the georgetown hetau wed novrifc 1 7 a 1943 remembrance hay service at cenotaph marks armistice anniversary fijii ta frs mrarrttlf 4 iw- aut by j a th cold norja vtnd prrailinj uu stmjay did not tntcvrcrre with th tir of 0oravtpwn payloc uvtx trapu to ujou- gallant mm vtu laid tfewm ihrtr uwa tn tfaa conflict of ifk- 1 and durtn this war to urea parade vbich farmed at ivtoo llall bradrd by uw lomr srou band nu4 doti ulu buret at i 4 touovvd by a drtaciimrot of tor uunr scots rricrvr in command of llrut hour tihaw and a u cinwy union jack and leion fus thr mrmbrn ol branch 190 canadian lr- 0on utmbrrs of thr a miliary to inc lrtflon ur rrbr n of thr council ills school cadru oul oujir and ho scouts oompirird uu parage ttt racii froop or onjanlation hradrd b uwlr own flair on amal at uw ornaph thr pa rser ahlch a undrr wmmind of col o d h cu turns hailed and formed uirr linr allh thr loror scot iunj uaina lhrlr position at thr jr ol the cenotaph voar roctn- ber ol ihr bomr urcrt flrnra actrd a guard around thr crnoltph ail atanflln atui hrads board and rulr rrwnrd tud a trry ntung guard of honour uayor olbboru oprnrd thr trrvtrr with approprtatr muaras for lh oc casion which ass followed b thr aaarmtr slnglca a hymn invocation and settptura lcaon by rrr jx c- trom- wreaths wr inra drpodtrd at lha foot of thr mounment by uayor otbboas while all mm in uniform and ivglanalrra atood to altrnuon wrratha wrrr uora the province of ontario ttm of otorgetovn ca nadian legion ladlra auxiliary oa- ort ctorpj am quidea boy ooouu a wrath tn memory of flgt- hubrrt prank tost and a wrralh tn manor of ptr hrnry w prmncla xv batt by mother and family and thr local chapter of thr i o d k rev woo thompson led tn thr alngtnff of the hymn o ood our help in area past sung in port only due to thr irerr cold wind prajcr by rev r c todd addrru by rev c c cochrane thr honour roll called iry secretary herb harlow of the ca nadian legion thr parade aa caurd to atlenuon when tha lart post waa aoundrd and the flag lowered two minutes alienor wa observed and tiveule sounded by a member of the lome ficou bond all ilaffi of the different organizations present err louerrd during the play ing or the lat poaf the benediction by rev w o o thompson follonrd by thr national anthem brough the aenicr to a close the lome soots band accompanied the ringing of the hymns and the er vice waa heard through a loud peok ing aystrm tnatalled at the cenotaph citizens of georgetown paid their ret pec ta to the departed men in i very fitting rrrnner the parade rr- formed and headed by thr band marched down main 6creet to tne legion hall where they disbanded the inspiring address delivered by rev c o cochrane was as follow your worship mayor otbbona bro ther members of the clergy member of the canadian legion citizens and wend it la no likely that our thoughts to day are wholly centred on the oreat war of 3ft years ago- we see that war now in the light of another and more immediate conflict we tee the last war und the ulcriftcea made then in the light of the present war and the aaxrlflcea being made now and c look wistfully hack over the intervening years to that first armistice day hoping that tft near future may have tn store for us something or its bless ing and relief boon after the close of the last war every city town and village in our wide dominion raised its memorial to the uvea and deaths of its sons killed to battle and every year whole com munities assembled to nay honour and tribute to their fallen comrades and to your eyes paycholotfits have mado num erous experiments to discover which sense conveys the most impressions to the brain and this is what they discovered taste conveys 1 smell conveys 114 touch conveys 3m htarlrjj convoys 7 sight conveys 87 you see how important are your eyes and how necessary that they havo careful examination periodically better vision is llelter living be sn of their condition consult ot walker r 01 etesioht specialist who will be at his office over the bell telephone co main street georgetown the second wedneadiy of each month or you may oontult o t walker at hli oskvb tn bswnpton wmswt ceetgauwd awaasnlea 8 piecie once mere that they had cot died tn vain bjt s thr years rouftd by u bream more and more ridrct that thr ortfl- lu1 pjrpoe of htatabrwc day was oein lou ucre and more thrtr tc- tertd to a irparation brtwern the con tent of oar tow and the conduct of our tnr we who swore to tut thr faiih and guard the paxr ahan- donrd at wcl thr onjy bas upon vrjob faith ur pear could or nvtrd aio thr more apparrnt uiu wparauon be- fatr thr mere nrrrvtxry it fc o prou that it sunt 10 u no4 oixg ihrttfojt until ihr cenotaph of our count r brcazur khrtnos of patrio tic rrlun and altar of rr tiorval btltrltmruuirtru and with rtrry pulng rj armltikrr day vnu ur infitatnilj tuxofnr frstltals ul unjaltljulneca in mcij r mi uui ulfcunfil4crncy 1th a thow of oar erwf wr hair tfn btlfuily blind to our ois hpoinua av tndred cro i-r- lritui in a oruutljii jiirh hat mil but abarwonrd ood s wurd mj u pnjtrat tat it rno ood a fauur a prop rx hair lruully rrktrd oodt fion can fccsrrrl claim to hmt ood birwlxig it mo be that wc kt jctd l dkeulng ojiwhn it is hire that t air tr to dechir our chlldrrn but it hatr failed dbmslly to drcrhr ood ptr ood uwrnrth tlu- hrari of man tchrr it be good or it and ood knows that neither thr irll- klon iir thr rooml of thla utrn-ra- uon wtu stand thr lilht of lus word accordlnaty ood tn 111 tnfuntlr merry and audom has wn fit lo tun thl und lth thr vaord for thr sr- cond time in as many dacadra por cui ood aould rather that w die by thr tens of thousands as regard ihr body than that one of flu utile nws should pertih as regards thr aoul ovir word cenotaph comra from tm orrrk aorda vhlch mean rmpcy tomb and by cenotaph mr mean a tomb or monument uhlrh has inner been occupied braiur its ocruiatita llr in handera fields but thr church of jeius christ knows of another tomb fthlch is alio empty this tomo us first occupied by thr death and then rnptled b thr rrautteetlon of the bon of ood lrt us therefore under itand the rrnotaph whkrh ve see brfurr us in he light of the empty tomb of jttufc chrut por this around ahlch we are gathered today can promur only death and more dcith but the cxnotuph of the bon of ood brings to cur hearts und minds the promur of lit eternal mayor gibbsns to retire utter to herald states dear madam editor with your permlvtlon thruui thr mejlum of the herald it 1a nt dc irr to conry to the cltleens of ororrfrun my intention to retlrje from iubllc of rice at thr end of the present jar after tvervlng three year aft n rmm- oer of the council and ten rir a mayor it la only natural to expect that i shall miss my associations alth members of boards and commissions injanleatlons and individuals who have at all time by their cooperation and goodwill made it easy and plea sant for me while transacting public business in the town of oeorgetown although retiring possibly temporari ly from active participation in the ad ministration of municipal government x do not intend to become disinterested tn public affairs quite to the contrary i shall as a private cltlaen at all times be interested in civic welfare and community betterment in this one of the beat towns for its size and po pulation in the province of ontario i am taking advantage of this oppor tunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to all the cluwns of this municipality for the friendship kind ness and good will they have extended to mo and for the general support and oyallty to the municipal council down throutrh the years and firmly believing that u progresmve and prosperous com munity reflects the character and agwrekslveness of 1u cltlcnr i there fore submit when a eouncll nr the ratepayer choice is elected for the coming year it behooves is all to sup port them while they are enacting hound municipal legislation i shall not in the future b un mindful of the loyalty of my friends and supporters during the period of lime it was my privilege and pleasure to be a humble servant or tills cor poration and i ask all the citizens to please accept my best and sincere wuhej that the rapidly approaching yulctldc season may be a hnppy one for them and the coming year may continue to be ono of advancement for this good old town of oeorgetown yours faithfully josoibbons mayor 24 nnivisaftv cnraitatow fgatoitir wiikih values wictivi thuesoav ffttbay awo saturday mov 181920 corn brooms 39 bread flour 9 2 jordan grape juice 27 if 11 clov it hat os hiihmk herrings 15c iavu hand chicken hflddle 27 domino srand baking powder 15 quick ot flaih rolled oflts 5u 25 it e it ii inigqjbasa pepper squash sc each u carrots 4 lbs 19c cabbage cauliflower celery lettuce tomatoes lit or vol i tow uttir nos s4 is is a4 it rlttrvu rrc nos dl to dt miat mo jj ii x4 as u4 it i mx canhimo uwui 1 coufohs orders taken for westons christmas cake l wi ristrvi thi right to limit rjrchmu accordins to sumliu availaiu itaitov breeders prohnnent at recorddreakivc1 nolstein sale hnlton county breeders solil four head and bouaht two nt tho all-oann- linn snlo hold november it nt oak- vltle when so head sold for 71810 an avorniio of 11037 onch tio highest ever made at a holstoln consignment sale in canada and tho highest on the continent since 1030 mbrley watson tansloy received 11625 for snowball sylvia alcartra a great producer and orand ohsmplon this ysr at the muton black and wtilli- duy hhr aas bouffht jointly by aortlon w smith and w o wtilmry mllverton w s hall oakvilc mcurtl ibbo for a twoyearold heifer and t75 for a fiveyearold cow both of whom went lo j k harper hamilton e j men- ithrr oalcvule rceckcd stoft from wm j murphy llndmiy tor a thrtc-tni- ald heifer and bought a twocurofd heifer oonslaned by the central ex perimental farm ottawa nt it2s nnd a yearold heifer calf from stanlry i wuton aulncourt for 700 the top price of sv100 was paid by olcnn u bancroft pimt mich for moadowood abbekcrlc rag apple a twoyearold heifer conslrned by c j chandler hudmm llclnhts quebec second lilnjicst price wm 12700 re ceived by hayh hi co cnumry ahn tor a slxycnrold cuw that wont to van hoaseii farms roclioster mlchl- lian hays co aro received the hlgheht price for a bull hays arcat journey un elghtmonthsold calf brlngiiie w000 on thi bid nt ii 1 mc- fnrlnnt plcton ontario altogether 34 head fcold for at lensl 1000 and eight roached tho 3000 mark appro ximately 3000 attended tho iule nnd consignors and buyers wero from five province- and three btatcs is p sufferers of bleeding piles ssr oerbsl puu treat the cause at its congratuluuoim ore in order tozjssjj 55 vk tor hoy llarwn who has recently jj boy from joar dra been promoted to the rank of 8er- gennt roy is a senior mechanic with the rca p and has been transferred from broudouc nd to st john nd percy base and btll clarice have both been transferred from edmonton alberta to saskatoon bask with the rcaj pte victor oreygoose who has been stationed at camp borden with the rcasc was transferred to dobert nova scotia last week card ov thanks mrs a barry clarice and family wlsli to extend their heartfelt thunkh and appreciation for tho acts of kind ness messages of sympathy and beau tiful floral offerings received from their kind friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement airlines plans forced to land engine failure at a low altitude as the plane took nil from malum cniucd n forced inndlng of a tranh-cann- airllnih iiashcnner iilnnc nine paason gors in tho plane received minor imdmi and mihs pamela lleiulcrkin of ottawa was taken to toronto wchtcrn haspltnl with a possible con- cushion and other injuries tito forced landing in a plowed flewon tho farm of cecil wodgewood ndjaccnt to one of the runways at mol ten was described u very fine piece of work by i f thomas tca manager fob sale woods electric feed grinders milk ing machines milk coolers electric i fences alto mount ttorest thnsdlns machine district representative v loughby farm agency v- t ehewsoh oeorgetown phone m i tf po ba nomination meeting a meeting ot the municipal electors of the town of oeorgetown will be held in the public library georgetown on friday nov 26 1041 nt 7 so pjn for the purpose of nominating candidates for the atllces of mayor reeve nnd oouncil- u3rs for the year 1044 ako at the same tune and place no minations wtu be received for the of fices of pimuc school trustees for the said town also hydro com missioner trustees to be elected by words in case more than the necessary number of candidates aro proposed and seconded and a poll is domanded said poll will be opened at d oclock in the forenoon and remain open until 7 pm on monday the 6th day of de cember ims p b harrison returning oncer mus u h w w b m ytiswwwwswhi dance in the arena oeorgetown friday evening november it sponsored by punch press war workers doris hulls orchestra lucky draw admission too proceed for bomier comfort jp