the georgetown herald wedne march 17 a 1943 theeqrgetownhuald oumamu tjostirfc gum miiiui uuumhiu trrtwt ajsasobove tluunapad tcsul coir aosachiptioh rates flmrwi dolled bum tad 0mu oh ytar hhil copies tc ajverusug rum bin vasted ea err1lt racraovz k waltcb c biehn pubulhrr uaj1v li u1liln rtjlor garfield l urollvray j dolor llau iin wwnhff of ii cuidjld wrrajy nevijitpex auooauo tod the actartoqibc uiroioc of u cwjva rfee editors corner a time for meditation we an now entering upon the second week in lent whether or not we have gien up something for the period we would all be the belter if we took a little time off for reflection und meditation were all busy people perhaps so busy that we falsely think we have no time for such things but where is the point of being busy if we dont know where and to what end our industry is leading us the gigantic struggle in progress in the world today will govern our fate for years to come our every effort is bent in one direction to vanquish the enemy in the process of fighting for that freedom which we love so well were becoming more and more conscious of christian principles and actions and have changed our whole philosophy toward life the maga zine editor and publisher the official publication of north american newspaper owners and writers says this in their leading editorial of the year the fires of war brutal as is their impact upon peaceloving people have purged us of much of the materialistic thinking that sought to banish god from worldly affairs and thereby brought humanity to its present predicament more and more as 1942 passes into history we are realizing that a world without de votion to the spiritual side of life is not a place where human beings can be happy and we can well hope that the men and women and the nations that survive this conflict will be the better for having been in it two new rulings new rulings are constantly coming out from the wartime prices and trade board und because not enough emphasis is put on them confusion ond in tome casoa needless hardships are the result here are two new regulations which may have escaped your notice men in uniform with five days leave may now obtain temporary ration cards from the local ration board office civilian visitors from other countries de siring temporary rations for five to ten days will now get a temporary ration card with one butter one tea and coffee one sugar coupon two spare a and one pare b and two spare c under the old regula tion no rations were granted to anyone for a tempor ary period of less than seven days another set of regulations tell the housewives bow to reckon the amount of conning sugar they will need in 1943 first they must decide on how many sealers they will use for canned fruit and how many for jam and jelly then write the number of quarts of canned fruit and number of quarts of jam and jelly on your application for canning sugar multiply the num ber of quarts of canned fruit by half pound of sugar and multiply the number of quarts of jam and jelly by one and onehalf pounds of sugar add the answers together and you have the total number of pounds of sugar you will need write this number on your ap plication for canning sugar provisions have been made so there will be no shortage of glass sealers metal rings and rubber rings tin cans will be available for those who used them to can fruits for their own use it rests with canadian homemakers to moke the fullest use of canadas fruit crop for wartime food any sugar allowed is in trust o that canned fruit jam and jelly may be provided for your families during the winter months students and the farm the man who feeds the world the farmer is going to need more help this year than ever before were all familiar with the problem he has to heal with a demand for more and more production with lees and less help to do it enlistment in the irnvd forces and employment in war industries have left farm labor in a desperate plight in many casus and as the war goes on the need for food both at home and abroad be comes greater there is a valuable potential source of manpower in the help of school boyw and girls how ever which the government has recognized this year a pupil whose services are urgently needed on a farm may be released at the discretion of his principal at a date not earlier than april 1st 1943 if the candidate is preparing for a departmental middle or upper school certificate and leaves school for era- tjovwent on a farm he will be granted a certificate or spjoma provided he complies with certain conditions laudmni by the department of education these con- dmom leave no loopholes for slackers who may clbar have found an mr way to matriculate and one man and one alone fyrfiapa tjj noiird uils rxrrllmt ajlku tn the globr arid ull t uoruthy tlionijui ba li cjat oj udnt wr nixlni it brio vouli iuki it rfnfl lntttunrf atvd tr mik ut uir kjjnt at till- tmrtlruu unit- it u iitionnl oir min and orw ajunr in a unit- 1im untmaii movrnxiil lusvt thru the uikjv ulu into fiiirful ir uiitliler the in- fluuitv of utir in ill wi fuuixlnj u vofljilr liittltulun ulilch in the nuilm of wur i m living mint fur tin uiiirit not if mniikjix jean hnrr djjum i a hkt lie ii a t it j ti of a thuitr th tt lot liiri a liundrrd jrurs lutd nrvrr knuuri fart inn wit id uts u chiu n of thi uorli s olilt t an mm stub drnkorrufv tyil j mrru- un fonitltil ujwm hum mlmi and rrlnl- m plnrlplrs nl on tin rii iplr it id l lurcil in j ahlrh hxs nn- itll htiii ronsld ritt imi- hju in ivimjar a frwd n of jvoplt s of vutt mparaf ruo- and nitidis altfiuut a lntii or rnuiurt til tl pitrmlnlc to litym ltirm ivwrthrr a rvp ibjic found ed upen an oatl of fi llowsjnp it hlat- tuid a rommtinly uirtl upon thr tln principles of itlxrty t nd uut jiin iff irt rinun 1 tmr clu- n nf uils htiv 1ft ixlttd in international p nnd in jn- po-il- hllt of i lilln it iff um what ooiim im rtllid toda an t nii- lonnllt haw trrror fnrrrad war hnrrlflrl him and hr sa rvrn tit that time that war u- i mliik more ti rriule fmm u ir to jmr tic w not 1 lortul tut- miin mho fmm n jtoitlon of matrr tould rrimti it new trorld ordrr he roncrrnrd himsclf ulth a smvi iura- tlon he limixl hti flrjd of o rtlon tp one in which he had had n trwn- rndout emotional nnertence a hottle- field in ihc pmnro- austrian war he had hocn at the fluttlr of flolfcrlno nundl mn irft u imrtsh hirl crlm moarut and pleaa for help that mrt no rvvponw llr ntlxl thr quentiun in hu mind whrurr rrn lit mm thrtr arrr rwrt nt- ufi of humanity aboty wf and out of hu troublrd wart and rrltj co4iirttnrt he rou- a sunph let a tmk drvrrlun the batlirflrtd and huuiu i hopr may llvr to jtee uie itudttk of the military art of dtf frrrnt fidtxiulititft afre ujion umr tvtr4 lot rrutlonal prinrljiv tone ttuntd by ommtlin hlc4i onoe fiuned and ratified ujd mrve a a oasj for uh rrrutlon of njclrtlr for the ill if hf oindd in ht dlftirtnt lrofman roun tries now tjiu one rutin aonr opprallng to th iiowrm inmrta in all men had mi immediate rt-prirv-m- hut he old nut evploit it for hi iienonal am- bition ife hid felt in hlmvelf the priji uf an m 1 tht ururru of tuiti the detvtrr to help id a find arrrptance and tii it m mh hl kjra eould lr ictpt all orojrid the mxirld the mi- 1 pi m il uta a sntall mmml- 1 ne a foenitni tie committee call ltd 1 niinrntimi the nnentlon had rimnunrnh jsanlrinotlnn demo irrnleft und dlcutorhli llils rnniiton rrraed tle inter- i national itd crovv a private initltu- ition inviiiel onlrultml but under 1 hi supjmrt of oiiveninunu frum thr txvlnninc in the midst of world fpomr ohtis an intt matlonul brotli f rhooi u ts finiid and this new f ra ti nittv iisjii ijimn humanism and inns i n uld tne foundation for in lnuniutionil law ttiis frit rnlt odoftrl n fluff tiere a i one national fluff in the world that reoommendoj ttvlf it aua and is uie onl national 1a tint uft the clulstlan croks and notiilng ele ttint 1a the swtvi flaff u white ctor on a red held it 1 the only euro pean flan tliat hai never been connect ed ttitji any ruclalwn dynauc ambi tion imimthillsm or conquest it t a fljiff under whicn orrmana french and italians live and forffrt that they we think everyone should be familiar with them lest misunderstandings arise first of all a form will be sent to the principal for the use of pupils who may be employed it is made up of three parts the first will contain the promise and acceptance of employment to be signed by a farmer or a placement officer of the ontario farm service force and by the parent or guardian of the pupil con cerned the second will contain a statement showing actual employment to be signed by an officer of the ontario farm service force after he has visited the pupil at work and the third will contain a certificate of the nature and the length of the service to be signed by the employer or a placement officer the pupil shall have completed the course of study in each subject for which he requires standing and shall have obtained a mark of not less than 50 per cent in each paper this mark shall be arrived at by taking his years work into consideration oh well as by formal exams he must furnish the principal with sat isfactory evidence that he was regularly employed i form work for n period of not less than thirteen weeks after april 22 1043 bv faun work he regulations do not include land used exclusively for the production of such crops as tobacco mushrooms or other products regarded as luxuries last year the boys and girls throughout the land showed unmistakable evidence of being able to handle farm work and undertook their tasks with a will again this year farmers will benefit greatly from their willingness to help the boys and girls will be making a worthy contribution to the war effort at an occupation that is healthy and wholesome and the de partment of education is to be commended on the stand it has taken which will enable them to do to without losing credit for many months of studies directory f r watson djfm mas georgetown oc hour s to s erapt ttunomj sjurnooris rn rb nji n s dfl j burns milne mortal suftoeom xgjkv otvrtetom ftios so tmr i rm ni m n dr clifford reid ljxft dba dorrwr fbob us uiia blnwt oohwwo urejr dtle kc m sfbh bcanett ba umatnk ohmlim fon u keoaeut m langattn binwu bturhtt htujyftllri pint uortftf uanty to ham oglc orrtorj tbtttr bkw mill ouwt pboos m otortriom frank petch uctsbzo avcttoxtz sad a1x clahhta or otkvmamtx prompt brnicm ptiont 901 ofortrton po box 1j monuments uarkbts and lettbuno pollock a ingham dolsiu on itsqumtpbonc sou tnjpkt our work tn orwiwood ctmtltrr gray coach lines timetable kow in mjtut darlltht btrtom tim leave oeororown to toronto 7 04 sjn s44 pjn 03 mm tm pm 12 pin b 10m pm to london y 10j4 sjn t 7 10 pm y 2x pm b 0 10 pjn 440 pm x b 1x3 pm b bun and holidays only x to ouclph dslly to kit chener bat sun and hoi y to kitchener s to stratford dm depat rfuaa u r- j am nielsen jsth year of practice chifoqritio xray oc over dogrttnlnn bton llouri tjo 30 rss cloaad tbiinday phone imv repairing weskjoalizein this work it taara brixruaae j sanford son pnooa oboftorrowri m v etaer c thomptoa insctungb 8khvicc ptre auto windstorm c r bxltm tat aolas euvunt oujuroioho phone ll or j oeorgttovn saoor ralph gordon the versatile ectartalner for your next program pjiulratad circular prae tokonto addrau s3bs orawtord st c n r timetable daylight saving time oats cast pauenger 701 sjn pauenger and mall 10x19 am pauenger and mall 8a4 pm pauenger sunday only sj1 pm pauenger dally 9m pjn thu train was formerly the dyer but now stops oauig wast pauenger and mall sm am pauenger sat only 31s pin pauenger dally except saturday am pm dally except sunday 700 pin pauenger sundays only 11j0 pm dally except sunday uju sin gains marts pauenger and mall 843 am oelng saaul pauenger and mall 710 pin depat ticket ofttoe phaaa mw arc diltercnt ploplra the colora tn uib flag ncrc rcvcrcd u red cros un a nhllc field and immediately uils flag became a flag of tuitions un der nlucli in war or peace there nas one humanity that uan 70 can uro and today an uuult to this unit is coiuldervd by everybody to be the greatest crime akuliim luunanlty mludaw of one alan tlie still of jean henri dunulil ls llle fullllinellt of tile uords of jisus illut he mho loleui ills life mmll loce it but he who loelli his life shall llllil 11 uein lleurl duiuillt lust ills mill hlsoiii11ly in u tnnwmcllt hut the llltivilllelit is tile leniltlulletl shnilovi of one man the lluir ulnt mire ilew ttiih oe ittli fields now files wherever there ls illsumcr from fire or hood or famine wllerevel it illlncs it iliiiiirs that men are brotherfi i delleh the prlu- elple of tolnl war it declares that there ih io auali utliia unit even hi total war there aro human principles it protects the wounded and iho pris oner as the wo man jean henri dunant was uio snuuiosls of the ons man hitler so the red gross is the anti thesis of the hooked cross of nausm this flag is kept aloft by mill inns of prlrata lodrrmuals the empire ow which h flies has no stmlss do lax- eeatsotors sad awnomiiiirlai an ssa join this order of mankind by the uork of their hands the risk of their s lives and the gtft of a single dollar this month the american rod cross mselu to rube a fund of s13s000000 it is not enough one can have no hlfther ambition for ones country than tha in the mlast of its bitter est and mast decisive war it shall out do every nation in its support of the red crass notice to creditors in tih kktatn or william umtn imounitinm iiie of the tmvn of rorircf nvv n in the courtly nf lljlluii clmtleinan decerned cieilltors of william ward iwiownrtldcle late or the tuvni of oeorpetivvn in the oounlv of halton oentlenian deceased who died on or about the i4th dov of pobruary 1043 are required to file their claims with the undersigned on or before the 37th dny march 1043 after vhleh dato the executors will distribute the suets of the estate of the said deceased dated at nrampton ontario this tend day of march ims oraham nuawaw e bowyar iwainpton ontario