georgetown herald wednesday evening may 12th 1948 tory gregg guest sptaker at lions hockey night i think lvlo fumilj nhouldf have a family hiht cah week a tolht l dad and mother apend some tttnewith jthjr family play with thepi talk wlr thu uvcntt ot tho i day k 6 tho uronu or the hall park to wacn uum ut their sport such was lory troisrs adyici t6 jaronu sprnlclng ut thuim hoikoy night on monday and pointing out tfiut many wmji didnt bptnd enough timo with their children ho contfrutu- latld the j n termed lattu iind umd that i a member of tho q h a ox- cuti he thought rhm worthy r chumpiona ho nnrticultjrly ia inter mp eatld in minor aporta and spoko to the ountjr hoya present tolling thorn that education uhould coma firat and apoito would fellow that to play aports ahatinonco from to- bucco and alcohol plcnt of good plain food und lou of rout wore all important sio of a town docu not mean anything in aport and many of tho mnjor hockoy players came from villages smaller than nerval he aaid antno hoped that ho was talking to bom- fututo start who would take over from tho present intermediates a few year from now lhe lions hockey night was or ganized to honour the ontario in termediate a champions ad brills bravoa juvonllo boston bruins midgot and norval hor nets bnntam respective cham pions in their grc grouping members of tho recreational coun- ell and the town council wore in cluded in tho party which was held in the legion rooms recreational director hal newman wan convenor and jtay whitmce was master of ccrcmonioa the lion ladles cater ed for tho meal and a novel featuro was the use of miniature wooden hockoy sticks as place marks tho kticka wore soon in circulation for autograph and tho young player now are proud possessors of auto graphed souvenirs of tho evening albert simson took a group photo- praph which will bo sent to tho lions magazine tory gregg himself a former professional hockoy star and now tfporta editor for radio station cknx wingham has appoarod hor for tho last throe jcars as master of ceremonies at georgetown fair he was introduced by kon mcmillan several guenta wore called upon for a few wordt including jack cotton bob hall and rev j l self coochca of the three teams mayor joseph gibbons jack arm strong plrc blocldmrn and doug baby pace runions coach of tho intermediates lion chief harold mcclure ii hike for tho club and thanked tho ladies for catering and ncla robinson thanked tihe club for inviting tho teams to dinnor riley brcthour and jack gun ning in undercut hockey uniforms provided merriment with a skit built around the georgetown dol boau scries and a sing song was led by jack armstrong ith miss jessie leavitt at the piano lions ray whitmee art scott jack arm strong dick i leatqgl and claronco benham formed a juintette to sing home on the himgc and don barrager and couch humous offered fie toot pwo as one number in tht smtfaoju stewarttown t mr i greenwood has returned home aftit eing in clmstie streot hospital hi nee last november he is ver much improved in health and progreining fa ourably congiatulations and ht st wishes tomy and mri william henderson hermit urrie who were married in st lohnn church jaat wook mr 1 it bul of hamilton vis ited at ins home here last week alias pavnu und tin mhool chil dren nnjojed t tiiarhhmallow roust reeimtj out of doors misses joan and iliirhnia i usty of georgitown spent sunday with mr and mm p iojge engagement mr and mrs wuhani l milltore wish to announce tho engagement of their daughter eleanor mo to hugh sponco tmvklnnon son of mr td mrs robert h mckinnon of fehivaltir ontario v wwtiim will take place saturday june ljstfu 1048 at s oclock in googetown united church cfatld op thanks i wish to thank my friends and neighbour for their card and kind- newt daring my recent h1natf at gudph general hoepltal tt wit indeed appreciated mrs j w huddell the weather it lulitor ilvck of a hlbsaom sunday wasnt it tho bct topic m at tyj day iluumji to he what has liapponed to uty balmy days in a toejrr month of may ittjmourrbor laal year th6tghfou the 7th and hhw it mowed sumo thing occurred this jeai we didnt- actually havo a white blanket beta but it was hot many miles awas and may it stay moio miles away lru batkirt dail max muj ralk may 3 u 38 uuy 1 nil 42 miij 5 b 14 iuj 0 05 38 41 uu 7 11 45 32 muj 8 4o u muy a u jj 48 alrail 7 14 3914 1 21 church news kuox prlyterlan churejei limehouio preabyterun church rov j l solf t interim imodorntor sutidaj muy 16 lloyd mor row ma b d phd lormerlj profoaaor of iytunuitlc i neology in knox college will preach at 11 am and at limchouae at 3 1 m tennis season opens with social members of st georges lennt club officially opened thj 1948 tennis season ijvith a nocml uvoiutig iu the elubropma last i presi dent gi orgt walker woleomed thoso jremmt and ejcnrcssod lisappobit ment that uiore were not mdro ikiweontvrti out mnv hliglmon v jownd- thfc io8t history of thu lub und fuluro plaim vjuih included urfaeiug the eourta vh vnd clay at the present timo- mitil n nrh til- vided ito four work rouiis foadod l doug sargont tiuc bradbury mttjt hughson uhd bob smith and halt been busy clearing woods and getting the lower court in shape for surfacing it m planned to have this- in rtndineas for pla aa soon jas pohsible and mi upper court vilbbo- taekled later dancing trot mok chockcra and urdu featured thi evening with luneh being ervtd officern of the club arc george walker president barbara daw so i secretai v marga- ii t hoart treamrir j ick 1 homp- i tn publicitj chairman membership fels ait s i 00 ffv itnior and j 00 for juniors harold speers hired as public school teacher harold a speers a native of caludon lijist haa been engaged by georgetown public school board io tarh grade 7 und manua train ing at the cho6l conunenclng with thu full ttirm mr speers wilt re- pi ice mr samuel sovenott whd is uiktng a position m ihu niagara pininsula after bltug on hi ataff here a yeur mr- spcerti tf ut present teaehlng at sit williams where l ta princi pal of a graced village school mr u em tuugbt fjr nine years in lotl i oiml boford joining the rcap with nbieh be m rved three years as ijn ilihtriiejor hu 1ms since taught in orfolk county ijc m married ins wtfe being a native of toronto mi mln r of the unitid chiurch mr spiu win president of pool i lyudivtuv v p u wlnle a rosidont f peel countj i in iitw- teacher na choson from i lint of several applicanta at a i mi tine of the school board on siittndiv afternoon the hoard had i cho mr speers and mr walter ha 01 of i oronto for personalljji- urvuwh uftei those and otheraiv jiii itions had l reviewed mr und mr arthur copley of i oronto wcrr rtioilt vultors with i ho hoblqs x congratulations to mr and un wllfrwl llrown ndn dorothy shel- bounu on thtf birth of k non oo april 29 mrs iolirt coultor la rpainr ytxfnctn iirrri followinft an ijiirntioi for piwlx ronoval at llllll illuplbil ut topple mr und air v sanforh w tyluhrll nl miwtjorib mitchiill utfulrl tin hhowcr at mr nti mr win pvn ori ut lorontoon rnilu fvniilnj hi id in honour of minn huihnru fhrmhun and mr nnrnivn oil win n hil and croom urt mi- anil mrs a c patterson n 1 mrs a w liintnrj nttondod llu iinnunl moctinpr of the halton flililrcn i an society in st pauls i hurrh milton on tucnduy oven uik r glon wilhm uiiitd church minintor ilev t j dunlop may 10th 1948 108th annivcraaty 11am kov clm jolliff o special inuuic by the choir 7 pm kov it k lomloty music by norval choir all arc invited to those special services sorvicoa at norval and mount pleaaunt aro withdrawn so that our people may worahip with tho glen williams conrofcatfbn first baptist church uev clun k oowcr minister 10 am the one outstanding evil 11 am sunday school 7 pm tho conquering christ 8pm monday hypu 8pm wednesday prayer meeting and bible study st gorgs church archdeacon woo thompnon rector whitsunday sundaj school 10 a m holy couv munlon 11 aja evonsonsr 7 pu st albmns church cun williams whitsunday matina 9 30 am sunday school 10 30 am parent education group formed a gioup of intertbtnl parents met in the old lown hall laat wednesday to discuss tho forma tion of a parent education group under the guidance of hccrcatlonal director hal newman mrs harry lewis v ls elected sccrotarj for the irroup which is planning a second meeting inter this month it is planned to have a course of ten ice tuies in the fall wth professors from the univtraltj of toronto conducting the course wm b featherstone die in guelph lhe denth occurred in uuelph genera hospital on ihuradaj april 15th of william b rcutlicratono of milton in his 83rd yeur he was the husband of the late jennie facott of georgetown and father of mrs p e ault mai j of weston and i aurancttc un of guelph social and personal bd norval nd unioa prubytarlais cliurchas kev j l self b a nsrval 10 am sunday school ham public worahip union 2 pm sunday school 3 p m public worship sports coach mooted for georgetown this year norv parish of i horubrs and stwaruwu anglican rev j e maxwell ba lth leoctor st staphans church horaby 11am morning service excopt lat sunday in month vensong at 3 p m st johns church stawartlwia 3pm evonlnn servlca liicon utsunday in mouth ornink service at 9 80 am st pauls church norval 7 30 p m evensong oxcopt lat sunday in month loly communion at 1 1 m holy cross r c oiuimla rov fv v j morgan 2nd and ith sundays- mass at 0 am lat 3rd nd 6th sunday mass at 11 am uuljifaj chara of usa uiuj churth ry o r rlladsui balluutfaj 10 am sunday school ias slihfmnisfilp clrlui 180 pu public worship 2 80 p ta sunday schaon mukru 2 p m sunday school s pm public worsup corlfa ualttji 10 am sunday bcbool 11 im itv rusmii laaeooie vrmy formarly ot wtnalpasx wbl preach interested members of the hockey club ball club and recreational council ure promoting a plan whereby an assistant rocroational director would be hired to take over eouchmi duttes in georgetown lhe hockey club ore promoters of tho idi and are naturall inerestod in someone of doug uunions eullbre tu sliae u another cliuinpionslnp teum next jeui club officials pro posed the scheme at a guc meeting last night and a committee compo sod of alf sykes and jack brill for tin grc don barrager and ken mcmillan for the hockej f lul und hup groae and bob lane for tho hall club us firmed to meet with the hoard of pinks miinugenii ut to dneuss finuncmg tin project i imer dron reported that tho flrnt practice for fie scnioi girls oftliull teum had been held that i wnmg und the guls arc cnlhua- itthfic but more itiruits uie neeiled and he stressed thut nil mrli arc viuleome to tr out uith the team lhe ill luy in a league with brampton uioksmlli port rcdit wuodbrulgi an i ponsihlj dixie an otlui prui tuc wl in lull ihlirs du n i ht mr ii llcata and mr and mr v rettivo attended tho wedding in hamilton i week ago aturdav of thoir nephew mr harry llcata and miss margarot kelly tho recop- tion mi held at tho royal con- naught hotel mrs riblibeth brownson of chl- i ago illinois is visiting in town uith her niece mi- george walters ind other relative mr o j whitmce of windsor la m town this week visiting with rela tives mrs horn king of branchton ipent the weekend with her family in town mi and mrs v g hunter and rhililn n marion and margaret of j iieiman visited on sunday with her parents mr and mrs thnmns i i isher charles street i lohn cnmcron flnlay son of mr and mn stan pinlav was christen ld kcentlv at t glories church with vrchdencon w g o thomp- i son officiating godparents wore mr and mri r h matson of hrampton ross pi tih universitv of toron- t engineering student has taken a vummtr position in perth where he will work with the county engineer in i anark county mr toe prucjk and son larry in visitinc this week with his par i nts in selkirk manitoba and with i hi sister in calnrj hvron bedell i made tin trip with them miss i isie liulme whose marriage i to mr s mciiugh of adton will tike place the latter part of this month was guest of honour at a lipmhination hn hda party and sho- ur n wnk ago saturday at i tin home of mr and mrs g w mi hugh cton rriends from goov i ci town milton und acton were pro- tin and enjoyed an evening of imhre mrs 1 drew milton and mr s liulme georgetown being pniwiiinei a number of lovely gifts were priscnti 1 to the bride to in it tin el isc of the evening umehouse f agni w and son spent last wick with her lister mrs jno glynn other vi dtors with the i hiins on sunday included mr and mrs dnltu 1 andir c agrnyw of woodhrldgi nn 1 rev mackay who conducted services nt llmchouse presbyterian church on sunday a number from hero attended tho recital given by pupils of miss marlon hepburn in the baptist church which was filled by an appreciative audience mr and mr ted morrow and diane and mr and mrs bob lane and children were sunday visitors with mrs r lane mr and mr y campbell tilllle and loan and danny steplock of hamilton wore visitors with the nortons inst weekend mr and mrs jas noble mr and mrs c meredith and mr and mrs kam and daughter nttended tho post nuptial toi given at the home of mr ind mm wm copley in honour of their son and his bride mr and mrs arthur copjey on sa turday prlre winners at lvlday even- mtrs hall hoard thunderous ovation greets speakers 23 in audience contributed by j k- t u tlio success of thu 1948 aeaaoq qf st ocorgoa tpnnht club can b faugcd by the nuccosa of th social veiling hold- in tho clubrobm lost i riilay this la gohyi to be s blff year for those individuals who piicen bigh vuluo upon life ubeifty mill the pursuit of tennis balls lhe social committee margarat lloare icurby dawsion mrt mary hediill jtnd pud ivalker cohtriveti mi veiling that won completely sa ti ifudtory in the matter of enter- miiimout artif poddl two dozen in oplo alternately rejoiced and dhv paircd u they either won or loafc at bridge or croklnolo wore stepped on or did themselves step upon others at dancing probably the bitterest ixtrcmctt of emotion however were i i ached whon tho marvelous pood wi i followod by a brace of speeches one by pud wnjkor the pres ident of the club and another by max hughson tho loader of ther ham gnng both these worthies impressed up on their hearers n rather unique theory pertaining to encrgotlc en deavours that might be aummod up in tho phraso unltod wo stand divided w- dont havo any tennis courts this year both showed a singular disinclination to do all th work on tho courts by themselves and aecmed to be labouring under the impression that ovoryone should pitch in and help but as this is patently aburd everyone applauded wildly and forgot the speeches as soon as possible with tho ex ception of 19 people who turnod up to work on the courts on monday evening may loth this apparent enthusiasm how ever must quickly bo nipped in the bud ns there la an unfortunate ten- lency on tho part of those who work on the courts to tako a lively and porsonal interest in them dur ing the ensuing playing season thereby cluttering up said courts and causing some discomfort to thoie carefree characters such as party included x ifl yf m matthews mr your reporter who can blithely hold up their heads and volley away even though honest claycourt sweat has never bedewed their nob le brows actually pud walker as prs- cllfford may centre prlre mrs osburn and mr c clarke low mrs snmmervllle and mr fllerby door nrle russell miller 3pot dance mrs f miller and mr j fllerby mays orchestri provided music for ildent of the club taikod senvtbti milton hockey player buys beauty business dancing mr and mrs a w benton and sons wltod the greenlees nt camp helhllle on sunday tn the serretiry treasurers re- nort at tho annual meeting of the w i held in the nail on thursday the venrs encelnta were 897 71 ex penses were fr2 br leaving a bal ine of 11fi 15 on april 10 the mil cill was snswered bv payment of fi es after discussion it was ill emed advisable to vote in favour ivf a 50c fee as recommended by ths di nartment the returning president mrs cishv oke of the tr club work oremni7ed durln- the year as a high- inrht mrs batkln club leader out- lineil work covered nnunl reports from different general albert orsborn international leader of the salva tion army general albert orsbortt arrived in canada this month for s aeries of meetings at several ca nadian centres lis was in toronto last tuesday and wednesday hi uno silisi7l lontrc and left wing plnvor with this years milton llitt inn iliatia is georgetowns ii wist businessman mr scllslzzl ha punhasei the i lllico beauty salon husiiush from mrs donna kv in whi has been optratlng it inn slu i aim to giorgitown n i i ai i manh i in niw propric tui iioj- workcdiic mtltouaud ilam- ilt in at tin hiurdri ssing trade and is full v i xjii rli m i d in ids work he will tontimie to operati tin busl- iu ss uuili r tin nanii i illlcos beau tv salon established 23 years ago hv tin original proprli tor tho lato howard t lllico mrs i lllico will iiiiitinue with him on the staff words outlining the rather tragw 1947 season when the ghastly spring weather defied all efforts to maks n tennis court out of a sen of mod pud walker was followed at the speakers table by max hugh- son becomingly decorated in raf fled vellowgrcen tissue paper wltfc rosettes the table not max max into whose efficient care has been given the responsibility of gt ting the work done oxplalned lucid ly and entertainingly the method he has set up to accomplish his task the personal contact required wttfc each worker to ensure his or her attendance upon each appointed job and the names of the work lea ders and their crews the evening concluded with a i r w wr h ot of thnnks being extended to ths an mrs r miller read the del socinl committee and the suggss- liti s report of the annual meet- tion that those present might nay s ylatnn ch aid their vearlv fee before leaving a ii in milton last wv- i trtfjing amount nintteen initios attended the personalities noticed by your re nin tine- w in lection of officers rter during the course of the ey- risiitid as follow mrs n sanford enlnp include wally cook attenrp- prr r i to plny crok with a salmon pt i w v innrvich in one hand and a piece r rz mnl e miior i of to cake in the other com- 1st vice tre mrs kirlrpatrlek plaining all the while that he hat ml vice p mrs 9pit7er no appotlto for the game t mrs r ballinafad mothers day was observed in our church service on sunday a bap tismal service was also hold for throe infants norman brian son of mr and mr m sinclair allan nell n of mr and- mrs leo jamleson and gary donald son of mr and mrs d brown mr ami mrs ross ttuxley of hllaburgh visited sunday with mr ami mrs ray mcknery mr sam snow left on monday for dellslo sailc whore he will spend the summer with his unci mr nat glvens on ms farm mr v j bhortll and ross arsr recovering from a severe attack of flu we hope o see them out again soon sir trias f fllerh dist director- mrs olsbv brinih dlrectois mrs f llrnwii mrs xi norton ibitl in uditois miss r mriillniirli mis i nmighley pianists mrs ttoughley mrs lodlui prt s neimrlt r mis w benlon mrs t fill rbv nvennrs of qttndlni committees irrlc nnd can industry mrs ftc brown sod welfare airs glaby hist itesearclujurs 3mqthurst cltl7enshlp mrs klrkpatrlck home fconnmlca mrs tlntkln publicity sirs mcvov roll calls mrs noble deleprntis to district annual mrs wright mr f brown mrs nuthurst mrs mjiier delegates tn childrens aid mrs glshv mrs wright delegates to muslc festival board mrs f anferd lunch was served at the close engagement mr and mrs sydney hulme an- noimde the engagement of their daughter fisle alice to mr stan- lev mehugh son of mr and mra g w mehugh or acton tie mar riage will take place at ten oclock on saturday morning may tha twerfty second in woly cross church georgetown small w ontli rl max bradbury showed brilliant form at croklnole his offside shots were outstanding vt ma i outh ind dawn keelan prospective members were welco med warmly nnd common courtesy and sense 1 should have uilvlsod h ttlng them win the games they w r playing but this social nicety wub luthlessly neglected the ban- ling interests wire represented by i lnnor milllere sponce mckin- non isnbel and mar dobson don rand and margaret hoare mr and mrs douglas ssrgont miss murlal kijin mrandjtrs geojsg walker mrs bill mcnally miss thoross curtis miss joyce bedell and mr art mcallister played games wlttl wild abandon listened to tho apes- chca wltli interest and lunched with commendable singleness of purpose an a sign of unslialcablo faith in his abilities those present allowed jack thompson to wash the dishes stewarttown mrs it jenklnson mr and mrs r standosh ted rosemary and ri chard of thorold were vlstus with frlenda in slowarttown on sunday mr and mrs walter hodge ht of toronto mr david hootee chatham and miss joan rode aclon were all vkltms with mr sad mrs walter hods aa sunday