf hi mcccnry or tin maim job irii i t nr made jf more th in a hobbj cl whitmee aid that 1uu had hi en a trcmcintnui yl n uul he did not think the lnior hould h 1 my embiirri ment no miuiinrsr coiporition wctild i he iniiluu woik foi i0q i deputy ittcvt aim uoiil s ud he diiin t tbipk the i tool tplct tnt- ijuior to spt nd h llf in time it tht job for ill enlv i r ii iv id on s ud he h id mti ndc ct lo ti mi the mat i i up it lit t u s i c nun itum in tting ind u i i 1 id to ct tlie nmt on i rt entetl ii u j slioi lj appcaic be fore council to iv th it he hid pud a i ii itc coiknttm to j nt in i nui late i it ui town ji pcity to hi house hrch h i building n miple ave me he hid done tin with the imdcrstandiuj that it u is not pos ibtc at pre ent for the town to do stub work on new i ki t rtics is wit dcbentuie issue hid not illowcd for tht si but now he undei too j th it othei in w housi s hid been clone mil he thiui ht he should be entitled he t ilso armstronf v here ewer ige uis p ist a homi i think wt sh old be nblij itcd to put in a lateral whitmee im in favour of this but where is the m nc to oinc from the origin d urvc did not allow for these armstrong the machine h id p issed by whe i mr mi rtill star ted to build others perhaps were building first ind they were put in as sewerage processed gibbons with the publicity this mav receive there rmy jo doz ens of others w ho will now isk the s imc thing whitmee did mr shortill ipply to the council first shortill n t to council is a whole a scott jackson man told me they have never been tolcjl not to put laterals into new houses goodlet they re liable not to be paid for these when the were not on the contract dividson it seems a pity mr shortill hasn t had is cood i deal is others but i think permission should be obtained from council gibbons all municip llitics have this problem equipment cant be broughii each time i house is built ve don t want to cet a precedent ind pa a priv itc con tractor for work done shortill you re goinj to h ive to do the work sometime it won t cost iny more to do i ft w he lists than a whole lot maclaren it docsn t ecm to tiavt one man p iv ind others gibbons wt hould find out if we have pnffor un not t ontract goodlet wt tan j erhaps jie mr shortill j rebate when more funds irt iv ail t bit for sewt i iee tensions gibbons wt inu dot i s of pioptrty owncrsmovinj into hou es ika stived by sewei ife how iur if we have p ud for others wt should p ly for mr shortill s whitmee i think mk shortill his i strong t ist ind if hell be i itu nl we ii st th it f ur is done cibbons v will hi t ik w ith the eni un er mi c uinbei wi i tild i i n n sv i b nt xt mond i t the c oiii t c f hi v i i in huve willeis told c until th it di un i e on his pioptrtj on john sjrei t wis pirtu ul uly bid suite i cateh basin h id been eovt u d up by ewetaie work ind tlittheu fil led in ind suggested u larttr li iln icio s john stret t and the eh in ing out of a drain on the jth i i rip y ibob mackenie of tht mai ken le construction cti asked ouncll why an outsider had been hfied to do work thut his firm wus equip- ptd to do when his family had been taxpayers in town for 30 years mayor gibbons said this work hud been commend d before tht local firm was in bu mess mackcnzle there was no writ ten agreement with mr binnie and the work being done now is a new project gibbons we had i veibal agreement for aim to come back this fall to do this present job davidson we hud mr binnie continue the work because we felt he had done port ulrt ady and we were satisfied with the job and the price maektnle its only fulr that ontinued on puge 12 mj llaiiy i lyer pa si d away uddenly at htr home on king st mi i hill d iv oilfiller 2huj horn in lot onto the wat hoi tlia ltui ihuc datif hcr of tlv lute mr did mi vililim huwt rtfty one ciri aio thi coming deet m be i lth he wn l mm ltd in geor j clown to hnriy liii mil tio tout inu lived in atufii haiii- illgn ind lot th pit fouitetn jim lij itiiytown she vau a nnmli of the chinch of p ugltiiid she k nrviicd l lui husbnid ind tlnti ehildiou ticdeiick 1 iijn i ind jle sit ill of gvoige uwh npti ouo ft indd iuihti r mi i nk noble a brothei john i i awe i i m it i uji ind n is ui mi uillrun hii b ii m iiui let wn shi- l pi i leet l til by two hi ithci ielulliein vv c i hompson ductid the funei il ivue iiom i 1 ite h i le on mi nd i l ill i i in i wu st it i i ilh in hill huh id ii iwi heibcit i i ue ii iioltl i i m 1 ilfie i mo ii it t rue r t in greenwood l i etei te i i tow n n funeral service at ashgrovc for mrs j barnes i a mi niln i of oik of l que high 1 pionti i f imilit william j hell 1 p i ed iwav il his home on vie tol 1 1 sluet in sttnhtiy qclobevft1 ifli mi hill wn a ion of thtt di wdfiiin t in 11 and j me jlc dowtll uul wi hoi ri in 1 que dug limn hip ul iu7i he wont to tho flu t a i voiuit in tn ami after funtitil it k- nlo mil indl in lltadi etlltd ne hi tint q anpclr i icthluwih win ii ht liij igcd in innik 1 it i di ti i ui j htie lit ininiiid vadj mot j m who wjth j i f mnln f ii thlldjep jurvivei llu i wi alt h in mi ii 1 i ill t lit i ij council votes 80000 jfor wetter improvements will ak municipal board for debenture issue mayor gibbons opptisjd says project should be submitted to people akoltgllown tnilfcd 1 iiukt if cfille jio 1 ii d mi it ht itlir lil hill i i le ind piuuitd i mi w t treedl 1k lilfil i i j j i lit i i mv rue t of gi oi it i lit i son hi in siskikht fwelvt cr indclul wit 100th anniversary service of tho gcmttown united chur h win wcll ith ruled on sund iy october ii t auliouih the oudd mi impimivmi i i wqn not com 1 pit ti d foi- llu oi c i ion i was 11 h weie ilffitfently j d o i not to lit iticon d ki i t tn in iff mli i i s fin a i i i u t foi mis i imt 11 one lone i re uleit if ah him until sin mow 1 to milton tn e ir ijo u is held on tues i oclobci 0th from the home i f he i m ii i ici hunts i or nuilv iliibttli l kech i she pas d iw i in m itiu pi i v itc ho pi j i 1 on otliber hi in hi r with iltui il h ii d tm tin i veji dim mi 11 ii w i t ih t t f i i i i i i i i i in i it i he ih ii 1 i w i m c hut i in li t il ii i i noitu ikil s in i lilt llh ii mi nt in eng this t ountry spending all tin ashgrove mrs ii irnts is i i ind ind t inn to w hen i juni t ii 1 hi r life nue t i n in listiict slie w i member of the lnited churth md of the wom- i u s mission iry sot letv md w is i i so an ictivt oi kei in the sun ihj school sf e w es jredeeeased in 1942 bv iur misband she leases three sons ta isle und vtrn of milton and hor ice if ashgnve ind nine grandchildren the funeril crvice was conduc ted from her forme i home by kcv j l diair of st pauls united church milton and intei ment was in ashgrove cemetery pallbear ers weie ce il wilson clayton wilson milton bird frank ttud- dell jim riihcr md melville wan lesi mi in ii ictiud ifi in jv t d b u k to bu th i tllmj in i t i i stitet he it in i vten in chureh i hi mteiesl in ag- w hit h ind tn i ui membership f tin qu api ellc ujy i llu lit in viving s f niul being pre i o hi t thei s john inner il serv ice on i hji ted fi om the l i home bj hev ii lie net s were al di t nice gordon rmslroni lo eph d hi wiggins inter- in it in gi cenwood e n etown lions masquerade is a big success nistrk t iiomf sodfmd bv bvi1v s death fair not the tragtdj struck i disti itt home on mond iy night when garj burt i 1 month old s n of mr ind mrs chirlei burt p h 1 hilliburgh wis fatally se llded the baby up- st t a cupful of hot water and sus turned burns on hii chest which prnved fatal aftt r medic il ltten tion it home ii w is rushed to tor onto sick childri n s hiu pit 1 whert he died shortly ifter itlmit tancc he wni the grandson of mr and mrs i nnk smith of bal hnnfad the funer il scrv ice will be held on thursd ij afternoon it 10 in hillsburgh dajitist church the mpathy of th community is ex ti tided to his p irents and grand pircnts in tin ir sorrow u ith nr il 11 ill who atten d d kinini in nstume the lions ii illowc en m squtrade in the h st room on i riday was one of the most mkil sful events ever sttgetl in town evcrvont had a iood evenings fun anil the club netted rvei from the donee tht debon ures ptayed for danc i ne intl costume prizes were awar did by the judges mr and mrs william king to mayor joseph gibbons dressed is a bride and to mrs teits i if irnson y a coun tr rube a lucky spot dance was won b mrs willi un mijnally and ken mendham punch and cookies wtrt served during the evening htsponsibh for the success of tin evening wis a committee head ed b john gunning who also de signed the hallawe en murals jack armstrong i- rtd schultz harold hutchinson marshal timbers keith nirbtr anfl harold mcclure t mi nci d i hi cioiecs wilt tondirclid by tin kt ni wir in 1 i ru ix da if c in lit 1c whii fithcr wi mm i tti of tli ihureh fiom 1015 to j 11 it w i i steiil interest to luu this fnimtr son of the par on ij c tonduit the inuivci iry 1 1 v ict s rht m u in ni worship was et ntrcd ui unit the tin mi i he oppnrlun itj of tht cliurih tin lo onjvn n id fiom st h hn 17 i 17 in his u s ift mr fru ix stresstd tin entic il divs fating the woild of men ind eon eqilentlv f icing the ehurch tntv were however in s iid daj rf opportunity and tlit church thi jiij h the recoire ti ition he cortinued would in ti ition of it ihicple could rl t to th it oppoitunit thablinj mankind to meet tht da of crisis in con fide nee md trust thii recone hi i return to pravcr and the mikmj of chn ti in worship and fit otion contr il in f lmdy life the i hope of the fu ht deel lrctl lay in the potcnti litits of the young i i oph ind then development hut tin outhful nt sibilities c in only ht dcwlojtd thoroughly ind ben i i fn i ilh through proper idult i u idcrshij th choir under the j direction of mi s ljnda stewart a tcm lrms snnj two beau t if ul anthems o come let us w h hip him himmtl with mrs hi w ird writxltsworth is soloist md the king shnll joy in thy strength balnts the evening message was en titled guarded lojalties and was b ised on the lesion read from dan itl t 1 18 mr truax spoke of tht importa ict of developing hijh and noble lojalties onlj the bt st he said should receivi our lovally it is debasing and dishon our iblc to give our lojalties to lint which is cheap the christian muit examine his lojalties and see tli it they are determined by the greatest and wisest loyalty of all loyalty to jesui christ the e v eninj mtherrs were praise ye the i ather gounod and sav lour again to thy dear name coupcr with misses mirjorle kentncr isobel dobson and ruth ballinafad flic i u m i orum home of mi n d mrs fin r on mo lij to topic boj met ts girl met at the robert mc- discuss the a euchie what esquesing council did 0 monday november 1st partv w is pi u md for tveiy stc ond v i id i during the winter months in tht hall ntxt monday met tint will b held it the home of ci ant wrirh i im thm km up attention hydro consumers due to the reduction in deliveries from quebec power companies quotas in the southern ontario district have 1 en cut by the ontario hydro commis aion georgetown s allottment has been reduced approximately 7 per cent i power interruption can only be avoided by further cooperation on your part its up to you save some power every day georgetown hydro commission held i court of revision prior to the regular met ting and author ized thi clerk to certify to the 1049 tix roll apimiinted a c patterson of lime hou st i township building inspector icplatmt arthur ben ton who had accepted the position tcmpoi irllv until i pt rmanent in bptctur was secured acteptcd tht ttntlei of hnriy bici for snow plowing follows sht t p t laims st hk 1 nubs killed 40 uvii killed 100 itcj ewe t r ide ewe killed 1u jo tot il 2lkl a n pud lohn 1 hcj killtd 1 unb i illed st irk aluator 2 ti ips h ii a mttulloukh 1 mb killed 15 a n st uk valuator 1 i rank ptd die i unb injured had to bt killed kj a n st irk v ilu itor 1 mel tli urn stark lamb killed 1 spi net i wilsoi v ilu lloi 4 i in- i i jott rg ewe killed 25 t wt himb killed j ewe lamb killed 10 total 10 meldrum st uk valuator 4 g s math ews lambs killtd 44 1 w shoi till valuator 4 lawn howling well wt thought the bowling wuti all over but find that some of the die hards were out again after more chicken on october 20 tli w mcdowell und ii dickie also j willtuimon und lou mtkibbon entered the tottenham tournament and by winning throe fine gumea brought home the birdt again two other rinks from here were not bo fortunate but they un well ui the winneis enjoyed a nice days bowling this ih a 12 1aglfe i a i kit ajiln t tiong objections from mayor joltph gihbdh a bylaw lo horiow sboooo for miking var- ioij ehingij aijt improvements in gorglown vv iter lyotem paasid it 4 i econd u adyng t tin council meeting on monday night the len til 10 municipal board will now bo appro ichtd ior approval t isswo tlebenturt i a necei snry procetjur in lure the bywiw can be given its thud n iding aid jin uly passed i he d btntuiej would be 3 i pay lble in iiinujl i nitalmenu nicl i twenty year period i he 110 000 will bo u ed to im- i lenient i complete report pre- p irtd bv the br mtford firm etf dunne philip ind roberts who vut tnj a ed to make a urvey of the w ittr yttm their recom- mt lit itions include chlorination tliminition of wn tarc and leaks in tht prtsi nt ystcm ind cxplor- itor drilling for i now source o suppl m tyoi gibbons objected to the hou owing bylaw on several mounds he said he did not think it hould be nt opted in the dying moments of the 4048 council that ht wis agiinst it without i vote of the people ind that while a decis ion should not be delayed too long that it was not i miitter to be i ushed into dtjiut reeve armstrong who h is been i slrcnf supporter of tho b law s ud rl it it should have hi en pi sod months aj o and that there shouldn t be any talk ou ltavini it over till next year when it had been so fully dlcusscd and was so netessary reeve maclaren ind cr goodlet supported him in this s herbeit viler the tire mar shal s remarks last week when he was inspecting fire protec tion on king street i have never been so alarmed about the water situ ition i didn t feel like com mitting myself to this project until 1 saw the deplorable condition of tht silvercreek reservoir i dont think were lojing as much water b leakage as the engineer saya because i don t think its there to lose gibbons i had hoped by now that an auxiliary source would have been located whitmee you don t have to be an engineer to find more water there is enough behind the park to supply the whole town herbert i think there is plenty of water withir a mile of the res ervoir gibbons i still think explora tory drilling is the first considera tion armstrong we haven t voted mr roberts anv money yet how can he go ahead gibbons we ije voted hint 2000 for fees that we didnt have we have just as much right to spend money to find water as to hire him m the first place mr roberts is an engineer we must remember that- he has set up m plan from which he will derive revenue too maclaren if youre sick you take a doctors idvice im satisfied thijt mr roberts knows his job ind has liven us a thorough pro lt mi gibbons we shouldn t rush into thib maclaren these s imc we ve gone points time and over time if am gibbons i m too much tn- g ifcd with sewers at present lets finish one big job first armstrong water is import- mt and we can t afford to delay whitmee ehe reservoir is obs olete all owns are going to deep well systi m goodlet it wont be a burden on the taxpayers they will pay for what they use it is probable the last water debenture we will evci need in georgetown herbeit paving for it worries me but i 11 vote for it because i believe it is necessary the fire marshal snid our fire equipment was al but our water supply gibbons r am askihff a wwor- ded vote because of the reasons i have mentioned mayor gibbons also voted against a by law which establishes a new set of water rates citing the same reasons the new by law will take effect on january lbt omioks frllctfcd by stonf school forum on mdndaj evening officer were elected at the meeting of the stone school 1arm forum robert mill r iu president william nor ton vice president mrs harry mai fhlngton urn- rotary and em uatkln as social convener

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