Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 27, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georgetown ontario wedneday evening october 27th 1948 trischool field meet won by milton school by u closc maigln of sevcrt polnta georgetown public school lost po- setialon of hie trihchool trophy which thpy jiae held idr iwb ycium whert the n6rth hal ion school mccfwusi lipid fn milton liwt friday milton had 40 pdluts gedrgetown 42 and j 24 eltor etoya 100 yards joon wilson m i john doseuiule p dorr ford g 220 yurds wllsort m i fom g jack south m shot put r bud kcrttncr a frank cartel g lawrence hnyrjer g r brjurop carter g terry brush mk south m n high jump jdcbeoulicu g uoynor ag earl mfcoy a relay jooriietowrt dcbeaulicu tord carter ttoia mcgill milton wil son south bruih nobcrt foster acton russell arblc ed mchufih joe rnvoke jim gunr senior glrl 75 shards frances lemon m mary dlllow ml dorccn brown a 110 yards lemon m dol ly kelmon m dorothy hlller g r br jump jean palmer a dlllow m pauline tycrs g r high jump marclo vyso a donna thompson g palmer a relay bcornelown tycrs hulcr dorothy williams shirley mcnally milton lemon dlllow kclmnn muriel brlatow acton jean palmer the weather mr editor thoio two hiornlniii this week lugjiterliiji a lov ol 22 and 23 made uh look at thocoolbln wllh woh- derlnu tycs tho flrit now flurry lust mon day was quito a lot eutllur than last year whjn it occurred on nov ember flthm fact october on tlio whole 1 jalllnu far behind tho heutlful month we had in 1047 em batkln date max mln rain october 18 11 20 snqw october 10 15 30 00 october m 40 34 october 21 50 22 october 22 50 23 10 october 21 49 20 11 october 21 50 42 aerarc 40 42 20 2 a 38 atiienia slccessou welcomed credit lodge entertains county lodges county night at credit lodge a r and a m wqb cetobrated on tuesday octobor 10th when lsl tors from five other lodges in the lounty attended a banquet in the legion hall following a lodge nine years aftoi tho donaldson unci athenla was torpedoed in tho early dayc of tho wai rcuular duect pusjcngcr tier ice between glasgow and montreal has been ic established by the modern 410- pnssongcr donaldson atlantic car- go liner lismuria here captain r c young ol the lismorla pre- halloween parties this weekend 1 he halloween weekend will he crlcbrulcd by children and grownup ullko on f rlday tho linn club h planning ft masquer ade ball in h hose room with the dobohnajrcs playing f danc ing saturday night from 7 to fl luteert town hnll the ttecrcntloo al council wjll hold their annual arty for the children and parents uc invited iri i orao along nrut crt- loy- the fu a will le nuts iiopw ihd candles nnd prizes for the most orlguinu piott btnutiful and herd clnracter costume i fall sport program starts at norval the nnrvil bovs atid girl i nre htahinc their full port series wllh i the boys plivlrg flman i at 1 noon hours on mondays wed no i dnvs nnd friliyi nnd the nrls plaini ofthau on tui ddnys and l thurndnyfl 1 three noccci tdams have he n i formed scnts gretjjnis to montreal alder man w it bhlloeh from the lord piovout of gl isjoy montreal al derman w h bulloch from tho loid provo t of glasgow in the hnckuiound s the coat of arms of mobnwka and la t week exhibition benediction montreal whli 1 the lismorla car- j oencoiction ne chatting with anne well ah joe ukcd to hoy i must cot on my horse thu cvpry urn he hpd work to dh my work is daring me in tho face on every hand s mich w i to do thet tint much uao starting tonight to ihall chtit with jomo of my friends jhhteud v r t constructive work is sunposed to hy jtood for a chlldji mental hevct- ilpmerh if th himmormg w our bacmenl n anv indication of corl- struetlon these boys shduld hnyo nnd future they are grand burtcb of hoy x learn fromthem cvepv day jvjiile we have it in mind must ptcnutyf thai while wc aid mrs thos grieve wvis zohe jrepreaentb- tta thlh wnj not correct mrs grieve attended the convention in sault bte mnrie because bhe is in- i tort sted in all work that hna to do i with the legion and maintains i tin re is alwayi romething new to be learned i pra millie armnnn has been 111 for the pait two weeks and cookfe and t mlj her very much m our the troqunls hurons and dnily work remember thli little mtrcai wnu i mo liismoria car- wcre pinyed to balance the the scripture says that in his own a in her lounge together with tonmn nm k the plnyerfl som sweet way the arms of tt city of glasgoy iialton ccr ixects on icers ashgrove tlic annual meeting of the llalton iiallowe en f meeting in the lodgii rooms wor ccf took plaee on october 22nd un i en if you go out shirley wilson howard wselciwoith mai- r ti it oud better mind whit you re joyce palmer vyse lei of thc lod was toastmaater intermediate boys and after n chicken dinnci inlro- 75 yards robert foster m ducod the peaker e v mac- donald roster m roas mcgill crmack who ubstitutcd for rev g 220 yards ron emmerson ussell macgilllvray of oakvlue a russel aibic a r foster w was prevented by illness from m r high jump bob coon about viec preb robert duncan 2nd vice pre archie serwte set ty mrs george robertson treasurer a langelle chairman of membership com mittee wilf turber mr robertson the new presi dent took thc chair he introduced mr hawcs who is one of the moat tirejesi workers for the ccf in brtztcr cm dolly kcuman tmt w b tne camp- an micrctingdliiioursc mr hnwtb outlined the conduct of each i and every member of thc ccf i and made it clear that the first i term program of the party should accidents be read and understood he taid that he had yet to meet the consor- an accident at midnight on sat- atlve who could offhnnd tell the election of officers was held with arthurs hawcs inthe chainj- wuches hiding here and tliero the following wei c two new off i ters elected president george robertson a ross mcgill g and bill coon a tied r br jump ter ry timbers m paul lawson al bui mchugh a intermediate glru i 60 yards dorothy hillcr g dorothy williams g muriel i brlatow cm 100 yards ruth hiller g r high jump braz ier m muriel spence g leon a conn g r br jump rblstow m kclmnn m williams g attending a toast to gr tnd lodge by bro w j beatty of acton wis respon ded to by rt wor brb neil mac eachern of waterloo wor bro trank wilson proposed a tonst to thc visitors and bro wllbert cleave proposed the junior war dens toast music during the even bellvllle quartette and riding broomsticks thro the nir and don t forget that fl mg bats and hooting awls and big black cats art lurking in the dark for you so just be careful whit you do once again autumn is ushered in in all its rich beauty the gar dens are lush with vegetables rip advance trnlnlng iroquois nr d mohawks tied 1nll with dale se- dore nnd sho tejamoto petting thc goals tamle cunningham was the lone icorer when troquols bent hurons brim bastcdo scored for mohawks when they edged the hurons players are leimed ns follow iroquois jamie cunningham captain don tirvle julian reed ken richardson dale sedore ray cnrtcr doug ttiell bill rlchnrd inn howard che tor dalton bns- tedo i huron pet fendley captain i ceorge grnsbv ross cunning0n i peter pnmero maurice bastcdo rnd haney james tenmoto di- id fendley ronnie mclean cn cars damaged in weekend farm fottum fuolblc at the stone sciioolb the last monthly meeting between farm forum sorlo was held mon day evening octobf25th at the stone school this forum croup has put on some very enjoyable evenings once every nonth throughout the sum mer recess and last monday night seemed to be a grand finale for the first part of the program entertainment was provided at the piano by mias shirley burt songs by miss b anne mclaughlin and earl burt and mr dick mitchell with his accordion v thc tccond part provided by mrs h marchington resulted in mrs e miller receiving thc prize for her effort at drawing a horse hers seemed to be really laughing and provided much amusement after a few halloween stunts all enjoyed a windup dance with jmr w a wilson being the hit on the dance flooi the music for the dancing was ably provided by miss jean ruddcll at the piano and the violin by mr clarence varey with chief caller offer mr scott l the hostesses w ho attended to thc desires of the inner man were mrs h marchington mra clar ence varey and mrs k c lindsay with pic and more pic big call of the evening the i arm loium broadcasts start next monday night and the stone school group iiic all set to lesume wintei attivitie urday on the highway in front of scott motor sales did considerable damage to two of three cars in volved a car driven by william martin of brampton had stopped to discharge a passenger and a cor one of the fumous twenty two points of the program of that party it as essential that this should not be thc case in the ccf especial emphasis was placed by mr hawes on the need for farmers mn cecil wilson was hostess j for the october institute meeting last tuesdoy afternoon with mrs thnn giffen presiding the meet- driven by donald long of toron- j and urban workers to get together to stopped behind a simpsons i to iron out differences these dif- taxi driven by aubrey gray struck i ferences have been built up by the rear of the long car causing- press and radio with the idea of about 1s0 damage to it and about keeping these two groups apart 300 damage to the taxi a taxi rhat their ultimate aims are iden- passenger had facial outj when he was thrown against tlie- windshield on monday afterndon a car driv en by mrs a kcrohawwhen turn ing onto main street irqtji mill st struck a parked car owied by al bert hudson of norval which pushed another parked car onto the sidewalk damage to the veh icles is estimated at 100 former georgetown baker buried here a resident o georgetown sever al years ago where he was cm ployed a j a baker frederick c johnson who died last week at his joe j home in clinton was burled in greenwood cemetery last thura- d ly rev alex calder officiated at a tommital ervice at the i slde mr john on who had been employed in milton before resid being the j mg in georgetown is tiuivhed b his wife l mma godfrey membt r of an old georjetoun family who is the daughtei of the late edwaid godfrey they had residid in clm ton since leaving georgetown ye thankful people comt roll call was answeied with a thanks giving thought mr r cunmng- nam gave thc motto reflect on present blessing of which we all have many not tm past misfortunes of which we ill hae some it was agreed to send two parcels to bri- tuin next moih a committee of i fofyr ladies was appointed to plan i social for november mrs frank wilson gave a paper on the orl- tical can only be shown by coop kin of thanksgiving mrs wm erative planning in conferences c of stewarttown entertained were helcl m saskatche humorous readings a social houi concluded the afternoon sympathv is txtcncitd to mr and mrs horac barnes and family in the losa of his mother mrs i las barnes friday evening friends and neighbouis gathered in the school house to honout mr and mrs har- c nurse the evening was spent in dancing and at eleven thirty a pi esc n tat ion f a writingdesk was made to thc newly wedj lunch and more dancing tmished tho evening mr and mi s janu s long of ened to maturity the pumpklnu sl alvla and zinnias lending vivid monnwl sho tenimoto cap splashes of colour to the scene the i nin br bstedo non sm tices are lovcl in brilliant icd and hnrvey hn7el lnure nee qm gold thc air is laden with the donnw dn cunningham beauty and npcntss of ocfiber j a1m fcndlov borry cte i chnrles carnev the girls nr mennwhlle form rik a softball league which will vi iivh i n1 tuemdnv rnd thursdays and opened with the hymn como ihe na fade beat the sliver liners is fl in an exhibition game lat thursday tom members or silver liners lorraine bas- tedo captain gale bastcdo shir ley grasb prtsy carncv elaine laird mltsukc teramoto dorettn tohannson flvlng eagles jean grasby captain grace blanchi emko such as wan the results of such planning have been fruitful in that province with thc surety of a federal election in the spring the effort of every ccf member in help mg to attract lew members is es sential the peoples party vnust prepare to become the govern ment mi hawes spoke foi thiit min utes but the time seemed to fly quickl discussion followed and the meeting had a hntf social time teramoto ellc n hunter kath leen cascttdota lois jarvta ph louth nick ferri gets anthony medal miss llsa qcey of th te i h ng mafrd havc bten visiting fortho nick fcrrl peppery little for ward of the brampton excelsiors lacrosse team and a star performer with georgetowns intermediate hockey team for the past few sen sons has received thc pete an thony memorial medal as thc most valuable player on thc 1040 la crosse team 1 he medal is given yearly by bui anthony and his mother in memory of one of in the mail bag aff of harwood school tor nto v is i utek end visitor t t e i ome of her pa rents mi and mis hcr- im rt bessev mis maiy bedell and miss joyce 1u dell have i eturncd from a bus hip to culiforria mi and mis dick licata enjoyed i trip to detnnt unci ann aib r michigan over he weekend wbtie lu v vlsiud with his nephew hni i lieuta p ist to weeks with mr and mrs w iltei brownndge and the lottero sistc i miss savres of georgetown i he painting and decorating in the church is progressing nicely and it is hoped to have it in rcadi- unanimous choice of puiycs ihis for anniversary ser ices ion fiimmi november 7tli sweet way if we but wntt the lord will tnkc our burdens and 3et all our troubles straight saturday night is the nfght we have been waiting for halloween wltchci and goblins walk nnd so on but mostly it is the night for everyone to shell out for the chil dren well it soom t that i am not th only one who gets stuck in the mud in town one chap i saw yes- day was well in the mud on john street his remarks were any thing but comrhmentary his lan guage had a magenta tint but af ter uc passing motorists had help- d him out of his difficulties he said it isi t such a bad town after all taklnn it by and large just what i have always said dropped in at albert slmsons new studio of photography it is a pleasant place freshly decors- ted it is clean nnd bright and re laxing albert specialize in por trait studies nnd the ones we saw in the studio were natural photos b albert slmson would make th kind of christmas that would be appreciated speaking of gifts whether it b for christmas nr for weddings and birthdays n good place to brows and shop is the phoenix gift shop ruth barber and olive moyer both have the knack of finding just the right gift to fit any occasion and there are dozens of cards to com plete the gift y quite the nicest chat we have had this week wns with mr and mrs oeorge charters of college view mr charters had just cele brated his ninetyfirst birthday on october 22nd he was sn good health as was mrs charters who will be eighty four years old on november 3rd mrs charters does all her own housework and has a keen enjoyment of life says she enjoys our column very much mr charters was happy about n cake baked for him by mrs r t paul and another by mrs jones mrs mcgulgon and mrs koloski good neighbours had presented them vv ith roses we hope you have many more such pleasant anniver saries x i bramptonb greatest goal tender i who was killel two yoais ago in a god lovcs thc a motor accident holder of tho f irst ho gives them greater visf n than i medal last year was carl modgett tnc nick fern uho topped his team he p word of wiodom on in goalgetting this fans eason was the and by mi and mis wilf hunter ha ilosed theli v illeyview cabins at lluntsv ilh foi the season and are back m gcoigetown for the winter october 7th 10 la dear mr editor wc the hockey fans and poten tial poyeru of tne mortgage on tho memorial arena reaent the fact that thc parks board refuses to i allow us to enter tlio arena to watch the practices of the tuim if they wish to restrict at tendance to those who will be of a suflclaritly responsible age to avoid damage to the beating oi building then why not make a small charge ot tan or fifteen cents to those wishing to watch hockey practice i incidentally j also seems an in justice to charge watchers the full umount charged ukuters for tlio privilege of watching people ukute here again it would seem that ton or fifteen cents per person would bo quit sufficient to i en trie t aton- dknee to those genuinely interested youis veiy truly hockey fans to a ftut th newfoundland delegation to thart th court of confederation with canada headed by it albert j wimi jrrived at montreal airport recently aboard i traincanada air lines ail craft been here ahout in imirtl u 1 1 v piano for ottawa tliey arc utt to right front row gordon m winur john u mclvoy kt mr vnliu p gordon bradley kg sad j k small wood hack row janus l chamiing secretary to thc diloj hioil waller mar thai l mcretary of finjuice wm mary good land and min stella meaniy oddfellows instal new ofrcers at a ccremonv m the oddfellows halt on mondav evening the new lodgi officer were installed by james mccutcheon of brampton deputy district grand master foi credit district no 13 the new ofifcers of orion lodge are noble grand keith spence vice grand harvey dcwhurst recording sec retary gordon spence financial setretaiy jnmi s colliei treasur er sam walker refieshnients were seized after lodge ballinafad forum starts new season ballinafad farm forum begins its weekly mordov night meetings next monday when this active group will meet at the home of mr and mrs robert mcenery last monday a meeting was held ut the home of mr and mrs lloyd mar shall to arrange for tlio new sen- son garnet sinclair was chosen as convener and mrs wilfred burt as setrctarvtreasurer after the busl- iuvis meeting welnem coffee and pumpkin pie wore served by the hostess their tongue and keeps his presence ever their side i frerndnvvn to dusk and on through even tide god helps tho aged within their home his spirit ever dwells their mellow hearts are touched like chiming bells he calms their fears their worries disappear bi cause they know his help is al ways near god keeps the aged i with heart of gold and sllver- tinted hnlr and earnestnes and gieater faith in prayer he ktepj them as a shepherd guards hip sheep till in his fold they ffently fall asleep annk dr and mrs samuel bean of londoivi visited in town ostorday with mr and mrs walter blehn mr and mn t grieve mr alva gilevi and mia mory ohoro were in colborno for the weekend where they attended the wedding of miss roaomnry rutherford miss rutherford la the daughter of mr grleves cousin c s ruther ford v c whb is postmaster colborno at this is a 10 page paper-

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