Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 17, 1943, p. 3

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the gfttowtj via wcat march i7a 1943 a r rolls jbw romajr ff 35 19 14b k princess ijn 29 super suds gutfnl wm i u mihimi cornflakes quajczjt 2 r awifl vcgatakk jbum qcjajuw oa texas mwiwi m grapefruit jajt ho oranges 4 for 25c doz35c larat icrnato lettuce ea 12c llinm wkul x aw sse white bbams black figs cheese vsf pimientos n 317c mr-lb- puf 19 atta ses muno mwdi1 aixbkan uim j sic ladoktstx q- ssc seed iomk ie a l ob polish w- ice soap x tc p c- wait nktfc soap i4e cimlta on cleanse n s wi sara cartnl powdek x p- i9 macarosl tw e fxfts carwal- mru fostum 4s tfcs rlftl to uatu autltu l all ihitii phone 357 georgetowr the world new seen through the christian science monitou am imlfrnstional zw acuiutr u trmmril cofiatrortrts urmsmj fn from smtalmmat bra bdirorula an timuty mnd fnrtructiv and lit dilr pmfima toeatlur rilh ilia waakly masajin section mala lbs moailor an id navspsbot for lb koaw th diriadan scianr publishing socirty om norway srraaf boaton maitachuwits prioa 1200 yaarlr or f i 00 a moml saturday jtaua including maaaiina srcnon 2 fto a yrar introductory ortar 6 saturday luurt 29 crnr nama addraaa samplb copy on bhquiat pts ohrla ellis of toronto badly burned and shocked during a bombing mid oversea receives a blood serum transfusion in a canadian military hospital in england major b d oordon toronto administers the tranafuhlon assisted by lieut nun- tag flitter e r campbell edmonton tbe dried wood serum collected and processed in canada through the wmaiman rati groat 1i bottled and pocked in the airtight tins shown on tho bedside table and sent overseas where it is available far canadian and british servicemen supplies have al so gone to malta libya egypt and other middle but theatres of war canadian blood serum released through the onnmtinn red croat al so saved the uvea of thousands of british crvulans injured in the battle of britain faming in the worth country utitir georgetown herald fiicicat mjr last letter rrlvr weather without ixorms and lou of ifuhlor ha uo a real treat- tfce nmdi be- c wry high oocttrual trac dirsn od wsuher with snow and drifting ra tiwd tha trckjt to build ujx tfcro vbtxi irhdw surr canu u lkfjks uld cfl tt lrw klo tr ode ejad fiood bpcatmr utmrtq tniponjmr to sr lot oifir fimiirf iute bwo out dtiilas axd rrjfrvi azu aaecar nq lim taitsks ixnd pov tuxroed u lhr lb3r u uv crtb u4 ulu tlotuit pror uutjricry u io ixulorm dryuj cxi br maldlalans to uut tltj s und plow luy u cnmtns tu uifr qjactlun i rum utv uil titprtikg eo a to txar ajj th nunrr irtjulrc- ilwu lrtl la vtillr iw iuad lor haalinj xr ailt a gnt auuiy ci tja- uirtt i wr cj tuloo uy r girt tiaxaiacr fttru bny tourer c twpjy iicr tti tprtng btri ui un- iru ury imhvt lo br uk 9uf iouu- tat rr bcu run br uwj for tnuiupuruuian and a rtud u aur txlr u atetllablr in plataa llr uu cau grrai quantity b toufo in ntau lmlaitftk mjsrr h tnurt ur in iur ud uxr occuuai hart pur uuxl oru- nruhtxhit h an cid oidiajaikiikco hau pnxa thr uani tiat to turn rxi umr ur taiucaprr tnpa li u a umtvy iv xbrtbod but dor good ort aud 1 kjww tji oenrr u utuflrd aa hr ba kxa cf ttoruaa and lou of boya en lb vt1l u au door mjtout hiring ttir luvr i amity rtrnch propu- hir uy moat oldtuhlonrd uirrahlag out st 1 hair rj uvn tn air it juil uu flat on uw ground u abuut four axd oorhu uri high about tmo ttt awr and mxytse trn iret tons tha irtdw haa u iand up oo i tslatiorm and rut thr bund itii knife and thr at raw la forkrd away by hand oft thr ground no earner u attached thr irrkiin cxwnr out a puut on orat tidr from a ahakrr attaxhmcut at thr foot of dxvublr acrrrra and a rry good ub u mad of clroalng thr trrmln iorr u aupprd by a trajo of hoiwr ttrd tn a doublr triad fcluthu tlrxalrd in runt a chanar f honea u madr rtrry two or uurr houra a urge ruunurr of uirrtjnuw outfit arr in u moat of lhrm utrd piiatl uttd on cuuan aura donr i jul 4411 kit fairly modtrr ricrpt fur ttttia rutung boi ulacbd sot onr uint i knr of hua thta rontrnlrntr dut ull hvr wtfffrurr and rrotv- lnj biomrm 30 to 33 inch cylimj r i j art- umntik the larivtt in mt and iiirml utmos rntirrl rr riujlur tnurtora a ira jran ago riovrr hudrr rr in o mmtn iiat tni thr nurnsf u run md v rrd tno hlith tn rajn jurl sos vtui uir aurk thr grnln miiiliinf would do nd thy flnal xnt uut of uirc a krrat muny prtipk lhrrtji a lot of cruw utd rich iur and thr tirav fid so uny mrd lom ui ihr jirrvb- tritf isnt intirily in- tlir clruning plarth make an rsnllmt job ot clrun- ing mircc farmjixg mnumnrrd in crn- rm nttrr ihr lual big firr binrk of ull kind hiui lnrrrasrd iry fatbul mort imrlrularly rihrp thr pt1 rtr inrnv tlork hnvr brcoror quur common wrnir niimbtrlnti up in hun drtti hut jilt now nnd lhb rich i tn war- umr it rtlvoumjrlnjz condltinn prrduindnats whirl t not brnrflrtnl t iiicrrumtl prtklnrlon a rrlllnu on both meat nnd wiol pnrra which ls clalmrd brlou produrton casta and away brlow thnt of thr u8a is hnv- intc a bud iftrct one mnn i know prr- sonali mild he couldnt continue an- othrr ifiir at n iush and mild his n hole ttocit of 230 f rmntrs wc air u ions y from the market and wool tins to be drlurrtd prepaid thts miui told me hts last yearn clip 2b00 lbr coat him 13800 frclrht or a cent per lb just for rhlppln to my no thin n about the rllpplnii pocklnir and trucking charres to uhlpplnff point tremendous increases are in evid ence in poultry but uila han been and still ift profitable quite a num ber of commercial hatching plants are tn operation but cannot begin to mipply the demand it is common al- mot nnywhere through the older net tled part trom hnlleybury to engle- hart to see flocks of from 5fi0 to 1500 or 2000 blrdfi dotl rgrh and dretised poultry find a ready sale almost en tirely in uie north the iat report i hiiw of tht coope nitlve won 40 cujes per week and up to 100 coaca week no to klrkjnnd lake public market in addition to those handled by the dozens of uteres there now while i am rather more fami liar with farm i rur and lumbcrirur in the north t also keep in touch aomowlmt with industrial activity and mlnlnff tiirough the war the eiwcn- ual industry in thta country mlnlrir has not increased during the past three years tho large mines such as those around tlmmlns and porcupine those around kirlcland lake and two in ibtataohowan one in oowgandfl and those farther east of rlrkland at lor der lake and in the quebec district nearly all have some other essential war metals besides tho precious metals of sold and silver the prioe of sold and silver while not high in propor tion to the cost of material and oper ating expense is suffldent to pay it way and mine the more essential me tals with one operation gold is quot ed at is8j0 per bar and silver at mt0 m canadian money or levi and 33tt id yyurti for brftdtast purposes the ur tateas i ao coeat wltfe vecturea and voun ztevldaoo at wttarhrwan are nffntnf auatdy while not at majdmua pfoofwvw urge quantltlca of rock are mllid dairy both are escetirritiy equipfted with nrry modrns cotrwedtfte for xoooaikal productloo and have urg moclu of rvrry kind of malrruu on hind- they each matntsln perman- ret rraldrncrs for steady eenploy and ouuvgridcct urau are equal to lhr brct houu etoelkru rtlor lartuum ajr alio pfovtded they ha both curlinx azuj slating rinks for out iio and winter enjoyment in addi tion to bowling and tranls courts for cmuid- janrr paitlme and for tho wto tooy rtlirirr of th aportj pool and uliuid and othrr truidr pa tinira arr available thrrr u alvo i rrading iuan with all thr brat paprrt and aiattulna for rr young duviduxi had air fare wnrkma and took the or out in trurk a lhaft ak put dovn in ad dition to uili for drifting tn othrr cutxttufi to drputltk located by dia- morid dllung and wlirn thr incline ttji too tterp to rutu up out of uw rurtarc holr ditfu wrrr run out fr urt- dlffrfriit tjmjt lrrle to the gvuy rior i lit called and the ore tak rn up tltr taiidfl ryom tlar pit head 1 t dunprd tn a btg ktoragr bin and fed hir lute a trrmrndout convror bl to thr llnt ctuthrr and from tiirrr on anoihrr lung tncline eonrtir brlt to thr puhtrurf and thantr to the at nd agitator thr prccraa u a rry rumpuratrd onr ctlrn had thr jonurui to bo uiroh the mill marhinr ihop and carprnur tfiop and oflm ua thr buuta go off 1 aaw onr ug arkot mtm oer two ton of pow der u uwj at oner ii ul after all bring nrlthrr flnanrtal- ly nor rtrn prrvonauy lnirrtv4rd and nnrr hatng brra rmplojed aa a miner m fabaumatlon tu atmply for rduratlonaj rrajorui and to be familiar mtth 0e prorra lrmlrtg u much prrferabw ifrrr wr can be out in clrat purr air myjy nature unadul- temuxl wltli ood b hrlp and beaa- liig r can uir our ktnngth and abul- t to pnjjur a ktrut deal of uit ry brt oj fuudk and har it in plrtitlful gixklouiy if ut it is any inueprn- tit iue iuialmir a farmer baa it oc- ttndjruij hi makra u bit of txtxa monej u purticularly fauruble dr- i umstauke provide uunr abundant rrup uiid a ftjinrd majfeet baa foroad uu- prkr up dut thu 1a m rurr that ukillu uir fanner u last un old ha- md uruig obutftd to w 11 ttl uie price nftrred uhich lis ajaayk itft wuhoul ixi uaoukht ol cort ui ptoductlon onl ruiiil uiul detnurid rruiatara thr minwif price hut then hr bux tve iay un i ntinly umqrrint prur it b ihr prue ml and ula a number of iirufitr added fiim and there a aide rruiruin in brlsten a luinxr hiia tu be one oithrcoud- try bi t euueitted nun lie miui 1iut a grnrral und rillnformed knn irdce of law banking buataecrk pructice politic nuleronarahip and ixmikkeeplng and utrn to run hi iii bumnetu succfvjully and make a mvlnu lor himself and fumlly a tremrrt- doua inrstment u nercraary tn land 0 0 2 3 tow caa taw oy ut tbijvul ccarap tat aad boaa to yoar wait daw ha wul py taa atfauuiaiad prtc ka itm drtpcca3 as4 taa crxap ut u poa ua yoa caa fuxa tkia suaf ow to par tocaj vcioalary eijwao crmwitu or kfimd local war carwr or tow caa dnir yoar lit emeftae anapulaad bccat yoai local voltuttary baow rrasitan kl tar otauac tlaaa la womr ooaa- aairy or tow aoaltaaa t cauoa o yoai vast aad lsoaa br ccobco br bulldirga inii iu nu tuou and ktucfc lie must be a veterinary alucaman machlnlkt carpenurroiujwraghu black- unlth and buurhrr in addition to thla he muat know hov to iplicr a lope file idj aawk gtbul and aharptn hi tool c ur tneu i run line and take leru fur diauage mil cement kuul murlar dig and trio foundation and wru out and get out umber aiuwul accident dxie a truti tract or or autoanobli and krrp thrm in rr fulr he inut 1mj kiiu thr uoprr rotatioo of exopa thr kind and varlr- tlck of grain uui graw muh tlu- kind und unitlei vertabit and root crop wtilv and ii quuntltuk lie u produtr un tin- muck and fumil to b- pruuded for thii ii he hak an pale time he can in 1 alfr lth thr hi ill hi saachine ur thr ciiumlna or mtndinbi a tlv n pir ot sikkh that hur been neglected or tr ing that ihi bnid do mi 1 bunt ahllt 4t feu un- bub ducks t civil uie boby hlv bottle and if by reason of ntrrngth and flood manacrment hr geu hl bouri md elothe diir und mmrr out at uie end of each year aiih no rrd hniirt in hih led- r will he t lucky noa who wnnu to be a farmer the countr nei0 i if xure qualified cordially your r w johnson r a 1 thornloe ont twuti iluaxleutttvvt w laa sim arw ua rttgtriti taaiaf cr nirnitr avy tarn 1 tmlweatm aaalk aj at af a ammtf u badi m yxm tw- m4a caaaaalwa4lvljwtaukft hu oflno oittt tbv bttndldta an amusing and informative article by r c bchnurmacher in the ameri can weekly wvj uiu sundays luarch 71 lmue of the detroit sunday tiro rr la tea how- the old colonial custom that ingeniously combined fuel aavtnaj with courtahlp ma brcccne popular agnln but tllghuy modem used to cotv form with 1m3 conditions he am to gel thr detroit sunday tunes thsj week and frry week naval awards for cns officers u i onoh iiitl proiiiotiona have batm rceiva by tuelve fonucr osi crrttof tlie tliniliiu national stcam- liiia now tutviag in the roydl caiudian navy all of hoar ao hunurtnl arc piofciuiional aeainea who cm errd uc t ive air ice from their peacetime autignments through fbc koyil canadian naval reaerve fnx of them coninicnring an apprentura served tluir eniirr hearting career u it h t he ci un piny of t hoh who were arrimutl rceogiiitiihi in the llotuira liil three utrc npfuiiiitetl to he ofhccni of i he m ililary division of the onler of the itrif talk km pi re and one wir auirdct the oiuttgjuihct scr- viix crob tight olticers of the royal cana dian navy who had formerly nerved on the deck in tliecnginurikmiianil in the purwra department of the cana dian national steamships received pramotions shown ubove order of the british empire 1 lieutenant commander n v clarke rcn r whose home is in halifax he was formerly a first officer in the canadian national service and bad been with the com pany since 192j 2 lieutenant engineer l g f denprea rcn h of montnugny tue formerly a second rnginitt in the steamships he joined the engine room forces of the company in ivu 3 lieutenant comnunder rngin- eer a 11 arntaun torpnfo of van couver who prior to joining the canadian navy had 18 years service with the companys padfic coast fkiei pistthguished service cross 4 acting commander d c wsl- ure rcnr a native of pictou ns uluutc- home is in halifax and a former chief olticcr with the cana dian ntittimial steamships he entered the service in 1921 promoted to commander 5 comnunder o c robertson advanced from lieut commander his home is in montreal he started his seagoing career with the cns aann upirentire in l24 and served with the company until he joined the navy he is now senior officer of llmcs prince robert which he naval department statement terms j a renowned auxiliary cruiser which baa figured in several major operations i ii 12 of thisvar to liemtenant commander 6 a k young of montreal form er chief officer in t he cns service heganassa apprentice in 1922 7 ii d mackay of halifax hrgan ns an apprentice in 1030 was thin oflirrr in 1034 and first omccr when ho joined the navy 8 e w t surteee engineer of montreal a former chief engineer with the steamships joined t he service in 1926 serving in various engine room capacities to paymaster lieutenant commander 0 c r boggs cf montreal joined the cns in 1931 10 a s e silica saint john nr iil been in the companys service bince june 1936 11 h r northrup whose borne b in saint john nd joined the office of the company in 1931 and became pursers clerk in 1935 t 12 w j marshall of montreal joined the staff ol the canadian national railways in 1930 and two years later transerred to the pursers staff of canadian nstiocsjsteajnahips

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