the georgetown herald wednesday m 2th 1946 news and items of interest to haltoh farmers does hybrid corn make good- 31lage heading of cereal grains in lai ton ia pretty well completed to en uxurviw wtti agricultural repxe- isentative j e- waiitelork n prlday i t ut mr whatelotk eautnaud that j rom jo t ji per cent of tix eer itul grain rfp vn hal ton liaa been aowi i further stated thai fair ifrcnntat had already tarud to prpare their coyn ground a suahle raag tit huakmg mm wilt be sown in hal ton iiccordmg to mr whitelork ijrovuhjng wieatllvr unit toil ctfrtdmon ur favorable around the mwdse of the molith jnr thia narty jawing- of jc torn he inggeud surh jarwtie aa canada 3i funk lhi or liejlaih- 6 but added that if it wa not poaaifcle to get it iawn before th later part at th month it would b advisable to turn to auitt earlier maturing varieties a canada 335 6r 36 dekalb 51 or funks g31 etc in answer to our inquiry concer ning silage com he stated that th bulk of rop is grown from hybrid t trams but admitted that wjwe hil ton livestock men still favour open jwilhnated strain for silage purpo ses it wu mr whitelocks opin ion that thi we largely due to th tandency on th part of soma to ut their hybrid corn get too mature before ensilaging hybrid com he pentd out remain r4 consi derably longer than open pollinated strain and consequently when en- ud at the more mature stage on taitiet a lover percentage of essgai aeeosrdinar to exjiennienta work goswhsrtad by th dominion jtbj hn farm at ottawa all vaxietie oa eoa whether hybrid or tretnt contain the df sugar at th m of maturity conse- fi hy if eneriwd at ft ainular stage mt mmnty there ahoald b no dif- jssreese frost z silage standpoint fjbat ejfcen oa take into eonaidera- flea th ability of hybrid atrain to vftfeatand wiadatormj and greater lswenr agalnat corn borer da age ke queation the wisdom of xerrertbig to opn pollinated strairs- w were informed that a percen tage of hal ton farmer are lowing around or o lb of sorghum per mere with their adage cern in order to atp up the sugar content ano ther group in the county mix 10 or 12 lbs of soybeans with the uaual amount of corn which ia approxi mately 12 to li lba per acre the addition of wybeana itpa up the protein content and according to those following thia procedure im proves pautability late maturinff varieties of aoybean auch oa ak- or manchu alould be teutted for thji purpote as they are taller gro wing and will hold their lfcv- until the corn la ready to go ia tbe alio inclenully mr wwuloek advo- caua a mixture of the canada dressmaking alterations pecializincr in childrens wear mrs- f perry over hewtorit garage mill st phone 30w atrainu rtort and riol for uuge parpoa if sown the liat week in fay such a corobinatlon will give mor tonnagit dian ttot alonu and alrto ui inclusion of a late variety tuuh oji hofl will oiuure taorg ugr j uid aonasquntiy h trer avlaga avpa3ttlbe mixtures 1 l6ng term pastures i 1 porurtt- umilji indcatis ttea i 1 lhomai hoiu and paturo prtc ihu ttji on irio ftirrtiultu- ral yollrtgi tajc fr ui 4vtrigi 1 ill iyr farmer a ww h vjptwnrii i inixture w a uttur ropoaitlob thin i tui- itr iuguloji pointell out how- ur th r may i areiu rin niny 100 qin famit which d rtiit lind themaelvea to inclusion in the regu- i i iv firm rotation and consequently cii will 1i jded to a ian utrm mixture hovj cy j pi ig in mind i tli limited rtag on thd 100 acre farm unit a good h lypaiture worka in btte- vi th the rtgulir rotation md will iv mor ononuc re turns- tha vgrirultural office at milton auggeau lba of alfalfa i lba of rftd ciover 3 ba of tim othy and j jw rt brone a a good mixture per acre for a haypaatur comhmation the above commenta should not d nt preted aa a fondmnation of long term paa- urea as dre louily pointed out there arc frequently area on the smaller farma luch a paddock i or rough an at xhah da not lend thennele to iniiuaton in the regu lar rotation hich might vel be eeded hown u a long erm pas ture in adiition on the larger farm unit a field a be much more paaily set oaide for a rng ten pasture jithrut ipeattng the regu lar rotat r n dumir tle fast 3 t eart th hal ton rap iriprr ement atocia ion had ror u ted lorg tenr pas ture competituin which have re sale i a pood deal a xorth wh e nf rrauuon w of the conclu iiona ar ed a b irai of thu rrgar zaton are aa ollow first here is nr crop oi a meted fairm n hal tor whirr- will give a large eturna per acr- as ong term pas- i urt p ojiding aj a proper seed rr lxture a und i bj the soi ferti- j level of re fieui is nigh c ha the correct ie 1 ng techauju is fol owodf dj truit proper man- aatrrent methods are followed and ord rat ljn n an rutstand ng aituf cgume focs much better on oam moist ar i s than on th rua rlai jhicr t id to dry out th rd hat f oa mixture are rot only the equa out aufrior to rti n morf n ghl advertised and rrrt expena e mxtures which have rtn aoid thrjghout tne ount the o a mixtures are superior from the attnupoint of carrying cajirit or productivity and consc qucntly will gi e greater economic returns these statements are not only substantia ed by the reault secured in rocon- eaxs in the hal- ton long 1 crm pasture competi tions but also by experimental work conducted at the ontario agncultu- rai collage jfotvattuf oesigncd fob use with ssota aiodrfl nxnirig haa bdn gved x jiua tiyat whiuh hrtu back ta th i ay of the thutijiiid rof m tins vaiuouve homce tjcr thit houi homi r has taici n avivojitage of th pliability of aaphalt ahingliis t6 car ry hia tfoot b yond uu walla of thu hote ui ipv th thmechtt appear- tnoii ekjopi seen ill fcjatern can- aii tjiifl treaonent is bdcominc pular throygh th vvatt fi ji n esi nil bo bhu westaru type of arciuiiaje- tur and a tuady supply of pliable ihingua high school news general machine shop work uausakou appllaiie vwpir4 beak nute1 excelo mfc co wg st ctg memories to honour lifetime for lifetime to come menumcnti markers motjendujy priced m card or letter will bring our enrloa to your door oakvtlle monument works 2fcoboro st oelrrhu ic and jo e again inform our devoted itudirs that iti faat aprproaciuug juwlgnwnt day for fufth forniera xama that ia hy uaing the unpar- alled logic of higher rnathtamatica me have com to the braluant don clujn that the may ldth exam are only a week away by this time next week u mastermind will b ewer our heads in decimal points fractions newton s lawa chart laws outlaw and inlawm be- n lea all this sort of rot there will be jolly old fnghah and franaus mai ouj et lavei voa pjd on i account of these exam and the dia- mal departmental in june we can- ot guarantee a column every week j itudytng you knomr we expect i he circulation of the herald to jurwp ii the next few weeks i to f l 1 up space we agan tell jou jiac- tlm glee club hi going be i jing in the ttajwa muaic festival at j th ettd vt this week a great deal of thanks should gd to mr cpp for his fine leadership and tirelesrs i effort- m m thesummier holiday are tmt ap proaching and ail the kiddie ar impanently waiting after a gruel ling semester at old gjel the form wili be free again wjth th exception of the slave in fifth form we might add that it is on big holiday in first form all th time li- m it iui tv uitittrd to cook wtth0 a ul tminii modern ratig hr yonr ihiinti n w ji ultbte in traisitaaai aaodela rtr witll mjwn miikn ora rangee spectkuhr bmlt f r uiu wmh fimntajoe thry hgfax eub m itu illv i smoke no eoot ga runitaaj ia n jhk li nji trouble ecoponucal teex- dvertxsmg gives the public a nrrta- heal of useful information about he price of thing and sv- ut tat i being generally nesd ard a constant study of th noti ng u jry usful essotane gives thehottbbt flame ltodsy we live in a greater canada w dr archer wallace preaches at norval iie dr archer wallace editor of ibc onward and an outstand ing author and lecturer preached on htght and wrong ideas about re ligion on sunday ovening in nor val united church it was th an nual church aorv ico of tho norval junior tornier and junior institute and tho church was well filled for tho occasion the minister rev f jy iunlop assisted with the service the scripture roadlng was taken by william alexander junior hrf- mcr prosident and marion cume junior institute prosident offered the prayor a selection by the nor val quartette clark lvons bill lloyd nnd darnel laid lav was in cluded in the musical part of the service i ho offoring was donated to tho cripplod childrens fund adapts rfchaju ii dlstfaigvkffaea oaav toaywrlgfct who rswmo ui rvs play uaf 0m prateit oa cbo km through their eyes cnda is tht nnl iltintl of enuntrir it n pri m- 1ujm anil omtrlunit it lb uliert tht want to u wu drtam of million or-a- i a r aht for ut- io nn mir-u- a- otherv ee u strtntlun- our rt ihzation of our countr lit u uiihrtanee in tht mtmlt rn world i h c in ida that ruit rt il from tht w ir i- i far rtatt r tountr than ui ct r tlmulit wtiltl a tiintr of iil mt n m il ami aru t prtmlm ti il uitli a nullum niori uiplid than lu fori th war with a in w ut ilth of i n it rt lin i imr- awaiting tho- iiim to tht opmr- tumtieb urouutl thtii sv- 115111 applications yrr on hlr in oiiiuru hotiiit 1 nilmi ulirn ontario ltrin hn immtr hum plan li iiuh lirru rnltiuutt i that ut trim tut f tho dixpliii rd r i riiiun anl to einiprjjtr tit unnda xti significant tm u thr nunitw of nrv limits rmtftl1ilird hrrr liv foripti urilif imiiuiit iiilrrrrttui urc tluuf liuill ti lt rimr rofnjcrn of wlinru abtiut jmk entered 1 unada lltey hlahlihlird al irani ih new industrie nituyiuc over 6 mm canada it increafiink uttraitne far vimtoru too rc tomirttri than ever nnip lo nit in 10 p lubkiu an ever- growing ttintribulioti to cun untied canadian progr and prtwnenty louis fischl ataping from ctrchiwlttvulia cmnkttl ceilaila in 10jh liegan inantifucturtnf kid glove in an old renovated ontario factory unadians join el ina original hundful of bkllled csech worker to learn the new art today tliotuaudu tif pair of githl canudiuii high faahiou glove in irathcr and iu fabric are being produced koib in veeoutt out and st tit q their uew branch ejjtrwsjutuei wieale tee latf fmtvr hmw u etjeue ur umuyi wm i wt eti 1 1 j ii ii i sa r eaaessemaju ai 0s w airke rseam kg louis f ibc ml sayai hui ik idroht aajwb m ty o woon upmm liilli ill i j