Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1943, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 16th 1943 late season magnifies food shortage problem oat i u a cau r tuiut rfh utenni of the ui b come serious not only to our fanners sjfco ire concerned villi the production 6f ftd for their uvtocic but also to eur urban dwuera many of whom for the first urns in thrtr live ire taoe to cm vlut foodibortace not beeauae tfaey hatent money to buy it but for utt reaaon that prospects at present jfinly indicate that there u not like ly to be sufficient for the combined 6c tm of our oversea commitments and borne consumption euled j c whjtclocfc asrlc rep for lullon ujt wk- certainly from the standpoint of tr war tffort thoe on the first line of drfrncv must be kept supplied with sufficient food itulf- eeo though it swans the tljtntenlnjr up of our belts btrt at home here in i talon it is questionable u bora than 10 or 15 pe of the crop la fe the ground and approximately w p of our fanner have not been ab to ft on the land at all this aluia- ttoa if more or im prevalent in all parts of canada and to ft urf extent in united state it has been staled that providence has never in the memory of that now ulvc fftten the kartli american con tinent a total wp failure stimulated vlth this fact and math the optimism characteristic of those who till the soil ontario fanners are adjusting their plan so that he bwpoatlhle rrcults under the eirrunutant may be se cured rn though ripertmrnul evi dence indicates that june 1st normally marts the latest date in this section of ontario mhen such crops as oats and bailey may be rupee ted to yie worth- hi returns crop spwtauus imd man practical farmers are rccominnl1n tlmi con ldtruuon be given to toauik rally mil irln xartrtlrt of out bjtliy corn wjbran and other cutrh irupn on buckwheat and millet certainly it is iuh too ute for th utter four erupt lurtlu rtnorr with tood eroalni con- rtitl tu d irtntr ju u july and ampul kurh early aiirtle of oats as alitjtii cirtlrr and perhaps krban and ifabrl till have a fair chance among the barley varieties oajc no 21 is the earlieat and conaetuenuy the beat un der existing rendition ailh kobarb as taeond choioa after the first week in june depend ence a111 have to be placed on such crops as soybeans com millet and buckwheat mandarin soybeans nd such other varletie as the kahott ooldsoy and pagoda may be sown up urrul june 15 wtth confidence of the crop maturing satisfactorily ajsotber crop which should be civ en considera tion is one of the earlier hybrid com varieties such as the 325 h5 oriw abvrh can be utilized for husking pur- pom perhaps few farmers locally realise that com will yield more rxmtvu of dry grain than any other cereal troji an ttcie f to of com for husk- tru on man halton fumu umild as- kibt mauiltlly in mjlvtnk he poeslm grain thortiiki prublrm tlie eur may b rrrrovrd in thr full and itorrd in o r made crib tth whole car may le put thretih a hanunrr mm wid isid in the fetding of 1 etork millet u another crop hlfh ouo mluht well b pirn ronlrtrruuon under present contlltlofi mlllrt 1 practically equal tit leltnh olue to ouu and bajle unrt con be nf fid up t 24 pc or thr nln rstlbii to hoy and up to m pc to ctmry cattle millet v a oruln rrtt rui be expected to lrtd more iwmjnd per acre than late trnln ojt shbbhabbalbbalalbbbaaabs aimieieaieieiiiiiiiiimiiigiiiiit bbbbbbbbabbbbabbaabbbabababbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaabbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ritrvalii3 new advertisements bring results week fter wek the herald bear very gratifying report of the reuika obtained from herald cutaifiecb from people who have aoaetliing they wuh to aell and want to find a buyer for a very small iub you can tell hundred of prospective buyer you have omething they are interested in the aame applies to an article you wish to buy make your wibe known through the herald and it will surprise you the number of enquiries you will obtain new advertisements pave the way for easier living they beb to quickly sell trade rent or buy whatever is the immediate concern or worry 1 the large number of people they reach always assures the best possible deal on short notice acquaint yourself with the many services they ifet render regularly read the new advertisement column today tfttufatt heu pbobuci pood por vicforv dlan to tprnd bill jj day or uvrr omlnp nttk ii tml farm during the hiog uk hxnnuiig uiwalt ihit tumflmr jtnn vt ihouvnj of farm cto- msndoa h iihc up thop r u uwmn their tools to mkr rij into the cuuntry snd help fjrmrr uw their ctcp fawn the ijjvi farm owtunjndo flripdr are lpriogtaft up in oismhrn if flounrtir ibvirjt l trsdr sen mr tlust churtbrt ltd other mm t dfsniulmnt tl orr ontarhv ttwmunro srr intuift iinwihcr u nuke dirtit pstriotic omuibutujo to thr msf i mm b helping l ur ine cropt farm rmnmimtth srr piij s minimum of ient be rents c jn hour nl nun nmminj itvurihuie thrte csmififi to fvurttc max thanim ii there i no fsim inmjndo ilriiisue fomiinp in txjt tshir kr ll up uh ijr on into orasoiraliuo and get iur 1h1 rliitdr tunid ji ontr i rr phtihle man hjr muu he pui in during harvruinn to promt ituplueihtr lots of fond that it rtuottil the allied msr lffn nd iu cuuda heiwlf imr help i needets nox luntrrr in a farm onmsndo briiude and he read to help hn hrrl rnmiiitmim anw lr lull inforrjutkmv fufm ctt uriir lt onunt farm scrtue rtittr pailimeni buildinuv toroctu af imm tumi im hup wantio rvtir wiasiitoar i csc wttwosa 5 dominion provincial committee on farm labour agriculture labour education georgetown farm commando headquarters bus depot wm long phone georgetown so llntlra light bomber op till famous lockiieed faiolt iv action hitii tilt r a f of n flying boat it hai tvo pratt and whltnr tuln wtup enstnn and carrlm a hrarlfr bomb load than the hudaon it is manned by crew of 4 pletun hon utadcn v1w of the utckhnd lackherd venturk light bomtxn ven tint offictally mentioned as be ing in aervloc wltti the rap after the heavy daylight raid on the philips n- dlo worlu at eindhoven holland on 0 13 43 the ventura u a development of the hudson ant amerltttnbullt altvraft to so into operational service with the r a f in this wartat it 1 faster and has several points of dif ference the most characteristic fea ture ol the ventura is the design of the underpart of the fuselage the rear of which is mopped up rather like that ventura ip iisi barley or buckwheat it does however nutted mr whltelock present certain mechanical dlsadvantarea two of which ure nrfet its tendency to mouldlnesa 2nd difficulty of grinding in a four year experiment at the o a c millet produced 303 lbs of grain per acre and slightly over j tons of strsvw by far the beat variety from the uiindpotnt of producing grain is the siberian buokwheat of course can to sown quite satisfactorily up until july 1st and in most years the same may be sold for com for silage purposes pro viding moisture conditions are satis factory certainly in a year like this there should be ample acreage of si lage com sown to ensure a full alio such hybrid varieties as 806 0m or 64 are recommended and i bu should be sufficient to sow between 4 and s acres in our interview with xlr whltelock he also pointed out thai practically all plant growth is nearly three weeks la ter than the normal development at this time of year and omseauently if this condition continues throughout the year there u still a poaesblllty that our crops may yet surprise us the mime authority was however of the opinion that helton livestock feeders should be encouraged to order their supplies of cereal grains at once it is questionable he stated seen if the train is ordered now k dsltrery could to made until the month of august or perhaps later our taatwbortstsoil systems were tsied to the unh last winter and with the demands for the coming winter likely to be 50 to 100 per cent greater it is questionable if it will be possible to nil lata order coou livestock men claim there is still a margin of profit to be made out of western grain at present prices in re lation to livestock commodity prices there should therefore be no talk of reduction in livestock numbers even in lace of the present discouraging situa tion offered was that on some farms at leas the owners might well give con sideration to seeding down at least one field without a nurse crop providing the field could be got in shape for that purpose by the end of july we present these suggestions with the hope they may be of value to our rural readers and also with the thought that this picture of the food situation may indicate to our urban readers another reason why they should plan to assist in thb fields when seeding conditions are favorable if they hope to have food next winter the wometu land of which b m the queen is patron wts formed on june 1st 1h9 to supplement the exist ins agricultural labour and as a re sult when war broke out ims volun teers were immediately placed in em ployment kt present strength it over y6mm and it li sntupsted that this mxnber will to very eswsldeiatwjr to- creased ttefore the end of this trow n take notice that after the pub lication of this notice in four succes sive issues the municipal corporation intend to pats a bylaw providing for the sale of a portion of union street to the barber floral company description of land all and smoular that certain parcel or tract of land and premlma situate lying and being in the town of georgetown in the county of ual- ton and provlrea of ontario betas composed or a triangular part of union street as said street is laid out and shown on rtstsered plans numbers 37 and m for the said town and which said parcel or tract of land and premises mav be more particularly des cribed as follows commenoino at the point where the easterly limit of union street is tattrtested by uu southerly limit of king street thenas south 73 degrees s minutes west one 1 foot thence southerly in a straight line one hundred and thirtytwo lit feet more or leu to a point on the said easterly limit of union street distant one hundred and thirtytwo til fast measured south easterly aloof said limit of union street trom its mterseo- uon with the said southerly ufah of kins mrest thenos north is degress so mtnutss wait alooj ths said ashsrtr aaseassfc a assasajofe aalsslssav stasias wittiaislstsi a aflnis us uxavaa wstaaaaa one oisg trdrtytwoattfwsttoths fejia

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