the cfc herald wccnyeaday dec 22nd 1943 stardust our uatiitl a tju uaritm sbmbykajtfgej m tc quiltf of tun la a winter sky i t shadows if dusk drifting into nirbt shimmer of snow in the starlight on geld and roadway and roof glow of lighted window patlernins the darkness and dutant chime trembling through the ulillrwss christ mastlde and use new year brrluning a citing season for rjutrt thought and thankfulness tt for irbirfiilda and quiet nights for horn wsrurr and the laughter of little rtiililrrn fiir food enough and to spar for live right to uve as free mco hve lh u be grairui it for tlie bounty of the harvt gath ered in for the fertility of our fields or the rich resource of mine and foret and waterway for the glorioua strength of this our canada let um gine tkonkt sv of all we have endured the sacri- fioea we have made of unaccustomed tank and sterner effort and of our high resolve that freedom shall forever live lh us 6e proud tjr i n all e shall endeavour in all we bust achieve in journey through the darker days that come before the dawn in our unshaken faith in victory lh tit bt unafraid llr nigh upon two thousand years ago a star led the wine men to tne manger throne at ilelhlrhem there to had the advent of the lrmre of irace so ma the utrailfant slam inxpire u to mightier effort and to grratrr uarnfire that evd may lie mrrllmmn und that thr day may nuifll duun n hrn utir l nut and hair m dvsad if jhi nation thatl in consorf tread til llllt ll1 of fmxxcp the hydro electric power commission of ontario greetings tolyou and yours fora very merry christmas and a v happy and victorious new year h k ill o dept store main mill st georgetown tns curutn snd vtew and picture- the uprmal brsuty snd glory bryond zi it all rrsl ah virginia in all thl uoild there it nothing civ rel snd ubldlna no hants ulsusl thank oodt hr hvri snd he uve tamer a thousand tfiitt from now vlnrtms nsy ten thousand years from now hr w1u con- inui to mskr sud ur heart of child hood thr nrw yolk 8un iiiw homht in jail given chicken tlllll vvllfrra ailrhniu und jime- motctm fond usautrste w p wood life on monday morning on a chlcktn thrtt esse the evidence showed tha uie stole rvrnun hens ftom thr home of chsrlr diosti norm moccon ww it ho on husprndrd srnlince for on rur im to rriiort ui tin iwllcr ut ln trrvab and u only to keep company with those people ho are recoea- mi ndct- by the pollrr it he ecu lute un more trouhl- this charijr will be irtntl hnjinst him otlchriit wsa sin inced to hire months in jail with hard labor mum lions of in ertsl ftele left ovtr dim to exiru udirrusuig in this usua niluiiiiiintn uniiiitimtiiiiitiiiidiiintiiiiiiuitiiiitmiinaii tniiimiiiiii i n limn imnliti 4 to all our friends and customers ss a very merry christmas is there a santa claus t rliiy at in oin um mill chapmans dug store phone 72 georgetown i utiiiul i tin i ri tut- ikiir tdlloi yinm il ni ol this pixr i iu1 ilim v li 1 ii 1 tl 6 1- iiu smtli cuus i mi u in tlic turn um km iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii until inimiiti nun i in ii in inui inimuoiiiiiiit i kv kuk i l iii 111 i nil k o ii inlun iki n ullitimi u the 111 i ll ii i 111 li l vi li tin l null u ll sv a or liint tliui ai diitntiii- ill liiinii- in iri mim m llm i cvinl if lint doy hes rounliiic on h il mako niro llut u thouiuinilii like him uiint bo disaiiointctl it means riving up our own cliriximiih teloliaiiiii w tliol waisrowtled lines will be freed to handle tlio flnnd of holiday grcetiiiit from naval army and uir forco posts ncroug ilio country it means sending our chriatmus memtages by mail should yon find you must telephone outoftown try to do so as many days before the holiduy as possible and especially avoid all nonessential calls t iliniam or warbusy centres winning iho war is a nonstop job am urrent messages miut en uirougli is in mi i t iii s s mil i in a n nil i i hi l tlu l mil is i in- llll illkllll i iii ii 1 li lulu is imi ii i slst i ml mid ulw to tin lilt its hi in si in niu und io alisl llo4 tlrnir uuiilil be the uorld if there were no hunui claus it uould be us inury us ii hurt utre no vii i lulus there would be no chlld- llke fiith iii n no oetiv no uimiiuce n t muke lolirubk this xlsttnce we ijoih uld hnvc no enjoyment except in ihd it uk jfhu tlic eternal lluht with wnsmn childhood flus tlie world would which s3uiil be cxth tc in santa clausl you not txk of wc lot behve talrlesl muilit asj y pp nl me vou mluhtrth th chimneys on to watch i catcl1 santa claus ohrlstmas it whal would thal ve nttut sturus etui fy uhufs comlnir downvl banta claus but that is nobody mcs j no santa olsus no sign that t thn ho world the most real neither children nor are those that d v 8ver eo men can see ri m of course not oanclrw on the u that a not but thats no na b conceive or lmodlne there nobody ea an unm bnd nil the wonders uil6p unseeable in the me babys rattle and you tear opart tm n0e uul1 t see what makes the then is a veil covsurtf tronecat man world which not thrm m nor even the unite par ew llved the strangest men oandv 01 w could tear apart onrwy f pu tme poetry love romanoe w we must hold the une on the home front the battle against inflation i now the most critical of all the winning of this battle will contribute much to winning the war it will contribute more than all else towards the solution of postwar problems the purpose of price control is to prevent infla tion its purpose is to protect and maintain a basic standard of living a higher money income will not be of any ad vantage if because prices are going up our monoy buys less and less to win the battle against unemployment in the postwar period we must first of all win the battle against inflation salaries and wages are a large element often th largest element in the cost of everything we buy if the price ceiling breaks down in the long run all stand to lose we must hold the line against inflation to assure victory in war we must hold the line to provide a solid founda tion on which after the war to build a greater and a batter canada 2ux4uj zf filut ministtl or canada omawe paeiijjir 1 w4s v