Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 21, 1942, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday october 21 1942 be prepared for alter the war buy victory bonds the horse of our ruuiartally tlt iciiowii articir glvtv come idea of ho udporlint use- hone u to rotv im evajfaje and an appeal u made to gahou r to belp the war ani mal ialca pttrod for the brorfh of unxc reio tsxiar- jutliiud with fuiut may find thru tntrtru jthiuirrij by a ftru rud ssc7lfaucax thr foilo lit kucount by paul holt of uf duuy eiprw of a vlau rrcrrvjy paid to colon mectta- ffarjixov cttmraimvr oi ccaarfc ttumfczx nu be rrproduox itarre are three kind ox cotaick kuban omavrv aiul don th roc fee rtvajcjtwd by thf commit if thr r a baaill u a dwp hood mtnrr hi a ucjrrvll masire of an litj it wrap round thr uinui and iiatu trees the iboaidrr dora orr thr great coat m the back the kuban- j hood u blood rrd the orrtumrn fiojal blue and tle don grey ttn irr torn purely for draorauon the oouaxrfcji urr ow gurruw eorpt of the rrd army and keno it ooao laid the wjrr wbn ur ibir li crlrbratr hi utiui scar of mntng 1ui thr ouaora mm started nih buddwiny otvjl fjorpft and bryvn to uu ua about hl mm thr arr moaly fatrrnrrt and tiring their out aporr khay blb- ttrtan ponira ulh tbevn tnnhr touch little anlmaii can carr more right uuui an irian bunlrr and their common dally rou- unr in training lb 2u to w mllea un der winter condjuona carrying a rider aqulpprd ith aubre tanunygun rev- gltrtomr with anil unk gun eq uipment too they train the honea to 11 down and ifrt up agjin rwutly without the rider amunoununs and no ooajxck horte is bothered by bunflre or any othfr not- their btggeet mrtny 1 the diebomhar out uid colon i icchael ourjt- luv ruliing the axirda around hla boo- gu tui rrilah we bare ofloulva irrupona asulnftt that vhkt tna otuto dont ur cdthcr thr main conock role en war td penrtroi bhind thr rnrmji 14 m and makr nuddrn dlajuptlt rukb n bow prsncipulft thr tratl ceur- tz- ill uiat ury nwd and forajr fur fodder and food oa they go njelr big job l ocantftctirm f3ol partuanav tlo oonjicsfl one- iiv colonel introduced nie too lie aa a wry email boy of 15 drevsaed in lull uniform rarin an ciiarru of thr red banner on hii lf t r rx htnajxy ho fvradt the flprajlrt committee for hlrd victory uian on the ororr- uuittct war finance committer ccf pfotwtt asaiatt preii jent grmtii speh inc pnj c c p rkuks aiudatloo counrtj tvid s mmtln u nonvl en october ttn ims ux otoi lunklnr r-r- no- i kor- til ni rlkd otminoro of ihe taixr union ouaanlxu ur rajuln tv tj a mfffcar oi ibe ap ol i irr coinclii stlmuaa to a p ol wm oreaii prilnt ot uir a of l t1rn brfore tbr efflplrt cljt ttaramo- ur rarjan a0 ur oitn li by m iuuibmu trir rjun uy uuoonald of anurtca lit u irillor lo uv auu of uw w ubouur of our vxr sort by nvi1nf uiiranu tikti akn borm uid h mum br mwnd froo hl rfa- thr counnl isunuoouilr ajpportfd uhu ctant and inttrurlm thr lajot inloo ctialnnan and th 8crrta77 to iolr uu rott o ttv pin and vml a fvuoiutlort to trr untoru vtthtn cvfj and to uv hfadquanfn of thr ap cf atins ui borkm to ukr i l immrolatr and appropriate artson in thr tfclrd vlctorjr loao on tnr ororer- orou axalnrt thr ulataut cap- ii taxtkrt war plnanrr committer rt rfrrirlrir itallk vjoutcrt of ur own i tnr fouoalnjr la thr irxt of thr rra- uutioti i whninab thr ooj it a bonalilt party and brunra tn thr abouahmrnt icf thr profit rootlvr and grotftlillf jprtratr indxmvrtra in our aoorkorasr jitrtn i avi winzltab thr oct brllr- r that nortallazn u thr only rrortomlr sijrm ahkcfa iruarantrm to our proplr jrquallty oj opportunlly reonornlr ac- lurlty and thr full rrprrtxlon of thr i four prrrom of thr atlantic ctiar- irr vlrcliulrman ol ihr war finance commiiliv in ocorvrtoan and district and rcrvr ot lqiirlnii toanshlp atw uit iftt apptnlrd fot fcunporl of the tlurd vlcor uan throuh the o- umns of thr hrrald cull hlln a curiae bcout tut looked morr like a mjuot to mi i outlklr the barracks at this mom ent a great cannonading begun arul on snlng out to are i found the cu- j inpany honrmen at rxerciae i at full euuop yculng like molr indians they cruirsed acrosa the pla- bt to the machinegun pooa some hid themiehea from their ponlia i and throwirm auck bombb mt u du mmy tank afire others flurut ihrm- aelves flat operatlns antitank nn the kenc aa fantabuc with aar- thy hoane awasserlns men an officer rode up to the oolont to report in a hhnttrnng brllow the conclusion of operations saluted flft aabrc to the brow illi hair uas carefuuj- ouned oc- low thr flat block fur cap oer tib rlsht cieofrw ttola quiff la mucn uc- orptrd by the hondaomo ounu ooo- aacka and has the blrls all melllru and dimples in no time it waa dusk and across the ffre ealn a btcat black bnako waa alnd- plnrt came a horseman wtih blue and red pennant and behind him a long nle at a walk their brldloo clashed and each man sat utlu shr ouded from head to heels in bin black ahf felt cioaka called burkus o that the man looked like black halloaecn ghosts tn the gloom they were shouting the cossack chorun in bormany as the sound died away the flru star came out in the lemon and blue ky it was a oornpany of coasacka rldlnj off to the war ii la indcxl in the approaohlni winter that the value of the horse in warfare will prove llsclr russia rec- agnize this no other combatant poutt has developed her equme n- i ources in comparable measure her cumbers of caalry and transport are prodigious and u fttem while mac hines perforce he idlct she looks con fidently for old in the harah and bit ter days that he ahead if txe bclirtc this and it la an as surance bused on sober foot it bec omes evident that in supporting and asfeiruardlng russias horses onlook- ere throughout the length and bread th of the empire have me strongest interest in extending the work of the b 8 p c a war animals allies fund begun at tho urgent requcut of the russian qovemmont and apnnwecl by mrs winston churchill as its vicepresident this fund is bonding ut much needed supplies of drugs instruments and equipment ot all kinds to the russian veterinary ber- wobs already more than 90o0 has been raised in britain during tine pas janlli a quickening of support has bten marked this is very eneour- 1 ittnc prom reports reoelvod very ssinale renewals ore required mum is araarefsoy a need for v- rettsms beapuili m which first eld mx smm wktte near the flshune mril t bosptul wuh h v obbbbbbsi bmh tnttv wwilahlfll of aauaiara web asr3 bbbum earned at is by no bkkakr s lnck antiimhk mill d li iks w w bwliidaa aadcm tataw tn srastt ppml to an- pancakkh tnr tin sktam film- lnal lh nrly mmlnk tiluf ihi uar dy tay w w sln dn rintttl miim rlntt ih1 nt t dlnlnr nnd fu pint car m-rvlr- canntlun nllnnal itallwayn wli n our dtiildk car piiloltriti amell flap- jackii well tho world just looks bright er mr bwlo- drn aays in an nouncing the c n it dining car m rvlcn la pushing pan cakes thoso days as a war measure as it allows for use of aorao of iho surplus wheat crop plus tho aavlog of sugar as a sweeten- ssb throohttm of atsple syrup or aoaey as eaae aagar aabslliutee the english way of serving pan cakes aomatlmas asad on cnr diner allows for baking of cakee with batter and jelly or butter and raarmalada tfcay are piled ooe above the othar tkea eat la wadge- ahstwo pieces pla fashloa to aarva jaapar pancake mis i cap soar t tablespoons agar a pinch ot salt t whole eggs and i egg yolk add the grated rind at 14 orange cup milk and a cap melted butler mil well and fry paacakes i inches in diameter melt campnre msrshmallows in a double boiler and spread over tho pancakes roll tho pancuks sprinkle with sugar cover with ayrop and glase in a hot oven oatausl orlddla cskts oae cop cooked oatmeal 1 cup whlto or wholowhoat flour its caps milk i egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tnhle- spoon butter melted method add milk yolk ot egg salt and milted butter to iho cooked oatmeal beat for threo minutes thin mid flour and baking powder which liavo been silted to- s other add while ot egg stiffly enlen fry on a hot well greased rjrlddlf or thick frying pan tho batter must bo very thin servo with syrup crenm of whimt or rice or al most any conked cereal can lie used up like this and wttfwrsb wlhsmb gfeen pmldrot of the a p sldi speech bt the bnplre cub toronto declared nu omnsl import to the canlti watte qiurn with kts profit and private en terprise moth thestrrore be it tabowtd that the pwl c c p riding aiaoo- lauan oouicll conivur this act on the part of wuam oreen eoctng in nls omnal caparity a rxesideot of one of thr greatest labor unions ot america marks clffl as a real fifth cokaxntet one wtso niu inrl a manpoaarr crtiis to tell out the wortrre wtie elected hbn 8uoh a man is a traitor to b sort ers by rxvtaasouruig o place them on record of stsportinsi the very trsng thry are nghttnt both u home and abroad the council asms el workers lo guard carefully agsurae such traitorous acts and rsprttves a wish that srjrvcpruir sruon wul br taken by them in pro- ism against ur orero and all per sons who act tn that manner it trusts that the workers will put into thru- labor union rseoutlsea and into thr oouzscus and partlamersu of thrlr oduntry those who y thru- record are true to thr oausr of the cornmon peop f lycot o a h colkehs georgetown poet m iter who is slso artlns- on thr payroll bevtrsxa heruon of the third victory loan ft pretty wwtdnsat ijltinafsd mirte the ctiurrh uantr at fulllnsfad u thr scene of a a edding when rev a- o w ivjrrman united deatrtce use boc- krtt dsvarhe- of ur and urs j w ilorkjett of rocsrrood and john itoj- locker saa ce ur ted urs oscar icokw of ortoa the bride etven ta msrrlaae by nsw faiuber ore turqjoise faeae sfwf wass shirred waist and lace yoke long etee- es and very futstreet length skirt u sarenrlnl try br sister acse lory bocikt in dusty rote crepe and vhlie saaasortes with bouqjt of baby white nvsni and fern ley oeorge locker was bis brotfawe gjujixseman they will ruide on the grooms fares at orton fcuowtng a ini jiiiimi tr for wtacts the brue wore qebsrt btae crepe matohaog hat btrge poloeoat and black sceaart6 i rfri i nm farmers wanted fanners wanted for part time work in a factory in acton apply selective service officer new pott office bldg cuelph ont subscribe now for the hometown paper tmal lovers not only to give them selves but to induce others to be gen erous also very great ssslstanoe can be given by those who wul be at the pains toarganla bridge parties esnoartg dances and other runmlonf tksrtng the winter monlrul hie mlnutrr uf klnaikr of thr dominion of canada offrrw for putillr nlimrriilotl 70000000 victory loan uufrd and lenrnfi irilrrrvt fmni lat november 1912 and olterrd in two malurltlc thr rlmlrr if whlrh u optional with the tulriler a followai uurtrrnrar 3o llontlm da l novnilms ifrstt pavaiiic at mat mt at 101 clulle at 101 in fuaftrr tri1 tntrrrsl payalilr isi may and november llrarrr uvftomlnation a floo no 11000 vum xs000 innoe lrltkx loofo ylrming 30o to maturity three prnj unehalf year v itondn dd ini may if16 pa v till k at mvrvkity at 100 noneallalile lo maturity intrrrat payalilr 1st may and nowmber rrarrr drnomlnal uma 11000 g1000 gu000 1100000 innup irlst ioos ylrltlhig 17s lo maturity prinrlpal and inlrrrot patalilr inlawful monry of canotlat llir prinripal at on ugrnr of the dmnk of jinuilii mill thr intrrral mniuuiinuull without rharpr at any branrh in canada of any cliartrml llank iioimih nio isr rrilhtrml u to prinriuil or an to principal unci intercut an tlrtnllnl in ihrojiirlul 1ronprttiim llirouith any otirncy of the hunk of clanmlu iv im svom la tall a llsti tlsaa at barer aaaslai wltti firrf a ssuulr aavaale atv iswl laseatsv eiaarrlmlaaa far emttrr etr ihhbi aealarlllrei at lis laai aaallraiusa a la laaae arlew la rark rose trllkouf arrrsse la will ae available far praaipt alrllvrry aisiawtrrlimlaeut atay aloat plsw a lalorwl an fattavs n lasaaepllralaai aa ini herrabrr iti3 iseasadjsaasry m3 18 aa lat rrbraary ibicit 18 aa int itlarrlt bii 887 aa tlu ttaaaln or hin aa ae l baattn aa lat april lfmi tlse lanl ssaysavat aa lot april lit lit rmvm the llaal pavntrat at arlarlaat plan st af 1 la lbe ane al the boeuln aael lit al i la i be rane l lbe i beasu svmswatlmui aevrrwsl lalrrewit trasa lat navreaber ifl3 la ibo da elatrei af a rmisumilvr laslalasralsu tlie minialcr of finnnre rewrves thr ripht tn urrrpt or to ullot tin- whole or any part of the amount of thin loan hiilimrilictl for either or imiiii niuturitlrx if total nulwcriiitiaiib are in excess of 9750immmmm tlie pnuenlh uf thin luun will lir tiwl by iho tinveriimrnt to finnnre iiunhlltirrh for wur purimuuh siiluicriptions may be made tliruuuji uy virlnry luun suleninnn tho national wur finance committee or uiiy reprehrnlulivejihcreoft uny lirunch in canada of any chartered ilanlt or any authorized siaviiijiu hunk trtiht or loan company front whom may lie obtained application forum and copies af the oillclal prospectus containing complete details of the loan the hstb will open on 19th october 1912 and will close on or about 7th november 1912 with or without notice at the discretion af the minister af finance deuntaseitf offinam ottawa 16lh oelobvr 1942

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